427 research outputs found

    Modulational instability in nonlocal Kerr-type media with random parameters

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    Modulational instability of continuous waves in nonlocal focusing and defocusing Kerr media with stochastically varying diffraction (dispersion) and nonlinearity coefficients is studied both analytically and numerically. It is shown that nonlocality with the sign-definite Fourier images of the medium response functions suppresses considerably the growth rate peak and bandwidth of instability caused by stochasticity. Contrary, nonlocality can enhance modulational instability growth for a response function with negative-sign bands.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figures, revTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Australia Telescope campaign to study southern class I methanol masers

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    The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Mopra facility have been used to search for new southern class I methanol masers at 9.9, 25 (J=5) and 104 GHz, which are thought to trace more energetic conditions in the interface regions of molecular outflows, than the widespread class I masers at 44 and 95 GHz. One source shows a clear outflow association.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure (composed from 3 files), to appear in proceedings of IAU Symposium 242 "Astrophysical masers and their environment" (eds. J. Chapman and W. Baan

    Marangoni instability in oblate droplets suspended on a circular frame

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    We study theoretically internal flows in a small oblate droplet suspended on the circular frame. Marangoni convection arises due to a vertical temperature gradient across the drop and is driven by the surface tension variations at the free drop interface. Using the analytical basis for the solutions of Stokes equation in coordinates of oblate spheroid we have derived the linearly independent stationary solutions for Marangoni convection in terms of Stokes stream functions. The numerical simulations of the thermocapillary motion in the drops are used to study the onset of the stationary regime. Both analytical and numerical calculations predict the axially-symmetric circulatory convection motion in the drop, the dynamics of which is determined by the magnitude of the temperature gradient across the drop. The analytical solutions for the critical temperature distribution and velocity fields are obtained for the large temperature gradients across the oblate drop. These solutions reveal the lateral separation of the critical and stationary motions within the drops. The critical vortices are localized near the central part of a drop, while the intensive stationary flow is located closer to its butt end. A crossover to the limit of the plane film is studied within the formalism of the stream functions by reducing the droplet ellipticity ratio to zero value. The initial stationary regime for the strongly oblate drops becomes unstable relative to the many-vortex perturbations in analogy with the plane fluid films with free boundaries

    Langmuir wave linear evolution in inhomogeneous nonstationary anisotropic plasma

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    Equations describing the linear evolution of a non-dissipative Langmuir wave in inhomogeneous nonstationary anisotropic plasma without magnetic field are derived in the geometrical optics approximation. A continuity equation is obtained for the wave action density, and the conditions for the action conservation are formulated. In homogeneous plasma, the wave field E universally scales with the electron density N as E ~ N^{3/4}, whereas the wavevector evolution varies depending on the wave geometry

    Circulating Marangoni flows within droplets in smectic films

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    We present theoretical study and numerical simulation of Marangoni convection within ellipsoidal isotropic droplets embedded in free standing smectic films (FSSF). The thermocapillary flows are analyzed for both isotropic droplets spontaneously formed in FSSF overheated above the bulk smectic-isotropic transition, and oil lenses deposited on the surface of the smectic film. The realistic model, for which the upper drop interface is free from the smectic layers, while at the lower drop surface the smectic layering still persists is considered in detail. For isotropic droplets and oil lenses this leads effectively to a sticking of fluid motion at the border with a smectic shell. The above mentioned asymmetric configuration is realized experimentally when the temperature of the upper side of the film is higher than at the lower one. The full set of stationary solutions for Stokes stream functions describing the Marangoni convection flows within the ellipsoidal drops were derived analytically. The temperature distribution in the ellipsoidal drop and the surrounding air was determined in the frames of the perturbation theory. As a result the analytical solutions for the stationary thermocapillary convection were derived for different droplet ellipticity ratios and the heat conductivity of the liquid crystal and air. In parallel, the numerical hydrodynamic calculations of the thermocapillary motion in the drops were performed. Both the analytical and numerical simulations predict the axially-symmetric circulatory convection motion determined by the Marangoni effect at the droplet free surface. Due to a curvature of the drop interface a temperature gradient along its free surface always persists. Thus, the thermocapillary convection within the ellipsoidal droplets in overheated FSSF is possible for the arbitrarily small Marangoni numbers

    The 6.7-GHz and 25-GHz methanol masers in OMC-1

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    The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) has been used to search for methanol maser emission at 6.7 GHz towards OMC-1. Two features peaking at 7.2 km/s and -1.1 km/s have been detected. The former has at least two components close in both velocity and position. It is located south-east of the Orion Kleinmann-Low (Orion-KL) nebula in the region of outflow traced by the 25-GHz methanol masers and the 95-GHz methanol emission. It is shown by modelling that in contrast to the widespread opinion that simultaneous masing of methanol transitions of different classes is impossible there are conditions for which simultaneous masing of the class II transition at 6.7-GHz and some class I transitions (e.g. the series at 25 GHz) is possible. A relevant example is provided, in which the pumping occurs via the first torsionally excited state and is driven by radiation of the dust intermixed with the gas in the cloud. In this regime the dust temperature is significantly lower (T is about 60 K) than in the case of bright 6.7-GHz masers (T>150 K). The narrow spectral feature at -1.1 km/s has a brightness temperature greater than about 1400 K, which suggests that it is probably a maser. It emanates from the Orion South region and is probably associated with the approaching part of outflow seen in CO. The 25-GHz maser associated with OMC-1 was observed quasi-simultaneously with the 6.7-GHz observations. No 25-GHz emission associated with the -1.1 km/s 6.7 GHz feature towards Orion South was detected.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, mn2e.cls included; accepted by MNRA

    Modulational instability and nonlocality management in coupled NLS system

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    The modulational instability of two interacting waves in a nonlocal Kerr-type medium is considered analytically and numerically. For a generic choice of wave amplitudes, we give a complete description of stable/unstable regimes for zero group-velocity mismatch. It is shown that nonlocality suppresses considerably the growth rate and bandwidth of instability. For nonzero group-velocity mismatch we perform a geometrical analysis of a nonlocality management which can provide stability of waves otherwise unstable in a local medium.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, to be published in Physica Script

    Instability and stability properties of traveling waves for the double dispersion equation

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    In this article we are concerned with the instability and stability properties of traveling wave solutions of the double dispersion equation  uttuxx+auxxxxbuxxtt=(up1u)xx ~u_{tt} -u_{xx}+a u_{xxxx}-bu_{xxtt} = - (|u|^{p-1}u)_{xx}~ for  p>1~p>1,  ab>0~a\geq b>0. The main characteristic of this equation is the existence of two sources of dispersion, characterized by the terms uxxxxu_{xxxx} and uxxttu_{xxtt}. We obtain an explicit condition in terms of aa, bb and pp on wave velocities ensuring that traveling wave solutions of the double dispersion equation are strongly unstable by blow up. In the special case of the Boussinesq equation (b=0b=0), our condition reduces to the one given in the literature. For the double dispersion equation, we also investigate orbital stability of traveling waves by considering the convexity of a scalar function. We provide both analytical and numerical results on the variation of the stability region of wave velocities with aa, bb and pp and then state explicitly the conditions under which the traveling waves are orbitally stable.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure