497 research outputs found

    Structural precursor to freezing: An integral equation study

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    Recent simulation studies have drawn attention to the shoulder which forms in the second peak of the radial distribution function of hard-spheres at densities close to freezing and which is associated with local crystalline ordering in the dense fluid. We address this structural precursor to freezing using an inhomogeneous integral equation theory capable of describing local packing constraints to a high level of accuracy. The addition of a short-range attractive interaction leads to a well known broadening of the fluid-solid coexistence region as a function of attraction strength. The appearence of a shoulder in our calculated radial distribution functions is found to be consistent with the broadened coexistence region for a simple model potential, thus demonstrating that the shoulder is not exclusively a high density packing effect

    Density profiles of a colloidal liquid at a wall under shear flow

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    Using a dynamical density functional theory we analyze the density profile of a colloidal liquid near a wall under shear flow. Due to the symmetries of the system considered, the naive application of dynamical density functional theory does not lead to a shear induced modification of the equilibrium density profile, which would be expected on physical grounds. By introducing a physically motivated dynamic mean field correction we incorporate the missing shear induced interparticle forces into the theory. We find that the shear flow tends to enhance the oscillations in the density profile of hard-spheres at a hard-wall and, at sufficiently high shear rates, induces a nonequilibrium transition to a steady state characterized by planes of particles parallel to the wall. Under gravity, we find that the center-of-mass of the density distribution increases with shear rate, i.e., shear increases the potential energy of the particles

    From Equilibrium to Steady State: The Transient Dynamics of Colloidal Liquids under Shear

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    We investigate stresses and particle motion during the start up of flow in a colloidal dispersion close to arrest into a glassy state. A combination of molecular dynamics simulation, mode coupling theory and confocal microscopy experiment is used to investigate the origins of the widely observed stress overshoot and (previously not reported) super-diffusive motion in the transient dynamics. A link between the macro-rheological stress versus strain curves and the microscopic particle motion is established. Negative correlations in the transient auto-correlation function of the potential stresses are found responsible for both phenomena, and arise even for homogeneous flows and almost Gaussian particle displacements.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, in pres

    Superadiabatic dynamical density functional study of Brownian hard-spheres in time-dependent external potentials

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    Superadiabatic dynamical density functional theory (superadiabatic-DDFT), a first-principles approach based on the inhomogeneous two-body correlation functions, is employed to investigate the response of interacting Brownian particles to time-dependent external driving. Predictions for the superadiabatic dynamics of the one-body density are made directly from the underlying interparticle interactions, without need for either adjustable fit parameters or simulation input. The external potentials we investigate have been chosen to probe distinct aspects of structural relaxation in dense, strongly interacting liquid states. Nonequilibrium density profiles predicted by the superadiabatic theory are compared with those obtained from both adiabatic DDFT and event-driven Brownian dynamics simulation. Our findings show that superadiabatic-DDFT accurately predicts the time-evolution of the one-body density

    Accurate description of bulk and interfacial properties in colloid-polymer mixtures

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    Large-scale Monte Carlo simulations of a phase-separating colloid-polymer mixture are performed and compared to recent experiments. The approach is based on effective interaction potentials in which the central monomers of self-avoiding polymer chains are used as effective coordinates. By incorporating polymer nonideality together with soft colloid-polymer repulsion, the predicted binodal is in excellent agreement with recent experiments. In addition, the interfacial tension as well as the capillary length are in quantitative agreement with experimental results obtained at a number of points in the phase-coexistence region, without the use of any fit parametersComment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Density functional theory and demixing of binary hard rod-polymer mixtures

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    A density functional theory for a mixture of hard rods and polymers modeled as chains built of hard tangent spheres is proposed by combining the functional due to Yu and Wu for the polymer mixtures [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 117}, 2368 (2002)] with the Schmidt's functional [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 63}, 50201 (2001)] for rod-sphere mixtures. As a simple application of the functional, the demixing transition into polymer-rich and rod-rich phases is examined. When the chain length increases, the phase boundary broadens and the critical packing fraction decreases. The shift of the critical point of a demixing transition is most noticeable for short chains.Comment: 4 pages,2 figures, in press, PR

    Equilibrium properties of highly asymmetric star-polymer mixtures

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    We employ effective interaction potentials to study the equilibrium structure and phase behavior of highly asymmetric mixtures of star polymers. We consider in particular the influence of the addition of a component with a small number of arms and a small size on a concentrated solution of large stars with a high functionality. By employing liquid integral equation theories we examine the evolution of the correlation functions of the big stars upon addition of the small ones, finding a loss of structure that can be attributed to a weakening of the repulsions between the large stars due to the presence of the small ones. We analyze this phenomenon be means of a generalized depletion mechanism which is supported by computer simulations. By applying thermodynamic perturbation theory we draw the phase diagram of the asymmetric mixture, finding that the addition of small stars melts the crystal formed by the big ones. A systematic comparison between the two- and effective one-component descriptions of the mixture that corroborates the reliability of the generalized depletion picture is also carried out.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Mean-Field Theory of Inhomogeneous Fluids

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    The Barker-Henderson perturbation theory is a bedrock of liquid-state physics, providing quantitative predictions for the bulk thermodynamic properties of realistic model systems. However, this successful method has not been exploited for the study of inhomogeneous systems. We develop and implement a first-principles 'Barker-Henderson density functional', thus providing a robust and quantitatively accurate theory for classical fluids in external fields. Numerical results are presented for the hard-core Yukawa model in three dimensions. Our predictions for the density around a fixed test particle and between planar walls are in very good agreement with simulation data. The density profiles for the free liquid vapour interface show the expected oscillatory decay into the bulk liquid as the temperature is reduced towards the triple point, but with an amplitude much smaller than that predicted by the standard mean-field density functional
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