724 research outputs found

    Long-term treadmill exercise upregulated hippocampal learning-related genes without improving cognitive behaviour in socially isolated rats

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    Background: Some environment enrichments such as exercise has been reported to improve the diminished cognitive functions and related gene expression. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effects of prolonged treadmill exercise on long-term learning and hippocampal gene expression, which involves learning and plasticity. Materials and methods: Male Wistar rats (n = 32) randomly assigned into four groups: control (C), social isolation (SI), exercised (E), social isolation + exercise (SE) during postnatal days (PNDs) 21–34. Social isolation protocol was applied during 14 days by placing the rat alone in a cage. Rats were exercised daily, 5 days per week, for overall 4 weeks. Finally, learning performance was evaluated by the novel object recognition test. At the end of learning test, the rats were decapitated to isolate hippocampus tissues for learning related gene expression such as N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) subunit genes (Grin1, Grin2a, Grin2b) and cyclin dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5), Cdk5 regulatory subunit p35 (Cdk5r), activity-regulated, cytoskeletal-associated protein (Arc), the immediate early gene (c-Fos, a marker of neuronal activation), doublecortin (DCX), achaetescute homolog 1 (ASCL1), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results: Grin1, NMDAR subunit gene expression was increased significantly in E group compared to other groups. Grin2b, NMDAR subunit gene expression was increased in E group compared to the SI group. Cdk5 level increased in E group compared to the SE group. The ASCL1 gene expression increased in E group compare to the SE group. The DCX gene expression increasing in C group compared to SI and SE groups. Conclusions: Taken together these findings may point out that long-term social isolation down-regulated learning-related genes. However, treadmill exercise together with social isolation did not restore this down-regulation although treadmill exercise increased learning-related genes without improving cognitive behaviour

    Safety and efficacy of fixed-dose combination rilpivirine-tenofovir-emtricitabine (RPV/TDF/FTC) in treatment-experienced patients infected with HIV-1

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    Purpose of the study: Rilpivirine (RPV) is a new non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) which has shown non-inferiority to efavirenz (EFV) in terms of efficacy and safety profiles. The vast majority of clinical data has been performed in the treatment naïve population and has not been studied in depth in treatment-experienced patients. We sought to explore the safety and efficacy of RPV/TDF/FTC in treatment-experienced patients attending our clinics. Methods: HIV-infected individuals commenced on RPV/TDF/FTC from December 2011 to June 2012 were retrospectively identified from a patient database. Patient demographics were extracted. Biochemical, virological and immunological parameters were collated. At baseline, 1 month and 3 month time points the following laboratory results were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test: CD4 count, HIV viral load, amino transferase (ALT), cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL/cholesterol ratio. Summary of results: Sixty-five patients (4 female) were identified. Median age was 38 years (range: 25–73). Fifty-six patients were treatment experienced (2 re-start); 39 on NNRTI-based (33 on EFV), 10 on PI-based and 4 on other regimens. 9 patients were naïve to treatment. The reasons for switch are illustrated in Fig. 1. Fifty-four patients had HIV-RNA-1<40 copies/mL at the time of switch and all remained undetectable at 3 months. At baseline, the median CD4 count was 555 cells/mm3 (range: 209–1586) in the switch group, which increased significantly to 638 cells/mm3 (p<0.005) 3 months after switch. Switch to RPV/TDF/FTC had a favorable effect on lipid profile. At baseline the median cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL/cholesterol ratio levels were 4.8 mmol/L, 1.78 mmol/L and 4.37 respectively. At 1 month post-switch this decreased to 4.5 mmol/L, 1.65 mmol/L and 4.24 and at 3 months post-switch decreased to 4.1 mmol/L, 1.44 mmol/L and 4.04. Median HIV-RNA-1 in treatment-naïve patients (n=9) at baseline was 50298 copies/mL, at 1 month four patients had HIV-RNA-1<40 copies/mL and at 3 months eight patients had HIV-RNA-1<40 copies/mL. RPV/TDF/FTC had no favourable effect on lipid profile in treatment-naïve group and had no effect on ALT levels in either the switch or the treatment-naïve group. Conclusion: In this cohort, RPV/TDF/FTC has been shown to have a safe virological efficacy and safety profile as a switch therapy for patients suppressed on their current standard of care and are experiencing adverse events

    Soft power and exchange rate volatility

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this recordStandard models—based exclusively on macro-financial variables—have made little progress in explaining the behaviour of exchange rates. In this paper, we introduce a neglected set of ‘soft power’ factors capturing a country's demographic, institutional, political, and social underpinnings to shed some light on the ‘missing’ determinants of exchange rate volatility over time and across countries. Based on a balanced panel dataset comprising 115 countries during the period 1996–2015, the empirical results are generally robust across different estimation methodologies and show a high degree of persistence in exchange rate volatility. After controlling for standard macroeconomic factors, we find that the ‘soft power’ variables—such as an index of voice and accountability, life expectancy, educational attainments, fragility of the banking sector, financial openness, and the share of agriculture relative to services—have a statistically significant influence on the level of exchange rate volatility across countries. In other words, countries with greater ‘soft power’ (i.e. better institutional quality) tend to experience a lower degree of exchange rate volatility

    How scientists and physicians use Twitter during a medical congress

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    OBJECTIVES: During medical congresses Twitter allows discussions to disseminate beyond the congress hall and reach a wider audience. Insights into the dynamics of social media interactions during congresses, dissemination of scientific information and the determinants of a successful tweet may allow us to better understand social media's role in science communication. METHODS: We retrospectively extracted social media data during the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) 2017 and 2018 using NodeXL. We compared social media activity during these two congresses. Subsequently, we conducted in-depth analyses to identify the components of a successful tweet and multivariable analysis to assess independent factors associated with retweet activity. RESULTS: In 2018, approximately 13,000 delegates attended ECCMID, but only 591 Twitter accounts actively tweeted about the congress. Although fewer tweets were posted in 2018 compared to 2017 (4,213 vs 4,657, respectively), ECCMID2018 generated a 63% increase in the total number of retweets (p <0.001). According to multivariable logistic regression analysis, using multimedia, URL or hashtags and mentioning other Twitter account(s) were independently associated with retweet success. Mentioning of other users and use of multimedia were the only consistent predictors of retweets irrespective of the number of followers. CONCLUSIONS: A substantial increase in retweet activity and a modest increase in the number of influential Twitter accounts were observed between two successive congresses. Dissemination of scientific messages is more successful when connected accounts are actively involved in social media activity, and social media posts constitute the right combination of components.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Optimal motion control and vibration suppression of flexible systems with inaccessible outputs

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    This work addresses the optimal control problem of dynamical systems with inaccessible outputs. A case in which dynamical system outputs cannot be measured or inaccessible. This contradicts with the nature of the optimal controllers which can be considered without any loss of generality as state feedback control laws for systems with linear dynamics. Therefore, this work attempts to estimate dynamical system states through a novel state observer that does not require injecting the dynamical system outputs onto the observer structure during its design. A linear quadratic optimal control law is then realized based on the estimated states which allows controlling motion along with active vibration suppression of this class of dynamical systems with inaccessible outputs. Validity of the proposed control framework is evaluated experimentally

    Sympathetic Skin Response and Boston Questionnaire in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    We aimed to determine relations between the sudomotor efferent nerve fiber function and Boston questionnaire (BQ) in idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Median nerve-induced sympathetic skin responses (SSRs) evoked by wrist stimulation were recorded in 108 CTS patients and compared with those in 88 healthy volunteers. The Boston questionnaire form (BQF) was applied to the subjects. All patients and healthy individuals were questioned about the autonomic symptoms in the hand (red or purple skin coloration, excessive sweating, and feeling cold). The average SSR latencies of the patients with CTS were significantly longer than those in the control group (P < 0.001). Positive significant, while weak, correlations were found between the SSR latency, autonomic symptoms, and total sympathetic system scores. No statistically significant relationship was found between the Boston symptom severity, functional capacity scores, and SSR latency. The latter obtained through wrist stimulation was sensitive to support the sudomotor sympathetic dysfunction in patients with CTS. No relationship between the BQF and SSR can be related to the fact that these indices evaluate different aspects of CTS.Ми намагалися встановити взаємовідносини судомоторної функції еферентного нерва та показників Бостонського опитувальника (BQ) у випадках ідіопатичного синдрому зап’ястного каналу (СЗК). Шкірні симпатичні відповіді (ШСВ) відводилися після стимуляції медіанного нерва на рівні зап’ястка у 108 пацієнтів із діагностованим СЗК; ці характеристики порівнювались із такими у 88 здорових добровольців. Усім суб’єктам пропонували форму BQF. Усі пацієнти та здорові особи опитувалися щодо вегетативних симптомів, які проявлялися на кисті (червоне або пурпурове забарвлення шкіри, надмірне потовиділення та відчуття холоду). Середнє значення латентного періоду ШСВ у пацієнтів із СЗК вірогідно перевищувало таке в контрольній групі (P < 0.001). Істотна позитивна, хоча й слабка, кореляція була виявлена між латентним періодом ШСВ, вегетативними симптомами та бальною загальною оцінкою стану симпатичної системи. Не було встановлено вірогідних відносин між показником тяжкості симптомів (згідно з BQF), оцінкою функціональної здатності та латентним періодом ШСВ. Останній параметр, отриманий при стимуляції на рівні зап’ястка, був чутливим щодо судомоторної симпатичної дисфункції у пацієнтів із цим синдромом. Відсутність зв’язку між оцінками BQF та ШСВ може бути зумовлена тим, що дані показники оцінюють різні аспекти ШСВ

    Joubert syndrome Arl13b functions at ciliary membranes and stabilizes protein transport in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    The small ciliary G protein Arl13b is required for cilium biogenesis and sonic hedgehog signaling and is mutated in patients with Joubert syndrome (JS). In this study, using Caenorhabditis elegans and mammalian cell culture systems, we investigated the poorly understood ciliary and molecular basis of Arl13b function. First, we show that Arl13b/ARL-13 localization is frequently restricted to a proximal ciliary compartment, where it associates with ciliary membranes via palmitoylation modification motifs. Next, we find that loss-of-function C. elegans arl-13 mutants possess defects in cilium morphology and ultrastructure, as well as defects in ciliary protein localization and transport; ciliary transmembrane proteins abnormally accumulate, PKD-2 ciliary abundance is elevated, and anterograde intraflagellar transport (IFT) is destabilized. Finally, we show that arl-13 interacts genetically with other ciliogenic and ciliary transport-associated genes in maintaining cilium structure/morphology and anterograde IFT stability. Together, these data implicate a role for JS-associated Arl13b at ciliary membranes, where it regulates ciliary transmembrane protein localizations and anterograde IFT assembly stability

    Islamic Monetary Economics: Insights from the Literature

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    This chapter reviews critical early literature of Islamic monetary economics. The prohibition of Riba has imposed challenges on Islamic economists to come up with the viable alternatives to achieve Islamic monetary policy goals. Our extensive review of theoretical and empirical literature indicates that equity based profit- and loss-sharing instruments have been proposed for conducting open market operations in an interest-free economy. Theoretically, the central bank can achieve desired goals by controlling money supply and profit-sharing ratios. The findings from empirical literature suggest that money demand tend to be more stable in an interest-free economy. Whether monetary transmission works through Islamic banking channel is controversial, but the literature is growing. These findings are not surprising as majority Muslim countries lack sustainable and equitable economic growth. Moreover, these countries suffer from higher inflation and unemployment with little or no monetary freedom due to fixed exchange rate regime, shallow financial markets and strict capital control

    Effect of Aging Treatment on Surface Roughness, Mechanical Properties, and Fracture Behavior of 6xxx and 7xxx Aluminum Alloys

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    The effect of aging treatment on the surface roughness and mechanical properties of AA6061 and AA7075 alloys was studied. Microhardness and tensile tests were used to investigae the mechanical properties. X-ray diffraction analysis was used to investigate the surface of the specimens. Furthermore, after tensile tests fractured surfaces were examined with scanning electron microscopy. An atomic force microscope was employed for analysis of the effect of aging treatment on surface roughness. Higher surface roughness with an increase in the volume fraction of the precipitate was revealed.Исследовано влияние процесса старения на шероховатость поверхности и механические свойства алюминиевых сплавов AA6061 и AA7075. Механические свойства исследовали при испытаниях на микротвердость и растяжение. Поверхность образцов исследовали с помощью рентгеноструктурного анализа. После испытания на растяжение поверхность разрушения исследовали методом растровой электронной микроскопии. Влияние процесса старения на шероховатость поверхности изучали с помощью атомно-силового микроскопа. Показано, что с ростом шероховатости поверхности увеличивается количество выделившихся фаз.Досліджено вплив процесу старіння на шорсткість поверхні і механічні властивості алюмінієвих сплавів АА6061 та АА7075. Механічні властивості досліджували при випробуваннях на мікротвердість і розтяг. Поверхню зразків досліджували за допомогою рентгеноструктурного аналізу. Після випробувань на розтяг поверхню руйнування досліджували методом растрової електронної мікроскопії. Вплив процесу старіння на шорсткість поверхні вивчали за допомогою атомно-силового мікроскопа. Показано, що з ростом шорсткості поверхні збільшується кількість виділених фа