96 research outputs found

    Functional differentiation of central Apennine grasslands under mowing and grazing disturbance regimes

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    This research dealt to two grasslands potentially developing the same vegetation type because sited in the same environmental contest (bioclimate, substratum, soil, slope, altitude) but under diverse management regimes (grazing and mowing) for many decades. The evidenced differentiation between the two pastoral vegetations can be attributed to disturbance type and the statistical functional analysis performed through seven plant traits (prostrate form, early flowering, storage organs, clonal ability, basal meristems, chemical defences and hairs), revealed the distinguishing patterns. Discriminant analysis pointed out typical biological attributes for each disturbance conditions, while from correlation analysis emerged different possible traits combinations which do not follow the previous traits separation. Such outcomes are explainable because both grazing and mowing provoke aboveground phytomass removal, although grazing is a selective pressure, while mowing gives to all the species the same development chances. It is reasonable to conclude that convergent strategies within the two systems are possible and frequent

    Phytosociological study of beech and beech-mixed woods in Monti Sibillini National Park (central Apennines, Italy)

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    The results of a phytosociological survey of the woods mainly growing on limestones in the Southern part of the Marches Region (Central Italy), that is part of the Monti Sibillini National Park, are here presented. This area is characterized by a temperate climate (upper mesotemperate and lower/upper supratemperate bioclimatic belts). In order to study the vegetation, 173 phytosociological relevés were carried out through the Braun-Blanquet methodology. All the data obtained were submitted to multivariate analysis. The phytosociological analysis is characterized in nine associations, whereof three are of new description (Lathyro veneti-Fagetum sylvaticae hieracietosum murorum, Cardamino kitaibelii-Fagetum sylvaticae corallorhizetosum trifidae and Cardamino kitaibelii-Fagetum sylvaticae anemonetosum nemorosae)

    La vegetazione forestale dei substrati arenacei della Val d’Aso (Marche, Italia centrale).

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    Results of a phytosociological study on the wood on the sandstone bedrock are here presented. The studied area is located in the southern part of Marche Region, Ascoli Piceno Province, under the influence of temperate climate (lower/higher mesotemperate and lower supratemperate bioclimatic belts). The vegetation study has been performed throught 119 phytosociological relevés. All data were submitted to multivariate statistical analysis. The phytosociology analysis has permitted to characterize 6 associations, whereof 2 news: Erico arboreae-Quercetum pubescentis ericetosum arboreae and Hieracio murori-Ostryetum carpinifoliae hieracietosummurori. Chorological and synecological datas were described in the paper, compared to the corresponding associations of the limestones bedrock of the neighbouring area

    An updated checklist of the vascular flora native to Italy

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    An updated inventory of the native vascular flora of Italy, providing details on the occurrence at regional level, is presented. The checklist includes 8195 taxa (6417 species and 1778 subspecies), distributed in 1092 genera and 152 families; 23 taxa are lycophytes, 108 ferns and fern allies, 30 gymnosperms and 8034 angiosperms. The taxa currently occurring in Italy are 7483, while 568 taxa have not been confirmed in recent times, 99 are doubtfully occurring in the country and 19 are data deficient. Out of the 568 not confirmed taxa, 26 are considered extinct or possibly extinct

    An updated checklist of the vascular flora native to Italy

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    An updated inventory of the native vascular flora of Italy, providing details on the occurrence at regional level, is presented. The checklist includes 8195 taxa (6417 species and 1778 subspecies), distributed in 1092 genera and 152 families; 23 taxa are lycophytes, 108 ferns and fern allies, 30 gymnosperms and 8034 angiosperms. The taxa currently occurring in Italy are 7483, while 568 taxa have not been confirmed in recent times, 99 are doubtfully occurring in the country and 19 are data deficient. Out of the 568 not confirmed taxa, 26 are considered extinct or possibly extinct

    255 - Calystegia hederacea Wall. (Convolvulaceae)

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    Notulae alla Flora esotica d\u2019Italia 12, 255 - Calystegia hederacea Wall. (Convolvulaceae

    Studio fitosociologico della vegetazione delle praterie montane dell’Appennino maceratese

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    L’analisi fitosociologica effettuata, pur essendo ulteriormente perfettibile, ha contribuito ad un ulteriore avanzamento del quadro conoscitivo della vegetazione pascoliva del Piano Bioclimatico supratemperato delle dorsali dell’Appennino Umbro-Marchigiano e ha permesso di ottenere dati correlabili tra loro, con i quali è stato possibile effettuare delle ipotesi sui modelli di distribuzione spaziale e temporale di queste comunità. Si tratta naturalmente di ipotesi di carattere generale e descrittivo, che dovranno essere in seguito maggiormente approfondite e verificate con dati di tipo quantitativo. Questo studio della vegetazione è stato in effetti effettuato con lo scopo di fornire un supporto chiaro ed esaustivo, che permettesse di affrontare in futuro lo sviluppo di altre analisi (storiche, ecologiche, produttive, ecc.) riguardanti l’ecosistema di prateria di questo importante territorio montuoso
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