325 research outputs found

    Determinism And Freedom Reflected In David Nicholls’s One Day Novel (2009): A Philosophy Of Determinism

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    This study is about determinism and freedom in One Day novel. The objective of this study are to analyze the novel based on its structural elements and apply the determinism approach to analyze the determinism and freedom in One Day novel. The data source comes from primary data source that is the novel and the secondary data sources are references and data or materials related to the research picking up from the books and the internet related with the novel. The method of the data collection is descriptive analysis.The researcher uses Barret’s major point of determinism and freedom to answer the problem of the study. The study is descriptive qualitative research whose data are taken from novel. The technique of the collecting data is library research, while the technique of analyzing data is descriptive. The study comes to the following conclusions. Firstly, based on the structural analysis of each elements, it shows that character and characterization, setting, plot, point of view, and theme are related to each other and form the unity. Secondly, based on the determinism analysis the writer wants to say that humans only have the freedom to choose and do all they want, and they can only hope and strive in order that their desires could be achieved and their hopes come true, sometimes what they choose and what they do give a major influence on their future or the rest of their lives but on the other hand everything is determined by God, including, life and death, fate and destiny, fortune and mate

    On Inventory Strategies of Online Retailers

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    This study focuses on inventory strategies of Internet retailers (etailers). The etailer faces options of holding her own inventory or outsourcing through the third party(ies). We assess etailer inventory strategies through mathematical modelling and numerical experiments. When ordering and holding her own stock, the etailer has full control of the order fulfillment process but bears the inventory-related risk. When outsourcing stock, etailer’s orders may not get an equal priority as for those of the third party’s own. Built upon simple operations research models, the numerical experiments suggest that the etailer is better off relying on others to fulfill orders if her demand (profit margin) is low, but should revert to the strategy of maintaining her own inventory if her sales volume (profit margin) is relatively high. Other factors are also investigated. These findings seem to confirm what are being practised in the industry

    Increasing Students’ Understanding of the Simple Past Tense Using Discovery Learning at VII grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Doloksanggul in Academic Year 2017/218

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    The purpose of this research is to know whether students\u27 understanding of the simple past tense could be increased by discovery learning. This research was conducted at VII grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Doloksanggul in Academic Year 2017/218.which consisted of 36 students as respondent. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) method in solving the students\u27 problem in understanding of the simple past tense. The researcher used the Kurt Lewin\u27s model that consists of four phases, planning, acting, observing and reflecting. There are two kinds of data in this research, namely quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data can be derived from the test result. Besides, the qualitative data can be derived from the observation, interview and field notes. In analyzing the data, the researcher used descriptive analysis and statistic analysis to know the result of the implementation the Classroom Action Research (CAR) to the students. The result of this study showed that the students\u27 progress during teaching and learning process using discovery learning to increase the students\u27 understanding of the simple past tense was good. It was proved by three data results, first, from the observation result, it showed that the students were more motivated, active and interested in learning simple past tense in the classroom. Second, from interview result, it could be seen that students\u27 skill in understanding of the simple past tense has improved than before in which suitable with interview result with the English teacher. Last, from the test result. It consisted of three tests, namely pretest, posttest 1 and posttest 2. There was found 22.78 point of improvement of students\u27 mean score after using discovery learning. The mean score of the pre-test was 48.19. There were only 8.33% of the whole students who could pass Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Then the mean score of posttest 1 was 59.86. The percentage of students was 33.33% who could get the score above Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Next, the mean score of posttest 2 was 70.97. In this test, there were 77.78% students who got the score above Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM)


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    Purpose: The amount of investment in Indonesia both foreign and domestic increases in number each year. One of the growing investment in Indonesia is the creative industry. Creativity from this creative industry produces a variety of works protected by intellectual property. The development of intellectual property law advanced rapidly. One form of intellectual property is copyright. The many interests in the implementation of this copyright cause some problems and disputes. Indonesia itself recognizes some non-court settlement disputes namely arbitration and mediation so that intellectual property may remain protected. Methodology: This research study gathered secondary data from literature review, online article, dialogues and different document available on the internet regarding the copyright law. In addition, this research study has analysed different Indonesian law regarding copyright. Main Findings: There are rights in copyright protected by law. In-Law No. 28 of 2014 it is possible to settle disputes outside the court through several methods. Article 95 of Law No. 28 of 2014 on Copyright stipulates that Settlement of Copyright disputes may be made through alternative dispute resolution, arbitration, or courts. Implications/Applications: The findings of the study are helpful in gaining knowledge regarding law available regarding copyright and settlement of Copyright disputes through alternative dispute resolution, arbitration, or courts, etc

    Suatu Tinjauan Yuridis Tentang Perlawanan Pihak Ketiga Dalam Perkara Jual Beli Tanah (Studi Kasus Di Pengadilan Negeri Salatiga)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan-alasan yang dicantumkan oleh pihak ketiga sehingga melakukan perlawanan pihak ketiga dan bagaimana Hakim dalam menentukan putusan perihal jual beli tanah setelah ada perlawanan pihak ketiga dalam sengketa jual beli tanah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah pendekatan normatif sosiologis, yang artinya adalah suatu pendekatan dengan cara pandang dari segi aspek hukum mengenai segala sesuatu yang terjadi di dalam masyarakat yang mempunyai akibat hukum untuk dihubungkan dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku saat ini. Setelah mendapat data dari penelitian, yaitu data dari Pengadilan Negeri Salatiga mengenai Putusan Gugatan Perlawanan Pihak Ketiga, kemudian data tersebut dianalisis secara kualitatif yaitu mengambil data yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang dibahas peraturan, literatur mengenai perlawanan pihak ketiga yang dikaitkan dengan pendapat responden dan dicarikan pemecahannya dan kemudian dapat disimpulkan. Dalam perlawanannya ini pelawan berkeyakinan bahwa tanah yang telah dibelinya sudah menjadi hak miliknya. Karena jaminan hutang atas tanah yang menjadi objek sengketa telah dibayar lunas oleh pelawan kepada pihak bank dari uang hasil jual beli tanah tersebut. Penulisan skripsi ini diharapkan akan memberi sumbangan dan masukan guna mengembangkan hukum khususnya hukum perdata, dan juga dapat membantu memecahkan masalah yang sedang dihadapi atau mungkin akan dihadapi, yaitu mengenai perlawanan pihak ketiga dalam penyelesaian perkara perdata

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Sopir Truk karena Kelalaian Mengakibatkan Orang Lain Meninggal Dunia

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    Penelitian yang berjudul Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Sopir Truk karena Kelalaian Mengakibatkan Orang Lain Meninggal Dunia. Bertujuan mengetahui proses penyelesaian sopir truk karena kelalaian mengakibatkan orang lain meninggal dunia serta mengetahui pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhdap sopir truk. Penelitian menggunakan metode yuridis-sosiologis (empiris) yakni penelitian terhadap masalah dengan melihat dan memperhatikan norma hukum yang berlaku dihubungkan dengan fakta-fakta yang ada dari permasalahan yang ditemui dalam penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian, pertama, proses penyelesaian hukum melaluai proses sumber tindak pidana, penyidikan, penuntutan, dan proses pemeriksaan di pengadilan. Kedua, perlindungan merupakan hak tersangka atau terdakwa dan peran restorasi justise sebagai upaya tersangka untuk dimaafkan keluarga korban. Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Sopir Truk Karena Kelalaian Mengakibatkan Orang Lain Meninggal Dunia Legal Protection Against The Truck Driver Negligence Resulting In Another Person Dies, Lalu Alun Sagoro, C 100. 090. 071. Law Faculty, Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta. ABSTRACK The study, entitled Legal Protection Against The Truck Driver Because Failure Causes Other People Died. Aiming to know the process of the settlement of a truck driver for negligence resulting in another person died and examine the implementation of legal protection terhdap truck driver. The study used socio-juridical methods (empirical) that a study of the problem by looking at and pay attention to the prevailing legal norms connected with the facts that exist from the problems encountered in the study. Results of the study, first, the legal settlement process melaluai source of crime, investigation, prosecution, and investigation process in court. Second, the protection of the rights of the suspect or the accused and the role of restoration Justise as a suspect to the victim's family is unforgivable. Keywords: Legal Protection Against The Truck Driver Because Failure Causes Other People Die

    Upaya Pencegahan Peredaran Narkotika Oleh Tim P4gn (Pencegahan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan Dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba)Kabupaten Sukoharjo Pada Anak Usia Sekolah

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    Narcotics is a substance if abused will cause harmful effects to health, so P4GN trying to prevent drug trafficking. For the purpose of this study describes a precaution and Sukoharjo P4GN efforts against narcotics trafficking involving children. The research approach used to conduct this study was Juridical sociological research methods. Methods of data analysis using a qualitative approach. The results showed. The work program run by P4GN Sukoharjo form of outreach programs, drug prevention promotion business. Activities aimed at children's special about the field of prevention in the form of socialization to schools in the form of counseling dangers of drugs. P4GN Rehabilitasion activity to the consultation is more personal problems and the hypnoteraphy / suggestion in order to stay away from drugs, then a coaching program of street children in the form of street children schools and vocational training street children

    Tinjauan Yuridis Tanggung Jawab Hukum dalam Perjanjian Kerjasama Penerbitan Kartu Kredit Corporate

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    In order to meet the needs of life, humans enter into transactions with each other. The way of conducting transactions continues to change along with the times, such as in the past, which began with transactions by exchanging goods, then transactions using money, and this method is still ongoing today. However, in current developments, payment instruments are not safe enough to use and are also impractical to carry around in large quantities because they can invite crimes, such as robbery and others. Therefore, technology and science created a new breakthrough which is one of the products of the bank which will hereinafter be referred to as a credit card (Credit Card). A credit card is a card that is generally made of plastic material, with the identity of the holder and issuer affixed, which gives the right to whom the credit card is issued to sign a receipt for payment of services or goods purchased in certain places, such as shops, hotels, restaurants, transport ticket sellers and others. The method used in this study is a doctrinal (normative) approach, because in this research it essentially examines the law which is conceptualized as a norm or rule that applies in society, and becomes a reference for everyone's behavior. So that in this study the author will examine limited norms or laws and regulations (written) related to the object under study. One of them is Bank Mandiri which entered into an agreement with government agencies, a Cooperation agreement for the issuance of corporate credit cards. However, in an agreement there should be risks in an agreement as well as legal responsibility in a Cooperation agreement. In an agreement, problems often arise such as default, unlawful acts and/or forced circumstances (overmacht) so that it can harm both parties to the agreement, not least in the Cooperation agreement between PT. Bank Mandiri, Tbk with the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Transportation who entered into a Cooperation agreement in terms of issuing corporate credit cards for the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Transportation

    Tinjauan Yuridis Undang-Undang No 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa (Studi Kasus Di Desa Karanglo, Kecamatan Tawangmangu)

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    The purpose of writing this research is to describe and find out about how the Village Law is implemented in Karanglo Village and how it impacts the community. The approach method used in this study, researchers used a juridical-empirical approach. The data analysis method used in this paper is qualitative juridical.The results of this study are that with the implementation of the Village Law by the Karanglo Village Government, there are several programs carried out for the welfare of the community. The implementation of the Village Law begins with the planning, implementation and monitoring stages. In its implementation, the village government of Karanglo village made the first three programs, namely the development of infrastructure based on independence. The second program is empowering village communities. The third program is strengthening village-owned enterprises. The impact of the implementation of this Village Law in general provides extraordinary benefits to the community. There are lots of training programs for SMEs in the community. Each UKM can absorb 5-10 workers. The conclusions that can be drawn in this study are that since the enactment of the Village Law it has had a positive influence on the welfare of the people of Karanglo Village. With village funds transferred from the central government, it has a major influence on development. The use of this writing is to provide useful knowledge in the field of Constitutional Law, regarding the implementation of village laws and to provide input on the implementation of village administration and to contribute ideas to village officials and village communities regarding the implementation of village laws

    Ketaatan Masyarakatkabupaten Klaten Terhadap Peraturan Daerah Tentang Izin Mendirikan Bangunan

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    Ketaatan Masyarakat Kabupaten Klaten Terhadap Peraturan Daerah Terhadap IzinMendirikan Bangunan. Haryo Mataram Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. 2013. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan pendekatan kepada masyarakat. Dan sifat dari penelitian inibersifat diskriptif yaitu menjelaskan tentang pelaksanaan mengenai peraturan daerah yang ada dikabupaten klaten yang terdapat dalam peraturan daerah nomor 5 tahun 1984 tentang izin mendirikan bangunan. Berdasarkan data data penelitian yang diperoleh dari studi lapangan menghasilkan data primer terhadap peraturan daerah Nomor 5 l ahun 1984 dikabupaten klaten dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari buku litertur dan hasil pertemuan ilmiah dengan masyarakat. Digunakan juga analisis data kualitatif yaitu berdasarkan mutu atau kuailtas data, bahwa apa yang didapat dari studi pustaka maupun yang dinyatakan oleh responden masyarakat baik tertulis maupun lisan dan juga perilaku yang nyata dan teliti. Dar i uraian--uraian sebelumnva. maka saga t dapat memberikan keterangan bahwa peraturan daerah no 5 tahun 1984 Kabupaten Daerah tingkat II Klaten tentang membuat dan membongkar bangunan. yang lazim disebut izin mendirikan bangunan (IMB) di Kabupaten Klaten, kurang dapat diberlakukan secara etektif, hal in i dapat dilihat dari 100 responden terpilih yang diambil secara acak dari 5 desa yang masing--masing desa 20 responden. Ternvata hanya 23 responden yang mernatuhi peraturan ba ik karena kesadaran sendiri maupun karena teguran ataupun peringatan dari Dinas Pekerjaan Umum. sedangkan 67 responden tidak mematuhi peraturan. Adapun faktor - faktor yang menghambat masyarakat dalam mematuhi Peraturan Daerah tersebut yaitu kurangnya pengertian atau pemahaman dari masyarakat mengenal Peraturan Daerah tentang Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan,bahwa biaya untuk mendapatkan Ijin tersebut dirasakan terlalu tinggi. proses pengurusannva yang berbelit -belit sehingga mereka cenderung memilih melaksanakan pemutihan. kurangnya sosialisasi yang dilakukan pcmerintah daerah dalam memberikan pengertian mengenai peraturan tersebut terhadap massarakat.Sedangkan taktor -faktor yang mendorong pelaksanaan pcraturaan daerah nomor 5 tahun 1984 di Kabupaten Klaten yaitu adanva penyuluhan - penyuluhan atau sosialisasi dari Pemerintah Daerah kepada nutsv arakat. khususnya mengenai hukum perizinan dari pernerintah daerah dengan melihatkan berbagai instansi terkait untuk menggalakkan kembali kesadaran masyarakat akan arti pentingnya perizinan bagi suatu bangunan. adanya langkah-langkah penyesuaian dengan kemampuan masing-masing daerah dalam menentukan besar kecilnya biaya-biaya untuk mendapatkan izin tersebutadanya kemudahan-kemudahan serta penyederhanaan mengenai persyaratannya untuk nendapatkan Ijin tersebutadanya tindak lanjut untuk diadakan pemutihan mengenai izin mendirikan bangunan (IMB) bagi bangunan yang belum memiliki izin
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