45,531 research outputs found

    Renormalization group approach to spinor Bose-Fermi mixtures in a shallow optical lattice

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    We study a mixture of ultracold spin-half fermionic and spin-one bosonic atoms in a shallow optical lattice where the bosons are coupled to the fermions via both density-density and spin-spin interactions. We consider the parameter regime where the bosons are in a superfluid ground state, integrate them out, and obtain an effective action for the fermions. We carry out a renormalization group analysis of this effective fermionic action at low temperatures, show that the presence of the spinor bosons may lead to a separation of Fermi surfaces of the spin-up and spin-down fermions, and investigate the parameter range where this phenomenon occurs. We also calculate the susceptibilities corresponding to the possible superfluid instabilities of the fermions and obtain their possible broken-symmetry ground states at low temperatures and weak interactions.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figs v

    Pairing and density-wave phases in Boson-Fermion mixtures at fixed filling

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    We study a mixture of fermionic and bosonic cold atoms on a two-dimensional optical lattice, where the fermions are prepared in two hyperfine (isospin) states and the bosons have Bose-Einstein condensed (BEC). The coupling between the fermionic atoms and the bosonic fluctuations of the BEC has similarities with the electron-phonon coupling in crystals. We study the phase diagram for this system at fixed fermion density of one per site (half-filling). We find that tuning of the lattice parameters and interaction strengths (for fermion-fermion, fermion-boson and boson-boson interactions) drives the system to undergo antiferromagnetic ordering, s-wave and d-wave pairing superconductivity or a charge density wave phase. We use functional renormalization group analysis where retardation effects are fully taken into account by keeping the frequency dependence of the interaction vertices and self-energies. We calculate response functions and also provide estimates of the energy gap associated with the dominant order, and how it depends on different parameters of the problem.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Digital Switching in the Quantum Domain

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    In this paper, we present an architecture and implementation algorithm such that digital data can be switched in the quantum domain. First we define the connection digraph which can be used to describe the behavior of a switch at a given time, then we show how a connection digraph can be implemented using elementary quantum gates. The proposed mechanism supports unicasting as well as multicasting, and is strict-sense non-blocking. It can be applied to perform either circuit switching or packet switching. Compared with a traditional space or time domain switch, the proposed switching mechanism is more scalable. Assuming an n-by-n quantum switch, the space consumption grows linearly, i.e. O(n), while the time complexity is O(1) for unicasting, and O(log n) for multicasting. Based on these advantages, a high throughput switching device can be built simply by increasing the number of I/O ports.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, LaTe

    Microfluidic immunomagnetic multi-target sorting – a model for controlling deflection of paramagnetic beads

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    We describe a microfluidic system that uses a magnetic field to sort paramagnetic beads by deflecting them in the direction normal to the flow. Our experiments systematically study the dependence of the beads’ deflection on: bead size and susceptibility, magnet strength, fluid speed and viscosity, and device geometry. We also develop a design parameter that can aid in the design of microfluidic devices for immunomagnetic multi-target sorting

    Remote sensing of sea state by laser altimeters

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    The reflection of short laser pulses from the ocean surface was analyzed based on the specular point theory of scattering. The expressions for the averaged received signal, shot noise and speckle induced noise were derived for a direct detection system. It is found that the reflected laser pulses have an average shape closely related to the probability density function associated with the surface profile. This result is applied to estimate the mean sea level and significant wave height from the receiver output of the laser altimeter
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