280 research outputs found

    Image Reconstruction After Transform Coding Using Relative Entropy and Maximum Entropy

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    Presented are two new methods based on entropy for reconstructing images compressed with the Discrete Cosine transform. One method is based upon a sequential implementation of the Minimum Relative Entropy Principle; the other is based upon the Maximum Entropy Principle. These will be compared with each other and with the conventional method employing the Inverse Discrete Cosine transform. Chapter 2 describes the traditional use of the Discrete Cosine transform for image compression. Chapter 3 explains the theory and implementation of the entropy-based reconstructions. It introduces a fast algorithm for the Maximum Entropy Principle. Chapter 4 compares the numerical performance of the three reconstruction methods. Chapter 5 shows the theoretical convergence limit of the iterative implementation of the Minimum Relative Entropy Principle to equal the limit of the convergence of the Maximum Relative Entropy method. Preliminary results of this thesis were presented at Southeastern \u2787 in Tampa. Final results will be presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Optical Society in Rochester on October 19, 1987

    The 3D structure of the Lagrangian acceleration in turbulent flows

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    We report experimental results on the three dimensional Lagrangian acceleration in highly turbulent flows. Tracer particles are tracked optically using four silicon strip detectors from high energy physics that provide high temporal and spatial resolution. The components of the acceleration are shown to be statistically dependent. The probability density function (PDF) of the acceleration magnitude is comparable to a log-normal distribution. Assuming isotropy, a log-normal distribution of the magnitude can account for the observed dependency of the components. The time dynamics of the acceleration components is found to be typical of the dissipation scales whereas the magnitude evolves over longer times, possibly close to the integral time scale.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Lagrangian Structure Functions in Turbulence: A Quantitative Comparison between Experiment and Direct Numerical Simulation

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    A detailed comparison between data from experimental measurements and numerical simulations of Lagrangian velocity structure functions in turbulence is presented. By integrating information from experiments and numerics, a quantitative understanding of the velocity scaling properties over a wide range of time scales and Reynolds numbers is achieved. The local scaling properties of the Lagrangian velocity increments for the experimental and numerical data are in good quantitative agreement for all time lags. The degree of intermittency changes when measured close to the Kolmogorov time scales or at larger time lags. This study resolves apparent disagreements between experiment and numerics.Comment: 13 RevTeX pages (2 columns) + 8 figures include

    Dynamical Properties of Multi-Armed Global Spirals in Rayleigh-Benard Convection

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    Explicit formulas for the rotation frequency and the long-wavenumber diffusion coefficients of global spirals with mm arms in Rayleigh-Benard convection are obtained. Global spirals and parallel rolls share exactly the same Eckhaus, zigzag and skewed-varicose instability boundaries. Global spirals seem not to have a characteristic frequency ωm\omega_m or a typical size RmR_m, but their product ωmRm\omega_m R_m is a constant under given experimental conditions. The ratio Ri/RjR_i/R_j of the radii of any two dislocations (RiR_i, RjR_j) inside a multi-armed spiral is also predicted to be constant. Some of these results have been tested by our numerical work.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. E as Rapid Communication

    Thermally Induced Fluctuations Below the Onset of Rayleigh-B\'enard Convection

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    We report quantitative experimental results for the intensity of noise-induced fluctuations below the critical temperature difference ΔTc\Delta T_c for Rayleigh-B\'enard convection. The structure factor of the fluctuating convection rolls is consistent with the expected rotational invariance of the system. In agreement with predictions based on stochastic hydrodynamic equations, the fluctuation intensity is found to be proportional to 1/ϵ1/\sqrt{-\epsilon} where ϵΔT/ΔTc1\epsilon \equiv \Delta T / \Delta T_c -1. The noise power necessary to explain the measurements agrees with the prediction for thermal noise. (WAC95-1)Comment: 13 pages of text and 4 Figures in a tar-compressed and uuencoded file (using uufiles package). Detailed instructions of unpacking are include

    Penta-Hepta Defect Motion in Hexagonal Patterns

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    Structure and dynamics of penta-hepta defects in hexagonal patterns is studied in the framework of coupled amplitude equations for underlying plane waves. Analytical solution for phase field of moving PHD is found in the far field, which generalizes the static solution due to Pismen and Nepomnyashchy (1993). The mobility tensor of PHD is calculated using combined analytical and numerical approach. The results for the velocity of PHD climbing in slightly non-optimal hexagonal patterns are compared with numerical simulations of amplitude equations. Interaction of penta-hepta defects in optimal hexagonal patterns is also considered.Comment: 4 pages, Postscript (submitted to PRL

    The MOD-OA 200 kilowatt wind turbine generator design and analysis report

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    The project requirements, approach, system description, design requirements, design, analysis, system tests, installation safety considerations, failure modes and effects analysis, data acquisition, and initial performance for the MOD-OA 200 kw wind turbine generator are discussed. The components, the rotor, driven train, nacelle equipment, yaw drive mechanism and brake, tower, foundation, electrical system, and control systems are presented. The rotor includes the blades, hub and pitch change mechanism. The drive train includes the low speed shaft, speed increaser, high speed shaft, and rotor brake. The electrical system includes the generator, switchgear, transformer, and utility connection. The control systems are the blade pitch, yaw, and generator control, and the safety system. Manual, automatic, and remote control and Dynamic loads and fatigue are analyzed

    MOD-0A 200 kW wind turbine generator design and analysis report

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    The design, analysis, and initial performance of the MOD-OA 200 kW wind turbine generator at Clayton, NM is documented. The MOD-OA was designed and built to obtain operation and performance data and experience in utility environments. The project requirements, approach, system description, design requirements, design, analysis, system tests, installation, safety considerations, failure modes and effects analysis, data acquisition, and initial performance for the wind turbine are discussed. The design and analysis of the rotor, drive train, nacelle equipment, yaw drive mechanism and brake, tower, foundation, electricl system, and control systems are presented. The rotor includes the blades, hub, and pitch change mechanism. The drive train includes the low speed shaft, speed increaser, high speed shaft, and rotor brake. The electrical system includes the generator, switchgear, transformer, and utility connection. The control systems are the blade pitch, yaw, and generator control, and the safety system. Manual, automatic, and remote control are discussed. Systems analyses on dynamic loads and fatigue are presented

    Dislocation Dynamics in an Anisotropic Stripe Pattern

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    The dynamics of dislocations confined to grain boundaries in a striped system are studied using electroconvection in the nematic liquid crystal N4. In electroconvection, a striped pattern of convection rolls forms for sufficiently high driving voltages. We consider the case of a rapid change in the voltage that takes the system from a uniform state to a state consisting of striped domains with two different wavevectors. The domains are separated by domain walls along one axis and a grain boundary of dislocations in the perpendicular direction. The pattern evolves through dislocation motion parallel to the domain walls. We report on features of the dislocation dynamics. The kinetics of the domain motion are quantified using three measures: dislocation density, average domain wall length, and the total domain wall length per area. All three quantities exhibit behavior consistent with power law evolution in time, with the defect density decaying as t1/3t^{-1/3}, the average domain wall length growing as t1/3t^{1/3}, and the total domain wall length decaying as t1/5t^{-1/5}. The two different exponents are indicative of the anisotropic growth of domains in the system.Comment: 8 figures: 7 jpeg and 1 pd

    Spiral Defect Chaos in Large Aspect Ratio Rayleigh-Benard Convection

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    We report experiments on convection patterns in a cylindrical cell with a large aspect ratio. The fluid had a Prandtl number of approximately 1. We observed a chaotic pattern consisting of many rotating spirals and other defects in the parameter range where theory predicts that steady straight rolls should be stable. The correlation length of the pattern decreased rapidly with increasing control parameter so that the size of a correlated area became much smaller than the area of the cell. This suggests that the chaotic behavior is intrinsic to large aspect ratio geometries.Comment: Preprint of experimental paper submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. May 12 1993. Text is preceeded by many TeX macros. Figures 1 and 2 are rather lon