265 research outputs found

    On the mean width of log-concave functions

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    In this work we present a new, natural, definition for the mean width of log-concave functions. We show that the new definition coincide with a previous one by B. Klartag and V. Milman, and deduce some properties of the mean width, including an Urysohn type inequality. Finally, we prove a functional version of the finite volume ratio estimate and the low-M* estimate.Comment: 15 page

    Almost Euclidean sections of the N-dimensional cross-polytope using O(N) random bits

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    It is well known that R^N has subspaces of dimension proportional to N on which the \ell_1 norm is equivalent to the \ell_2 norm; however, no explicit constructions are known. Extending earlier work by Artstein--Avidan and Milman, we prove that such a subspace can be generated using O(N) random bits.Comment: 16 pages; minor changes in the introduction to make it more accessible to both Math and CS reader

    A characterization of the support map

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    AbstractIn this short note we give a characterization of the support map from classical convexity. We show it is the unique additive transformation from the class of closed convex sets in Rn which include 0 to the class of positive 1-homogeneous functions on Rn. This will be a consequence of a theorem about transforms from the class of convex sets to itself which preserve Minkowski addition

    On almost randomizing channels with a short Kraus decomposition

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    For large d, we study quantum channels on C^d obtained by selecting randomly N independent Kraus operators according to a probability measure mu on the unitary group U(d). When mu is the Haar measure, we show that for N>d/epsilon^2,suchachannelisepsilonrandomizingwithhighprobability,whichmeansthatitmapseverystatewithindistanceepsilon/d(inoperatornorm)ofthemaximallymixedstate.ThisslightlyimprovesonaresultbyHayden,Leung,ShorandWinterbyoptimizingtheirdiscretizationargument.Moreover,forgeneralmu,weobtainaepsilonrandomizingchannelprovidedN>d(logd)6/epsilon2, such a channel is epsilon-randomizing with high probability, which means that it maps every state within distance epsilon/d (in operator norm) of the maximally mixed state. This slightly improves on a result by Hayden, Leung, Shor and Winter by optimizing their discretization argument. Moreover, for general mu, we obtain a epsilon-randomizing channel provided N > d (\log d)^6/epsilon^2. For d=2^k (k qubits), this includes Kraus operators obtained by tensoring k random Pauli matrices. The proof uses recent results on empirical processes in Banach spaces.Comment: We added some background on geometry of Banach space

    Almost-Euclidean subspaces of 1N\ell_1^N via tensor products: a simple approach to randomness reduction

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    It has been known since 1970's that the N-dimensional 1\ell_1-space contains nearly Euclidean subspaces whose dimension is Ω(N)\Omega(N). However, proofs of existence of such subspaces were probabilistic, hence non-constructive, which made the results not-quite-suitable for subsequently discovered applications to high-dimensional nearest neighbor search, error-correcting codes over the reals, compressive sensing and other computational problems. In this paper we present a "low-tech" scheme which, for any a>0a > 0, allows to exhibit nearly Euclidean Ω(N)\Omega(N)-dimensional subspaces of 1N\ell_1^N while using only NaN^a random bits. Our results extend and complement (particularly) recent work by Guruswami-Lee-Wigderson. Characteristic features of our approach include (1) simplicity (we use only tensor products) and (2) yielding "almost Euclidean" subspaces with arbitrarily small distortions.Comment: 11 pages; title change, abstract and references added, other minor change