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    Frequence Et Facteurs Associes Aux Accouchements Prematures Au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Et Departemental Du Borgou Alibori Au Benin

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    Introduction: The premature birth constitutes a major cause of the neonatal and maternal mortality and morbidity and it occurs between 28 weeks of amenorrhoea and 36 weeks plus six days. Objectives: It is to determine the frequency and the factors associated to the premature at the maternity at the Departmental and Teaching Hospital of Borgou. Tool and methodological approaches: It is about an analytical and descriptive retrospective study carried out at the Hospital Teaching Centre of Borgou. The study has been conducted from the 1st January to 30th June 2016. Results: From the 665 retained deliveries, 119 were premature births, be a frequency of 17.89%. The bracket age of 20-34 years was the most represented with 69, 75%. The pauci gests and the primipara were respectively in 36.13% and 40.34% of the cases. The factors of risk such as premature rupture of membranes (PRM; p=0.00001), the haemorrhagic prævia placenta (p=0.0001), the multiple pregnancies (p=0.000003) were associated with prematurity. Conclusion: The prematurity constitutes a problem of public health in parakou and is responsible for the heavy consequences on the still-born. Hence, the interest of a better agreement to pay the medical expenses of the factors of risk permitting the reduction of its repercussion

    Facteurs predictifs de l’echec therapeutique de la fistule obstetricale au centre hospitalier universitaire Departemental Borgou-Alibori a Parakou (Benin) : Predicting factors of the therapeutic development of obstetrical fistule at the Universitaire Departemental Hospital Centre Borgou-Alibori a Parakou (Benin)

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    Introduction : La fistule obstétricale est une morbidité grave de la grossesse Un seul cas opéré et échoué constitue à nouveau un drame social. L’objectif était d’étudier les facteurs prédictifs de l’échec thérapeutique de la fistule obstétricale à Parakou au Bénin. Méthode : Il s’est agi d’une étude rétrospective descriptive et analytique au Centre Hospitalier et Départemental Universitaire de 2016 à 2018 du 1er au 30 mai 2019. Les patientes opérées de fistule obstétricale constituaient la population d’étude. Résultats : Sur 58 dossiers, 16 cas d’échec ont été enregistrés (27,59%). Ces femmes non guéries étaient non instruites (87,5%), ménagères (37,5%), paysannes (37,5%), commerçantes (25%), mariées (81,25%) et multi gestes (68,75%). Elles ont accouché par césarienne (82,76%) et d’un mort-né (68,75%). La durée du travail d’accouchement était supérieure à 24 h (41,38%). La durée de la fistule obstétricale était de 1 à 14 ans (56,90%). Elles avaient un antécédent de cure de fistule obstétricale (24,14%). Les fistules obstétricales étaient vésico-vaginale (63,79%) et vésico-utérine (24,14%). La voie d’abord était vaginale et la technique de suture était simple pour les fistules vésico-vaginales (100%). Le seul facteur prédictif à l’échec thérapeutique identifié était la durée prolongée de l’accouchement (p=0,007). Conclusion : la fistule obstétricale reste un enjeu de santé publique au Bénin avec un échec thérapeutique fréquent. Le seul facteur prédictif à l’échec thérapeutique était la durée prolongée de l’accouchement. Il est important de réduire cette durée en agissant sur les 3 retards. Introduction: Obstetric fistula is a serious morbidity of pregnancy A single case of failure is again a social tragedy. The objective was to study the factors predicting the therapeutic failure of obstetric fistula in Parakou, Benin. Method: This was a descriptive retrospective study at the University Hospital and Departmental Centre from 2016 to 2018 from May 1 to 30, 2019. Patients undergoing obstetric fistula surgery were the study population. Results: Out of 58 files, 16 failures were recorded (27. 59%). These uncured women were uneducated (87.5%), housewives (37.5%), peasants (37.5%), shopkeepers (25%), married (81.25%) and multi-gestures (68.75%). They gave birth by caesarean section (82.76%) and stillbirth (68. 75%). Hours of work exceeded 24 hours (41.38%). The duration of obstetric fistula ranged from 1 to 14 years (56.90%). They had a history of obstetric fistula cure (24.14%). Obstetric fistulae were vesico-vaginal (63.79%) and vesico-uterine (24.14%). The first route was vaginal and the suture technique was simple for vesico-vaginal fistula (100%). The only predictor of therapeutic failure identified was prolonged delivery time (p=0. 007). Conclusion: obstetric fistula remains a public health issue in Benin with frequent therapeutic failure. The only predictor of treatment failure was the prolonged duration of delivery. It is important to reduce this time by addressing the 3 delays