145 research outputs found

    Revisiting afro-alpine Lake Garba Guracha in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia:Rationale, chronology, geochemistry, and paleoenvironmental implications

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    Abstract: Previous paleolimnological studies demonstrated that the sediments of Garba Guracha, situated at 3950 m asl in the afro-alpine zone of the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia, provide a complete Late Glacial and Holocene paleoclimate and environmental archive. We revisited Garba Guracha in order to retrieve new sediment cores and to apply new environmental proxies, e.g. charcoal, diatoms, biomarkers, and stable isotopes. Our chronology is established using 210Pb dating and radiocarbon dating of bulk sedimentary organic matter, bulk n-alkanes, and charcoal. Although bedrock was not reached during coring, basal ages confirm that sedimentation started at the earliest ~ 16 cal kyr BP. The absence of a systematic age offset for the n-alkanes suggests that “pre-aging” is not a prominent issue in this lake, which is characterised by a very small afro-alpine catchment. X-ray fluorescence scans and total organic carbon contents show a prominent transition from minerogenic to organic-rich sediments around 11 cal kyr BP coinciding with the Holocene onset. While an unambiguous terrestrial versus aquatic source identification seems challenging, the n-alkane-based Paq proxy, TOC/N ratios, δ13C values, and the sugar biomarker patterns suggest a predominantly autochthonous organic matter source. Supraregional climate events, such as the African Humid Period, the Younger Dryas (YD), a 6.5 cal kyr BP short drying event, and the 4.2 cal kyr BP transition to overall drier climate are recorded in our archive. The Garba Guracha record suggests that northern hemisphere forcings played a role in the Eastern African highland paleoclimate

    Новая колебательная реакция - окислительное карбонилирование фенилацетилена в ангидрид фенилмалеиновой кислоты.

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    In area of the catalytic reactions with metal complexes new oscillatory process - reaction of phenylacetylene oxidative carbonylation to anhydride of phenylmaleic acid in the system LiBr-PdBr2-CO-O2-(CH3)2CO is found. Independence of a oscillations mode of a gases mixture composition is shown at the percentage of CO no more than 50 %. The preliminary mechanism of process was proposed.области реакций метало-комплексного катализа обнаружен новый колебательный процесс - реакция окислительного карбонилирования фенилацетилена до ангидрида фенилмалеиновой кислоты в системе LiBr-PdBr2-CO-O2-(CH3)2CO; экспериментально показана независимость режима колебаний от состава газовой смеси при содержании СО в ней не более 50%; предложен предварительный механизм процесса

    Метафизическое значение категорий предмета и непредмета в логике, поясняемое примерами решения антиномии Рассела в теории типов и аксиоматической системе NBG

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    Метафизическое значение категорий предмета и непредмета в логике, поясняемое примерами решения антиномии Рассела в теории типов и аксиоматической системе NB

    Situational judgement tests for selection

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    When situational judgement tests (SJTs) began to regain popularity among the scientific community in the 1990s, there was an implicit notion that they captured contextdependent knowledge. In fact, the term ‘situational judgement’ carries the connotation of test‐takers’ responses being more effective when they consider the specifics of the situation. In recent years another perspective has emerged, which views SJTs as capturing relatively context‐independent knowledge (or general domain knowledge; Motowidlo, Crook, Kell & Naemi, 2009; Motowidlo, Hooper & Jackson, 2006a). Although SJTs and their items will often fall somewhere between these two perspectives, we posit in this chapter that it might be useful to distinguish between them. So far, there has been no review of the SJT literature in terms of these two approaches. This is understandable, as over the years the two perspectives have emerged alongside each other. Therefore, the aim of this chapter is to review SJT research according to these two approaches

    Language, Religion, and Ethnic Civil War

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    Are certain ethnic cleavages more conflict-prone than others? While only few scholars focus on the contents of ethnicity, most of those who do argue that political violence is more likely to occur along religious divisions than linguistic ones. We challenge this claim by analyzing the path from linguistic differences to ethnic civil war along three theoretical steps: (1) the perception of grievances by group members, (2) rebel mobilization, and (3) government accommodation of rebel demands. Our argument is tested with a new data set of ethnic cleavages that records multiple linguistic and religious segments for ethnic groups from 1946 to 2009. Adopting a relational perspective, we assess ethnic differences between potential challengers and the politically dominant group in each country. Our findings indicate that intrastate conflict is more likely within linguistic dyads than among religious ones. Moreover, we find no support for the thesis that Muslim groups are particularly conflict-prone


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    The paper presents analysis of radiological survey data in the Far Eastern territories of the Russian Federation performed by experts of Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being (Rospotrebnadzor) Administrations and Federal Health Organizations "Centers of Hygiene and Epidemiology" of the Rospotrebnadzor in cooperation with the Saint-Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene, in the time period from March to June 2011. The authors present preliminary assessment for contribution of the fallout carried by air currents from the Fukushima nuclear power plant in contamination of surveyed areas and population exposure doses.В работе представлен анализ данных радиологического обследования территорий Дальневосточных субъектов Российской Федерации, выполненных специалистами Управлений и ФГУЗ «Центры гигиены и эпидемиологии» Роспотребнадзора совместно с Санкт-Петербургским научно-исследовательским институтом радиационной гигиены в период с марта по июнь 2011 года. Произведена предварительная оценка вклада выпадений, перенесенных с воздушными потоками с АЭС «Фукусима-1», в радиоактивное загрязнение обследованных территорий и доз облучения населения

    Сопряженные процессы на основе реакции окисления оксида углерода (II).

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    The catalytic systems are proposed to oxidize CO: solutions PdX2-organic solvent, where solvent is 1,4- dioxan or tetrahydrofuran, X – Br, I. It was shown that a number of conjugated processes proceed in these systems.Предложены новые каталитические системы для окисления СО: растворы PdX2- органический растворитель, где Х – галоид (лучше бром или иод), органический растворитель – 1.4-диоксан или тетрагидрофуран. Показано, что в этих системах протекает ряд сопряженных процессов

    Исследование процесса окислительного хлорирования метана при повышенных давлениях

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    The process of the oxidative chlorination of methane carried out in a flow reactor was investigated in the temperature range of 370–400°C under a pressure of 1–9 ata. The catalyst is a mixture of copper chloride, potassium chloride and lanthanum chloride on a porous support. The molar ratio CuCl2:KCl:LaCl3 is 1:1:0.3. The process was studied in an excess of methane at the reactants ratio CH4:HCl:O2 12:2:1 and 13.5:1:0.5. It was shown experimentally that the productivity of the methane oxychlorination reactor increases proportionally to pressure in the degree ~ 0.85. It was found that an increase in the selectivity of the methane oxychlorination process to the desired product – methyl chloride – (more than 90%) is achieved by increasing the ratio of methane to the sum of hydrogen chloride and oxygen.Процесс окислительного хлорирования метана, проводимый в проточном реакторе, изучался в интервале температур 370–400°С при давлении 1–9 ата. В качестве катализатора использовалась смесь хлоридов меди, калия и лантана в мольном соотношении 1:1:0.3, нанесенная на пористый носитель. Процесс изучался в избытке метана при соотношении реагентов CH4:HCl:O2, равном 12:2:1 и 13.5:1:0.5