212 research outputs found

    Time dependence of Bragg forward scattering and self-seeding of hard x-ray free-electron lasers

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    Free-electron lasers (FELs) can now generate temporally short, high power x-ray pulses of unprecedented brightness, even though their longitudinal coherence is relatively poor. The longitudinal coherence can be potentially improved by employing narrow bandwidth x-ray crystal optics, in which case one must also understand how the crystal affects the field profile in time and space. We frame the dynamical theory of x-ray diffraction as a set of coupled waves in order to derive analytic expressions for the spatiotemporal response of Bragg scattering from temporally short incident pulses. We compute the profiles of both the reflected and forward scattered x-ray pulses, showing that the time delay of the wave τ\tau is linked to its transverse spatial shift Δx\Delta x through the simple relationship Δx=cτcotθ\Delta x = c\tau \cot\theta, where θ\theta is the grazing angle of incidence to the diffracting planes. Finally, we apply our findings to obtain an analytic description of Bragg forward scattering relevant to monochromatically seed hard x-ray FELs.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure


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    We investigate whether inertial thermometers moving in a thermal bath behave as being hotter or colder. This question is directly related to the classical controversy concerning how temperature transforms under Lorentz transformations. Rather than basing our arguments on thermodynamical hypotheses, we perform straightforward calculations in the context of relativistic quantum field theory. For this purpose we use Unruh-DeWitt detectors, since they have been shown to be reliable thermometers in semi-classical gravity. We believe that our discussion helps in definitely clarifying this issue.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure available upon reques

    Spatiotemporal Response of Crystals in X-ray Bragg Diffraction

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    The spatiotemporal response of crystals in x-ray Bragg diffraction resulting from excitation by an ultra-short, laterally confined x-ray pulse is studied theoretically. The theory presents an extension of the analysis in symmetric reflection geometry [1] to the generic case, which includes Bragg diffraction both in reflection (Bragg) and transmission (Laue) asymmetric scattering geometries. The spatiotemporal response is presented as a product of a crystal-intrinsic plane wave spatiotemporal response function and an envelope function defined by the crystal-independent transverse profile of the incident beam and the scattering geometry. The diffracted wavefields exhibit amplitude modulation perpendicular to the propagation direction due to both angular dispersion and the dispersion due to Bragg's law. The characteristic measure of the spatiotemporal response is expressed in terms of a few parameters: the extinction length, crystal thickness, Bragg angle, asymmetry angle, and the speed of light. Applications to self-seeding of hard x-ray free electron lasers are discussed, with particular emphasis on the relative advantages of using either the Bragg or Laue scattering geometries. Intensity front inclination in asymmetric diffraction can be used to make snapshots of ultra-fast processes with femtosecond resolution

    A Convergent Method for Calculating the Properties of Many Interacting Electrons

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    A method is presented for calculating binding energies and other properties of extended interacting systems using the projected density of transitions (PDoT) which is the probability distribution for transitions of different energies induced by a given localized operator, the operator on which the transitions are projected. It is shown that the transition contributing to the PDoT at each energy is the one which disturbs the system least, and so, by projecting on appropriate operators, the binding energies of equilibrium electronic states and the energies of their elementary excitations can be calculated. The PDoT may be expanded as a continued fraction by the recursion method, and as in other cases the continued fraction converges exponentially with the number of arithmetic operations, independent of the size of the system, in contrast to other numerical methods for which the number of operations increases with system size to maintain a given accuracy. These properties are illustrated with a calculation of the binding energies and zone-boundary spin- wave energies for an infinite spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain, which is compared with analytic results for this system and extrapolations from finite rings of spins.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, corrected pd

    Quantum Hall Effect in Three Dimensional Layered Systems

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    Using a mapping of a layered three-dimensional system with significant inter-layer tunneling onto a spin-Hamiltonian, the phase diagram in the strong magnetic field limit is obtained in the semi-classical approximation. This phase diagram, which exhibit a metallic phase for a finite range of energies and magnetic fields, and the calculated associated critical exponent, ν=4/3\nu=4/3, agree excellently with existing numerical calculations. The implication of this work for the quantum Hall effect in three dimensions is discussed.Comment: 4 pages + 4 figure

    Einstein's fluctuation formula. A historical overview

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    A historical overview is given on the basic results which appeared by the year 1926 concerning Einstein's fluctuation formula of black-body radiation, in the context of light-quanta and wave-particle duality. On the basis of the original publications (from Planck's derivation of the black-body spectrum and Einstein's introduction of the photons up to the results of Born, Heisenberg and Jordan on the quantization of a continuum) a comparative study is presented on the first line of thoughts that led to the concept of quanta. The nature of the particle-like fluctuations and the wave-like fluctuations are analysed by using several approaches. With the help of the classical probability theory, it is shown that the infinite divisibility of the Bose distribution leads to the new concept of classical poissonian photo-multiplets or to the binary photo-multiplets of fermionic character. As an application, Einstein's fluctuation formula is derived as a sum of fermion type fluctuations of the binary photo-multiplets.Comment: 34 page

    In vitro Efficacy of a Novel Guanosine-Analog Phosphonate

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    Actinic keratosis, a frequent carcinoma in situ of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), can transform into life-threatening cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Current treatment is limited due to low complete clearance rates and asks for novel therapeutic concepts; the novel purine nucleotide analogue OxBu may be an option. In order to enhance skin penetration, solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN, 136-156 nm) were produced with an OxBu entrapment efficiency of 96.5 ± 0.1%. For improved preclinical evaluation, we combined tissue engineering with clinically used keratin-18 quantification. Three doses of 10-3 mol/l OxBu, dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline as well as loaded to SLN, were effective on reconstructed NMSC. Tumour response and apoptosis induction were evaluated by an increase in caspase-cleaved fragment of keratin-18, caspase-7 activation as well as by reduced expression of matrix metallopeptidase-2 and Ki-67. OxBu efficacy was superior to equimolar 5-fluorouracil solution, and thus the drug should be subjected to the next step in preclinical evaluation

    Axiomatic geometric formulation of electromagnetism with only one axiom: the field equation for the bivector field F with an explanation of the Trouton-Noble experiment

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    In this paper we present an axiomatic, geometric, formulation of electromagnetism with only one axiom: the field equation for the Faraday bivector field F. This formulation with F field is a self-contained, complete and consistent formulation that dispenses with either electric and magnetic fields or the electromagnetic potentials. All physical quantities are defined without reference frames, the absolute quantities, i.e., they are geometric four dimensional (4D) quantities or, when some basis is introduced, every quantity is represented as a 4D coordinate-based geometric quantity comprising both components and a basis. The new observer independent expressions for the stress-energy vector T(n)(1-vector), the energy density U (scalar), the Poynting vector S and the momentum density g (1-vectors), the angular momentum density M (bivector) and the Lorentz force K (1-vector) are directly derived from the field equation for F. The local conservation laws are also directly derived from that field equation. The 1-vector Lagrangian with the F field as a 4D absolute quantity is presented; the interaction term is written in terms of F and not, as usual, in terms of A. It is shown that this geometric formulation is in a full agreement with the Trouton-Noble experiment.Comment: 32 pages, LaTex, this changed version will be published in Found. Phys. Let

    An asymptotic form of the reciprocity theorem with applications in x-ray scattering

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    The emission of electromagnetic waves from a source within or near a non-trivial medium (with or without boundaries, crystalline or amorphous, with inhomogeneities, absorption and so on) is sometimes studied using the reciprocity principle. This is a variation of the method of Green's functions. If one is only interested in the asymptotic radiation fields the generality of these methods may actually be a shortcoming: obtaining expressions valid for the uninteresting near fields is not just a wasted effort but may be prohibitively difficult. In this work we obtain a modified form the reciprocity principle which gives the asymptotic radiation field directly. The method may be used to obtain the radiation from a prescribed source, and also to study scattering problems. To illustrate the power of the method we study a few pedagogical examples and then, as a more challenging application we tackle two related problems. We calculate the specular reflection of x rays by a rough surface and by a smoothly graded surface taking polarization effects into account. In conventional treatments of reflection x rays are treated as scalar waves, polarization effects are neglected. This is a good approximation at grazing incidence but becomes increasingly questionable for soft x rays and UV at higher incidence angles. PACs: 61.10.Dp, 61.10.Kw, 03.50.DeComment: 19 pages, 4 figure