2,111 research outputs found

    A statistical mechanical approach for the computation of the climatic response to general forcings

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    The climate belongs to the class of non-equilibrium forced and dissipative systems, for which most results of quasi-equilibrium statistical mechanics, including the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, do not apply. In this paper we show for the first time how the Ruelle linear response theory, developed for studying rigorously the impact of perturbations on general observables of non-equilibrium statistical mechanical systems, can be applied with great success to analyze the climatic response to general forcings. The crucial value of the Ruelle theory lies in the fact that it allows to compute the response of the system in terms of expectation values of explicit and computable functions of the phase space averaged over the invariant measure of the unperturbed state. We choose as test bed a classical version of the Lorenz 96 model, which, in spite of its simplicity, has a well-recognized prototypical value as it is a spatially extended one-dimensional model and presents the basic ingredients, such as dissipation, advection and the presence of an external forcing, of the actual atmosphere. We recapitulate the main aspects of the general response theory and propose some new general results. We then analyze the frequency dependence of the response of both local and global observables to perturbations having localized as well as global spatial patterns. We derive analytically several properties of the corresponding susceptibilities, such as asymptotic behavior, validity of Kramers-Kronig relations, and sum rules, whose main ingredient is the causality principle. We show that all the coefficients of the leading asymptotic expansions as well as the integral constraints can be written as linear function of parameters that describe the unperturbed properties of the system, such as its average energy. Some newly obtained empirical closure equations for such parameters allow to define such properties as an explicit function of the unperturbed forcing parameter alone for a general class of chaotic Lorenz 96 models. We then verify the theoretical predictions from the outputs of the simulations up to a high degree of precision. The theory is used to explain differences in the response of local and global observables, to define the intensive properties of the system, which do not depend on the spatial resolution of the Lorenz 96 model, and to generalize the concept of climate sensitivity to all time scales. We also show how to reconstruct the linear Green function, which maps perturbations of general time patterns into changes in the expectation value of the considered observable for finite as well as infinite time. Finally, we propose a simple yet general methodology to study general Climate Change problems on virtually any time scale by resorting to only well selected simulations, and by taking full advantage of ensemble methods. The specific case of globally averaged surface temperature response to a general pattern of change of the CO2 concentration is discussed. We believe that the proposed approach may constitute a mathematically rigorous and practically very effective way to approach the problem of climate sensitivity, climate prediction, and climate change from a radically new perspective

    Sistem Pengadaan Pakan Ayam Petelur Di Perusahaan “Populer Farm” Desa Kuncen Kec. Mijen Kab. Semarang

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    Ternak merupakan sumber gizi protein hewani yang tidak lepas dari faktor pakan baik kualitas maupun kuantitasnya. Pakan memegang peranan penting dalam USAha atau produksi peternakan yaitu meliputi 60-70 % dari total biaya produksi. laporan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dari data-data yang didapatkan melalui wawancara dan survey Pembahasan masalah dilakukan dengan study pustaka. %. Bahan diuji secara organoleptis dan fisis terutama untuk jagung harus berkadar air maksimal sebesar 17 %. Perusahaan peternakan “Populer Farm” menghasilkan produk ransum ayam petelur terdiri dari Sarter, Grower 1, Grower 2 dan Layer dengan jumlah produksi antara 25-30 ton perhar

    Full QCD on APE100 Machines

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    We present the first tests and results from a study of QCD with two flavours of dynamical Wilson fermions using the Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm (HMCA) on APE100 machines.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 13 PS figures not include

    Beberapa Jenis Mangrove Tumbuhan Obat Tradisional di Taman Nasional Sembilang, Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan (The Potential Of Mangrove AS Medical Plants In Sembilang Nasional Park Banyuasin South Sumatera)

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    The research “Potential Mangrove as Medical Plants in Sembilang National Park Banyuasin South Sumatera” which was conducted in 6 April – 6 October 2013 aims to determine the species of mangrove that can be used as a traditional medicine, to know the parts of mangrove which used as traditional medicine, and utilization the use of mangrove as traditional medicine. The sampling method used was Snowball Sampling, which seek information from the publicor other sources of reliable. Results of the study found that 5 species of mangrove plants are useful as medicinal Acanthus ilicifolius, Acrostichum aureum, Avicennia alba, Sesuvium por-tulacastrum and Xylocharpus granatum. Part of the fruit, sap, leaves and whole plant were used, the utilization was obtained as cure for ulcers, abdominal pain, typhus, itchiness, eye pain that affected by sap of buta-buta plant

    Potency of Agroindustrial Wastewaters for Increasing Dissolution of Phosphate Rock Fertilizers

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    Agroindustrial wastewaters were considered not maximum used in Lampung Province since it has acidic properties that can be used as an acid solvent. This study aimed was to explore the most potential agroindustrial wastewaters in dissolving phosphate rock by acidulation in the laboratory scale. The experimen were arranged by factorial i.e. first factor were phosphate rock origin (Sukabumi, west Java and Selagailingga, central Lampung) and second factor was kinds of solvent (agroindustrial wastewaters of pineapple, tapioca, tofu industry, and palm oil as well as a conventional acid solvent such as HCl, H2SO4, and CH3COOH).  The incubation process were 0, 1, 2, and 3 month. The results showed that agroindustrial wastewaters that have highest potency for solubizing phosphate rock was industrial tofu wastewaters and followed by industrial wastewaters of tapioca, palm oil, and pineapple. Both the conventional  acid  and  agroindustrial  wastewaters    solvent  have  a  big  potency  for  solubilize  phosphate  rock, however, its highest soluble P-value was not match with the ISO criteria for phosphate fertilizers Quality I (SNI) because it has not reached the solubility of 80% of its total P2O5, but has been qualified as a fertilizer both the quality phosphate A, B, and C (SNI).Keywords: Acidulation, agroindustrial wastewater, P fertilizer, phosphate rock [How to Cite: Ainin N, S Yusnaini and Sarno. 2014. Potency of Agroindustrial Wastewaters to Increase the Dissolution of Phosphate Rock Fertilizers. J Trop Soils 19: 43-51. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2014.19.1.43]  [Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2014.19.1.43] &nbsp

    Monetary Policy Rules, Asset Prices and Exchange Rates

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    We examine empirically whether asset prices and exchange rates may be admitted into a standard interest rate rule, using data for the US, the UK and Japan since 1979. Asset prices and exchange rates can be employed as information variables for a standard ‘Taylor-type’ rule or as arguments in an augmented interest rate rule. Our empirical evidence, based on measures of the output gap proxied by marginal costs calculations, suggests that monetary policy-makers may use asset prices and exchange rates not only as part of their information set for setting interest rates, but also to set interest rates to offset deviations of asset prices or exchange rates from their equilibrium levels. These results are open to several alternative interpretations.Asset prices; exchange rates; interest rate rules; monetary policy.

    Analisis Potensi dan Realisasi Pendapatan Asli Daerah dalam Mencapai Kemandirian Keuangan Daerah di Kabupaten Sekadau Tahun 2006-2011

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    This research of The Regions OriginalRevenue Realization Potency in Achieving Region Finance Independence of Regency Sekadau Year 2006-2011. it aims to analyze regency region financial conditions of Seakdau Regency, how is growth, composition, effectiveness, self region acceptance liability, and PADS acceptance elasticity at Sekadau Regency, as one of financial performance indicator region, on year period that is utilized 2006 to 2011. The variable that analyzed is, all the regions revenue's component, PAD, taxes, retribution, etc. propertied region, Population, and PDRB by use of data skunder that acquired of on duty Regency Region Income sekadau and BPS (Sekadaus Regency in Numeral). Result observationaling to point out that up to growth research period PAD Sekadaus Regency as big as 45.94 % by Region Taxes compositions 27%, Region Retribution 18%, Wealth management result region 7%, and etc. PAD is 48%. While PADS acceptance effectiveness up to that period average as big as 98.61%. Degrees arithmetic result Decentralize Fiscal at Regency sekadau that bottommost, up to year period 2006-2011 which is average just as big as 2,73 %. this bottommost bases Depdagris criterion. Elasticities arithmetic result point out PADS growth sekadau inelastiss regency to PDRB namely as big as 0,35. Meanwhile elasticity to population as big as 0,05(inelastis). Its mean is changed or added islandic as big as 1 % make changing or added total PADS acceptances as big as 0,35%, and is changed or added islandic as big as 1 % make changing or added total PADS acceptances as big as 0,055%, . Key word: Effectiveness, Elasticity, PAD, Financially Region

    Analisis Finansial USAha Budidaya Tambak Sistem Tradisional Dan Silvofishery Di Area Restorasi Taman Nasional Sembilang Sumatera Selatan

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    Sistem Silvofishery diterapkan untuk meredam laju konversi illegal hutan mangrove menjadi tambak. Silvofishery diyakini mampu mengkombinasikan antara kepentingan konservasi mangrove dengan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan analisis USAha dan kelayakan kriteria investasi USAha budidaya tambak tradisonal dan silvofishery bandeng di TNS Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September-Oktober 2013. Metode yang digunakan metode survey dengan teknik kuisioner. Hasil analisis USAha budidaya tambak tradisional dan silvofishery bandeng mendapat keuntungan sebesar Rp. 5.187.370 dan Rp 5.921.000,00/tahun, nilai R/C sebesar 1,4 dan 1,5, nilai PP 4,7dan 4,0 dan nilai ROI sebesar 21% dan 25%. Analisis kelayakan USAha tambak tradisional dan silvofishery menunjukan nilai NPV>0, Net B/C≥1, dan IRR> discount rate, sehingga USAha budidaya tambak silvofishery bandeng mendapatkan keuntungan dan layak dilaksanakan untuk masa yang akan datan