8 research outputs found

    Self-assembling of Gold Nanoparticles on Si-based Laser Nanotextured 1D Surface for Plasmonic Application

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    Excitation of surface plasmon resonances has been observed on laser-induced highly-regular 1D periodic Si surface covered with Au nanoparticles. The nanostructured surfaces open new perspectives for production of photonic and plasmonic sensor elements

    Self-assembling of gold nanoparticles on si-based laser nanotextured 1D surface for plasmonic application

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    Excitation of surface plasmon resonances has been observed on laser-induced highly-regular 1D periodic Si surface covered with Au nanoparticles. The nanostructured surfaces open new perspectives for production of photonic and plasmonic sensor elements

    Application of nanostructured silver film in multilayer contact system of Tі/Mo/Ag silicon photoconverters

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    In this article we have synthesized multilayer contact systems Ti/Ag and Ti/Mo/Ag with nanostructured silver films using two vacuum methods, namely the method of electron-beam evaporation and HF magnetron sputtering. Using the data of atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction and mass spectroscopy of the secondary neutrals in the paper we have investigated the influence of the application method and of the annealing conditions on the grain formation processes in silver thin films and mass transfer between the metal layers of the contact system. The decrease of surface resistivity of the developed contacts and, respectively, the increase of short-circuit current of the heterojunction silicon solar cells have been determined

    The Influence of Oxygen Pressure on ZnO:Al Thin Films Properties Grown by Layer by Layer Growth Method at Magnetron Sputtering

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    The influence of oxygen pressure in the deposition chamber on the structure, morphology, optical and electrical properties of aluminum doped ZnO films deposited by a layer by layer growth method in magnetron sputtering on glass substrates was studied. The effect of the application of the traditional one step approach and our proposed layer by layer growth method in magnetron sputtering on the properties of doped by aluminum ZnO films was analyzed. It is found that with decreasing oxygen pressure in the deposition chamber improves the structure, increases transmittance in the visible spectrum of radiation and decreases resistivity of ZnO:Al films. It is shown that the application of layer by layer growth method in magnetron sputtering allows to grow the transparent conductive ZnO:Al films with higher performance parameters, compared with the films which condensed by traditional approach in magnetron sputtering. The layer by layer growth method allows to grown ZnO:Al films with electrical resistance at 6.1·10- 4 Ohm·cm and transmission in the visible light of 95%, which is promising for their aplication in photovoltaic devices.</p

    The Influence of Oxygen Pressure on ZnO:Al Thin Films Properties Grown Layer by Layer Growth Method at Magnetron Sputtering

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    The influence of oxygen pressure in the deposition chamber on the structure, morphology, optical and electrical properties of aluminum doped ZnO films deposited by a layer by layer growth method in magnetron sputtering on glass substrates was studied. The effect of the application of the traditional one step approach and our proposed layer by layer growth method in magnetron sputtering on the properties of doped by aluminum ZnO films was analyzed. It is found that with decreasing oxygen pressure in the deposition chamber improves the structure, increases transmittance in the visible spectrum of radiation and decreases resistivity of ZnO:Al films. It is shown that the application of layer by layer growth method in magnetron sputtering allows to grow the transparent conductive ZnO:Al films with higher performance parameters, compared with the films which condensed by traditional approach in magnetron sputtering. The layer by layer growth method allows to grown ZnO:Al films with electrical resistance at 6.1·10- 4 Ohm·cm and transmission in the visible light of 95%, which is promising for their aplication in photovoltaic devices.</p

    Application of nanostructured silver film in multilayer contact system of Tі/Mo/Ag silicon photoconverters

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    Полный текст доступен на сайте издания по подписке: http://radio.kpi.ua/article/view/S0021347016020011Данная публикация подготовлена при поддержке Гранта № UKP2-7040-KV-11 от Фонда гражданских исследований и развития США.This publication was prepared with the support of the U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF), grant No. UKP2-7040-KV-11.In this article we have synthesized multilayer contact systems Ti/Ag and Ti/Mo/Ag with nanostructured silver films using two vacuum methods, namely the method of electron-beam evaporation and HF magnetron sputtering. Using the data of atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction and mass spectroscopy of the secondary neutrals in the paper we have investigated the influence of the application method and of the annealing conditions on the grain formation processes in silver thin films and mass transfer between the metal layers of the contact system. The decrease of surface resistivity of the developed contacts and, respectively, the increase of short-circuit current of the heterojunction silicon solar cells have been determined.В работе синтезированы многослойные контактные системы Ti/Ag и Ti/Mo/Ag с наноструктурованными пленками серебра двумя вакуумными методами — методом электронно-лучевого испарения и ВЧ-магнетронного распыления. С помощью данных атомно-силовой микроскопии, рентгеновской дифракции и масс-спектроскопии вторичных нейтралей в работе исследовано влияние метода нанесения и режимов отжига на процессы зернообразования в серебряных тонких пленках и массоперенос между металлическими слоями контактной системы. Установлено уменьшение удельного поверхностного сопротивления разработанных контактов и соответственно увеличение тока короткого замыкания гетеропереходных кремниевых солнечных элементов