389 research outputs found

    Coherent control of the cooperative branching ratio for nuclear x-ray pumping

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    Coherent control of nuclear pumping in a three level system driven by x-ray light is investigated. In single nuclei, the pumping performance is determined by the branching ratio of the excited state populated by the x-ray pulse. Our results are based on the observation that in ensembles of nuclei, cooperative excitation and decay leads to a greatly modified nuclear dynamics, which we characterize by a time-dependent cooperative branching ratio. We discuss prospects of steering the x-ray pumping by coherently controlling the cooperative decay. First, we study an ideal case with purely superradiant decay and perfect control of the cooperative emission. A numerical analysis of x-ray pumping in nuclear forward scattering with coherent control of the cooperative decay via externally applied magnetic fields is presented. Next, we provide an extended survey of nuclei suitable for our scheme, and propose proof-of-principle implementations already possible with typical M\"ossbauer nuclear systems such as 57Fe^{57}\mathrm{Fe}. Finally, we discuss the application of such control techniques to the population or depletion of long-lived nuclear states.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures; updated to the published versio

    Observations of Stellar Objects at a Shell Boundary in the Star-Forming Complex in the Galaxy IC1613

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    The single region of ongoing star formation in the galaxy IC 1613 has been observed in order to reveal the nature of compact emission-line objects at the edges of two shells in the complex, identified earlier in H-alpha line images. The continuum images show these compact objects to be stars. Detailed spectroscopic observations of these stars and the surrounding nebulae were carried out with an integral field spectrograph MPFS mounted on the 6m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. The resulting stellar spectra were used to determine the spectral types and luminosity classes of the objects. An Of star we identified is the only object of this spectral type in IC 1613. The results of optical observations of the multi-shell complex are compared to 21cm radio observations. The shells harboring the stars at their boundaries constitute the most active part of the star-forming region. There is evidence that shocks have played an important role in the formation of the shells.Comment: 10 pages, 5 PS and 1 color JPEG figur

    Modulational instability of bright solitary waves in incoherently coupled nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations

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    We present a detailed analysis of the modulational instability (MI) of ground-state bright solitary solutions of two incoherently coupled nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations. Varying the relative strength of cross-phase and self-phase effects we show existence and origin of four branches of MI of the two-wave solitary solutions. We give a physical interpretation of our results in terms of the group velocity dispersion (GVD) induced polarization dynamics of spatial solitary waves. In particular, we show that in media with normal GVD spatial symmetry breaking changes to polarization symmetry breaking when the relative strength of the cross-phase modulation exceeds a certain threshold value. The analytical and numerical stability analyses are fully supported by an extensive series of numerical simulations of the full model.Comment: Physical Review E, July, 199

    Analysis of Epidemiological Situation on Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region, and Prognosis of Its Development for the Past-Flood Period in 2013-2014

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    Complex analysis of the data concerning epidemiological situation on HFRS in the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region for the past decade (2003-2012) previous to high water in 2013 and results of operative epidemiological inspection of the flooding area and the adjoining territory where a high index of laboratory evidences of the virus presence in the main carriers was revealed, outlines high probability of the epidemiological condition complications in view of the infection in the post-flooding period in 2013-2014 in the both entities. Therewith on the basis of the unfavorable prognosis for the epidemiological situation development a Plan of organizational, preventive and anti-epidemic measures directed to minimization of risks related to aggravation of epidemiological situation on hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome has been developed and is being implemented

    A Giant Bipolar Shell around the WO star in the Galaxy IC 1613: Structure and Kinematics

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    Observations of the nebula associated with the WO star in the galaxy IC 1613 are presented. The observations were carried out with a scanning Interferometer Fabry-Perot in H_alpha at the 6m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope; narrow-band H_alpha and [OIII] images were obtained with the 4-m KPNO telescope. The monochromatic H_alpha image clearly reveals a giant bipolar shell structure outside the bright nebula S3. The sizes of the southeastern and northwestern shells are 112x77 pc and (186-192)x(214-224) pc, respectively. We have studied the object's kinematics for the first time and found evidence for expansion of both shells. The expansion velocities of the southeastern and northwestern shells exceed 50 and 70 km/s, respectively. We revealed a filamentary structure of the shells and several compact features in the S3 core. A scenario is proposed for the formation of the giant bipolar structure by the stellar wind from the central WO star located at the boundary of a dense ``supercavity'' in the galaxy's H I distribution.Comment: 10 pages with 4 PS figure

    Идентификация маркеров аденокарциномы желудка на основе биоинформатического поиска и анализа генной экспрессии

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    Introduction. Searching for specific and sensitive molecular tumor markers is one of the important tasks of modern oncology. These markers can be used for early tumor diagnosis and prognosis as well as for prediction of therapeutic response, estimation of tumor volume or to assess disease recurrence through monitoring. Gene expression data base mining followed by experimental validation of results obtained is one of the promising approaches for searching of that kind.Objective: to identify several membrane proteins which can be used for serum diagnosis of intestinal type of gastric adenocarcinoma.Materials and methods. We used bioinformatic-driven search using Gene Ontology and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data to identify mRNA up-regulated in gastric cancer (GC). Then, the expression levels of the mRNAs in 55 pare clinical specimens were investigated using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.Results. Comparative analysis of the mRNA levels in normal and tumor tissues using a new bioinformatics algorithm allowed to identify 3 high-copy transcripts (SULF1, PMEPA1 and SPARC), intracellular content of which markedly increased in GC. Expression analysis of these genes in clinical specimens showed significantly higher mRNA levels of PMEPA1 and SPARC in tumor as compared to normal gastric tissue. Interestingly more than twofold increase in expression level of these genes was observed in 75 % of intestinal-type GC. The same results were found only in 25 and 38 % of diffuse-type GC respectively.Conclusions. As a result of original bioinforamtic analysis using TCGA data base two genes (PMEPA1 and SPARC) were shown to be significantly upregulated in intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma. The findings show the importance of further investigation to clarify the clinical value of their expression level in stomach tumors as well as their role in carcinogenesis.Введение. Одна из важных задач современной онкологии – поиск ассоциированных с опухолями молекулярных маркеров, которые могут использоваться для диагностики и прогнозирования рака, оценки степени радикальности операции и последующего лечения, а также раннего выявления рецидивов. Одним из продуктивных вариантов подобного поиска является анализ транскриптомных баз данных с применением методов биоинформатики с последующей валидацией полученных результатов на клиническом материале.Цель исследования – поиск мембранных белков, которые могут быть использованы для сывороточной диагностики аденокарциномы желудка интестинального гистологического типа.Материалы и методы. Идентификацию потенциальных маркеров рака желудка (РЖ) проводили с использованием баз данных Gene Ontology и the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Последующую оценку дифференциальной экспрессии генов выполняли на парных образцах аденокарциномы и нормальной ткани желудка, взятых от 55 пациентов. Экспрессию генов оценивали с помощью полимеразной цепной реакции с обратной транскрипцией в режиме реального времени по методу ΔCq.Результаты. Сравнительный анализ уровней синтеза матричных РНК (мРНК) нормальных и опухолевых тканей с применением нового алгоритма биоинформатического поиска привел к идентификации 3 наиболее высококопийных транскриптов (SULF1, PMEPA1 и SPARC), внутриклеточное содержание которых заметно повышается при РЖ. При анализе уровня мРНК данных генов в клиническом материале наблюдалось более чем двукратное увеличение уровня экспрессии PMEPA1 и SPARC в 75 % образцов РЖ интестинального гистологического типа. В образцах РЖ диффузного гистологического типа этот показатель составил 25 и 38 % соответственно.Выводы. Использование оригинального биоинформатического подхода, основанного на анализе данных TCGA, позволило выявить 2 гена (PMEPA1 и SPARC), преимущественно экспрессирующихся в опухолях желудка интестинального типа. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют об актуальности дальнейшего исследования роли этих генов в патогенезе РЖ и оценки клинической значимости уровня их экспрессии в опухолевой ткани

    Reactivity of Metal-Free and Metal-Associated Amyloid-?? with Glycosylated Polyphenols and Their Esterified Derivatives

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    Both amyloid-?? (A??) and transition metal ions are shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer???s disease (AD), though the importance of their interactions remains unclear. Multifunctional molecules, which can target metal-free and metal-bound A?? and modulate their reactivity (e.g., A?? aggregation), have been developed as chemical tools to investigate their function in AD pathology; however, these compounds generally lack specificity or have undesirable chemical and biological properties, reducing their functionality. We have evaluated whether multiple polyphenolic glycosides and their esterified derivatives can serve as specific, multifunctional probes to better understand AD. The ability of these compounds to interact with metal ions and metal-free/-associated A??, and further control both metal-free and metal-induced A?? aggregation was investigated through gel electrophoresis with Western blotting, transmission electron microscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and NMR spectroscopy. We also examined the cytotoxicity of the compounds and their ability to mitigate the toxicity induced by both metal-free and metal-bound A??. Of the polyphenols investigated, the natural product (Verbascoside) and its esterified derivative (VPP) regulate the aggregation and cytotoxicity of metal-free and/or metal-associated A?? to different extents. Our studies indicate Verbascoside represents a promising structure for further multifunctional tool development against both metal-free A?? and metal-A??.open0