1,127 research outputs found

    Black-Box Complexity: Breaking the O(nlogn)O(n \log n) Barrier of LeadingOnes

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    We show that the unrestricted black-box complexity of the nn-dimensional XOR- and permutation-invariant LeadingOnes function class is O(nlog(n)/loglogn)O(n \log (n) / \log \log n). This shows that the recent natural looking O(nlogn)O(n\log n) bound is not tight. The black-box optimization algorithm leading to this bound can be implemented in a way that only 3-ary unbiased variation operators are used. Hence our bound is also valid for the unbiased black-box complexity recently introduced by Lehre and Witt (GECCO 2010). The bound also remains valid if we impose the additional restriction that the black-box algorithm does not have access to the objective values but only to their relative order (ranking-based black-box complexity).Comment: 12 pages, to appear in the Proc. of Artificial Evolution 2011, LNCS 7401, Springer, 2012. For the unrestricted black-box complexity of LeadingOnes there is now a tight Θ(nloglogn)\Theta(n \log\log n) bound, cf. http://eccc.hpi-web.de/report/2012/087

    Fourth order indirect integration method for black hole perturbations: even modes

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    On the basis of a recently proposed strategy of finite element integration in time domain for partial differential equations with a singular source term, we present a fourth order algorithm for non-rotating black hole perturbations in the Regge-Wheeler gauge. Herein, we address even perturbations induced by a particle plunging in. The forward time value at the upper node of the (r,t)(r^*,t) grid cell is obtained by an algebraic sum of i) the preceding node values of the same cell, ii) analytic expressions, related to the jump conditions on the wave function and its derivatives, iii) the values of the wave function at adjacent cells. In this approach, the numerical integration does not deal with the source and potential terms directly, for cells crossed by the particle world line. This scheme has also been applied to circular and eccentric orbits and it will be object of a forthcoming publication.Comment: This series of papers deals with EMRI for LISA. With the respect to the v1 version, the algorithm has been improved; convergence tests and references have been added; v2 is composed by 23 pages, and 6 figures. Paper accepted by Class. Quantum Gravity for the special issue on Theory Meets Data Analysis at Comparable and Extreme Mass Ratios (Capra and NRDA) at Perimeier Institute in June 201

    Discounting in LTL

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    In recent years, there is growing need and interest in formalizing and reasoning about the quality of software and hardware systems. As opposed to traditional verification, where one handles the question of whether a system satisfies, or not, a given specification, reasoning about quality addresses the question of \emph{how well} the system satisfies the specification. One direction in this effort is to refine the "eventually" operators of temporal logic to {\em discounting operators}: the satisfaction value of a specification is a value in [0,1][0,1], where the longer it takes to fulfill eventuality requirements, the smaller the satisfaction value is. In this paper we introduce an augmentation by discounting of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), and study it, as well as its combination with propositional quality operators. We show that one can augment LTL with an arbitrary set of discounting functions, while preserving the decidability of the model-checking problem. Further augmenting the logic with unary propositional quality operators preserves decidability, whereas adding an average-operator makes some problems undecidable. We also discuss the complexity of the problem, as well as various extensions

    Finite-frequency noise in a quantum dot with normal and superconducting leads

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    We consider a single-level quantum dot tunnel-coupled to one normal and one superconducting lead. We employ a diagrammatic real-time approach to calculate the finite-frequency current noise for subgap transport. The noise spectrum gives direct access to the internal dynamics of the dot. In particular, the noise spectrum shows sharp dips at the frequency of the coherent oscillations of Cooper pairs between the dot and the superconductor. This feature is most pronounced when the superconducting correlation is maximal. Furthermore, in the quantum-noise regime, omega > k(B)T, mu(N), the noise spectrum exhibits steps at frequencies equal to the Andreev addition energies. The height of these steps is related to the effective coupling strength of the excitations. The finite-frequency noise spectrum hence provides a full spectroscopy of the system

    Level-Based Analysis of the Population-Based Incremental Learning Algorithm

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    The Population-Based Incremental Learning (PBIL) algorithm uses a convex combination of the current model and the empirical model to construct the next model, which is then sampled to generate offspring. The Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm (UMDA) is a special case of the PBIL, where the current model is ignored. Dang and Lehre (GECCO 2015) showed that UMDA can optimise LeadingOnes efficiently. The question still remained open if the PBIL performs equally well. Here, by applying the level-based theorem in addition to Dvoretzky--Kiefer--Wolfowitz inequality, we show that the PBIL optimises function LeadingOnes in expected time O(nλlogλ+n2)\mathcal{O}(n\lambda \log \lambda + n^2) for a population size λ=Ω(logn)\lambda = \Omega(\log n), which matches the bound of the UMDA. Finally, we show that the result carries over to BinVal, giving the fist runtime result for the PBIL on the BinVal problem.Comment: To appea

    The role of the ecological fiscal transfers for water conservation policies

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    The purpose of this chapter is to fill the lacuna found in the literature with regard to describing the role of EFTs for water conservation policies. The literature tells us that ecological fiscal transfers (EFTs) are analysed so to pursue biodiversity conservation policies and solid waste management (SWM). For biodiversity conservation policies, EFTs have two purposes: (1) to incentivize municipalities to create local protected areas (PA); and (2) to compensate municipalities for corresponding land-use restrictions. In the case of SWM, the main idea is that, even considering the fees paid by the households, it is still costly to maintain waste services in the municipal territories. In this context, EFTs are appealing policy instrument to help local governments create landfills or composting plants. However, in Brazil EFTs are functioning as a policy instrument which also includes a wide range of policy domains, such as water conservation, indigenous land, fire-control, and so on. Six states adopted EFTs specifically for water conservation policies: Goiás, Paraná, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio de Janeiro, and Tocantins. Descriptive analyses, focusing on legislative differences are conducted for each of these states.(undefined

    Near-Optimal Scheduling for LTL with Future Discounting

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    We study the search problem for optimal schedulers for the linear temporal logic (LTL) with future discounting. The logic, introduced by Almagor, Boker and Kupferman, is a quantitative variant of LTL in which an event in the far future has only discounted contribution to a truth value (that is a real number in the unit interval [0, 1]). The precise problem we study---it naturally arises e.g. in search for a scheduler that recovers from an internal error state as soon as possible---is the following: given a Kripke frame, a formula and a number in [0, 1] called a margin, find a path of the Kripke frame that is optimal with respect to the formula up to the prescribed margin (a truly optimal path may not exist). We present an algorithm for the problem; it works even in the extended setting with propositional quality operators, a setting where (threshold) model-checking is known to be undecidable

    The Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm Copes Well With Deception and Epistasis

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    In their recent work, Lehre and Nguyen (FOGA 2019) show that the univariate marginal distribution algorithm (UMDA) needs time exponential in the parent populations size to optimize the DeceptiveLeadingBlocks (DLB) problem. They conclude from this result that univariate EDAs have difficulties with deception and epistasis. In this work, we show that this negative finding is caused by an unfortunate choice of the parameters of the UMDA. When the population sizes are chosen large enough to prevent genetic drift, then the UMDA optimizes the DLB problem with high probability with at most λ(n2+2elnn)\lambda(\frac{n}{2} + 2 e \ln n) fitness evaluations. Since an offspring population size λ\lambda of order nlognn \log n can prevent genetic drift, the UMDA can solve the DLB problem with O(n2logn)O(n^2 \log n) fitness evaluations. In contrast, for classic evolutionary algorithms no better run time guarantee than O(n3)O(n^3) is known (which we prove to be tight for the (1+1){(1+1)} EA), so our result rather suggests that the UMDA can cope well with deception and epistatis. From a broader perspective, our result shows that the UMDA can cope better with local optima than evolutionary algorithms; such a result was previously known only for the compact genetic algorithm. Together with the lower bound of Lehre and Nguyen, our result for the first time rigorously proves that running EDAs in the regime with genetic drift can lead to drastic performance losses

    Evolutionary design of a full-envelope full-authority flight control system for an unstable high-performance aircraft

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    The use of an evolutionary algorithm in the framework of H1 control theory is being considered as a means for synthesizing controller gains that minimize a weighted combination of the infinite norm of the sensitivity function (for disturbance attenuation requirements) and complementary sensitivity function (for robust stability requirements) at the same time. The case study deals with a complete full-authority longitudinal control system for an unstable high-performance jet aircraft featuring (i) a stability and control augmentation system and (ii) autopilot functions (speed and altitude hold). Constraints on closed-loop response are enforced, that representing typical requirements on airplane handling qualities, that makes the control law synthesis process more demanding. Gain scheduling is required, in order to obtain satisfactory performance over the whole flight envelope, so that the synthesis is performed at different reference trim conditions, for several values of the dynamic pressure, used as the scheduling parameter. Nonetheless, the dynamic behaviour of the aircraft may exhibit significant variations when flying at different altitudes, even for the same value of the dynamic pressure, so that a trade-off is required between different feasible controllers synthesized at different altitudes for a given equivalent airspeed. A multiobjective search is thus considered for the determination of the best suited solution to be introduced in the scheduling of the control law. The obtained results are then tested on a longitudinal non-linear model of the aircraft