1,172 research outputs found

    Recurrent Abdominal Pain in Children

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    Recurrent abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms found in children. Description of abdominal pain is important in determining the etiologic cause. Organic pain must be ruled out first before suspecting psychogenic cause of pain. However, Children and infant are likely having difficulties in describing abdominal pain. Referred pain may lead to misdiagnosis. Alarm symptoms of abdominal pain are important indices and must be recognized. Careful and complete anamnesis and physical examination play critical role in management approach of recurrent abdominal pain in children and determine whether medical therapy only or combination with surgical intervention is considered necessary

    Selecting Treatment Modality for Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Radiofrequency Ablation, Percutaneous Alcohol and Acetic Acid Injection

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary hepatic Malignancy worldwide and is the leading cause of death in patients with cirrhosis. In early-stage tumors, potential curative therapies have been used including ablative therapies using percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI), percutaneous acetic acid injection (PAI) or radiofrequency ablation (RFA); surgical resection and liver transplantation. RFA is more effective and safer than other local ablative therapy modalities. RFA should be considered as the first-line treatment for patients with small HCC, i.e. sized less than 5 cm; preferably less than or equal to 3 cm since they are not suitable for liver resection or liver transplantation. RFA should also be compared with transarterial embolization, which currently has been considered as the standard HCC therapy in some countries. It has been reported that the combination of RFA and embolization treatment may reduce the early and late recurrence rate

    Taxonomic studies on the genus Indigofera Linn. (Indigofereae, Fabaceae) in parts of Katsina and Kaduna States, North-Western Nigeria

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    Indigofera is a large genus in the family Fabaceae comprising about 750 species. In Nigeria, particularly the northwestern savanna region, identification and naming of Indigofera species have been very difficult, ambiguous and controversial for a long time. Thus, proper identification and naming of the species within this genus are paramount. Several field surveys were carried out in the study area and twelve species were successfully collected and identified. Multivariate analyses (CA and PCA) were used to determine whether the species are distinct or not, and to identify the most useful characters for the identification of the species in the region. Fresh specimens were collected purposely for this work and herbarium specimens were used. The result of the cluster analysis revealed 12 distinct clusters (at an Euclidean distance of 0.08) with a cophenetic correlation coefficient value (r) of 0.89. The result of the PCA revealed 12 distinct groups. The character loadings indicated that number of seeds per pod, petiole length, leaflet length, internode, fruit length and leaflet width contributed the highest variation among the species, which could be more useful in delimiting the species. These characters can, therefore, be used in the identification and distinguishing of Indigofera species in the region. We provided a key for the identification of the species

    Interpretation of Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectra in Doped La2_2CuO4_4

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    The nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) spectrum of strontium doped La2_2CuO4_4 surprisingly resembles the NQR spectrum of La2_2CuO4_4 doped with excess oxygen, both spectra being dominated by a main peak and one principal satellite peak at similar frequencies. Using first-principles cluster calculations this is investigated here by calculating the electric field gradient (EFG) at the central copper site of the cluster after replacing a lanthanum atom in the cluster with a strontium atom or adding an interstitial oxygen to the cluster. In each case the EFG was increased by approximately 10 % leading unexpectedly to the explanation that the NQR spectra are only accidentally similar and the origins are quite different. Additionally the widths of the peaks in the NQR spectra are explained by the different EFG of copper centres remote from the impurity. A model, based on holes moving rapidly across the planar oxygen atoms, is proposed to explain the observed increase in frequency of both the main and satellite peaks in the NQR spectrum as the doping concentration is increased

    Does Inhalation of Virgin Coconut Oil Accelerate Reversal of Airway Remodelling in an Allergic Model of Asthma?

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    Many studies have been done to evaluate the effect of various natural products in controlling asthma symptoms. Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is known to contain active compounds that have beneficial effects on human health and diseases.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of VCO inhalation on airway remodelling in a rabbit model of allergic asthma.The effects of VCO inhalation on infiltration of airway inflammatory cells, airway structures, goblet cell hyperplasia, and cell proliferation following ovalbumin induction were evaluated. Allergic asthma was induced by a combination of ovalbumin and alum injection and/or followed by ovalbumin inhalation.The effect ofVCOinhalationwas then evaluated via the rescue or the preventive route. Percentage of inflammatory cells infiltration, thickness of epithelium and mucosa regions, and the numbers of goblet and proliferative cells were reduced in the rescue group but not in preventive group. Analysis using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry found that lauric acid and capric acid were among themost abundant fatty acids present in the sample. Significant improvement was observed in rescue route in alleviating the asthma symptoms, which indicates the VCO was able to relieve asthma-related symptoms more than preventing the onset of asthma

    Preliminary Study on the Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of Naphthol Green B by Dichromate Ion in Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid Medium

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    - The kinetics of the oxidation of naphthol green B (NGB3-) by Cr2O7 2- has been studied in aqueous hydrochloric acid medium at an ionic strength, I = 0.50 mol dm-3 (NaCl), H+ =1.0 10-4 mol dm-3 (HCl) and T = 25 1C. The redox reaction displayed a stoichiometry of 1:1 and obeys the rate law: -dNGB3-/dt = k2NGB3-]Cr2O7 2- . The second order rate constant increases with increase in acid concentration and in the ionic strength of reaction medium. The rates of reaction displayed a positive salt effect. Addition of acrylonitrile to a partially reacted mixture in the presence of excess methanol did not lead to gel formation. Added cations and anions inhibited the naphthol green B - Cr2O7 2- reaction. Results of the Michaelis – Menten plot gave no evidence of intermediate complex formation during the course of the reaction. Based on the results obtained, the reaction is believed to proceed through the outersphere mechanistic pathway

    Hubungan Antara Kadar Anti Streptolisin-O Dan Gejala Klinis Pada Penderita Tonsilitis Kronis

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    Anti streptolisin O merupakan antibody terhadap antigen streptolisin O yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri streptokokus ? hemolitikus grup A. Kuman ini sering didapatkan pada tonsillitis kronis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara kadar anti streptolisin O (ASO) dengan gejala klinis menurut keriteria Centor modifikasi Mc Isaac. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah sakit pendidikan Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan THT Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin yang merupakan penelitian analitik cross sectional. Sampel penelitian diperoleh dari semua penderita tonsillitis kronik yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi pada bulan Oktober 2009 sampai Februari 2010. Data dianalisa dengan Chi Square test dengan nilai signifikan 2

    Immersive gaming in the fashion arena: an investigation of brand coolness and its mediating role on brand equity

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    Purpose This study's aim was to investigate the role of the perceived values of gaming on consumers' perceptions of brands as cool as well as the impacts on the consumer–brand equity relationship. The study proposed a framework highlighting the influences of fashion-branded games on brand coolness and building fashion brands' overall equity. As significant factors affecting gamers, gender and gaming have been studied as moderators affecting the overall proposed framework. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative method was used to assess the significance of the relationships within the proposed model. Partial least squares structural equation modeling technique was implemented to assess the framework's relationships with a sample size of 248 active online gamers. Findings The findings indicate that brand equity is positively associated with perceived brand coolness. Furthermore, of the three core online game values, perceived enjoyment was most strongly associated with perceived brand coolness, with other values, such as self-expression and perceived emotional challenge, having a weaker association. The multigroup analysis results further suggest that in the fashion industry, building brand equity through online games is strongly related to perceived brand coolness among female respondents, with the role of perceived brand coolness affecting male respondents to a lesser degree. Originality/value The contribution of this study to the existing literature consists in providing a deeper understanding of the impact of branded games on fashion brands' overall equity. The results provide insights for fashion brand managers into the significant effect of fashion gaming collaborations on consumers' behavioral outcomes