1,603 research outputs found

    Skeleton as a probe of the cosmic web: the 2D case

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    We discuss the skeleton as a probe of the filamentary structures of a 2D random field. It can be defined for a smooth field as the ensemble of pairs of field lines departing from saddle points, initially aligned with the major axis of local curvature and connecting them to local maxima. This definition is thus non local and makes analytical predictions difficult, so we propose a local approximation: the local skeleton is given by the set of points where the gradient is aligned with the local curvature major axis and where the second component of the local curvature is negative. We perform a statistical analysis of the length of the total local skeleton, chosen for simplicity as the set of all points of space where the gradient is either parallel or orthogonal to the main curvature axis. In all our numerical experiments, which include Gaussian and various non Gaussian realizations such as \chi^2 fields and Zel'dovich maps, the differential length is found within a normalization factor to be very close to the probability distribution function of the smoothed field. This is in fact explicitly demonstrated in the Gaussian case. This result might be discouraging for using the skeleton as a probe of non Gausiannity, but our analyses assume that the total length of the skeleton is a free, adjustable parameter. This total length could in fact be used to constrain cosmological models, in CMB maps but also in 3D galaxy catalogs, where it estimates the total length of filaments in the Universe. Making the link with other works, we also show how the skeleton can be used to study the dynamics of large scale structure.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA

    A cloudy Vlasov solution

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    We propose to integrate the Vlasov-Poisson equations giving the evolution of a dynamical system in phase-space using a continuous set of local basis functions. In practice, the method decomposes the density in phase-space into small smooth units having compact support. We call these small units ``clouds'' and choose them to be Gaussians of elliptical support. Fortunately, the evolution of these clouds in the local potential has an analytical solution, that can be used to evolve the whole system during a significant fraction of dynamical time. In the process, the clouds, initially round, change shape and get elongated. At some point, the system needs to be remapped on round clouds once again. This remapping can be performed optimally using a small number of Lucy iterations. The remapped solution can be evolved again with the cloud method, and the process can be iterated a large number of times without showing significant diffusion. Our numerical experiments show that it is possible to follow the 2 dimensional phase space distribution during a large number of dynamical times with excellent accuracy. The main limitation to this accuracy is the finite size of the clouds, which results in coarse graining the structures smaller than the clouds and induces small aliasing effects at these scales. However, it is shown in this paper that this method is consistent with an adaptive refinement algorithm which allows one to track the evolution of the finer structure in phase space. It is also shown that the generalization of the cloud method to the 4 dimensional and the 6 dimensional phase space is quite natural.Comment: 46 pages, 25 figures, submitted to MNRA

    A "metric" semi-Lagrangian Vlasov-Poisson solver

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    We propose a new semi-Lagrangian Vlasov-Poisson solver. It employs elements of metric to follow locally the flow and its deformation, allowing one to find quickly and accurately the initial phase-space position Q(P)Q(P) of any test particle PP, by expanding at second order the geometry of the motion in the vicinity of the closest element. It is thus possible to reconstruct accurately the phase-space distribution function at any time tt and position PP by proper interpolation of initial conditions, following Liouville theorem. When distorsion of the elements of metric becomes too large, it is necessary to create new initial conditions along with isotropic elements and repeat the procedure again until next resampling. To speed up the process, interpolation of the phase-space distribution is performed at second order during the transport phase, while third order splines are used at the moments of remapping. We also show how to compute accurately the region of influence of each element of metric with the proper percolation scheme. The algorithm is tested here in the framework of one-dimensional gravitational dynamics but is implemented in such a way that it can be extended easily to four or six-dimensional phase-space. It can also be trivially generalised to plasmas.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of Plasma Physics, Special issue: The Vlasov equation, from space to laboratory plasma

    Void Statistics and Hierarchical Scaling in the Halo Model

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    We study scaling behaviour of statistics of voids in the context of the halo model of nonlinear large-scale structure. The halo model allows us to understand why the observed galaxy void probability obeys hierarchical scaling, even though the premise from which the scaling is derived is not satisfied. We argue that the commonly observed negative binomial scaling is not fundamental, but merely the result of the specific values of bias and number density for typical galaxies. The model implies quantitative relations between void statistics measured for two populations of galaxies, such as SDSS red and blue galaxies, and their number density and bias.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Observational Constraints on Higher Order Clustering up to $z\simeq 1

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    Constraints on the validity of the hierarchical gravitational instability theory and the evolution of biasing are presented based upon measurements of higher order clustering statistics in the Deeprange Survey, a catalog of 710,000\sim710,000 galaxies with IAB24I_{AB} \le 24 derived from a KPNO 4m CCD imaging survey of a contiguous 4×44^{\circ} \times 4^{\circ} region. We compute the 3-point and 4-point angular correlation functions using a direct estimation for the former and the counts-in-cells technique for both. The skewness s3s_3 decreases by a factor of 34\simeq 3-4 as galaxy magnitude increases over the range 17I22.517 \le I \le 22.5 (0.1z0.80.1 \lesssim z \lesssim 0.8). This decrease is consistent with a small {\it increase} of the bias with increasing redshift, but not by more than a factor of 2 for the highest redshifts probed. Our results are strongly inconsistent, at about the 3.54σ3.5-4 \sigma level, with typical cosmic string models in which the initial perturbations follow a non-Gaussian distribution - such models generally predict an opposite trend in the degree of bias as a function of redshift. We also find that the scaling relation between the 3-point and 4-point correlation functions remains approximately invariant over the above magnitude range. The simplest model that is consistent with these constraints is a universe in which an initially Gaussian perturbation spectrum evolves under the influence of gravity combined with a low level of bias between the matter and the galaxies that decreases slightly from z0.8z \sim 0.8 to the current epoch.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures included, ApJ, accepted, minor change

    Self-similarity and scaling behavior of scale-free gravitational clustering

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    We measure the scaling properties of the probability distribution of the smoothed density field in NN-body simulations of expanding universes with scale-free initial power-spectra, with particular attention to the predictions of the stable clustering hypothesis. We concentrate our analysis on the ratios SQ()ξˉQ/ξˉ2Q1S_Q(\ell)\equiv {\bar \xi}_Q/{\bar \xi}_2^{Q-1}, Q5Q \leq 5, where ξˉQ{\bar \xi}_Q is the averaged QQ-body correlation function over a cell of radius \ell. The behavior of the higher order correlations is studied through that of the void probability distribution function. As functions of ξˉ2{\bar \xi}_2, the quantities SQS_Q, 3Q53 \leq Q \leq 5, exhibit two plateaus separated by a smooth transition around ξˉ21{\bar \xi}_2 \sim 1. In the weakly nonlinear regime, {\bar \xi}_2 \la 1, the results are in reasonable agreement with the predictions of perturbation theory. In the nonlinear regime, ξˉ2>1{\bar \xi}_2 > 1, the function SQ(ξˉ2)S_Q({\bar \xi}_2) is larger than in the weakly nonlinear regime, and increasingly so with n-n. It is well-fitted by the expression $S_Q= ({\bar \xi}_2/100)^{0.045(Q-2)}\ {\widetilde S}_Qforall for all n. This weak dependence on scale proves {\em a small, but significant departure from the stable clustering predictions} at least for n=0and and n=+1.Theanalysisof. The analysis of P_0confirmsthattheexpectedscaleinvarianceofthefunctions confirms that the expected scale-invariance of the functions S_Qisnotexactlyattainedinthepartofthenonlinearregimeweprobe,exceptpossiblyfor is not exactly attained in the part of the nonlinear regime we probe, except possibly for n=-2andmarginallyfor and marginally for n=-1$. In these two cases, our measurements are not accurate enough to be discriminant.Comment: 31 pages, postscript file, figure 1 missing. Postscript file including figure 1 available at ftp://ftp-astro-theory.fnal.gov:/pub/Publications/Pub-95-256-

    Transformation seismology: composite soil lenses for steering surface elastic Rayleigh waves.

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    Metamaterials are artificially structured media that exibit properties beyond those usually encountered in nature. Typically they are developed for electromagnetic waves at millimetric down to nanometric scales, or for acoustics, at centimeter scales. By applying ideas from transformation optics we can steer Rayleigh-surface waves that are solutions of the vector Navier equations of elastodynamics. As a paradigm of the conformal geophysics that we are creating, we design a square arrangement of Luneburg lenses to reroute Rayleigh waves around a building with the dual aim of protection and minimizing the effect on the wavefront (cloaking). To show that this is practically realisable we deliberately choose to use material parameters readily available and this metalens consists of a composite soil structured with buried pillars made of softer material. The regular lattice of inclusions is homogenized to give an effective material with a radially varying velocity profile and hence varying the refractive index of the lens. We develop the theory and then use full 3D numerical simulations to conclusively demonstrate, at frequencies of seismological relevance 3–10 Hz, and for low-speed sedimentary soil (v(s): 300–500 m/s), that the vibration of a structure is reduced by up to 6 dB at its resonance frequency