26 research outputs found

    Un tour d'horizon des critères d'évaluation de la diversité biologique

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    Cet article utilise un exemple simple pour passer en revue des concepts de mesure de la biodiversité, avec un effort pour expliciter leurs fondements axiomatiques. L'article offre ensuite un aperçu des concepts développés pour sa protection, et il s'achève sur une discussion de quelques spécificités du problème, comme la prise en compte de certains attributs spatiaux et d'effets de seuils. / This paper provides a review of different methods for measuring biodiversity, with an effort in making explicit their axiomatic foundations. Then, it broaches some concepts of biodiversity protection, and finally it discusses several specificities in this issue, such as the role played by spatial attributes and by threshold effects.ECONOMIE;BIODIVERSITE;CONSERVATION

    Domesticating forests : how farmers manage forest resources

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    Local people in South-east Asia are often cited as skilled forest managers. It is barely acknowledged that an essential part of this forest management does not concern natural forests, but forests that have been planted, often after the removal of pre-existing natural forests; forests that are cultivated not by professional foresters, but by sedentary or swidden farmers, on their farmlands; forests that are based not on exotic, fast-growing trees, but on local tree species, and harbour an incredible variety of plant and animal species. This book concentrates on forest cultivation by smallholder farmers in South-east Asia, not only because it constitutes altogether the most original and lesser known aspect of local forest management in the region, but also because, it represents the most promising field for the design of alternative strategies for the management of forest resources and forest lands. Natural forests are still present and actively managed in the region. So, why do people cut natural forests to replant the same species of forest trees they have just chopped down? Why have professional foresters, or the decision-makers in forest management, never seriously considered these examples of indigenous forest culture, however sustainable and profitable they may be? Many elements of the answer to these questions are given in this book, which is built on the conclusions of 10 years of multidisciplinary research and analysis on these systems. It shows how forest culture by farmers constitutes a strategy that questions the practical, conceptual and legal aspects of conventional forest management. It speaks for more scientific and political support to these systems, because they are altogether neglected, endangered and full of potential. Further it explains a why it is important to consider these examples as interesting alternative models to either forest extraction or specialized forest plantations, especially in the present context of depletion of natural forests all over the planet. Can the transfer of these original examples to other parts of the world be achieved? How can it be successful? This book helps to answer these important questions

    Socio-economic assessement of farmers' vulnerability as water users subject to global change stressors in the hard rock area of southern India. The SHIVA ANR project

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    International audienceDemand for vulnerability assessments is growing in policy-making circles, to support the choice of appropriate measures and policies to reduce the vulnerability of water users and resources. Through the SHIVA ANR project, we are seeking a method to assess and map the vulnerability of farmers in southern India to both climate and socioeconomic changes, and secondly, to assess the costs and benefits associated with trends farmers' vulnerability in the medium and long-term. The project is focusing on southern India 's hard rock area, as in the geological context, both surface and ground water resources are naturally limited. We are also focusing on farming populations as these are the main water users in the area and rely exclusively on groundwater. The area covers southern India's semi-arid zone, where the rainfall gradient ranges from 600 mm to 1100 mm. Vulnerability is expected to vary according to local climatic conditions but also the socioeconomic characteristics of farming households. The SHIVA research team has been divided into six thematic groups in order to address the different scientific issues : downscaling the regional climate scenario, farm area projections, vulnerability assessments and quantification, vulnerability mapping, hydrological modelling and upscaling, and vulnerability impact assessements. Our approach is multidisciplinary to cater for for numerous inherent themes, and integrated to cater for vulnerability as a dynamic and multidimensional concept. The project 's first results after 10 months of research are presented below

    Index-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis vs. Least-Cost River Basin Optimization Model: Comparison in the Selection of a Programme of Measures at the River Basin Scale

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    Increasing water scarcity challenges conventional approaches to managing water resources. More holistic tools and methods are required to support the integrated planning and management of fresh water resources at the river basin level. This paper compares an index-based cost-effectiveness analysis (IBCEA) with a least-cost river basin optimization model (LCRBOM). Both methods are applied to a real case study to design a cost-effective portfolio of water demand and supply management measures that ensures compliance with water supply and environmental targets. The IBCEA is a common approach to select programmes of measures in the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. We describe its limitations in finding a least-cost solution at the river basin level and highlight the benefits from implementing a LCRBOM. Both methods are compared in a real case study, the Orb river basin, in the south of France. The performances of the programmes of measures selected by the two methods are compared for the same annual equivalent cost. By ignoring the spatial and temporal variability of water availability and water demands in the river basin and the interconnection among its elements, the aggregated approach used in the standard IBCEA can miss more cost-effective solutions at the river basin scale.This paper is based on work conducted as part of several projects over more than 6 years. It benefited from the financial and technical support of the Agence de l'Eau Rhone Mediteranee et Corse; Conseil General de l'Herault; Conseil Regional du Languedoc Roussillon et ONEMA. Funding was partly provided by the IMPADAPT project /CGL2013-48424-C2-1-R) from the Spanish ministry MINECO (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) and European FEDER funds. Corentin Girard is supported by a grant from the University Lecturer Training Programme (FPU12/03803) of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain. We are very grateful to Y. Caballero (BRGM), S. Chazot (BRLi), E. Vier and F. Aigoui (GINGERGROUP) and L. Rippert and his team from the SMVOL for their help during the project and for the data provided. We thank as well the two anonymous reviewers, the Associated Editor and Editor-in-Chief of Water Resources Management, for their useful and encouraging comments during the review process.Girard-Martin, CDP.; Rinaudo, J.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2015). Index-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis vs. Least-Cost River Basin Optimization Model: Comparison in the Selection of a Programme of Measures at the River Basin Scale. Water Resources Management. 29:4129-4155. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-015-1049-0S4129415529ACTEON (2011) Research report on the use of cost-effectiveness analysis in regard to the European water framework directive. Acteon PublishingAulong S, Bouzit M, Dörfliger N (2009) Cost–effectiveness analysis of water management measures in two river basins of Jordan and Lebanon. Water Resour Manag 23(4):731–753Balana BB, Vinten A, Slee B (2011) A review on cost-effectiveness analysis of agri-environmental measures related to the EU WFD: key issues, methods, and applications. Ecol Econ 70(6):1021–1031Berbel J, Martin-Ortega J, MESA P (2011) A cost-effectiveness analysis of water-saving measures for the water framework directive: the case of the Guadalquivir river basin in southern Spain. Water Resour Manag 25(2):623–640Brouwer R, Hofkes M (2008) Integrated hydro-economic modelling: approaches, key issues and future research directions. Ecol Econ 66(1):16–22. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2008.02.009Caballero Y, Girard C (2012) Impact du changement climatique sur la ressource en eau du bassin versant de l’Orb. Rapport BRGM/RP-61319-FR. 40 p., 16 ill. (In French) http://infoterre.brgm.fr/rapports/RP-61319-FR.pdfCastelletti A, Soncini-Sessa R (2006) A procedural approach to strengthening integration and participation in water resource planning. Environ Model Softw 21:1455–1470Chazot S (2011) Perspectives d’evolution de la gestion des volumes stockes dans le barrage des Monts d’Orb. Rapport final, Novembre 2011. BRL Ingenierie. (in French) http://www.vallees-orb-libron.fr/wpcontent/ uploads/2012/12/etude-gestion-Monts-Orb-Rapport-V16.pdfCGP (Commissariat Général du Plan) (2005) Révision du Taux d’Actualisation des Investissements Publics, Rapport du groupe d’experts présidé par Daniel Lebègue, ParisDe Roo A, Burek P, Gentile A, Udias A, Bouraoui F, Aloe A, Bianchi A, La Notte A, Kuik O, Elorza Tenreiro J, Vandecasteele I, Mubareka S, Baranzelli C, Van Der Perk M, Lavalle C, Bidoglio G (2012) A multi-criteria optimisation of scenarios for the protection of water resources in Europe, Support to the EU Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Waters, JRC Scientific and policy report, European Commission. http://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/111111111/26672Dehnhardt A (2014) The influence of interests and beliefs on the use of environmental cost–benefit analysis in water policy: the case of German policy-makers. Env Pol Gov 24:391–404. doi: 10.1002/eet.1656EC (European Commission) (2000) Directive 2000/60/EC of the European parliament and of the council, of 23 October 2000, establishing a framework for community action in the field of water policy. Off J Eur Econ L 327/1, 22.12.2000. http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/water/water-framework/index_en.htmlEC (European Commission) (2007) Addressing the challenge of water scarcity and droughts in the European Union. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, COM(2007) 414, BrusselsEC (European Commission) (2012) A Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water Resources, European Commission, Brussels, 14.11.2012, COM(2012) 673 finalEEA (European Environment Agency) (2012) European waters - assessment of status and pressures, EEA Report No 8/2012, EEA Copenhagen, 2012 http://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/european-waters-assessment-2012EEA (European Environment Agency), 2012b. Towards efficient use of water resources in Europe, EEA Report No 1/2012, EEA Copenhagen, 2012 http://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/towards-efficient-use-of-waterEl Geriani AM, Essamin O AM, Gijsbers PJA, Loucks DP (1998) Cost-effectiveness analyses of Libya’s water supply system. J Water Resour Plann Manage 124:320–329Garber AM, Phelps CE (1997) Economic foundations of cost-effectiveness analysis. J Health Econ 16:1–31Gerasidi A, Katsiardi P, Papaefstathiou N, Manoli E, Assimacopoulos D (2003) Cost-effectiveness analysis for water management in the island of Paros, Greece. 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. Lemnos Island, Greece, 8–10 September 2003Ghaffour N, Missimer TM, Amy GL (2013) Technical review and evaluation of the economics of water desalination: current and future challenges for better water supply sustainability. Desalination 309:197–207Girard C, Rinaudo JD, Pulido-Velazquez M, Caballero Y (2015) An interdisciplinary modelling framework for selecting adaptation measures at the river basin scale in a global change scenario. Environ Model Softw 69:42–54. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.02.023Girard C, Pulido-Velazquez M, Rinaudo J-D, and Caballero, Y, in press, Integrating top-down and bottom-up approaches to design global change adaptation at the river basin scale (in press, doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.07.002 )Griffin RC (1998) The fundamental principles of cost-benefit analysis. Water Resour Res 34(8):2063–2071. doi: 10.1029/98WR01335EU-WFD , 2000Harou JJ, Pulido-Velazquez M, Rosenberg DE, Medellín-Azuara J, Lund JR, Howitt RE (2009) Hydro-economic models: concepts, design, applications, and future prospects. J Hydrol 375:627–643Hashimoto T, Stedinger JR, Loucks DP (1982) Reliability, resiliency, and vulnerability criteria for water resource system performance evaluation. Water Resour Res 18:14–20Heinz I, Pulido-Velazquez M, Lund JR, Andreu J (2007) Hydro-economic modelling in river basin management: Implications and applications for the European water framework directive. Water Resour Manag 21:1103–1125Hoang T, Maton L, Caballero Y, Rinaudo J-D (2012) Impact du changement climatique sur le besoin en eau d’irrigation dans l’Ouest de l’H erault. Rapport BRGM RP-61311-FR. 36 pp (in French). http://infoterre.brgm.fr/rapports/RP-61311-FR.pdfInterwies E, Kraemer A, Kranz N, Görlach B, Dworak T (2004) Basic principles for selecting the most cost-effective combinations of measures for inclusion in the programme of measures as described in Article 11 of the Water Framework Directive-Handbook, Research Report 202 21 210 UBA-FB 000563/E. Federal Environmental Agency, BerlinInterwies E, Görlach B, Strosser P, Ozdemiroglu E, Brouwer R (2005) The case for valuation studies in the Water Framework Directive, Final report, Project WFD55. Sniffer reportLabadie JW (2004) Optimal operation of multi-reservoir systems: state-of-the-art review. J Water Resour Plan Manag 130:93–111Lescot J-M, Bordenave P, Petit K, Leccia O (2013) A spatially-distributed cost-effectiveness analysis framework for controlling water pollution. Environ Model Softw 41:107–122Loucks DP, van Beek E (2005) Water Resources Systems Planning and Management: An Introduction to Methods, Models and Applications. UNESCO, ParisLoucks DP, Kindler J, Fedra K (1985) Interactive water resources modeling and model use: an overview. Water Resour Res 21:95–102Madani K (2010) Game theory and water resources. J Hydrol 381:225–238Martin-Carrasco F, Garrote L, Iglesias A, Mediero L (2013) Diagnosing causes of water scarcity in complex water resources systems and identifying risk management actions. Water Resour Manag 27:1693–1705. doi: 10.1007/s11269-012-0081-6Martin-Ortega J (2012) Economic prescriptions and policy applications in the implementation of the European water framework directive. Environ Sci Policy 24:83–91Martin-Ortega J, Balana BB (2012) Cost-effectiveness analysis in the implementation of the water framework directive: a comparative analysis of the United Kingdom and Spain. Eur Water 37:15–25Matrosov ES, Padula S, Harou JJ (2013) Selecting portfolios of water supply and demand management strategies under uncertainty—contrasting economic optimisation and ‘robust decision making’ approaches. Water Resour Manag 27:1123–1148. doi: 10.1007/s11269-012-0118xMEEDDT (Ministère de l’écologie, de l’énergie, du développement durable et de l’aménagement du territoire) (2008) Circulaire du 30 juin 2008 relative à la résorption des déficits quantitatifs en matière de prélèvement d’eau et gestion collective des prélèvements d’irrigation NOR : DEVO0815432C, Bulletin officiel du Ministère de l’écologie, de l’énergie, du développement durable et de l’aménagement du terittoire, Paris, 2008 (In French)Messner F (2006) Guest editorial: applying participatory multicriteria methods to river basin management: improving the implementation of the water framework directive. Environ Plan C: Gov Policy 24(2):159–167Mouelhi S, Michel C, Perrin C, Andréassian V (2006) Stepwise development of a two-parameter monthly water balance model. J Hydrol 318:200–214. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.06.014Padula S, Harou JJ, Papageorgiou LG, Ji Y, Ahmad M, Hepworth N (2013) Least economic cost regional water supply planning-optimising infrastructure investments and demand management for south east England’s 17.6 million people. Water Resour Manag 27:5017–5044. doi: 10.1007/s11269-013-0437-6Pagé C, Terray L (2010) Nouvelles projections climatiques à échelle fine sur la France pour le 21ème siècle : les scénarii SCRATCH2010. Technical Report TR/CMGC/10/58, SUC au CERFACS, URA CERFACS/CNRS No1875CS, Toulouse, France ( http://www.cerfacs.fr/~page/work/scratch/ ). (In French)Peña-Haro S, Pulido-Velazquez M, Sahuquillo A (2009) A hydro-economic modelling framework for optimal management of groundwater nitrate pollution from agriculture. J Hydrol 373:193–203Peña-Haro S, Llopis-Albert C, Pulido-Velázquez M, Pulido-Velázquez D (2010) Fertilizer standards for controlling groundwater nitrate pollution from agriculture: El Salobral-Los Llanos case study, Spain. J Hydrol 392:174–187Pulido-Velázquez M, Sahuquillo A, Ochoa JC, Pulido-Velázquez D (2005) Modeling of stream-aquifer interaction: the embedded multireservoir model. J of Hydrology 313(3-4):166–181Pulido-Velázquez M, Sahuquillo A, Andreu J (2006) Economic optimization of conjunctive use of surface and groundwater at the basin scale. J Water Resour Plan Manag 132(6):454–467Pulido-Velazquez M, Andreu J, Sahuquillo A, Pulido-Velazquez D (2008) Hydro-economic river basin modelling: the application of a holistic surface-groundwater model to assess opportunity costs of water use in Spain. Ecol Econ 66:51–65Pulido-Velázquez M, Andreu J, Sahuquillo A, Pulido-Velazquez D (2008) Hydro-economic river basin modelling: the application of a holistic surface-groundwater model to assess opportunity costs of water use in Spain. Ecol Econ 66(1):51–65Rinaudo J-D, Maton L, Caballero Y (2010) Cost-effectiveness analysis of a water scarcity management plan: considering long term socio-economic and climatic changes. Conference on Economics of drought and drought preparedness in a climate Change Context. Istambul, 3-7 March 2010. FAO, ICARDA, CEIGRAM, CHIEAM, Ministry of agriculture TurkeyRinaudo J-D, Neverre N, Montginoul M (2012) Simulating the impact of pricing policies on residential water demand: a southern France case study. Water Resour Manag 26:2057–2068Rinaudo J-D, Aulong S (2014) Defining groundwater remediation objectives with cost-benefit analysis: does it work ? Water Resour Manag 28(1):261–278Rinaudo J D, Girard C, Vernier de Byans C (2013), Analyse coût efficacité du programme de mesures de gestion quantitative : Application de deux méthodes au bassin versant de l’Orb Rapport BRGM. Available at http://infoterre.brgm.fr/rapports/RP-62713-FR.pdf (In French)Rinaudo J-D, Noel Y, Marchal J-P, Lamotte C (2013) Evaluation du coût de mobilisation de nouvelles ressources en eau souterraine dans l’Ouest de l’Hérault. Rapport BRGM-RP- 61794-FR http://infoterre.brgm.fr/rapports/RP-61794-FR.pdf (In French)ROSENTHAL E (2012) GAMS, A User’s Guide Tutorial by Richard E. Rosenthal. 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(in French)Vernier de Byans M, Rinaudo JD (2012) Scénarios d’évolution de la demande en eau potable à l’horizon 2030 dans l’Ouest Hérault. Rapport BRGM/RP-61317-FR.Brgm : Orléans. 51 p + ann. Available at http://infoterre.brgm.fr/rapports/RP-61317-FR.pdfVoinov A, Bousquet F (2010) Modelling with stakeholders. Environ Model Softw 25:1268–1281Ward FA (2009) Economics in integrated water management. Environ Model Softw 24(8):948–958WATECO (WORKING GROUP 2.6) (2003) Common implementation strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). Guidance Document no.1.Economics and the Environment - The implementation Challenge of the Water Framework DirectiveWhite SB, Fane SA, Robinson D (2003) The use of levelised cost in comparing supply and demand side options for water supply and wastewater treatment. Water Supply 3(3):185–192Wright SAL, Fritsch O (2011) Operationalising active involvement in the EU water framework directive: why, when and how? 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    La directive 92/43/CEE dite "habitats, faune, flore" : analyse comparative de sa mise en oeuvre en Europe. Rapport final

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    L'objectif du travail était de mener une analyse comparative transversale de la mise en oeuvre de la politique Natura 2000 en Europe. On s'est attaché en particulier à la comparaison des différentes stratégies des Etats quant à la constitution du réseau de sites, aux choix des instruments de mise en oeuvre et aux choix des financements pour la préservation de la biodiversité. Ce travail intervient dans le cadre de la première partie d'une thèse portant sur "L'analyse de la production d'un bien public global, la biodiversité : approche des négociations/concertations locales et de la coordination des politiques publiques". Il contribue à alimenter une typologie des approches institutionnelles de la préservation de la biodiversité à l'échelle des zones humides du bassin méditerranéen, à replacer le choix de la négociation comme outil de gestion de la biodiversité parmi un panel d'instruments possibles et à identifier et caractériser une méthodologie de diagnostic socio-économique dans le cadre de la phase de pré-négociation

    Dynamique et structure floristique des agroforets a agrumes au centre du Cameroun

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    Ntsan est un village producteur d'agrumes du département de la Lékié (Cameroun). De produits d'autoconsommation, ces fruits sont devenus des produits de rapport depuis la crise du cacao et grâce à la croissance démographique de la ville de Yaoundé. Matériel et méthodes. Des enquêtes auprès des producteurs ont permis de retracer l'origine et les déterminants du développement des agrumes à Ntsan. Une typologie des systèmes de cultures pérennes à composante d'agrumes a été réalisée à partir d'analyses structurale et floristique et de l'étude des techniques de culture pratiquées sur dix parcelles agroforestières. Par ailleurs, la part relative de chaque système de culture et l'importance de la production agrumicole à Ntsan ont été quantifiées. La culture des agrumes à Ntsan. Bien que davantage présents dans les cacaoyères, les agrumes sont également plantés dans les champs de cultures vivrières, les jachères et les jardins de case. Les systèmes agroforestiers à base d'agrumes et/ou de cacaoyers. Les systèmes agroforestiers qui associent, au cacaoyer, différentes cultures pérennes répondent à plusieurs objectifs économiques : diversifier les revenus monétaires de façon substantielle et gérer les fluctuations des besoins monétaires du ménage. Les fruits restent longtemps sur les arbres et constituent une «épargne sur pied». La culture d'agrumes dans des vergers spécialisés est rare du fait du manque d'espace et surtout à cause du risque représenté, pour les planteurs, par les fluctuations de la production fruitière. Discussion et conclusion. Malgré de réels débouchés, plusieurs facteurs qui ont été analysés conduisent les agriculteurs à conserver une certaine méfiance à l'égard de la production d'agrumes. L'intensification de l'agrumiculture reste donc limitée. (Résumé d'auteur

    A conceptual framework to assess vulnerability. Application to global change stressors on South Indian farmers

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    [La nature des conflits dans les accords internationaux : le cas de l'Engagement international]

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    International audienceLa multiplication des forums internationaux de négociation environnementale et leur échec à atteindre des compromis viables renforcent le besoin d'outils analytiques pour comprendre la dynamique du processus de négociation afin de mettre en place des procédures de négociation plus efficaces et d'améliorer ainsi la qualité et la stabilité des accords obtenus. L'article développe un cadre d'analyse identifiant quatre formes de conflits et quatre structures de négociations correspondantes (système d'apprentissage, d'intégration, de redistribution et de coordination). Ce cadre est ensuite appliqué à l'étude de la négociation sur les ressources génétiques agricoles (l'Engagement international)

    A constructivist approach toward a general definition of biodiversity

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    Biodiversity sciences witness a double dynamic. Whereas the need for interdisciplinary approaches is increasingly appreciated, most disciplinary studies are still confined to developing operational, discipline-specific indices. We show that a reassessment of the general notion of biodiversity is needed to clarify this situation. We advocate a new approach, according to which the main usefulness of this notion is not to capture quantitatively biological objects or processes, but to organize meaningful and coherent interdisciplinary interactions by constructively criticizing disciplinary studies. We apply this approach to ecological-economic models, in the hope of launching more fruitful critical dialogs between economists and biologists

    Des processus de négociations pour la protection de la biodiversité

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    International audienceOn considère un pays en développement détenant le potentiel de conservation de la biodiversité et des pays développés qui bénéficient de cette biodiversité sans pouvoir la produire. A l'équilibre, une augmentation de l'effort de conservation serait néfaste pour le pays en développement, alors que les pays développés et le monde dans son ensemble profiteraient d'une augmentation de biodiversité. Autrement dit, la conservation de la biodiversité est un bien public global. Le problème de négociation est le suivant : comment organiser des transferts compensatoires des pays développés vers les pays en développement afin de produire un niveau de biodiversité proche de l'optimum de Pareto, sachant que : (i) chacun des pays développés est susceptible de se comporter en free-rider et laisser les autres pays contribuer, (ii) il n'existe pas d'autorité supranationale qui détient l'information nécessaire sur le consentement à payer des pays pour produire la biodiversité et qui a le pouvoir d'imposer une règle de transfert socialement efficace ? Le document explore comment et dans quelle mesure la théorie des processus d'allocation des ressources apporte des réponses à ce problème. Il est centré sur les propriétés incitatives des processus de négociation proposées et leur capacité à respecter la contrainte de souveraineté des Etats