1,397 research outputs found

    Global Assimilation of Loon Stratospheric Balloon Observations and Their Trajectories Relative to Tropical Waves

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    Project Loon has an overall goal of providing worldwide internet coverage using a network of long-duration super-pressure balloons. Beginning in 2013, Loon has launched over 1600 balloons from multiple tropical and middle latitude locations. These GPS tracked balloon trajectories provide lower stratospheric wind information over the oceans and remote land areas where traditional radiosonde soundings are sparse, thus providing unique coverage of lower stratospheric winds. To fully investigate these Loon winds we: 1) compare the Loon winds to winds produced by a global data assimilation system (DAS: NASA GEOS) and 2) assimilate the Loon winds into the same comprehensive DAS. During May through December 2016 Loon balloons were often able to remain near the equator by selectively adjusting the Loon altitude. Our results based on global wind analyses show that the expected mean poleward motion from the Brewer-Dobson circulation can be circumvented by vertically adjusting the Loon altitudes with the phasing with the meridional wind of equatorial Rossby waves, allowing the Loon balloons to remain in the tropics

    On the structure and spectrum of classical two-dimensional clusters with a logarithmic interaction potential

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    We present a numerical study of the effect of the repulsive logarithmic inter-particle interaction on the ground state configuration and the frequency spectrum of a confined classical two-dimensional cluster containing a finite number of particles. In the case of a hard wall confinement all particles form one ring situated at the boundary of the potential. For a general r^n confinement potential, also inner rings can form and we find that all frequencies lie below the frequency of a particular mode, namely the breathing-like mode. An interesting situation arises for the parabolic confined system(i.e. n=2). In this case the frequency of the breathing mode is independent of the number of particles leading to an upper bound for all frequencies. All results can be understood from Earnshaw's theorem in two dimensions. In order to check the sensitivity of these results, the spectrum of vortices in a type II superconductor which, in the limit of large penetration depths, interact through a logarithmic potential, is investigated.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    A Lightweight Regression Method to Infer Psycholinguistic Properties for Brazilian Portuguese

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    Psycholinguistic properties of words have been used in various approaches to Natural Language Processing tasks, such as text simplification and readability assessment. Most of these properties are subjective, involving costly and time-consuming surveys to be gathered. Recent approaches use the limited datasets of psycholinguistic properties to extend them automatically to large lexicons. However, some of the resources used by such approaches are not available to most languages. This study presents a method to infer psycholinguistic properties for Brazilian Portuguese (BP) using regressors built with a light set of features usually available for less resourced languages: word length, frequency lists, lexical databases composed of school dictionaries and word embedding models. The correlations between the properties inferred are close to those obtained by related works. The resulting resource contains 26,874 words in BP annotated with concreteness, age of acquisition, imageability and subjective frequency.Comment: Paper accepted for TSD201

    Blending academic and professional learning in a university course for future e-learning specialists: The perspective of company tutors

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    Blended learning usually refers to the combination of online/offline instructional methods. In this paper, we describe a university course in “E-learning Psychology” designed to blend not only modes of teaching, tools, and media, but also learning contexts; specifically, academic and professional contexts. To achieve an effective blend of learning contexts, students were monitored by academic and company tutors through an instant messaging app (WhatsApp). The unique contribution of the company tutor to the blending of academic and professional contexts is explored. By qualitatively analyzing (i) process data (four WhatsApp log chats) and (ii) self-report data (interviews with six company tutors), we found that the company tutor contributed to both the traditional blended dimension (mixing online and offline) and to the blend of the academic and professional contexts. When company tutors participated in the chat, students moved from an organizational dynamic, featuring chats monitored by only the academic tutor, toward a more collaborative and reflective dynamic. The company tutors considered the opportunity to blend academic and professional contexts as the best aspect of the course for both themselves as educators/company representatives, and for the students. This paper offers insights into the ongoing discussion about what blended is—or should be—and the role of company tutors in blending educational contexts

    Garlic (Allium spp.) viruses: detection, distribution and remediation attempts in a European garlic collection

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    Garlic is an important vegetable crop in numerous countries used as food and natural based medicine. Similar to the majority of vegetatively propagated plants, garlic may be affected by several viruses that can cause severe crop losses. The present study aimed to screen 105 garlic accessions (mother plants) from 5 European countries (Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, and France) for possible presence of Onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV), Leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV), Garlic common latent virus (GCLV) and Shallot latent virus (SLV). The occurrence of three Allexiviruses (GarV-A, GarV-B and GarV-C) in mixed assays was also investigated. Meristem-tip culture assays were performed in order to attempt eradication of the studied viruses. Garlic viruses identification was made by ELISA and RT-PCR. ELISA outcomes showed that all 105 garlic accessions were infected by different virus combinations. The OYDV and LYSV were identified, by ELISA, in all countries at 96% and 88,6% respectively and by RT-PCR at 99% and 96%. Furthermore, GCLV and SLV were detected by ELISA in about 88% and by RT-PCR at 89% and 90%, respectively with the exception of the studied Allexiviruses which were not amplified by RT-PCR with ALLEX1/ALLEX2 primers. Smaller meristem size (0,3-1,5 mm) led to better virus elimination efficiency (29%) compared to 8% obtained for the larger size (2-2,5 mm). The outcomes were opposite (16% vs. 90%) for plants regeneration. Virus elimination efficiency was linked to the virus type, e.g., OYDV and LYSV were eradicated at 90% while GCLV and Allexiviruses were difficult to eliminate (57,4% and 55,6% of eradication). Given the economic relevance of garlic crops worldwide and the frequently reported incidence of viral infections, it is important to make virusfree germplasm available. Therefore, investigating the garlic germplasm sanitary status and constantly improving it is of crucial importance aiming to increase the overall garlic production

    Relationship between chemical composition and nematicidal activity of different essential oils

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    In this study, the relationship between nematicidal activity and chemical composition of ten essential oils (EOs) from different plant species was investigated both in in vitro assays on juveniles (J2) and eggs of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita and in experiments on tomato in soil infested by M. incognita. Nematode J2 were exposed for 4, 8 or 24 h to 0.78–100 µg mL−1 concentrations of each EO, whereas 24, 48 or 96 h exposures to 250, 500 and 1000 µg mL−1 solutions were tested on M. incognita egg masses. Treatments with 50, 100 or 200 µg kg soil rates of each EO were applied in the experiment on potted tomato. The highest nematicidal potential resulted for the C. verum EO, as highly toxic to both M. incognita J2 and eggs and strongly suppressive on nematode multiplication on tomato roots. The infestation of M. incognita on tomato roots was also strongly reduced by the EOs from E. citriodora and S. aromaticum, both highly toxic to M. incognita J2 but less active on nematode eggs. Adversely, R. graveolens EO strongly inhibited the egg hatch but was limitedly toxic to the infective J2. Chemical composition of the EOs was determined by GC-FID and GC-MS. The ten EOs showed a very different chemical composition in terms of major phytochemicals, with one or two dominant components totally amounting up to 85%. The structure–activity relationship based on the main phytochemicals identified in the assayed EOs and their nematicidal effects on M. incognita was also discussed. Results from this study confirmed that the selection of suitable EO raw materials can lead to the formulation on new effective nematicidal products


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    Neste trabalho investigamos as concepções de planejamento de ensino predominantes na educação brasileira a fim de analisá-las na perspectiva da pedagogia histórico-crítica e do materialismo histórico-dialético, que foi nosso referencial teórico-metodológico. Para isso, buscamos compreender como a temática destacada se apresenta na pesquisa em educação no Brasil e como cada perspectiva pedagógica predominante na educação brasileira apresenta o planejamento de ensino. Concluímos a partir desses estudos que o ideário pós-moderno é dominante na educação escolar, se traduzindo nas pedagogias do aprender a aprender. Estas, precarizam a educação escolar por deslegitimar o ensino, o papel do professor, os conhecimentos historicamente construídos pela humanidade, a importância de sua apropriação, além da negação da necessidade do planejamento de ensino devido ao seu alinhamento aos referenciais pós-modernos