403 research outputs found

    Toward a sustainable mobility: A solar vehicle for a new quality of life

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    The vehicular mobility causes 15% of greenhouse gases emission: one million tons of carbon anhydrite per hour. In addition, it produces CO, NOx, fine powders, carcinogenic and mutagenic elements: These substances will disappear in the presence of solar vehicles. And solar mobility would also mitigate indirect effects: fuel used to transport fuel, energy for the distillation of hydrocarbons, gas leaks, even fracking, explosions, rivers and oceans. In contrast, electric and hybrid vehicles do not allow this improvement in the quality of life. In almost all modern countries, the energy mix is strongly unbalanced towards fossil fuels: massive electrification would not make mobility sustainable, but rather risks worsening its effect on the environment by shifting the problem of emissions from cities to power plants. The Sun, indeed, can guarantee long-Term sustainable mobility: for every circulating solar vehicle CO2 production is really zero. From July to today, our solar racing car has travelled 3000 km, avoiding to emit half a ton of CO2: reporting these data to a conventional use, each solar vehicle would avoid the release of 1.5 tons of CO2 per year: like planting 10 large trees for each month in our garden. This study describes how to transform a solar super-car into an ordinary vehicle for urban and everyday mobility

    Multichannel electrotactile feedback with spatial and mixed coding for closed-loop control of grasping force in hand prostheses

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    Providing somatosensory feedback to the user of a myoelectric prosthesis is an important goal since it can improve the utility as well as facilitate the embodiment of the assistive system. Most often, the grasping force was selected as the feedback variable and communicated through one or more individual single channel stimulation units (e.g., electrodes, vibration motors). In the present study, an integrated, compact, multichannel solution comprising an array electrode and a programmable stimulator was presented. Two co ding schemes (15 levels), spatial and mixed (spatial and frequency) modulation, were tested in able-bodied subjects, psychometrically and in force control with routine grasping and force tracking using real and simulated prosthesis. The results demonstrated that mixed and spatial coding, although substantially different in psychometric tests, resulted in a similar performance during both force control tasks. Furthermore, the ideal, visual feedback was not better than the tactile feedback in routine grasping. To explain the observed results, a conceptual model was proposed emphasizing that the performance depends on multiple factors, including feedback uncertainty, nature of the task and the reliability of the feedforward control. The study outcomes, specific conclusions and the general model, are relevant for the design of closed-loop myoelectric prostheses utilizing tactile feedback

    Concerted regulation of focal adhesion dynamics by galectin-3 and tyrosine-phosphorylated caveolin-1

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    Both tyrosine-phosphorylated caveolin-1 (pY14Cav1) and GlcNAc-transferase V (Mgat5) are linked with focal adhesions (FAs); however, their function in this context is unknown. Here, we show that galectin-3 binding to Mgat5-modified N-glycans functions together with pY14Cav1 to stabilize focal adhesion kinase (FAK) within FAs, and thereby promotes FA disassembly and turnover. Expression of the Mgat5/galectin lattice alone induces FAs and cell spreading. However, FAK stabilization in FAs also requires expression of pY14Cav1. In cells lacking the Mgat5/galectin lattice, pY14Cav1 is not sufficient to promote FAK stabilization, FA disassembly, and turnover. In human MDA-435 cancer cells, Cav1 expression, but not mutant Y14FCav1, stabilizes FAK exchange and stimulates de novo FA formation in protrusive cellular regions. Thus, transmembrane crosstalk between the galectin lattice and pY14Cav1 promotes FA turnover by stabilizing FAK within FAs defining previously unknown, interdependent roles for galectin-3 and pY14Cav1 in tumor cell migration

    Selenotriapine – An isostere of the most studied thiosemicarbazone with pronounced pro-apoptotic activity, low toxicity and ability to challenge phenotype reprogramming of 3-D mammary adenocarcinoma tumors

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    Triapine, the most studied α-N-heterocyclic thiosemicarbazone, revealed potent activity against advanced leukemia, but was ineffective against a variety of solid tumors. Moreover, methemoglobinemia, which is a side effect of triapine administration, may limits all clinical application. To enhance anticancer activity and reduce side effects, we applied an isosteric replacement of sulfur to selenium atom was performed by synthesis and characterization of selenium triapine analog, 3-aminopyridine-2-carboxaldehyde selenosemicarbazone (selenotriapine). Compared to triapine, selenotriapine revealed superior pro-apoptotic activity with activation of intrinsic apoptotic pathway in both human monocytic leukemia (THP-1) and mammary adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cell lines. For MCF-7 2-D cultures, selenotriapine induced notable increase in mitochondrial superoxide radical generation and dissipation of mitochondrial transmembrane potential. A significant delay in growth of MCF-7 spheroids (3-D culture) was accompanied by phenotypic stem cell reprogramming (Oct-4 expression). Additionally, selenotriapine demonstrated a very low toxicity profile as compared to triapine, confirmed over alleviated extent of methemoglobin formation and higher IC50 value in brine shrimp cytotoxicity assay

    X-ray structural analysis and antitumor activity of new salicylic acid derivatives

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    This Thesis project is going to be situated in my home town Östersund, 600 kilometers north from Stockholm.It´s a small town with 60 000 people and it is the only city of the region Jämtland in Norrland, Sweden.In the city centre of Östersund there is one existing bus terminal station where the buses arrive with people from the entire region.The task for this Thesis project is to rebuild the existing bus station in Östersund where the actual terminal building is going to be completely demolished and the entire block within the current bus stops is going to be rearranged.The topography of the terminal area is now dividing the regional buses that arrives on the upper level from the city buses that stops at the lower level. Therefore the main challenge of the new proposal is how one would strengthen the junction between these two flows of people and how a new architecture could enable the encounter between the countryside and the urban city.Detta examensprojekt kommer att vara belägen i min hemstad Östersund, 600 kilometer norr om Stockholm. Det är en liten stad med 60 000 personer och det är den enda staden i regionen Jämtland, Norrland. I centrum av Östersund finns en befintlig bussterminalen där bussarna anländer med folk från hela regionen. Uppgiften för detta projekt är att bygga om den befintliga busstationen i Östersund topografin på terminalområdet i dagsläget separerar de regionala bussarna som anländer på den övre nivån från stadsbussarna som stannar på en lägre nivå. Den största utmaningen i det nya förslaget är hur man istället skulle kunna stärka förbindelsen mellan dessa två flöden av människor och hur en ny arkitektur kan möjliggöra mötet mellan glesbyggd och den urbana staden

    Analytical, experimental and numerical study of a graded honeycomb structure under in-plane impact load with low velocity

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    Given the significance of energy absorption in various industries, light shock absorbers such as honeycomb structure under in-plane and out-of-plane loads have been in the core of attention. The purpose of this research is the analyses of graded honeycomb structure (GHS) behaviour under in-plane impact loading and its optimisation. Primarily, analytical equations for plateau stress and specific energy are represented, taking power hardening model (PHM) and elastic–perfectly plastic model (EPPM) into consideration. For the validation and comparison of acquired analytical equations, the energy absorption of a GHS made of five different aluminium grades is simulated in ABAQUS/CAE. In order to validate the numerical simulation method in ABAQUS, an experimental test has been conducted as the falling a weight with low velocity on a GHS. Numerical results retain an acceptable accordance with experimental ones with a 5.4% occurred error of reaction force. For a structure with a specific kinetic energy, the stress–strain diagram is achieved and compared with the analytical equations obtained. The maximum difference between the numerical and analytical plateau stresses for PHM is 10.58%. However, this value has been measured to be 38.78% for EPPM. In addition, the numerical value of absorbed energy is compared to that of analytical method for two material models. The maximum difference between the numerical and analytical absorbed energies for PHM model is 6.4%, while it retains the value of 48.08% for EPPM. Based on the conducted comparisons, the numerical and analytical results based on PHM are more congruent than EPPM results. Applying sequential quadratic programming method and genetic algorithm, the ratio of structure mass to the absorbed energy is minimised. According to the optimisation results, the structure capacity of absorbing energy increases by 18% compared to the primary model

    Detection and quantification of fluconazole within Candida glabrata biofilms

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    Candida infections are often associated with biofilms and consequent high resistance to most common drugs (e.g. azoles). These resistance mechanisms are not only associated with the biofilm yeast physiology, but also with the presence of a diffusional barrier imposed by the biofilm matrix; however, the real biochemical role of the biofilm components remains very unclear. So, in order to further clarify this issue, we intend to determine, for the first time, fluconazole in biofilms within both supernatants and matrices. Candida biofilms were formed in the presence of fluconazole, and it was recovered from both supernatant and matrix cell-free fractions. Then, high-pressure liquid chromatography was used to identify and quantify the amount of drug that was present in the two fractions. Moreover, this study also showed that the presence of fluconazole in both fractions indicated that the drug administrated did not completely reach the cells, so this phenomena can easily be associated with lower biofilm susceptibility, since the drug administered did not completely reach the cells.This work was supported by the Programa Operacional, Fatores de competitividade-COMPETE and by national funds through FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia on the scope of the projects FCT PTDC/SAU-MIC/119069/2010, RECI/EBB-EBI/0179/2012, PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013 and Celia F. Rodrigue's SFRH/BD/93078/2013 PhD grant. The authors thank the Project "BioHealth-Biotechnology and Bioengineering approaches to improve health quality,'' Ref. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000027, co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON. 2-O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER. We also would like to acknowledge Pfizer (R), S.A., for the kindly donation of fluconazole

    A Cross-Sectional Study of People with Epilepsy and Neurocysticercosis in Tanzania: Clinical Characteristics and Diagnostic Approaches.

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    Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a major cause of epilepsy in regions where pigs are free-ranging and hygiene is poor. Pork production is expected to increase in the next decade in sub-Saharan Africa, hence NCC will likely become more prevalent. In this study, people with epilepsy (PWE, n=212) were followed up 28.6 months after diagnosis of epilepsy. CT scans were performed, and serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of selected PWE were analysed. We compared the demographic data, clinical characteristics, and associated risk factors of PWE with and without NCC. PWE with NCC (n=35) were more likely to be older at first seizure (24.3 vs. 16.3 years, p=0.097), consumed more pork (97.1% vs. 73.6%, p=0.001), and were more often a member of the Iraqw tribe (94.3% vs. 67.8%, p=0.005) than PWE without NCC (n=177). PWE and NCC who were compliant with anti-epileptic medications had a significantly higher reduction of seizures (98.6% vs. 89.2%, p=0.046). Other characteristics such as gender, seizure frequency, compliance, past medical history, close contact with pigs, use of latrines and family history of seizures did not differ significantly between the two groups. The number of NCC lesions and active NCC lesions were significantly associated with a positive antibody result. The electroimmunotransfer blot, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was more sensitive than a commercial western blot, especially in PWE and cerebral calcifications. This is the first study to systematically compare the clinical characteristics of PWE due to NCC or other causes and to explore the utility of two different antibody tests for diagnosis of NCC in sub-Saharan Africa

    Genetics of Mechanosensation in the Heart

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    Mechanosensation (the ultimate conversion of a mechanical stimulus into a biochemical signal) as well as mechanotransduction (transmission of mechanically induced signals) belong to the most fundamental processes in biology. These effects, because of their dynamic nature, are particularly important for the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is not surprising that defects in cardiac mechanosensation, are associated with various types of cardiomyopathy and heart failure. However, our current knowledge regarding the genetic basis of impaired mechanosensation in the cardiovascular system is beginning to shed light on this subject and is at the centre of this brief review
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