659 research outputs found

    Hedonic Prices and House Numbers: The Influence of Feng Shui

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    In contemporary practice, feng shui incorporates a wide range of concepts considered to affect a person’s luck. These include traditional ideas about site selection and building design, as well as newer beliefs about the “luckiness” of certain numbers. Focusing on an area with a relatively high percentage of Chinese households in Auckland, New Zealand, this paper uses hedonic price analysis to investigate whether house values are affected by lucky and unlucky numbers. Sales transactions for 1989 to 1996 are used in this analysis. The results demonstrate that lucky house numbers are capitalised into house values.Feng shui, hedonic price model, lucky, New Zealand

    Do Housing Submarkets Really Matter?

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    We maintain that the appropriate definition of submarkets depends on the use to which they will be put. For mass appraisal purposes, submarkets should be defined so that the accuracy of hedonic predictions will be optimized. Thus we test whether out-of-sample hedonic value predictions can be improved when a large urban housing market is divided into submarkets and we explore the effects of alternative definitions of submarkets on the accuracy of predictions. We compare a set of submarkets based on small geographical areas defined by real estate appraisers with a set of statistically generated submarkets consisting of dwellings that are similar but not necessarily contiguous. The empirical analysis uses a transactions database from Auckland, New Zealand. Price predictions are found to be most accurate when based on the housing market segmentation used by appraisers. We conclude that housing submarkets matter, and location plays the major role in explaining why they matter.Housing; Submarkets; Price Predictions; Mass Appraisal; Hedonic Method

    UK Housing Market: Time Series Processes with Independent and Identically Distributed Residuals

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    The paper examines whether a univariate data generating process can be identified which explains the data by having residuals that are independent and identically distributed, as verified by the BDS test. The stationary first differenced natural log quarterly house price index is regressed, initially with a constant variance and then with a conditional variance. The only regression function that produces independent and identically distributed standardised residuals is a mean process based on a pure random walk format with Exponential GARCH in mean for the conditional variance. There is an indication of an asymmetric volatility feedback effect but higher frequency data is required to confirm this. There could be scope for forecasting the index but this is tempered by the reduction in the power of the BDS test if there is a non-linear conditional variance process

    Detection of Extrasolar Planets by Gravitational Microlensing

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    Gravitational microlensing provides a unique window on the properties and prevalence of extrasolar planetary systems because of its ability to find low-mass planets at separations of a few AU. The early evidence from microlensing indicates that the most common type of exoplanet yet detected are the so-called "super-Earth" planets of ~10 Earth-masses at a separation of a few AU from their host stars. The detection of two such planets indicates that roughly one third of stars have such planets in the separation range 1.5-4 AU, which is about an order of magnitude larger than the prevalence of gas-giant planets at these separations. We review the basic physics of the microlensing method, and show why this method allows the detection of Earth-mass planets at separations of 2-3 AU with ground-based observations. We explore the conditions that allow the detection of the planetary host stars and allow measurement of planetary orbital parameters. Finally, we show that a low-cost, space-based microlensing survey can provide a comprehensive statistical census of extrasolar planetary systems with sensitivity down to 0.1 Earth-masses at separations ranging from 0.5 AU to infinity.Comment: 43 pages. Very similar to chapter 3 of Exoplanets: Detection, Formation, Properties, Habitability, John Mason, ed. Springer (April 3, 2008

    Purcell enhancement of a single silicon carbide color center with coherent spin control

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    Silicon carbide has recently been developed as a platform for optically addressable spin defects. In particular, the neutral divacancy in the 4H polytype displays an optically addressable spin-1 ground state and near-infrared optical emission. Here, we present the Purcell enhancement of a single neutral divacancy coupled to a photonic crystal cavity. We utilize a combination of nanolithographic techniques and a dopant-selective photoelectrochemical etch to produce suspended cavities with quality factors exceeding 5,000. Subsequent coupling to a single divacancy leads to a Purcell factor of ~50, which manifests as increased photoluminescence into the zero-phonon line and a shortened excited-state lifetime. Additionally, we measure coherent control of the divacancy ground state spin inside the cavity nanostructure and demonstrate extended coherence through dynamical decoupling. This spin-cavity system represents an advance towards scalable long-distance entanglement protocols using silicon carbide that require the interference of indistinguishable photons from spatially separated single qubits.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamics of electrons in the quantum Hall bubble phases

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    In Landau levels N > 1, the ground state of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a perpendicular magnetic field evolves from a Wigner crystal for small filling of the partially filled Landau level, into a succession of bubble states with increasing number of guiding centers per bubble as the filling increases, to a modulated stripe state near half filling. In this work, we show that these first-order phase transitions between the bubble states lead to measurable discontinuities in several physical quantities such as the density of states and the magnetization of the 2DEG. We discuss in detail the behavior of the collective excitations of the bubble states and show that their spectra have higher-energy modes besides the pinned phonon mode. The frequencies of these modes, at small wavevector k, have a discontinuous evolution as a function of filling factor that should be measurable in, for example, microwave absorption experiments.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Corrected typos in eqs. (38),(39),(40

    Beyond the Jaynes-Cummings model: circuit QED in the ultrastrong coupling regime

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    In cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), light-matter interaction is probed at its most fundamental level, where individual atoms are coupled to single photons stored in three-dimensional cavities. This unique possibility to experimentally explore the foundations of quantum physics has greatly evolved with the advent of circuit QED, where on-chip superconducting qubits and oscillators play the roles of two-level atoms and cavities, respectively. In the strong coupling limit, atom and cavity can exchange a photon frequently before coherence is lost. This important regime has been reached both in cavity and circuit QED, but the design flexibility and engineering potential of the latter allowed for increasing the ratio between the atom-cavity coupling rate and the cavity transition frequency above the percent level. While these experiments are well described by the renowned Jaynes-Cummings model, novel physics is expected in the ultrastrong coupling limit. Here, we report on the first experimental realization of a superconducting circuit QED system in the ultrastrong coupling limit and present direct evidence for the breakdown of the Jaynes-Cummings model.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Specific alterations in riboproteomes composition of isonicotinic acid treated arabidopsis seedlings

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    Plants have developed strategies to deal with the great variety of challenges they are exposed to. Among them, common targets are the regulation of transcription and translation to finely modulate protein levels during both biotic and abiotic stresses. Increasing evidence suggests that ribosomes are highly adaptable modular supramolecular structures which remodel to adapt to stresses. Each Arabidopsis thaliana ribosome consists of approximately 81 distinct ribosomal proteins (RPs), each of which is encoded by two to seven genes. To investigate the identity of ribosomal proteins of the small subunit (RPS) and of the large subunit (RPL) as well as ribosomes-associated proteins, we analysed by LC/MS/MS immunopurified ribosomes from A. thaliana leaves treated with isonicotinic acid (INA), an inducer of plant innate immunity. We quantified a total of 2084 proteins. 165 ribosome-associated proteins showed increased abundance while 52 were less abundant. Of the 52 identified RPS (from a possibility of 104 encoding genes), 15 were deregulated. Similarly, from the 148 possible RPL, 80 were detected and 9 were deregulated. Our results revealed potential candidates involved in innate immunity that could be interesting targets for functional genomic studies
