322 research outputs found

    Apparent stress-strain relationships in experimental equipment where magnetorheological fluids operate under compression mode

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    Abstract: This paper presents an experimental investigation of two different magnetorheological ( MR) fluids, namely, water-based and hydrocarbon-based MR fluids in compression mode under various applied currents. Finite element method magnetics was used to predict the magnetic field distribution inside the MR fluids generated by a coil. A test rig was constructed where the MR fluid was sandwiched between two flat surfaces. During the compression, the upper surface was moved towards the lower surface in a vertical direction. Stress-strain relationships were obtained for arrangements of equipment where each type of fluid was involved, using compression test equipment. The apparent compressive stress was found to be increased with the increase in magnetic field strength. In addition, the apparent compressive stress of the water-based MR fluid showed a response to the compressive strain of greater magnitude. However, during the compression process, the hydrocarbon-based MR fluid appeared to show a unique behaviour where an abrupt pressure drop was discovered in a region where the apparent compressive stress would be expected to increase steadily. The conclusion is drawn that the apparent compressive stress of MR fluids is influenced strongly by the nature of the carrier fluid and by the magnitude of the applied current

    The Concept of Single Use Piston Break Safety Syringe

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    syringe is a simple piston pump consisting of a plunger that fits tightly in a tube. The plunger can be pulled and pushed along inside a cylindrical tube (the barrel), allowing the syringe to take in and expel a liquid or gas through an orifice at the open end of the tube. The open end of the syringe may be fitted with a hypodermic needle, a nozzle, or tubing to help direct the flow into and out of the barrel. Syringes are often used to administer injections, apply compounds such as glue or lubricant, and measure liquids. The reuse and abuse of syringe has led to cross-infection of diseases; thus, the need of single use safety syringe arises. Single use safety syringe is able to prevent the abuse of syringe. Many inventions have been produced; the most common are through-push retract breakable safety syringe, rotary plunger retractable safety syringe and release-ring breakable safety syringe. A new type of single use safety syringe Piston Break Safety Syringe is discussed in this paper. Common safety syringes available in market consist of three major components as described earlier. Beside its simplicity, the low cost to produce also the main factor why this type is very popular. The new Piston Break Safety Syringe has similar design with this widely used safety syringe; hence, it makes it easier to be adapted by the users due to its similarity, since no extra training to use it is required. The cost should be equivalently low due to the similarity in size, design and number of components

    Growth of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) juvenile from wild and hatchery at different type of feeds

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    This study aimed to observe the influence of two sources of juvenile tiger grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Forsskål, 1775) from the sea and the hatchery by several types of food (pellets, tilapia anchovies). Growing Studies were carried out above 9600 juvenile tiger grouper from two sources namely differing from the sea of 4800 juvenile and 4800 juvenile hatchery from hatching. The design of treament were done by 2x3  with four replications. During the 30 day rearing period, each 5 days is taken  sampling total body length (cm) juvenile tiger grouper. The results showed that during the rearing period the value of marine juvenile grouper only high growth in juvenile ate anchovies and tilapia except on day 5 and 30, and could not adapt to the food from the pellet. While in hatchery juvenile tiger grouper had high growth to consume pellets only and could not adapt well to the food of tilapia and except anchovies on day 15th

    On the biology and bioacoustic characteristic of spotted catfish arius maculatus (Thunberg 1792) from the Malaysian Estuary.

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    Estuaries of Matang mangrove reserves in Perak provide an ideal habitat for Arius maculatus population. Results of our survey showed that most of the fish species caught were in their sub-adult stages with size ranged between 11 – 21 cm SL as shown in length frequency analysis. The relative growth condition of the fish population was allometrically negative with “b” value < 3.0 (W = 0.040L2.78) respectively. Study on reproductive biology of the species showed that almost half of the specimens caught were comprised of maturing males and female’s gonad development attained stage II – III. Stomach content analysis demonstrated that A. maculatus was an excellent benthic feeder in muddy water environment. Three major food items have been listed and dominated by zoobenthos and benthic crustacean. Meanwhile bioacoustic study showed that the fish produced a distinct sound resulted from stridulation of pectoral fins. The roles played by Matang mangrove systems as an integral breeding and nursery ground for this particular species was also discussed

    Finite element analysis of protective bicycle helmet & dummy head under dynamic loading

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    Cycling is a good activities particularly for recreation, exercise, and transportation. However, cycling related to the head injury is a significant contributor to hospitalization and death. Previous literatures indicates that the available helmets have less effective in preventing head injuries among cyclists. Moreover, most of the available helmets have been tested for only a few loading conditions. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to use finite element models to evaluate the protective effect of a helmet against various impact velocities. The head and helmet model has been developed using computational software. This study focus on the explicit dynamic analysis which performed in ANSY-WORKBENCH with loading condition in term of various impact velocity impacted on front and side of the head model. The results indicates the differences between the frontal and side simulations. They have been compared to identify the protective effect of the helmet and head

    A concentric design of a bypass magnetorheological fluid damper with serpentine flux valve

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    This work presents a new concentric design structure of a bypass magnetorheological (MR) damper with a serpentine flux valve type. In this design, the serpentine valve is installed not in the middle of the piston but on the bypass channel of the damper. However, to make it less bulky, the location of the valve installation is chosen to be in line with the cylinder axis, which is different from the common configuration of the bypass damper. With the proposed design concept, the performance flexibility of the bypass configuration and the compactness of the piston valve configuration can be accomplished. In this study, these benefits were demonstrated by firstly deriving an analytical model of the proposed MR damper focusing on the bypass concentric valve structure, which is vital in determining the damping force characteristics. The prototype of MR damper was also fabricated and characterized using the dynamic test machine. The simulation results show that the damping force could be adjusted from 20 N in the off-state to around 600 N in the on-state with 0.3 A of excitation current. In the experiments, during low piston velocity measurement, the on-state results from the simulation were generally in good agreement with the experimental results. However, with the increase in piston velocity, the deviation between the simulation and the experiment gets higher. The deviations are most probably due to seal frictions that were not accounted for in the model. The seal friction is probably dominant as the seals in the prototype need to be prepared for handling higher fluid pressure. As a result, the frictions are quite prevalent and significantly affect the measured off-state damping forces as well, where it was recorded ten times higher than the predicted values from the model. Nevertheless, although there were deviations, the dynamic range of the concentric bypass structure is still 1.5 times higher than the conventional structure and the new structure can be potentially explored more to achieve an improved MR damper design

    Scalability challenges in healthcare blockchain system - a systematic review

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    Blockchain technology is a private, secure, trustworthy, and transparent information exchange performed in a decentralised manner. In this case, the coordination and validation efforts are simplified as the records are designed to update regularly and there is no difference in the two databases. This review focuses on how the blockchain addresses scalability challenges and provides solutions in the healthcare field through the implementation of blockchain technology. Accordingly, 16 solutions fell under two main areas, namely storage optimization and redesign of blockchain. However, limitations persist, including block size, high volume of data, transactions, number of nodes, and protocol challenges. This review consists of six stages, namely identification of research question, procedures of research, screening of relevant articles, keywording based on the abstract, data extraction, and mapping process. Through Atlas.ti software, the selected keywords were used to analyse through the relevant articles. As a result, 48 codes and 403 quotations were compiled. Manual coding was performed to categorise the quotations. The codes were then mapped onto the network as a mapping process. Notably, 16 solutions fell under two main areas, namely storage optimization and redesign of blockchain. Basically, there are 3 solutions compiled for storage optimization and 13 solutions for the redesign of the blockchain, namely blockchain modelling, read mechanism, write mechanism, and bi-directional network

    Early detection of plant disease using close range sensing system for input into digital earth

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    A case study on pre-symptom stage of plant disease infection using ground based hyperspectral remote sensing was conducted. The objectives of the study are: (1) to validate the existence of pre-symptom stage of Ralstonia Solanacearum infection in Solanum Melongena L. (eggplant), and (2) to determine the induced electromagnetic spectral response for infected eggplant. From the experiment, the pre-symptom duration of Ralstonia Solanacearum infection in the case of eggplant was estimated (with the artificial photosynthetic stress conditions were adopted in the experiment to induce measurable changes in daily hyperspectral measurement of disease infected eggplant samples during the pre-symptom stage) as four days which is the critical period for practicing effective treatments. Vegetation indices namely, (1) Chlorophyll Absorption Integral (CAI), (2) Photochemical Radiation Index (PRI), and (3) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) have successfully shown noticeable progress of index value from the infected sample plant (with 100% light stress condition) throughout the study. Yet, other infected sample plants with moderate light stress conditions (50% or 75%) did not result any similar progress of index value from the daily leaf scale hyperspectral measurements. Apparently, extreme light stress can induce significant changes at visible portion in hyperspectral measurements for a disease infected eggplant during the pre-symptom stage

    Characterization and modeling of a new magnetorheological damper with meandering type valve using neuro-fuzzy

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    This paper presents the characterization and hysteresis modeling of magnetorheological (MR) damper with meandering type valve. The meandering type MR valve, which employs the combination of multiple annular and radial flow passages, has been introduced as the new type of high performance MR valve with higher achievable pressure drop and controllable performance range than similar counterparts in its class. Since the performance of a damper is highly determined by the valve performance, the utilization of the meandering type MR valve in an MR damper could potentially improve the damper performance. The damping force characterization of the MR damper is conducted by measuring the damping force as a response to the variety of harmonic excitations. The hysteresis behavior of the damper is identified by plotting the damping force relationship to the excitation displacement and velocity. For the hysteresis modeling purpose, some parts of the data are taken as the training data source for the optimization parameters in the neuro-fuzzy model. The performance of the trained neuro-fuzzy model is assessed by validating the model output with the remaining measurement data and benchmarking the results with the output of the parametric hysteresis model. The validation results show that the neuro-fuzzy model is demonstrating good agreement with the measurement results indicated by the average relative error of only around 7%. The model also shows robustness with no tendency of growing error when the input values are changed