85 research outputs found

    Development of boron calibration via hybrid comparator method in prompt gamma activation analysis

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    The prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) facility at the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory at The University of Texas at Austin was utilized to quantify boron concentrations in boron carbide semiconductor films deposited on silicon substrates. Calibration was complicated by the unique and varying sample geometries analyzed. In addition, there was a dearth of solid materials available with quantified boron concentrations having comparable or readily modifiable dimensions to exploit for calibration purposes. Therefore, a novel hybrid comparator method was developed for the quantification of boron utilizing aluminum as an inexpensive and easily machinable reference material. Aluminum samples were manufactured with high tolerances to match the geometry of each sample of interest. Each boron carbide film sample and its congruent aluminum sample were measured in the PGAA system. The measured aluminum responses and relevant nuclear parameters were used to standardize the measurements. A boron standard was created using a procedure derived from a similar approach used by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Quality control measurements using this standard show that the method provided accuracy to within 5% for boron quantification

    The pursuit of isotopic and molecular fire tracers in the polar atmosphere and cryosphere

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    We present an overview of recent multidisciplinary, multi-institutional efforts to identify and date major sources of combustion aerosol in the current and paleoatmospheres. The work was stimulated, in part, by an atmospheric particle \u27sample of opportunity\u27 collected at Summit, Greenland in August 1994, that bore the 14C imprint of biomass burning. During the summer field seasons of 1995 and 1996, we collected air filter, surface snow and snowpit samples to investigate chemical and isotopic evidence of combustion particles that had been transported from distant fires. Among the chemical tracers employed for source identification are organic acids, potassium and ammonium ions, and elemental and organic components of carbonaceous particles. Ion chromatography, performed by members of the Climate Change Research Center (University of New Hampshire), has been especially valuable in indicating periods at Summit that were likely to have been affected by the long range transport of biomass burning aerosol. Univariate and multivariate patterns of the ion concentrations in the snow and ice pinpointed surface and snowpit samples for the direct analysis of particulate (soot) carbon and carbon isotopes. The research at NIST is focusing on graphitic and polycyclic aromatic carbon, which serve as almost certain indicators of fire, and measurements of carbon isotopes, especially 14C, to distinguish fossil and biomass combustion sources. Complementing the chemical and isotopic record, are direct \u27visual\u27 (satellite imagery) records and less direct backtrajectory records, to indicate geographic source regions and transport paths. In this paper we illustrate the unique way in which the synthesis of the chemical, isotopic, satellite and trajectory data enhances our ability to develop the recent history of the formation and transport of soot deposited in the polar snow and ice

    Super switching and control of in-plane ferroelectric nanodomains in strained thin films

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    With shrinking device sizes, controlling domain formation in nanoferroelectrics becomescrucial. Periodic nanodomains that self-organize into so-called ‘superdomains’ have beenrecently observed, mainly at crystal edges or in laterally confined nanoobjects. Here we showthat in extended, strain-engineered thin films, superdomains with purely in-plane polarizationform to mimic the single-domain ground state, a new insight that allows a priori design ofthese hierarchical domain architectures. Importantly, superdomains behave like strain-neutralentities whose resultant polarization can be reversibly switched by 90 deg, offering promisingperspectives for novel device geometries

    Si-compatible candidates for high-K dielectrics with the Pbnm perovskite structure

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    We analyze both experimentally (where possible) and theoretically from first-principles the dielectric tensor components and crystal structure of five classes of Pbnm perovskites. All of these materials are believed to be stable on silicon and are therefore promising candidates for high-K dielectrics. We also analyze the structure of these materials with various simple models, decompose the lattice contribution to the dielectric tensor into force constant matrix eigenmode contributions, explore a peculiar correlation between structural and dielectric anisotropies in these compounds and give phonon frequencies and infrared activities of those modes that are infrared-active. We find that CaZrO_3, SrZrO_3, LaHoO_3, and LaYO_3 are among the most promising candidates for high-K dielectrics among the compounds we considered.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Supplementary information: http://link.aps.org/supplemental/10.1103/PhysRevB.82.064101 or http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~sinisa/highk/supp.pd

    Nanostructured complex oxides as a route towards thermal behavior in artificial spin ice systems

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    We have used soft x-ray photoemission electron microscopy to image the magnetization of single domain La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_{3} nano-islands arranged in geometrically frustrated configurations such as square ice and kagome ice geometries. Upon thermal randomization, ensembles of nano-islands with strong inter-island magnetic coupling relax towards low-energy configurations. Statistical analysis shows that the likelihood of ensembles falling into low-energy configurations depends strongly on the annealing temperature. Annealing to just below the Curie temperature of the ferromagnetic film (TC_{C} = 338 K) allows for a much greater probability of achieving low energy configurations as compared to annealing above the Curie temperature. At this thermally active temperature of 325 K, the ensemble of ferromagnetic nano-islands explore their energy landscape over time and eventually transition to lower energy states as compared to the frozen-in configurations obtained upon cooling from above the Curie temperature. Thus, this materials system allows for a facile method to systematically study thermal evolution of artificial spin ice arrays of nano-islands at temperatures modestly above room temperature.Comment: 4 figures and 9 supplemental figure

    Phase transition close to room temperature in BiFeO3 thin films

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    BiFeO3 (BFO) multiferroic oxide has a complex phase diagram that can be mapped by appropriately substrate-induced strain in epitaxial films. By using Raman spectroscopy, we conclusively show that films of the so-called supertetragonal T-BFO phase, stabilized under compressive strain, displays a reversible temperature-induced phase transition at about 100\circ, thus close to room temperature.Comment: accepted in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (Fast Track Communication
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