6,120 research outputs found

    A portable life support system for use in mines

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    The portable life support system described in this paper represents a potential increase in the probability of survival for miners who are trapped underground by a fire or explosion. The habitability and life support capability of the prototype shelter have proved excellent. Development of survival chamber life support systems for wide use in coal mines is definitely within the capabilities of current technology

    Nuclear modification of valence-quark distributions and its effects on NuTeV sin^2 theta_W anomaly

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    We investigated a nuclear modification difference between up- and down-valence quark distributions by analyzing structure function F_2 and Drell-Yan cross-section ratios. Although nuclear modifications of the valence-quark distributions themselves are rather well determined, it is difficult to find their difference from the present data. We estimated such an effect on the NuTeV sin^2 theta_W value and its uncertainty by the Hessian method. At this stage, it is not large enough to explain the whole NuTeV anomaly. However, the modification difference cannot be precisely determined, so that further studies are needed.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX, 1 eps file, to be published in Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Superbeams (NuFact04

    Modified Paschos-Wolfenstein relation and extraction of weak mixing angle sin^2 theta_W

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    The NuTeV collaboration reported anomalously large weak mixing angle sin^2 theta_W in comparison with the standard model prediction. Neutrino and antineutrino charged- and neutral-current events are analyzed for extracting sin^2 theta_W. Although the Paschos-Wolfenstein relation is not directly used in the analysis, it plays an important role in the determination. Noting that the target nucleus, iron, is not an isoscalar nucleus, we derive a leading-order expression for a modified Paschos-Wolfenstein relation for nuclei, which may have neutron excess. Then, using charge and baryon-number conservations for nuclei, we discuss a nuclear correction in the sin^2 theta_W determination. It is noteworthy that nuclear modifications are different between valence up- and down-quark distributions. We show this difference effect on the NuTeV sin^2 theta_W deviation.Comment: 5 pages, REVTeX4.0, revtex4.cls, url.sty, natbib.sty, revsymb.sty, 10pt.rtx, aps.rtx, amssymb.sty, amsfonts.sty, 3 eps figures. Phys. Rev. D in press. Email: [email protected] See also http://hs.phys.saga-u.ac.j

    A Key to Container-Breeding Mosquitoes of Michigan (Diptera: Cllllcidae), With Notes on Their Biology

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    An illustrated key to larvae and notes on the biology of container-breeding mosquitoes of Michigan are presented. Two species included in the key. Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. are not endemic in Michigan, but occasional introductions could occur with commercial shipments of scrap tires or other containers

    Can a 3+2 Oscillation Model Explain the NuTeV Electroweak Results?

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    The weak mixing angle result from NuTeV falls three standard deviations above the value determined by global electroweak fits. It has been suggested that one possible explanation for this result could be the oscillation of electron neutrinos in the NuTeV beam to sterile neutrinos. This article examines several cases of masses and mixings for 3+2 neutrino oscillation models which fit the current oscillation data at 99% CL. We conclude that electron to sterile neutrino oscillations can account for only up to a third of a standard deviation between the NuTeV determination of the weak mixing angle and the standard model.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Brief Report

    Modeling Lepton-Nucleon Inelastic Scattering from High to Low Momentum Transfer

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    We present a model for inclusive charged lepton-nucleon and (anti)neutrino-nucleon cross sections at momentum transfer squared, Q2Q^2, 1GeV2\sim1 {\rm GeV}^2. We quantify the impact of existing low-Q charged-lepton deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) data on effects due to high-twist operators and on the extraction of parton distribution functions (PDFs). No evidence is found for twist-6 contributions to structure functions (SF), and for a twist-4 term in the logitudinal SF at x0.1x\gtrsim0.1. We find that DIS data are consistent with the NNLO QCD approximation with the target mass and phenomenological high twist corrections. For Q2<1GeV2Q^2<1 {\rm GeV}^2, we extend extrapolation of the operator product expansion, preserving the low-QQ current-conservation theorems. The procedure yields a good description of data down to Q20.5GeV2Q^2\sim 0.5 {\rm GeV}^2. An updated set of PDFs with reduced uncertainty and applicable down to small momentum transfers in the lepton-nucleon scattering is obtained.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the Few-GeV Region (NuInt07), Batavia, Illinois, 30 May - 3 Jun 200

    Single Pion production from Nuclei

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    We have studied charged current one pion production induced by νμ(νˉμ)\nu_\mu(\bar\nu_\mu) from some nuclei. The calculations have been done for the incoherent pion production processes from these nuclear targets in the Δ\Delta dominance model and take into account the effect of Pauli blocking, Fermi motion and renormalization of Δ\Delta properties in the nuclear medium. The effect of final state interactions of pions has also been taken into account. The numerical results have been compared with the recent results from the MiniBooNE experiment for the charged current 1π\pi production, and also with some of the older experiments in Freon and Freon-Propane from CERN.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 5th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the few GeV region(NuInt07), Batavia, Illinois, 30May-3June, 200

    A First-Principles Study of Zinc Oxide Honeycomb Structures

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    We present a first-principles study of the atomic, electronic, and magnetic properties of two-dimensional (2D), single and bilayer ZnO in honeycomb structure and its armchair and zigzag nanoribbons. In order to reveal the dimensionality effects, our study includes also bulk ZnO in wurtzite, zincblende, and hexagonal structures. The stability of 2D ZnO, its nanoribbons and flakes are analyzed by phonon frequency, as well as by finite temperature ab initio molecular-dynamics calculations. 2D ZnO in honeycomb structure and its armchair nanoribbons are nonmagnetic semiconductors but acquire net magnetic moment upon the creation of zinc-vacancy defect. Zigzag ZnO nanoribbons are ferromagnetic metals with spins localized at the oxygen atoms at the edges and have high spin polarization at the Fermi level. However, they change to nonmagnetic metal upon termination of their edges with hydrogen atoms. From the phonon calculations, the fourth acoustical mode specified as twisting mode is also revealed for armchair nanoribbon. Under tensile stress the nanoribbons are deformed elastically maintaining honeycomblike structure but yield at high strains. Beyond yielding point honeycomblike structure undergo a structural change and deform plastically by forming large polygons. The variation in the electronic and magnetic properties of these nanoribbons have been examined under strain. It appears that plastically deformed nanoribbons may offer a new class of materials with diverse properties.Comment: http://prb.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v80/i23/e23511