428 research outputs found

    Dynamics and control of coordinated multiple manipulators

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    A technique is presented for controlling multiple manipulators which are holding a single object and therefore form a closed kinematic chain. The object, which may or may not be in contact with a rigid environment, is assumed to be held rigidly by robot end-effectors. The derivation is based on setting up constraint equations which reduce the 6 x n degrees of freedom of a manipulators each having six joints. Additional constraint equations are considered when one or more of the degrees of freedom of the object is reduced due to external constraints. Utilizing the operational space dynamics equations, a decoupling controller is designed to control both the position and the interaction forces of the object with the environment. Finally, simulation results for the control of a pair of two-link manipulators are presented

    Kesulitan Siswa Memahami Pereaksi Pembatas di SMA Kabupaten Barito Utara dan Kota Palangka Raya Tahun Pelajaran 2015/ 2016

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan dan menjelaskan kesulitan siswa kelas XI IPA SMA di Kabupaten Barito Utara dan Kota Palangka Raya dalam memahami konsep pereaksi pembatas, meliputi: (a) menentukan pereaksi pembatas dalam suatu pereaksi, jika gambar semua pereaksi dalam bentuk unsur dan molekul gas; (b) menentukan pereaksi pembatas dalam suatu reaksi, jika gambar semua pereaksi dalam molekul gas; (c) menentukan pereaksi pembatas dalam suatu reaksi, jika diketahui mol dari masing-masing pereaksi; (d) menentukan pereaksi dalam suatu reaksi; jika diketahui massa dari masing-masing pereaksi.Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI  IPA SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Barito Utara dan Kota Palangka Raya dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 367 siswa. Kesulitan siswa diteliti dengan menggunakan instrumen tes pemahaman konsep pereaksi pembatas (TPKPP) disertai wawancara untuk menelusuri kesulitan yang dialami siswa. Instrumem yang digunakan untuk mengukur pemahaman siswa pada level makroskopis dan level mikroskopis adalah tes tertulis dilengkapi empat pilihan jawaban dan empat pilihan alasan.Validitas isi diuji oleh empat orang ahli. Rata-rata tingkat kesukaran 0.42 dan daya beda 0,49. Reliabilitas tes dihitung dengan menggunakan Alpha Cronbach\u27s.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap indikator siswa mengalami kesulitan memahami konsep pereaksi pembatas ditinjau dari level makroskopis rata-rata  sebesar 67,24% siswa. Ditinjau dari level mikroskopis rata-rata sebesar 49,33 % siswa. Artinya tingkat kesulitan level makroskopis lebih tinggi dari tingkat kesulitan level mikroskopis. Kesulitan pada level makroskopis yang teridentifikasi adalah siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mengkonversikan volum, massa kedalam satuan mol. Kesulitan  pada level mikroskopis yang teridentifikasi adalah siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami gambaran mikroskopis sehingga dalam menyelesaikan soal siswa cenderung mililih pilihan jawaban sesuai kunci tetapi salah dalam memilih alasan.Pada penelitian ini teridentifikasi empat penyebab kesulitan siswa SMA dalam memahami konsep pereaksi pembatas yaitu siswa menganggap pereaksi pembatas adalah: (a) pereaksi yang mempunyai koefisien kecil; (b) pereaksi yang mempunyai koefisien besar; (c) pereaksi yang mempunyai mol kecil; (d) pereaksi yang mempunyai massa lebih kecil

    Fuzzy reactive piloting for continuous driving of long range autonomous planetary micro-rovers

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    Abstract — A complete piloting control subsystem for a highly autonomous long range rover will be defined in order to identify the key control functions needed to achieve contin-uous driving. This capability can maximize range and num-ber of interesting scientific sites visited during the limited life time of a planetary rover. To achieve continuous driving, a complete set of techniques have been employed: fuzzy based control, real-time artificial intelligence reasoning, fast and ro-bust rover position estimation based on odometry and angu-lar rate sensing, efficient stereo vision elevation maps based on grids, and fast reaction and planning for obstacle detec-tion and obstacle avoidance based on a simple IF-THEN ex-pert system with fuzzy reasoning. To quickly design and im-plement these techniques, graphical programming has been used to build a fully autonomous piloting system using jus

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Think Pair Share dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Sejarah Siswa Kelas VII C SMP Alkaromah Aidarusy Kecamatan Koto Kampar Hulu Kabupaten Kampar Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    This research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of students ofclass VII C SMP Alkaromah Aidarusy on History Lesson IPS. The results of studentlearning is still low and does not reach the specified KKM is 70. This is partly due tothe methods used in the study are less precise IPS. The purpose of this study was todetermine the application of learning model Think Pair Share and know the learningoutcome IPS History class VII C SMP Alkaromah Aidarusy through the implementationof learning model Think Pair Share. This research using method classroom actionresearch, which lasted for two cycles. Research action plan, starting from planning,implementation, observation, and reflection. Subjects numbered 18 people. Collectingdata using tests and observation. Data were analyzed by looking at the activity ofteachers and students as well as absorption and mastery learning students bothindividual and classical. The results showed that the learning model Think Pair Sharelearning model can improve the learning process and improve student learningoutcomes. This is evidenced by the increased activity of teacher and students in cycle Iand II. Besides, the learning outcomes of students also increased from indigo pre PTK,cycle I and cycle 2

    Determinants of default from tuberculosis treatment among tuberculosis patients at a hospital chest clinic in Gezira state, Sudan

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    Background: Default from tuberculosis (TB) treatment is a major health problem among tuberculosis patient. High rates of default are still reported all over the world, especially in Africa despite availability of effective TB treatment. This study aims to determine the determinants of default from TB treatment among tuberculosis patients at a hospital chest clinic in Gezira State, Sudan. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study design involving newly diagnosed tuberculosis patients from 1st January 2014 to 30th June 2015. Data was collected from patients’ case file using pro-forma. Default from TB treatments refers to patient who had stopped taking anti-TB medication for a period of 2 consecutive months or more after being on anti-TB treatment. Data analysis used IBM SPSS version 22.0. Chi square test was performed to determine the association between default from TB treatment and socio-demographic factors, type of diagnosis, anatomical site of TB, TB treatment duration, follow-up sputum smear microscopy result, HIV/AIDS co-morbidity and type of referral. Binary logistic regression was conducted to identify the determinants of default from TB treatment. Result: The default rate was 15.0 % among TB patients. The determinants of default from TB treatment were age of the patients, TB site and TB treatment duration. Conclusion: The study revealed that the rate of default from TB treatment is high. Age of the TB patient, TB site and duration of treatment were determinants of default reflecting that reassurance of TB patients, health education in addition to shorter treatment regimens are important factors in preventing default from TB treatment

    Pengembangan Media Audio Visual Untuk Perolehan Kosa Kata Anak Usia Dini

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    The purpose of this research is to find a profile view of relevant audio-visual media for the acquisition of vocabulary early childhood, found a pattern group of words that are relevant to the type of early childhood by living environments, finding systematic kind of a group of words that are relevant to the acquisition of vocabulary early childhood. Research conducted research and development approach. Data collection techniques in this research through observation and interviews. The results showed that the appearance of the media profile contains elements such as text, images, animation, and audio. The group said in early childhood began to get to know members of the body, recognize family members, knowing the types of food, familiar bedding, knowing the type of animals and vehicles with patterns of a group of words that correspond to Indonesian rule that pattern Explained - Describe (D - M ), systematic type group said in early childhood classified in the group of words that element type nouns, verbs and adjectives