417 research outputs found

    Scalar field in a minimally coupled brane world: no-hair and other no-go theorems

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    In the brane-world framework, we consider static, spherically symmetric configurations of a scalar field with the Lagrangian (\d\phi)^2/2 - V(\phi), confined on the brane. We use the 4D Einstein equations on the brane obtained by Shiromizu et al., containing the usual stress tensor T\mN, the tensor \Pi\mN, quadratic in T\mN, and E\mN describing interaction with the bulk. For models under study, the tensor \Pi\mN has zero divergence, so we can consider a "minimally coupled" brane with E\mN = 0, whose 4D gravity is decoupled from the bulk geometry. Assuming E\mN =0, we try to extend to brane worlds some theorems valid for scalar fields in general relativity (GR). Thus, the list of possible global causal structures in all models under consideration is shown to be the same as is known for vacuum with a LambdaLambda term in GR: Minkowski, Schwarzschild, (A)dS and Schwarzschild-(A)dS. A no-hair theorem, saying that, given a potential V0V\geq 0, asymptotically flat black holes cannot have nontrivial external scalar fields, is proved under certain restrictions. Some objects, forbidden in GR, are allowed on the brane, e.g, traversable wormholes supported by a scalar field, but only at the expense of enormous matter densities in the strong field region.Comment: 8 pages, Latex2e. Numerical estimates and a few references adde

    Exotic Statistics for Ordinary Particles in Quantum Gravity

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    Objects exhibiting statistics other than the familiar Bose and Fermi ones are natural in theories with topologically nontrivial objects including geons, strings, and black holes. It is argued here from several viewpoints that the statistics of ordinary particles with which we are already familiar are likely to be modified due to quantum gravity effects. In particular, such modifications are argued to be present in loop quantum gravity and in any theory which represents spacetime in a fundamentally piecewise-linear fashion. The appearance of unusual statistics may be a generic feature (such as the deformed position-momentum uncertainty relations and the appearance of a fundamental length scale) which are to be expected in any theory of quantum gravity, and which could be testable.Comment: Awarded an honourable mention in the 2008 Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competitio

    Asymptotic Infrared Fractal Structure of the Propagator for a Charged Fermion

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    It is well known that the long-range nature of the Coulomb interaction makes the definition of asymptotic ``in'' and ``out'' states of charged particles problematic in quantum field theory. In particular, the notion of a simple particle pole in the vacuum charged particle propagator is untenable and should be replaced by a more complicated branch cut structure describing an electron interacting with a possibly infinite number of soft photons. Previous work suggests a Dirac propagator raised to a fractional power dependent upon the fine structure constant, however the exponent has not been calculated in a unique gauge invariant manner. It has even been suggested that the fractal ``anomalous dimension'' can be removed by a gauge transformation. Here, a gauge invariant non-perturbative calculation will be discussed yielding an unambiguous fractional exponent. The closely analogous case of soft graviton exponents is also briefly explored.Comment: Updated with a corrected sign error, longer discussion of fractal dimension, and more reference

    Submesoscale physicochemical dynamics directly shape bacterioplankton community structure in space and time

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    Submesoscale eddies and fronts are important components of oceanic mixing and energy fluxes. These phenomena occur in the surface ocean for a period of several days, on scales between a few hundred meters and few tens of kilometers. Remote sensing and modeling suggest that eddies and fronts may influence marine ecosystem dynamics, but their limited temporal and spatial scales make them challenging for observation and in situ sampling. Here, the study of a submesoscale filament in summerly Arctic waters (depth 0–400 m) revealed enhanced mixing of Polar and Atlantic water masses, resulting in a ca. 4 km wide and ca. 50 km long filament with distinct physical and biogeochemical characteristics. Compared to the surrounding waters, the filament was characterized by a distinct phytoplankton bloom, associated with depleted inorganic nutrients, elevated chlorophyll a concentrations, as well as twofold higher phyto- and bacterioplankton cell abundances. High-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing of bacterioplankton communities revealed enrichment of typical phytoplankton bloom-associated taxonomic groups (e.g., Flavobacteriales) inside the filament. Furthermore, linked to the strong water subduction, the vertical export of organic matter to 400 m depth inside the filament was twofold higher compared to the surrounding waters. Altogether, our results show that physical submesoscale mixing can shape distinct biogeochemical conditions and microbial communities within a few kilometers of the ocean. Hence, the role of submesoscale features in polar waters for surface ocean biodiversity and biogeochemical processes need further investigation, especially with regard to the fate of sea ice in the warming Arctic Ocean

    Multitemporal generalization of the Tangherlini solution

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    The n-time generalization of the Tangherlini solution [1] is considered. The equations of geodesics for the metric are integrated. For n=2n = 2 it is shown that the naked singularity is absent only for two sets of parameters, corresponding to the trivial extensions of the Tangherlini solution. The motion of a relativistic particle in the multitemporal background is considered. This motion is governed by the gravitational mass tensor. Some generalizations of the solution, including the multitemporal analogue of the Myers-Perry charged black hole solution, are obtained.Comment: 14 pages. RGA-CSVR-005/9

    Non-Perturbative Gravity and the Spin of the Lattice Graviton

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    The lattice formulation of quantum gravity provides a natural framework in which non-perturbative properties of the ground state can be studied in detail. In this paper we investigate how the lattice results relate to the continuum semiclassical expansion about smooth manifolds. As an example we give an explicit form for the lattice ground state wave functional for semiclassical geometries. We then do a detailed comparison between the more recent predictions from the lattice regularized theory, and results obtained in the continuum for the non-trivial ultraviolet fixed point of quantum gravity found using weak field and non-perturbative methods. In particular we focus on the derivative of the beta function at the fixed point and the related universal critical exponent ν\nu for gravitation. Based on recently available lattice and continuum results we assess the evidence for the presence of a massless spin two particle in the continuum limit of the strongly coupled lattice theory. Finally we compare the lattice prediction for the vacuum-polarization induced weak scale dependence of the gravitational coupling with recent calculations in the continuum, finding similar effects.Comment: 46 pages, one figur

    The Path Integral Quantization And The Construction Of The S-matrix In The Abelian And Non-Abelian Chern-Simons Theories

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    The cvariant path integral quantization of the theory of the scalar and spinor particles interacting through the abelian and non-Abelian Chern-Simons gauge fields is carried out and is shown to be mathematically ill defined due to the absence of the transverse components of these gauge fields. This is remedied by the introduction of the Maxwell or the Maxwell-type (in the non-Abelian case)term which makes the theory superrenormalizable and guarantees its gauge-invariant regularization and renormalization. The generating functionals are constructed and shown to be formally the same as those of QED (or QCD) in 2+1 dimensions with the substitution of the Chern-Simons propagator for the photon (gluon) propagator. By constructing the propagator in the general case, the existence of two limits; pure Chern-Simons and QED (QCD) after renormalization is demonstrated. By carrying out carefully the path integral quantization of the non-Abelian Chern-Simons theories using the De Witt-Fadeev-Popov and the Batalin-Fradkin- Vilkovisky methods it is demonstrated that there is no need to quantize the dimensionless charge of the theory. The main reason is that the action in the exponent of the path integral is BRST-invariant which acquires a zero winding number and guarantees the BRST renormalizability of the model. The S-matrix operator is constructed, and starting from this S-matrix operator novel topological unitarity identities are derived that demand the vanishing of the gauge-invariant sum of the imaginary parts of the Feynman diagrams with a given number of intermediate on-shell topological photon lines in each order of perturbation theory. These identities are illustrated by an explicit example.Comment: LaTex file, 31 pages, two figure

    Density matrix algorithm for the calculation of dynamical properties of low dimensional systems

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    I extend the scope of the density matrix renormalization group technique developed by White to the calculation of dynamical correlation functions. As an application and performance evaluation I calculate the spin dynamics of the 1D Heisenberg chain.Comment: 4 pages + 4 figures in one Latex + 4 postscript file