327 research outputs found

    Analisis Rantai Nilai Industri Kecil Pengolahan Terong Menjadi Cheesestick Terong

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    Cheesestick terong menjadi suatu inovasi dalam pengolahan agroindustri untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat di desa Genteng kecamatan Sukasari Kabupaten Sumedang. Karena adanya rantai dalam produksi menimbulkan adanya ketergantungan dan kurangnya keterlibatan dalam aktivitas rantai tersebut, hal tersebut berdampak terhadap ketidakpastian pendapatan yang diperoleh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi rantai nilai pengolahan terong dari petani ke IAAS, mengetahui laba dari masing-masing pelaku berdasarkan keterlibatan dan ketergantungan antar pelaku dalam rantai nilai, mengetahui besarnya keuntungan pengolahan terong tersebut dan kontribusinya terhadap pendapatan anggota Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Mentari dan memberikan strategi penguatan produksi cheesestick terong di desa Genteng. Analisis data terdiri dari analisis rantai nilai, analisis nilai tambah, analisis USAha, dan analis kontribusi pendapatan. Hasil penelitian terdapat tiga aktor pelaku dalam rantai nilai cheesestick terong yaitu petani, KWT Mentari, dan IAAS. Pelaku KWT Mentari adalah pelaku yang mendapatkan nilai tambah tertinggi yaitu Rp 43.200/Kg dan pelaku yang mendapat nilai tambah terendah adalah IAAS yaitu Rp 2.370/Kg

    Pendayagunaan Irigasi Airtanah Menunjang Budidaya Tanaman Secara Produktif Pada Lahan Kering (The Utilization Of Groundwater Irrigation To Support Farming System In Dry Land Area)

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    The Utilization of shallow groundwater well to support cropping pattern in thy land area should be directed to increase land and water pâ¢oductivities through proper irrigation management and effective operation of groundwater irrigation pump. By the concept that a certain plant needs a certain amount of transpired water through its leaves to produce 1 kg dry product during its production cycle, an attempt is done to determine technical and economic aspects of the groundwater irrigation system to utilize water and energy efficiently by improving the conjunctive use of rainfall and groundwater irrigation in thy land area. A set of centrifugal pump (0 2") was used to lift water from the shallow groundwater well at total head of 22 in (Suction head = 12 in and delivery head = 10 tn) and was used to irrigate maize, peanut and onion crops at different planting schedules depend on market demand. Furrow irrigation is used to apply supplemental water to crops. The result obtained indicates that the introduced technology is suitable to be applied at farm level. In order to reduce operational cost of pump, simulation was done to determine the most appropriate planting schedule using computer simulation model. By taking planting schedule back approximately-2 weeks reducing annual irrigation requirement of 500 to 600 in3/ha and reduce annual operation pump of 66,5 hour/ha/year.-140 hour/ha/year. Advanced analysis using economic feasibility analysis indicates technology introduced suitable to applied with B/C ratio = 1,25 (maize), 1,83 (peanut) and 2,36 (onion). Key words : Ground waterirrigation, farming system, and dry lan

    Keragaman Mutu Pati Beberapa Varietas Jagung

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    Corn-based industry requires information on physicochemical properties and functional characteristics of starch. The Information is useful as an indication of each corn variety for its USAge. Corn starch characterization was done in the ICERI Laboratory of Food Processing and Chemistry Service, Maros, South Sulawesi. The starch was extracted using the wet method, and then the resulting starch was analyzed for its proximate composition, physicochemical and functional properties. The results showed that the characteristics of starch from all varieties, including moisture, ash, starch, and degree whiteness satisfied the SII (Indonesian Industrial Standard). From the eleven samples that were evaluated could be classified into three criteria, namely: low amylose content 3.98-6.87% (waxy), moderate amylose content 23.26-24.85% (Local Takalar, Anoman), slightly high amylose content 30.60-31.85% (Srikandi Putih, Srikandi kuning) and high amylose content 45.87-48.29% (Palakka, Krisna, Bisma, Lamuru). Starch components of amylose correlated with functional property and amylograf property, while the protein and fat each did not show meaningful correlation. The information obtained from this research is useful as a database of corn starch characteristic which is useful for the future corn processing and also as reference for further research

    Relationship Between Surfactant and Population of Heterotrophic Bacteria in Estuary of Dumai River Dumai City Riau Province

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    This research was conducted on April 2017. Sampling was conducted in estuary of Dumai River, Dumai City, Riau Province. A study aims to determine the relationship between concentration of surfactant and population of heterotrophic bacteria in the estuary waters of Dumai River Dumai City Riau Province. Sampling was done at 6 sampling points (stations). The analysis of surfactant concentration was conducted at the Chemical Laboratory of the Sea and the total analysis of heterotrophic bacteria at the Marine Microbiology Laboratory of Department of Marine Science Faculty of Fisheries and Marine University of Riau, Pekanbaru. The results showed that the highest concentration of surfactant was found at Station 5 (0.8538 mg / l) and the lowest at Station 1 (0.2025 mg / l). Then, the logarithm of the highest average total colony was found at Station 1 (6.18 cells / ml) while the lowest at Station 5 (5.66 cells / ml). The correlation concentration models of surfactant with the total colony using regression was negative correlation Y = 6.3745 - 0.7882 (X), R2 = 0.8622, r = 0.9285 showed that the value of surfactant concentration (X) increased by 1 unit will decrease the total of colony (Y) was 0,7882 cells/ml, with the effect of surfactant to bacteria equal 85% and the level of closeness of the relationship was 93%

    Dielectric properties of PbSrWO4 and PbBaWO4 compounds

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    PbSrWO4 and PbBaWO4 have been synthesised by the solid state reaction technique XRD patterns show them to be tetragonal. Dielectric constant (K/) and Dielectric loss (K//) of PbSrWO4 and PbBaWO4 have been measured at 1 kHz in the temperature range of 300 to 1050 K. The log K/ vs T as well as log K// vs T plot of PbSrWO4 and PbBaWO4 shows rapid increase of dielectric constant above 590 K and 640 K, respectively.Author Affiliation: S V Singh, A N Thakur, O P Singh, S C Kumar and Aqil Ahmad 1.Department of Physics, T D Post Graduate College Jaunpur-222 002, Uttar Pradesh, India E-mail : [email protected] of Physics, T D Post Graduate College Jaunpur-222 002, Uttar Pradesh, Indi


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    Penelitian ini menggembangakan model matematika penyebaran penyakit COVID-19 SEIR dengan lockdown dan karantina. Pembentukan model diawali dengan membuat asumsi dan diagram kompartemen alur penyebaran COVID-19 dengan lockdown dan karantina. Kemudian dibentuk sistem persamaan diferensial nonlinear berdasarkan diagram kompartemen tersebut. Analisis sistem dilakukan dengan menentukan titik ekuilibrium dan bilangan reproduksi dasar (). Hasilnya diperoleh dua buah titik ekuilibrium yakni titik ekuilibrium bebas penyakit yang eksistensinya tanpa syarat dan titik ekuilibrium endemik yang eksistensinya bergantung pada bilangan reproduksi dasar (> 1). Selanjutnya, analisis kestabilan titik ekuilibrium bebas penyakit menggunakan analisis nilai eigen matriks Jacobi dan Kriteria Routh-Hurwitz diperoleh titik kestimbangan bebas penyakit bersifat stabil asimtotik lokal jika . Terakhir simulasi model dilakukan untuk memberikan gambaran geometris dari solusi dan untuk mendukung teorema yang diperoleh. Hasil simulasi numerik yang dilakukan mendukung hasil analisis dinamik yang diperoleh

    Health related quality of life among Iraqi immigrants settled in Malaysia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Migrants everywhere face several demands for health and maintaining good health and quality of life could be challenging. Iraqis are the second largest refugee group that has sought refuge in the recent years, yet little is known about their health related quality of life (HRQOL). The study aims at assessing the HRQOL among Iraqis living in Malaysia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A self-administered Arabic version of Sf-36 questionnaire was distributed among 300 Iraqi migrants in Malaysia. The questionnaire taps eight concepts of physical and mental health to assess the HRQOL. Univariate analysis was performed for group analysis (t test, ANOVA) and Multiple Linear Regression was used to control for confounding effects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two hundred and fifty three participants ranging in age from 18 to 67 years (Mean = 33.6) returned the completed questionnaire. The majority was males (60.1%) and more than half of the respondents (59.5%) were married. Less than half (45.4%) and about a quarter (25.9%) reported bachelor degree and secondary school education respectively and the remaining 28.7% had either a master or a PhD degree.</p> <p>Univariate analysis showed that the HRQOL scores among male immigrants were found to be higher than those of females in physical function (80.0 vs. 73.5), general health (72.5 vs. 60.7) and bodily pain (87.9 vs. 72.5) subscales. The youngest age group had significantly higher physical function (79.32) and lower mental health scores (57.62).</p> <p>The mean score of physical component summary was higher than the mental component summary mean score (70.22 vs. 63.34).</p> <p>Stepwise multiple linear regression, revealed that gender was significantly associated with physical component summary (β = - 6.06, p = 0.007) and marital status was associated with mental component summary (β = 7.08, p = 0.003).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>From the data it appears that Iraqi immigrants living in Malaysia have HRQOL scores that might be considered to indicate a relatively moderate HRQOL. The HRQOL is significantly affected by gender and marital status. Further studies are needed to explore determinants of HRQOL consequent to immigration. The findings could be worthy of further exploration.</p