1,567 research outputs found

    Overview of Relation Between Coverage of Health Services and Maternal Mortality in East Java Province in 2015

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    Objectives: to analyze the efforts of maternal health services that may affect maternal mortality rate.Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at the Health Office of East Java using secondary data from 38 districts/cities in East Java in 2015 that includes performance antenatal care K1 and K4, postnatal care, early detection of complications in pregnant women, natal in health workers and health facilities, management of complications by health workers and MMR. Data were analyzed with statistical method with spatial regression and illustrated with thematic maps by application ArcView statistics.Results: the highest MMR was in Bojonegoro district, Lumajang, Probolinggo, Bondowoso, Situbondo and Probolinggo city. Some districts/cities that have the highest maternal mortality has proximity of areas, namely the district Lumajang, Probolinggo, Bondowoso, Situbondo and Probolinggo city. Their proximity concluded an association condition and the causes of MMR between districts so they can be studied more in depth about the causes of MMR kind of social, cultural and geographical characteristics. The coverage maternal health services to all districts/cities in East Java province is not much difference.Conclusion: the maternal mortality rate in the district/city of East Java province in 2015 was not much affected by maternal health services so we need more research on other causes of MMR in districts/city of East Java Province


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) kompetensi hard skill yang dikuasai oleh mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Boga dalam praktek industri bidang produksi restoran, 2) kompetensi soft skill yang dikuasai oleh mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Boga dalam praktek industri bidang produksi restoran, 3) kompetensi hard skill yang dikuasai oleh mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Boga dalam praktek industri bidang pelayanan restoran, 4) kompetensi soft skill yang dikuasai oleh mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Boga dalam praktek industri bidang pelayanan restoran, 5) kompetensi yang dikuasai oleh mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Boga setelah melaksanakan praktek industri. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di restoran non formal yaitu: Gudeg Bu Tjitro, Prambanan Garden Resto, Pesta Perak Restoran, Restoran Taman Pring Sewu dan Sogan Village Restoran. Validitas instrumen mengunakan rumus korelasi product moment dan reliabilitas mengunakan rumus KR-20. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode angket tertutup dan angket terbuka dengan sampel 5 reponden dari bidang produksi dan 5 responden dari bidang pelayanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Kompetansi hard skill bidang produksi yang dikuasai oleh mahasiswa, pada aspek pengetahuan menunjukkan kategori baik dengan prosentase 33%, cukup baik dengan prosentase 27%, kurang baik dengan prosentase 27%, dan sangat kurang baik dengan prosentase 13%. Aspek ketrampilan sebagian besar menunjukkan tingkat penguasaan kompetensi antara 40% sampai dengan 60%. 2) Kompetansi soft skill bidang produksi yang dikuasai oleh mahasiswa, pada aspek interpersonal intelligece menunjukkan kategori baik dengan prosentase 80% dan cukup baik dengan prosentase 20%. Aspek intrapersonal intelligece menunjukkan kategori baik dengan prosentase 40% kategori kurang baik dengan prosentase 60%. 3) Kompetansi hard skill bidang pelayanan yang dikuasai oleh mahasiswa, pada aspek pengetahuan menunjukkan kategori baik dengan prosentase 42%, cukup baik dengan prosentase 33% dan sangat kurang baik dengan prosentase 25%. Aspek ketrampilan sebagian besar menunjukkan tingkat penguasaan kompetensi sebesar 40%. 4) Kompetansi soft skill bidang pelayanan yang dikuasai oleh mahasiswa, pada aspek interpersonal intelligece menunjukkan kategori baik dengan prosentase 80% dan cukup baik dengan prosentase 20%. Aspek intrapersonal intelligece menunjukkan kategori baik dengan prosentase 20% dan cukup baik dengan prosentase 60% dan kurang baik dengan prosentase 20%. 5) Kompetensi mahasiswa di bidang produksi meningkat 1,25 kali sampai dengan 5 kali lipat. Kompetensi mahasiswa di bidang pelayanan meningkat sebesar 1,25 kali sampai dengan 4 kali lipat dari kompetensi yang dikuasai sebelum Praktek Industri

    Magnetocaloric properties of nanocrystalline La0.125_{0.125}Ca0.875_{0.875}MnO3_{3}

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    Some recent experimental studies show the invisibility of antiferromagnetic transition in the cases of manganites when their particle size is reduced to nanometer scale. In complete contrast to these cases, we have observed the signature of antiferromagnetic transition in the magnetocaloric properties of nanocrystalline La0.125_{0.125}Ca0.875_{0.875}MnO3_{3} of average particle size 70 and 60 nm similar to its polycrystalline bulk form. The system exhibit inverse magnetocaloric effect in its polycrystalline and nanocrystalline form. An extra ferromagnetic phase is stabilized at low temperature for the sample with particle size ∼60\sim 60 nm.Comment: 3 Figure

    Genre and the Invention of the Writer: Reconsidering the Place of Invention in Composition

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    In a focused and compelling discussion, Anis Bawarshi looks to genre theory for what it can contribute to a refined understanding of invention. In describing what he calls the genre function, he explores what is at stake for the study and teaching of writing to imagine invention as a way that writers locate themselves, via genres, within various positions and activities. He argues, in fact, that invention is a process in which writers are acted upon by genres as much as they act themselves. Such an approach naturally requires the composition scholar to re-place invention from the writer to the sites of action, the genres, in which the writer participates. This move calls for a thoroughly rhetorical view of invention, roughly in the tradition of Richard Young, Janice Lauer, and those who have followed them. Bawarshi is also keenly interested in the writing classroom. Instead of mastering notions of good writing, Bawarshi feels that students gain more from learning how to adapt socially and rhetorically as they move from one genred site of action to the next. He explores the major genres of the classroom (the syllabus, the writing prompt) as a way to introduce such an approach. He argues strongly and concretely for making the rhetorical art of adaptation central to first-year writing instruction, empowering students to navigate disciplinary and professional boundaries that await them beyond the writing classroom.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/1140/thumbnail.jp

    Analisis Lalu Lintas Simpang Bersinyal pada Ruas Jalan Hb. Yasin Km 5 Kota Gorontalo

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      Jalan HB. Yasin KM 5 yang ada di Kota Gorontalo merupakan salah satu jalan penghubung langsung lalu lintas dari luar kota ke pusat Kota Gorontalo dan merupakan jaringan jalan perkotaan. Dengan kondisi jalan yang termasuk kawasan pemukiman, rumah makan dan SPBU yang menyebabkan kemacetan lalu lintas pada ruas jalan tersebut. Karena itulah perlu dilakukan Analisis penanganan arus lalu lintas pada ruas Jalan HB. Yasin KM 5 di Kota Gorontalo dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja dan faktor yang mempengaruhi kemacetan pada ruas jalan tersebut serta solusi untuk mengatasi masalah kemacetan lalu lintas tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jalan HB. Yasin KM 5 Kota Gorontalo dengan panjang jalan 500 m, dan menggunakan Metode MKJI 1997. Data-data yang diambil berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer didapat dengan cara observasi langsung di lokasi penelitian yaitu pengukuran geometrik jalan yang meliputi lebar kerb, lebar jalan dan survei kendaraan. Data sekunder memberikan gambaran secara umum tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan objek dari penelitian. Waktu penelitian di lapangan dilakukan selama seminggu yaitu dari pukul 06.00-18.00 Wita. Berdasarkan Hasil Penelitian Analisis Kinerja Arus Lalu Lintas, diperoleh hasil Volume lalu lintas maksimum terjadi pada hari Jumat pukul 17.00 – 18.00 wita yaitu sebesar 1452,95 smp./jam. Sedangkan kapasitas diperoleh 2244,6 smp/jam. Kecepatan arus bebas kendaraan ringan di lokasi penelitian adalah 35,6  km/jam dengan waktu tempuh 0,014 jam (0,84 menit atau 50,56 detik). Derajat kejenuhan diperoleh (DS = 0,65), maka tingkat pelayanan di ruas Jalan HB. Yasin KM 5 Kota Gorontalo masih termasuk dalam kategori C, dimana kondisi arus stabil, kecepatan lalu lintas sekitar 40 km/jam (tanpa ada hambatan), Volume lalu lintas sekitar 75% dari kapasitas (1500 smp/jam/lajur).   Keywords  :  Volume Lalu Lintas, Kapasitas, MKJI 199

    Internship Program As a Strategy for Employability in Bahrain

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    This article discusses the available literature on the human capital theories and that are related to vocational education and training in some of the developing countries. Issues and concerned were discussed. Although University College Bahrain (UCB) is not an institution that solely runs on VET but the idea of VET is related. UCB introduces courses that applied internship practice in its degree program as a major strategy for employability as presented in this article. It also took into account the concerned and the challenges faced by the institution.     Keywords: Internship Program, VET, Empowering Educatio

    Examination of Acid-Fast Bacilli in Sputum Using Modified Light Microscope with Homemade Light Emitting Diode Additional Attachment

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    Typical clinical symptoms and chest X-ray is a marker of Tuberculosis (TB) sufferers. However, the diagnosis of TB in adults should be supported by microscopic examination. Currently, Bacilli microscopic examination of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in sputum by Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) coloring is the most widely used. However, for reasons of convenience, especially for laboratories with a considerable amount of smear samples, and due to higher sensitivity compared with ZN staining, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended the use of auramine-O-staining (fluorochrome  staining), which is visualized by light emitting diode (LED) fluorescence microscopy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of modified light microscope with homemade LED additional attachment for examination of AFB in sputum using auramine-O-staining method. We compared the sensitivity and specificity of 2 kinds of AFB in sputum methods: ZN and fluorochrome, using culture on Lowenstein-Jensen media as the gold standard. The results showed auramine-O-staining gives more proportion of positive findings (81%) compared to the ZN method (70%). These results demonstrated that the sensitivity of auramine-O-staining was higher than ZN, however it gives more potential false positive results than ZN. The sensitivity of auramine-O-staining in detecting AFB in sputum was 100% while the specificity was 88%

    Information Encoding/Decoding using the Memory Effect in Fractional-order Capacitive Devices

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    In this study, we show that the discharge voltage pattern of a fractional-order supercapacitor from the same initial steady-state voltage into a constant resistor is dependent on the past charging voltage profile. The charging voltage was designed to follow a power-law function, i.e. vc(t)=Vcc(t/tss)p  (0<t⩽tss)v_c(t)=V_{cc} \left( {t}/{t_{ss}}\right)^p \;(0<t \leqslant t_{ss}), in which tsst_{ss} (charging time duration between zero voltage to the terminal voltage VccV_{cc}) and pp (0<p<10<p<1) act as two variable parameters. We used this history-dependence of the dynamic behavior of the device to uniquely retrieve information pre-coded in the charging waveform pattern. Furthermore, we provide an analytical model based on fractional calculus that explains phenomenologically the information storage mechanism. The use of this intrinsic material memory effect may lead to new types of methods for information storage and retrieval.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Submitted on Jan 28, 2021 to ACS Applied Electronic Materials - Manuscript ID: el-2021-00092


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    Pelatihan kewirausahaan dalam masyarakat sangat diperlukan, terutama usaha kecil. Masalah-masalah yang sering muncul terutama pada pengusaha kecil yaitu masih lemahnya mental berwirausaha, tidak konsisten, kurang percaya diri, kurang update tentang teknologi, dan tidak memperhatikan mutu bahan yang digunakan, serta perhitungan biaya yang masih kurang tepat. Oleh karena itu, pelatihan diperlukan sebagai salah satu upaya dalam meningkatkan mental berwirausaha serta perhitungan biaya produksi yang tepat. Metode kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu ceramah serta praktek menghitung harga pokok produksi secara langsung. Kegiatan pengabdian diawali dengan ceramah mengenai mental dan kepribadian yang harus dimiliki seorang wirausahawan. Tim kemudian melanjutkan dengan penyampaian materi tentang perhitungan harga pokok produksi. Khalayak sasaran diminta menghitung seluruh biaya yang dikeluarkan selama proses produksi. Tim pengabdian menemukan bahwa dari perhitungan harga pokok produksi pada semua kelompok belum ada yang mendapatkan keuntungan. 60% kelompok mengalami impas, dan 40% kelompok mengalami kerugian. Tim pengabdian menyarankan kepada khalayak sasaran bahwa kedepannya dapat menghitung seluruh biaya yang diekluarkan selama produksi serta meningkatkan harga jual produknya. 
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