445 research outputs found

    Does ergometric stress test induce a procoagulative condition in patients with previous myocardial infarction

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    A regularly scheduled physical training program seems to have antithrombotic effects. Moreover, the hemostatic changes occurring in patients with coronary artery disease during acute exercise have not been clearly elucidated. Since stress testing is routinely performed in clinical cardiology, it would be helpful to assess whether patients with coronary artery disease are exposed to acute coronary thrombosis during or soon after sustained physical exercise. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of acute physical exercise (stress test by bicycle ergometer) on blood coagulation in a group of patients with previous myocardial infarction, and to determine whether the antithrombotic therapy commonly administered favorably influences hemostatic equilibrium. Our results suggest that exercise testing is not harmful to patients with previous myocardial infarction in regard to hemostasis and fibrinolysis and that antithrombotic therapy reduces postexercise increase in platelets

    Comparison of reflectance confocal microscopy and line-field optical coherence tomography for the identification of keratinocyte skin tumours

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    Background: Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) and line-field confocal optical coherence tomography (LC-OCT) are non-invasive imaging devices that can help in the clinical diagnosis of actinic keratosis (AK) and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). No studies are available on the comparison between these two technologies for the identification of the different features of keratinocyte skin tumours. Objectives: To compare RCM and LC-OCT findings in AK and SCC. Methods: A retrospective multicenter study was conducted. Tumours were imaged with RCM and LC-OCT devices before surgery, and the diagnosis was confirmed by histological examinations. LC-OCT and RCM criteria for AK/SCC were identified, and their presence/absence was evaluated in all study lesions. Gwet AC1 concordance index was calculated to compare RCM and LC-OCT. Results: We included 52 patients with 33 AKs and 19 SCCs. Irregular epidermis was visible in most tumours and with a good degree of agreement between RCM and LC-OCT (Gwet's AC1 0.74). Parakeratosis, dyskeratotic keratinocytes and both linear dilated and glomerular vessels were better visible at LC-OCT than RCM (p < 0.001). Erosion/ulceration was identified with both methods in more than half of the cases with a good degree of agreement (Gwet AC1 0.62). Conclusions: Our results suggest that both LC-OCT and hand-held RCM can help clinicians in the identification of AK and SCC, providing an in vivo and non-invasive identification of an irregular epidermis. LC-OCT proved to be more effective in identifying parakeratosis, dyskeratotic keratinocytes and vessels in this series

    The combination of dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy increases the diagnostic confidence of amelanotic/hypomelanotic lentigo maligna

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    The dermoscopic diagnosis of amelanotic/hypomelanotic lentigo maligna/lentigo maligna melanoma (AHLM/LMM) may be very difficult in its early stages because of lack of pigment. Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is an imaging technique that is especially helpful for the diagnosis of lentigo maligna. To determine the diagnostic performances of dermoscopy and RCM in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs we evaluated dermoscopic and RCM images of consecutive cases of histopathologically confirmed AHLM/LMMs, amelanotic/hypomelanotic basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (AHBCCs/AHSCCs), amelanotic/hypomelanotic benign lesions (AHBLs), and actinic keratoses (AKs) from five participating centers. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, predictive values, and level of diagnosis confidence were calculated for both diagnostic procedures. Both dermoscopy and RCM showed diagnostic performance >97% in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs versus AHBCC/AHSCCs and their combination slightly improved diagnostic performance, with accuracy increasing from 98.0% to 99.1%. Similarly, RCM in combination with dermoscopy showed a tiny increase in the diagnostic performance in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs versus AHBLs (accuracy increased from 87.2% to 88.8%) and versus AKs (accuracy increased from 91.4% to 93.4%). Although the increase in diagnostic performance due to RCM was modest, the combination of dermoscopy and RCM greatly increased the level of confidence; high confidence in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs versus AHBLs increased from 36.2% with dermoscopy alone to 76.6% with dermoscopy plus RMC. Based on our results, dermoscopy and RCM should be complementary to improve not only diagnostic accuracy but also the level of diagnostic certainty in the diagnosis of AHLM/LMMs

    Non-invasive scoring of cellular atypia in keratinocyte cancers in 3D LC-OCT images using Deep Learning

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    Diagnosis based on histopathology for skin cancer detection is today's gold standard and relies on the presence or absence of biomarkers and cellular atypia. However it suffers drawbacks: it requires a strong expertise and is time-consuming. Moreover the notion of atypia or dysplasia of the visible cells used for diagnosis is very subjective, with poor inter-rater agreement reported in the literature. Lastly, histology requires a biopsy which is an invasive procedure and only captures a small sample of the lesion, which is insufficient in the context of large fields of cancerization. Here we demonstrate that the notion of cellular atypia can be objectively defined and quantified with a non-invasive in-vivo approach in three dimensions (3D). A Deep Learning (DL) algorithm is trained to segment keratinocyte (KC) nuclei from Line-field Confocal Optical Coherence Tomography (LC-OCT) 3D images. Based on these segmentations, a series of quantitative, reproducible and biologically relevant metrics is derived to describe KC nuclei individually. We show that, using those metrics, simple and more complex definitions of atypia can be derived to discriminate between healthy and pathological skins, achieving Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) scores superior than 0.965, largely outperforming medical experts on the same task with an AUC of 0.766. All together, our approach and findings open the door to a precise quantitative monitoring of skin lesions and treatments, offering a promising non-invasive tool for clinical studies to demonstrate the effects of a treatment and for clinicians to assess the severity of a lesion and follow the evolution of pre-cancerous lesions over time.© 2022. The Author(s)

    A Toolchain Architecture for Condition Monitoring Using the Eclipse Arrowhead Framework

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    Condition Monitoring is one of the most critical applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) within the context of Industry 4.0. Current deployments typically present interoperability and management issues, requiring human intervention along the engineering process of the systems; in addition, the fragmentation of the IoT landscape, and the adoption of poor architectural solutions often make it difficult to integrate third-party devices in a seamless way. In this paper, we tackle these issues by proposing a tool-driven architecture that supports heterogeneous sensor management through well-established interoperability solutions for the IoT domain, i.e. the Eclipse Arrowhead framework and the recent Web of Things (WoT) standard released by the W3C working group. We deploy the architecture in a real Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) scenario, which validates each developed tool and demonstrates the increased automation derived from their combined usage

    Are periodontitis and psoriasis associated? A pre-clinical murine model

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    Aim: To investigate the bidirectional influence between periodontitis and psoriasis, using the respective experimental models of ligature- and imiquimod-induced diseases on murine models. Materials and Methods: Thirty-two C57/BL6J mice were randomly allocated to four experimental groups: control (P- Pso-), ligature-induced periodontitis (P+ Pso-), imiquimod-induced psoriasis (P- Pso+) and periodontitis and psoriasis (P+ Pso+). Samples (maxilla, dorsal skin and blood) were harvested immediately after death. Measures of periodontitis (distance between the cemento-enamel junction and alveolar bone crest [CEJ-ABC] and the number of osteoclasts) and psoriasis (epidermal thickness and infiltrate cell [/0.03mm(2)]) severity as well as systemic inflammation (IL-6, IL-17A, TNF-alpha) were collected. Results: The P+ Pso+ group exhibited the most severe experimental periodontitis and psoriasis, with the highest values of CEJ-ABC, number of osteoclasts, epidermal thickness and infiltrate cells in the dorsal skin, as well as the highest blood cytokine concentration. The P+ Pso- group presented with higher cell infiltrate (/0.03mm(2)) compared to the control group (p <.05), while the P- Pso+ group showed substantially higher alveolar bone loss (CEJ-ABC) than the control group (p <.05). Conclusions: Experimental periodontitis may initiate and maintain psoriasiform skin inflammation and, vice versa, experimental psoriasis may contribute to the onset of periodontitis. In a combined model of the diseases, we propose a bidirectional association between periodontitis and psoriasis via systemic inflammation

    Vascular complications of prosthetic inter-vertebral discs

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    Five consecutive cases of prosthetic inter-vertebral disc displacement with severe vascular complications on revisional surgery are described. The objective of this case report is to warn spinal surgeons that major vascular complications are likely with anterior displacement of inter-vertebral discs. We have not been able to find a previous report on vascular complications associated with anterior displacement of prosthetic inter-vertebral discs. In all five patients the prosthetic disc had eroded into the bifurcation of the inferior vena cava and the left common iliac vein. In three cases the aortic bifurcation was also involved. The fibrosis was so severe that dissecting out the arteries and veins to provide access to the relevant disc proved impossible. Formal division of the left common iliac vein and artery with subsequent repair was our solution. Anterior inter-vertebral disc displacement was associated with severe vascular injury. Preventing anterior disc displacement is essential in disc design. In the event of anterior displacement, disc removal should be planned with a Vascular Surgeon