197 research outputs found

    Optimization Study on Carbonization of Palm Kernel Shell Using Response Surface Method

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    The carbonization of Palm Kernel Shell (PKS) was carried out in a constant volume reactor and the optimization of the important factors (Temperature, Particle Size, and Residence time) that affect the quality of the biochar product was investigated using Response Surface Method (RSM-CCD). The characterization results before carbonization show that PKS is a potential biomass to be considered as an alternative for fossil fuel. Center Composite Design (CCD) was employed in the carbonization process to investigate the effect of process parameters on the quality of bio-char formed. The optimized conditions obtained for fixed carbon yield were temperature of 469.16oC, the particle size of mm, the residence time of 17.68 min, and these optimized conditions gave a fixed carbon of 79.65 % with a corresponding yield of 34.00 % while the temperature was observed to be the most influential factor. The optimized conditions were validated and the predicted results were in good agreement with the experimental results, as the relative error between the predicted and experimental values for the fixed carbon and corresponding percentage yield were -1.26 and 0.36 %, respectively. The study revealed the potential of PKS at different particle sizes considered, to be used as solid fuel

    Optimization Study on Carbonization of Palm Kernel Shell Using Response Surface Method

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    The carbonization of Palm Kernel Shell (PKS) was carried out in a constant volume reactor and the optimization of the important factors (Temperature, Particle Size, and Residence time) that affect the quality of the biochar product was investigated using Response Surface Method (RSM-CCD). The characterization results before carbonization show that PKS is a potential biomass to be considered as an alternative for fossil fuel. Center Composite Design (CCD) was employed in the carbonization process to investigate the effect of process parameters on the quality of bio-char formed. The optimized conditions obtained for fixed carbon yield were temperature of 469.16oC, the particle size of mm, the residence time of 17.68 min, and these optimized conditions gave a fixed carbon of 79.65 % with a corresponding yield of 34.00 % while the temperature was observed to be the most influential factor. The optimized conditions were validated and the predicted results were in good agreement with the experimental results, as the relative error between the predicted and experimental values for the fixed carbon and corresponding percentage yield were -1.26 and 0.36 %, respectively. The study revealed the potential of PKS at different particle sizes considered, to be used as solid fuel

    Urinalysis in Great Dane Puppies from Birth to 28 Days of Age

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    Urinalysis, a common test in infants, could represent a suitable non-invasive clinical tool in puppies. In dog neonates, urine is easily collected by stimulating the somato-vesccal reflex. Information on urine characteristics during the neonatal period is missing. Beside instrumental laboratory analyses, the dipstick was proven useful for rapid urinalysis to evaluate specific gravity (SG), pH, leukocytes, nitrites, glucose, proteins, ketones, urobilinogen, bilirubin, and blood. The present study aimed to describe urinalysis features by the dipstick test and refractometer along the neonatal period. Urine samples (n = 624) were collected by manual stimulation from 48 healthy Great Danes, daily from birth to seven days, then twice a week until 28 days, to assess age-related changes (ANOVA, p < 0.05) and the possible effects of gender and litter (T-test, p < 0.05). The SG and pH significantly changed during the neonatal period. Other parameters did not vary significantly in relation to age. No significant differences were observed either among litters or between genders. The present study confirmed that canine kidneys are able to concentrate urine from the second week of age when the urinary SG started to be similar to adults, while pH still increased towards the typical values of adults at 28 days. Significant glucosuria and proteinuria were never detected. Dipstick urinalysis represents a useful first-line complementary tool in newborns clinical examination, providing information about systemic homeostasis

    Records of Diatoms and Physicochemical Parameters of Seasonal Ponds in Zaria- Northern Nigeria

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    A study of diatoms species composition, associated with four ponds in Zaria, Northern Nigeria was carried out between November 2005–January 2006 and June–August 2006. Twenty three taxa of diatoms were recorded in the study. Multivariate analysis showed that there were significant positive and negative relationships (P < 0.05) between some physicochemical parameters and diatom species in these ponds. CCA results showed that Synedra and Actinocyclus were closely associated with TDS, DO and water hardness; Nitzschia, Frustulia, Navicula and Coscinodiscus with NO-N and alkalinity; and Cyclotella, Tabellaria and Achnanthes with phosphate phosphorus 3 levels

    A biotic support during pregnancy to strengthen the gastrointestinal performance in puppies

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    Up to 60% of neonates can be affected by gastroenteritis due to specific pathogens or aspecific polymicrobial interactions. The present study evaluated if a dietary supplementation with MOS, FOS, E. faecium and L. acidophilus in pregnancy may reduce gastroenteritis in puppies. Fifteen Great Danes were divided in 3 groups. The control group (CG) ate a standard diet. In 2 study groups, the diet was supplemented with pre-and probiotics during the last (1WG) and the last 4 pregnancy weeks (4WG). Up to 9 weeks, puppies were checked daily to identify first-or second-presentation gastroenteritis. Data were processed by χ2 (P < 0.05). First-presentation gastroenteritis was more frequent in CG than in 1WG than in 4WG. Second-presentation gastroenteritis was more frequent in CG than in 1 and 4WG. Puppies from pre-and probiotics supplemented bitches were less prone to gastroenteritis. 1 or 4WG equally reduced second-presentation gastroenteritis in puppies, but 4WG was better than 1WG on first-presentation gastroenteritis. By entero-mammary link, supplemented bitches produced higher immune quality colostrum, thus puppies faced immunitary challenges better; moreover, maternal microbiota, positively altered by supplementation, was transferred to newborns, becoming more resistant to gastroenteritis. This information can be useful in clinical practice with the goal of preventing gastroenteritis in puppies and reducing its prevalence and severity

    Gender Analysis of Students Performances in Matching and Completion Test Formats; A Chemistry Achievement Test

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    This study compared the difficulty and discriminatory indices of boys and girls in matching and completion test format of chemistry achievement test. The research design was a descriptive   survey   type, the sample consisted of four hundred (400) SS 111 Students randomly selected from eight (8) public Senior Secondary Schools in A do Local Government Area of Ekiti State, The instrument was made up of two parallel objective test format on Chemistry Review Questionnaire (matching and completion formats).The first is a 60-item matching test which is essentially a replica of the sixty 60-item completion test. Both tests were strictly based on the same content. The two instruments were administered simultaneously. Data collected were analysed for P-values and d-values using correlation analysis, t-test and z-test. Two hypotheses were generated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the analysis showed that there is significant difference between the performance of male and female students in the completion test format of chemistry test; there is significant difference between the performance of male and female students in the matching test format of chemistry achievement test. It was therefore asserted that completion test and matching test can be used as complementary test item with the other forms of test in use presently. Keywords: Matching Tests, Difficulty Index, Difficulty Level, Discriminating Index, Completion Items, Item

    Effects of Alfaxalone or Propofol on Giant-Breed Dog Neonates Viability During Elective Caesarean Sections

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    Nowadays, thanks to the increased awareness of owners and breeders and to the most recent techniques available to veterinarians, the management of parturition, especially of C-sections, has become a topic of greater importance. Anesthesia is crucial and must be targeted to both the mother and neonates. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of the induction agent alfaxalone on the vitality of puppies born from elective C-section, in comparison to propofol. After inducing general anesthesia for elective C-section, puppies from the mothers induced with alfaxalone had higher 5-min Apgar scores than those induced with propofol. The concentration of cortisol in fetal fluids collected at birth is neither influenced by the anesthetic protocol used, nor does it differ between amniotic and allantoic fluids. Nevertheless, the cortisol concentration in fetal fluids affects the relationship between anesthesia and the Apgar score: the present study highlights a significant relationship between the anesthetic protocol used and Apgar score in puppies, and fetal fluids cortisol concentration acts as a covariate of this relationship. Alfaxalone is a safe and effective drug for the induction of anesthesia in dogs, and it can be successfully employed for elective C-section, with neonatal wellbeing improvements

    Pre- and Probiotics to Increase the Immune Power of Colostrum in Dogs

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    Wide differences in Ig concentration in canine colostrum have been reported. Thus, some litters can be at risk of passive immune transfer failure. Present study evaluated if supplementation with MOS, FOS, E. faecium and L. acidophilus along pregnancy increases colostrum quality. Twenty Great Dane bitches were divided into 4 groups. Control group (CG) received standard diet, only. Diet was supplemented with pre- and probiotics in other 3 study groups during: the last (1WG), last 2 (2WG), and last 4 (4WG) weeks of pregnancy, until parturition. Serum samples were collected at estrous (T0), supplementation beginning (T1), and parturition (T2). Colostrum was collected at C-section end. The IgG, IgM, and IgA were assayed on both matrices. In serum, IgG were higher at T0 than at parturition in all study groups and they significantly lowered from T0 to T1 in all groups. In colostrum, IgG and IgM were significantly higher in 4WG, while IgA already increased in 2WG group. Four-week pre- and probiotic supplementation resulted in the best immune properties of colostrum, as by the higher IgG, IgM, and IgA colostrum levels found in 4WG. Further studies would verify the exact mechanisms involved: pre-partum IgG mammary accumulation and B-cells GALT proliferation and mammary transfer. Further trials would verify whether these beneficial effects of pre- and probiotics on colostrum also lead to improved clinical conditions and immunological functions of newborns and puppies

    Ejaculation effect on canine prostatic specific esterase serum concentration

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    Canine prostatic diseases are usually asymptomatic in their onset and often identified in advanced stages. Canine prostatic specific esterase (CPSE) represents an early serum marker for prostatic diseases, also in asymptomatic dogs. The present study aimed to identify the effects of ejaculation on serum CPSE. Twenty adult intact male dogs were enrolled. Blood samples were collected to measure CPSE concentrations before (T0), immediately after (T1), and 24 h post (T2) ejaculation. Data were compared within and between groups by ANOVA (p < 0.05). Dogs were divided in two equal groups: A (healthy: CPSE ≤ 52.3 ng/mL at T0) and B (suspected for prostatic disorders: CPSE > 52.3 ng/mL or diagnosed with symptoms of prostatic diseases: CPSE > 90 ng/mL). CPSE was shown to be statistically higher in group B than A at any time point. In both groups, CPSE showed a significant increase at T1, and no significant differences between T0 and T2. This study demonstrates a definite effect of ejaculation on CPSE concentration. Twenty-four hours post-ejaculation, CPSE returns to basal values. Such physiological effects of ejaculation should be considered when planning analyses of CPSE concentrations, i.e., by respecting a proper sexual rest

    The putative role of environmental chemical exposure in the development of Cervical, Prostate and Colorectal (CPC) cancers in Jamaica

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    Objective: Heavy metals in human tissues are thought to both develop and progress some types of cancers. Industrial mining in Jamaica has resulted in documented environmental and health issues. Mapping of soils in Jamaica shows major deposits of cadmium from bauxite mining in the central parts of Jamaica, which is significantly higher (100 to 1000 times) than worldwide critical limits. The present study was done to ascertain if there is a relationship between areas with high densities of cadmium and cervical-prostate and colorectal (CPC) cases. Patients and Methods: This was a retrospective study; clinical records of CPC patients were abstracted from hospital files. Cases of CPC were categorized by parish and then compared with the distribution of cadmium in these parishes. The relationship between the numbers of CPC cases high cadmium density was explored using Pearson’s Chi. Results: Compared to the mean number of cases across Jamaica, parishes with high cadmium levels had a significantly higher proportion of CPC cases (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The higher number of CPC cases in parishes with reported cadmium levels cadmium suggests a plausible relationship. More work will be needed to establish if there is a definitive link between the levels of cadmium in CPC cases compared to healthy individuals
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