152 research outputs found

    Feminist Development in Kaniyazhi Magazine

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    In a society where men and women live together, equality for women is often not seen. The condition of women has been like this since time immemorial. While trying to investigate this, this research has been carried out on the topic of Feminist Development through Kaniyazhi magazine from 2000 to 2005. In this study, the origin of Kaniyazhi magazine, the purpose for which the magazine was started, the literary development of Kaniyazhi magazine etc. are mentioned. About feminism rhetoric, the way feminism developed in western countries, the way women's rights were said in Kaniyazhi's works, how women's paintings have been depicted in artworks over time, and how women's paintings express feminist ideas by feminists today have been investigated in Kaniyazhi magazine. Regarding the status of women in society, the importance given to female education, how the words for women are handled in the language in the society, and whether there are words with a unique identity have been investigated. In the conference of women writers held in Hyderabad, it was discussed how the thoughts and pride of women should be sown in the works of women writers. This article examines the manner in which the above feminist ideas have been dealt with in the creation of Kaniyazhi magazine


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    The success of any electrical system lies in its insulating system performance. Petroleum based mineral oils are the generally used fluids for electrical insulation and heat transfer. But they are non-biodegradable. Vegetable oils obtained from seeds, flowers and vegetables are biodegradable, non-toxic, environmental friendly and benign to aquatic or terrestrial. The objective of this paper is to analyse the breakdown strength and physical characteristics of extra virgin olive oil and castor oil under unaged and thermally aged conditions. In order to compare the results obtained for vegetable oils with mineral oil, the same aging process and tests have been carried out on mineral oil


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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic relapsing, pruritic, inflammatory skin disease in children associated with personal or family history of other atopic disease like asthma, allergic rhinitis. Clinically characterized by itching, dryness, erythema, vesiculation, exudation and lichenification etc. The present treatment for AD in modern science is steroids or calcinueurin inhibitors. But repeated course of steroids can cause immuno suppression and growth retardation. The drugs in Siddha system of medicine is well known for their effectiveness and less toxicity. One such medicine is Uthamani Chooranam (UC) indicated for AD. The activity of UC was studied by using histamine induced paw oedema in rats by phenylbutazone. Exposure of rats hind paw to histamine resulted in marked increase of paw tissue weight and skin thickness. After oral administration of UC at various dose levels of 200mg/kg and 400mg/ kg reduce the paw volume when compared to control group. The present studies shown the Siddha drug UC is significantly reduce the paw oedema and this study supports the anti-histamine effect of UC


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    Siddha Medicine (Tamil Citta- or Tami?-maruttuvam) is a system of traditional medicine originating in Tamil Nadu in South India. The drugs used by the Siddhars could be classified into three groups: Thaavaram, Thaathu and Jangamam seeraga chooranam is a drug under the category of Thaavaram. It is a poly herbal formulation which is mentioned in the text Pullipanivaithyam 500 which has been therapeutically used for Pithanoigal, Kirukirupu, Vaanthi, Mayakkam, Ajeeranam, Kaangai, Veppam.Siddha system emphasis mainly on healthy long life by preventing ageing and degenerative disease with medicines having antioxidant activity. Even though this drug has been used based on traditional knowledge no scientific work has been done to evaluate the antioxidant properties of Seeraga choornam based on various in vitro assays. The study result confirmed that the drug Seeraga choornam has promising therapeutic antioxidant activity when compared with the standard drug. This research work can help for medical practitioners to use this polyherbal compound for the treatment of cancer


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    The Siddha system of medicine is a traditional Indian system which evolved with the development of mankind and is more of an evolution rather than invention. Siddha system describes the health of an individual as an ideal perfect state of the physical, physiological, social, and spiritual components of a human being. Diabetes is a chronic disorder linked with the metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin secretion with or without varying degree of insulin resistance. There is sufficient number of drugs in different systems of medicine for the management of diabetes but the incidence of type-II diabetes is too high. In Siddha system many more traditional formulations are available. Most of these medicines are clinically used by Siddha physicians but have not been evaluated scientifically. Naaval kottai Mathira is a anti-diabetic Siddha herbal formulation which is prepared from the seeds of Syzygium cumini and leaves of Aristolochia bracteolata and it has been used for the management of Diabetes mellitus (Madhumegam). The aim of the present study is to evaluate the cytotoxicity and glucose uptake activity of herbal preparation NKM using L-6 cell lines. The results showed that the test drug did not confer any cytotoxicity and the drug NKM showed better glucose uptake potential. The result of glucose uptake percentage for standard drug Rosiglitazone is 113.26±7.72 and 32.67±4.25 for Naaval Kottai Mathirai. The findings of this investigation concluded that the study drug NKM has anti-diabetic activity in glucose uptake assay


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    Many children suffer from recurrent coughing, wheezing and chest tightness. In pre-school, one third of all children have these symptoms before the age of six, but only 40% of these wheezing pre-schoolers will continue to have asthma. In older school-aged children the majority of the children have asthma. Quality of life in childrens is affected by asthma. Sleep disruption and exercised induced airflow limitation have a negative impact on participation in sports and social activities, and may influence family life. In children and young adults asthma is usually accompanied by allergic (atopic) phenomena such as elevation of the total serum immunoglobulin E concentration. Nowadays the management of childhood asthma is commonly with synthetic corticosteroids, but it has some side effects like weight gain, tachycardia, depression, glaucoma etc. In traditional Siddha system of medicine several herbal and herbo mineral formulations are indicated for respiratory problems in paediatric age group. Amirtha Sanjeevi Kuligai is a poly herbal formulation indicated for this disease in Siddha literature. Histamine plays a major role in the pathogenesis of asthma. So, the Anti- histamine activity of Amirtha Sanjeevi Kuligai was carried out by determining the histamine activity of  injecting  histamine in wister albino rat by hind paw method. The change in the hind paw volume was measured using plethysmometer and expressed as mean paw volume. The study result concluded that the drug Amirtha sanjeevi kuligai has got significant Anti- histamine activity


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    Objective: The present pilot study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of Seenthil sarkarai, a Classical Siddha medicine in Moothirakiricharam (Urinary Tract Infection) patients.Method: This study was approved by IEC and registered in Clinical Trial Registry of India and was conducted at the National Institute of Siddha, Tambaram, Chennai, India. The investigator recruited 20 patients of both male and female with an inclusion and exclusion criteria. All the patients were treated with Seenthil Sarkarai at the dose level of 2 grams two times a day with warm water for 21 days. Dietary regimen was advised for the patients. Study outcome was studied with negative Urine culture and also based on the improvement in the reduction of Burning micturition, Frequency of micturition, Dysuria with fever, Foul smelling urine.Results: The symptoms such as burning micturition, persistent urge to urinate, foul smelling urine, and presence of bacteriuria reduced markedly within 21 days of duration. Out of 20 patients, 12 patients were completely relieved from the compliance of UTI with negative Urine culture. The symptoms of UTI were markedly reduced in remaining 8 patients. There were no adverse effect reported during the study and no recurrence of UTI was noticed in 12 patients who were completely cured.Conclusion: Results suggest that the trial drug Seenthil Sarkarai is effective and safe for the management of Moothirakiricharam (UTI) and in alleviating recurrences

    Conformational choice at α,α-di-n-propylglycine residues: helical or fully extended structures?

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    The conformational analysis of peptides containing a single α,α-di-n-propylglycine (Dpg) residue incorporated into valine-rich sequences has been undertaken in order to delineate the possible role of sequence effects in stabilizing fully extended (C5) or local helical conformations at this residue. The three peptides Boc-Val-Dpg-Val-OMe (3), Boc-Val-Val-Dpg-Val-OMe (4), Boc-Val-Val-Dpg-Val-Val-OMe (5), have been studied by 1H-nmr methods in chloroform (CDCl3) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) solutions. Even in a relatively poorly solvating medium like CDCl3, all the valine NH groups appear to be solvent-exposed, suggesting an absence of folded -turn conformations. However, in both CDCl3 and DMSO the Dpg NH groups in all the three peptides appear to behave like apparently solvent-inaccessible groups. In fully extended C5 conformations, the proximity of the NH and CO groups of Dpg may preclude effective solvation due to a combination of stereoelectronic factors. Nuclear Overhauser effects provide support for the largely extended backbones. The crystal structure of peptide 3 reveals an extended conformation at Dpg (2) with Φ= -176°, Ψ = 180°. A correlation between the crystallographically observed backbone conformation and solution nmr parameters in DMSO has been attempted using available data. Dpg residues placed in poor helix stabilizing environments may be expected to favor a local C5 conformation


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    Anaemia is the most common nutritional problem in the world .In the outpatient department of National institute of Siddha the significant numbers of anaemia cases are reporting for treatment. As the part of partial completion of 1st year MD degree the investigator select the minor project to determine the data about prevalence of Paandu (Anaemia) in NIS OPD patients. This study includes 500 OPD patients. OPD patients in the age between 13-74 years were randomly selected daily (Systematic random sampling method). A pre-designed self-administrated questionnaire interview method is used for collecting data about the patients. Information on personal characteristics, socio economic status, diet, lab investigations, clinical profiles are obtained. The study results showed that the prevalence of anemia amongst patients reporting at NIS OPD were 45.6%. The mean haemoglobin concentration was 11.4g/dl in female and 12.8g/dl in male. Majority of female in reproductive age (15-49 years) had the highest prevalence of anemia. And the high proportion of microcytic hypochromic anaemia (22.2%) was founded in the selected samples which indicate that Iron deficiency was the main cause of anaemia. Effect of socio economic status on anemic patients reported in NIS also calculated according to ‘Modified Kuppusamy socio economic scale’ which results that patients belongs to the upper lower status (12.2%) are more prone to anemia. Therefore the results of this study can be used to design target interventions aimed at reducing the prevalence of anemia in NIS OPD and to help conduct the interactive educational programs for improve disease awareness in female patients especially. And further studies are needed for clarify prevalence and etiology of anaemia in school going children (Below 13 years) at NIS OPD

    Context-dependent conformation of diethylglycine residues in peptides

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    Diethylglycine (Deg) residues incorporated into peptides can stabilize fully extended (C5) or helical conformations. The conformations of three tetrapeptides Boc-Xxx-Deg-Xxx-Deg-OMe (Xxx = Gly, GD4; Leu, LD4 and Pro, PD4) have been investigated by NMR. In the Gly and Leu peptides, NOE data suggest that the local conformations at the Deg residues are fully extended. Low temperature coefficients for the Deg(2) and Deg(4) NH groups are consistent with their inaccessibility to solvent, in a C5 conformation. NMR evidence supports a folded β-turn conformation involving Deg(2)-Gly(3), stabilized by a 4→1 intramolecular hydrogen bond between Pro(1) CO and Deg(4) NH in the proline containing peptide (PD4). The crystal structure of GD4 reveals a hydrated multiple turn conformation with Gly(1)-Deg(2) adopting a distorted type II/II′ conformation, while the Deg(2)-Pro(3) segment adopts a type III/III′ structure. A lone water molecule is inserted into the potential 4 → 1 hydrogen bond of the Gly(1)-Deg(2) β-turn
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