70,615 research outputs found

    Modeling Probabilities of Patent Oppositions in a Bayesian Semiparametric Regression Framework

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    Most econometric analyses of patent data rely on regression methods using a parametric form of the predictor for modeling the dependence of the response given certain covariates. These methods often lack the capability of identifying non-linear relationships between dependent and independent variables. We present an approach based on a generalized additive model in order to avoid these shortcomings. Our method is fully Bayesian and makes use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation techniques for estimation purposes. Using this methodology we reanalyze the determinants of patent oppositions in Europe for biotechnology/pharmaceutical and semiconductor/computer software patents. Our results largely confirm the findings of a previous parametric analysis of the same data provided by Graham, Hall, Harhoff&Mowery (2002). However, our model specification clearly verifies considerable non-linearities in the effect of various metrical covariates on the probability of an opposition. Furthermore, our semiparametric approach shows that the categorizations of these covariates made by Graham et al. (2002) cannot capture those non--linearities and, from a statistical point of view, appear to somehow ad hoc

    Is there a Relationship between the Elongational Viscosity and the First Normal Stress Difference in Polymer Solutions?

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    We investigate a variety of different polymer solutions in shear and elongational flow. The shear flow is created in the cone-plate-geometry of a commercial rheometer. We use capillary thinning of a filament that is formed by a polymer solution in the Capillary Breakup Extensional Rheometer (CaBER) as an elongational flow. We compare the relaxation time and the elongational viscosity measured in the CaBER with the first normal stress difference and the relaxation time that we measured in our rheometer. All of these four quantities depend on different fluid parameters - the viscosity of the polymer solution, the polymer concentration within the solution, and the molecular weight of the polymers - and on the shear rate (in the shear flow measurements). Nevertheless, we find that the first normal stress coefficient depends quadratically on the CaBER relaxation time. A simple model is presented that explains this relation

    Gravitational Harmonics from Shallow Resonant Orbits

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    Five gravitational constraints were derived for the GEOS 2 orbit (order 13, to 30th degree) whose principal resonant period is 6 days. The constraints explain the sinusoidal variation with argument of perigee of a lumped harmonic found from 41 6-day arcs of optical and laser data. The condition equations, derived from elementary perturbation theory are shown to account for almost all of the resonant information in the tracking data

    The 15th order resonance on the decaying orbit of TETR-3

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    The orbit of TETR-3 (1971-83B), inclination: 33 deg, passed through resonance with 15th order geopotential terms in February 1972. The resonance caused the orbit inclination to increase by 0.015 deg. Analysis of 48 sets of mean Kepler elements for this satellite in 1971-1972 (across the resonance) has established strong constraints for high degree, 15th order gravitational terms (normalized). This result combined with previous results on high inclination 15th order and other resonant orbits suggests that the coefficients of the gravity field beyond the 16th degree are significantly smaller than Kaula's rule

    Wedges, Cones, Cosmic Strings, and the Reality of Vacuum Energy

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    One of J. Stuart Dowker's most significant achievements has been to observe that the theory of diffraction by wedges developed a century ago by Sommerfeld and others provided the key to solving two problems of great interest in general-relativistic quantum field theory during the last quarter of the twentieth century: the vacuum energy associated with an infinitely thin, straight cosmic string, and (after an interchange of time with a space coordinate) the apparent vacuum energy of empty space as viewed by an accelerating observer. In a sense the string problem is more elementary than the wedge, since Sommerfeld's technique was to relate the wedge problem to that of a conical manifold by the method of images. Indeed, Minkowski space, as well as all cone and wedge problems, are related by images to an infinitely sheeted master manifold, which we call Dowker space. We review the research in this area and exhibit in detail the vacuum expectation values of the energy density and pressure of a scalar field in Dowker space and the cone and wedge spaces that result from it. We point out that the (vanishing) vacuum energy of Minkowski space results, from the point of view of Dowker space, from the quantization of angular modes, in precisely the way that the Casimir energy of a toroidal closed universe results from the quantization of Fourier modes; we hope that this understanding dispels any lingering doubts about the reality of cosmological vacuum energy.Comment: 28 pages, 16 figures. Special volume in honor of J. S. Dowke

    3D tomography of cells in micro-channels

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    We combine confocal imaging, microfluidics and image analysis to record 3D-images of cells in flow. This enables us to recover the full 3D representation of several hundred living cells per minute. Whereas 3D confocal imaging has thus far been limited to steady specimen, we overcome this restriction and present a method to access the 3D shape of moving objects. The key of our principle is a tilted arrangement of the micro-channel with respect to the focal plane of the microscope. This forces cells to traverse the focal plane in an inclined manner. As a consequence, individual layers of passing cells are recorded which can then be assembled to obtain the volumetric representation. The full 3D information allows for a detailed comparisons with theoretical and numerical predictions unfeasible with e.g.\ 2D imaging. Our technique is exemplified by studying flowing red blood cells in a micro-channel reflecting the conditions prevailing in the microvasculature. We observe two very different types of shapes: `croissants' and `slippers'. Additionally, we perform 3D numerical simulations of our experiment to confirm the observations. Since 3D confocal imaging of cells in flow has not yet been realized, we see high potential in the field of flow cytometry where cell classification thus far mostly relies on 1D scattering and fluorescence signals

    Biology helps to construct weighted scale free networks

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    In this work we study a simple evolutionary model of bipartite networks which its evolution is based on the duplication of nodes. Using analytical results along with numerical simulation of the model, we show that the above evolutionary model results in weighted scale free networks. Indeed we find that in the one mode picture we have weighted networks with scale free distributions for interesting quantities like the weights, the degrees and the weighted degrees of the nodes and the weights of the edges.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, Revte