3,178 research outputs found

    Proses Pemiskinan Dan Eksploitasi Sumber Daya Alam Di Desa IV Koto Setingkai

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    Desa penelitian studi dianostik ini adalah Desa IV Koto Setingkai yang terletak di Kecamatan Kampar Kiri dengan ibukota kecamatan di Lipat Kain dan memiliki luaswilayah sebesar 1.961,41 Km2

    Stack-run adaptive wavelet image compression

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    We report on the development of an adaptive wavelet image coder based on stack-run representation of the quantized coefficients. The coder works by selecting an optimal wavelet packet basis for the given image and encoding the quantization indices for significant coefficients and zero runs between coefficients using a 4-ary arithmetic coder. Due to the fact that our coder exploits the redundancies present within individual subbands, its addressing complexity is much lower than that of the wavelet zerotree coding algorithms. Experimental results show coding gains of up to 1:4dB over the benchmark wavelet coding algorithm

    PDF Estimation and Liquid Water Content Based Attenuation Modeling for Fog in Terrestrial FSO Links

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    Terrestrial Free-space optical communication (FSO) links have yet to achieve a mass market success due to the ever elusive 99.999% availability requirement. The terrestrial FSO links are heavily affected by atmospheric fog. To design systems which can achieve high availability and reliability in the presence of fog, accurate and better models of fog attenuation need to be developed. The current article puts forth appropriate probability density function estimates for received signal strength (hereafter RSS) under fog conditions, where variations in the RSS during foggy events have been statistically characterized. Moreover, from the surface observations of fog density, liquid water content (hereafter LWC) of fog is estimated. The actual measured optical attenuations are then compared with the optical attenuations estimated from LWC. The results presented suggest that fog density measurements carried out are accurate representation of the fog intensity and the attenuation predictions obtained by the LWC estimate match the actual measured optical attenuations. This suggests that the LWC is a useful parameter besides visibility range to predict optical attenuations in the presence of hydrometeors

    The Influence of Product Quality, Prices and Promotions on Interest in Buying Sri Sulastri's Batik

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    This study aims to determine the effect of product quality, price and promotion of buying interest in Sri Sulastri's Batik of Bantul Yogyakarta. Type of research that used was quantitative research with survey methods. Sample in research was 100 customers who visited the Sri Sulastri's Batik Bantul Yogyakarta. Collection data methods used a questionnaire. Data analysis used multiple linear regression test. The results of the analysis show, 1) the quality of the product has influential positive and significant effect on buying interest in Sri Sulastri's Batik Bantul Yogyakarta, 2) price has positive and significant effect on buying interest in Sri Sulastri's batik Bantul Yogyakarta, 3) promotion has a positive and significant effect on the interest in buying Sri Sulastri's batik Bantul Yogyakarta, 4) coefficient of determination (R2) obtained for 0.536, which means that 53.6% of the product quality, price and promotion variables explain the variance of interest in buying interest, the remaining 46.44% is explained by other variables.Conclusion that product quality, price and promotion have an effect on buying interest Sri Sulastri's Batik Bantul Yogyakarta. Keywords: product quality, price, promotion, buying interes

    Predicting Success Study Using Students GPA Category

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    . Maintaining student graduation rates are the main tasks of a University. High rates of student graduation and the quality of graduates is a success indicator of a university, which will have an impact on public confidence as stakeholders of higher education and the National Accreditation Board as a regulator (government). Making predictions of student graduation and determine the factors that hinders will be a valuable input for University. Data mining system facilitates the University to create the segmentation of students' performance and prediction of their graduation. Segmentation of student by their performance can be classified in a quadrant chart is divided into 4 segments based on grade point average and the growth rate of students performance index per semester. Standard methodology in data mining i.e CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Procedure for Data Mining) will be implemented in this research. Making predictions, graduation can be done through the modeling process by utilizing the college database. Some algorithms such as C5, C & R Tree, CHAID, and Logistic Regression tested in order to find the best model. This research utilizes student performance data for several classes. Parameters used in addition to GPA also included the master's students data are expected to build the student profile data. The outcome of the study is the student category based on their study performance and prediction of graduation. Based on this prediction, the university may recommend actions to be taken to improve the student achievement index and graduation rates


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    This study was conducted to determine the trypanocidal efficacy of Antrycide, Fatrybanil and Trypamedium in albino mice experimentally infected sub-cutaneously with Trypanosoma evansi. For this purpose, 25 albino mice were randomly divided into five equal groups i.e. A, B, C, D and E. Groups A, B and C were infected and then treated with Antrycide, Fatrybanil and Trypamedium, respectively. Group D was kept as infected and group E non-infected control. On the basis of blood smear examination, the efficacy of Antrycide and Fatrybanil was found 100% when used in single dose as compared to Trypamedium which was 100% effective with second dose

    Talking the talk, but not walking the walk: a comparison of self-reported and observed prosocial behavior

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    The claim that Public Service Motivation (PSM) is an antecedent of prosocial behaviour has often been empirically tested and supported. However, closer inspection of this literature reveals large disparities in relating the two constructs. One reason that could explain such differences is that the relationship between PSM and prosocial behaviours has been primarily tested using self‐reported cross‐sectional, single‐rater and same‐survey data. While all of these are widely used methodological approaches in social sciences, they are also susceptible to potential biases. We conduct two comparative studies to re‐examine this relationship. Study 1 utilizes self‐reported cross‐sectional, single‐rater and same‐survey data linking PSM and prosocial behaviour, revealing a positive relationship with PSM's Compassion dimension. Study 2 involves observing actual prosocial behaviour in a real‐life setting. Then, the correlation between PSM and prosocial behaviour disappears. We conclude by discussing the possible reasons that could lead to the differences found across the two studies
