14 research outputs found

    Occurrence, risk factors, serotypes, and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella strains isolated from imported fertile hatching eggs, hatcheries, and broiler farms in Trinidad and Tobago

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    SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1 : Hatchery questionnaire.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 2 : Broiler farm questionnaire.This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the occurrence, risk factors, and characteristics of Salmonella isolates recovered from imported fertile broiler hatching eggs, hatcheries, and broiler farms in Trinidad and Tobago. Standard methods were used to isolate and characterize Salmonella isolates from two broiler hatcheries and 27 broiler farms in the country. The frequency of isolation of Salmonella was 0.0% for imported fertile hatching eggs (0 of 45 pools of 10 eggs each, i.e., 450 eggs), 7.6% for hatcheries (12 of 158 samples), and 2.8% for broiler farms (24 of 866 samples) (P = 0.006). Stillborn chicks at hatcheries had the highest prevalence of Salmonella (7 of 28 samples, 28.0%), whereas on broiler farms the cloacal swabs had the highest prevalence of Salmonella (15 of 675 samples, 2.2%). None of the 15 farm management and production practices investigated were significantly associated (P > 0.05) with the isolation of Salmonella. The predominant Salmonella serotypes were Kentucky (83.3%) and Infantis (62.5%) among hatchery and farm isolates, respectively. The disk diffusion method revealed frequencies of antimicrobial resistance (i.e., resistance to one or more agents) of 44.0% (11 of 25 isolates) and 87.5% (35 of 40 isolates) at hatcheries and broiler farms, respectively (P = 0.0002). Antimicrobial resistance among hatchery isolates was highest (28.0%) to doxycycline and kanamycin and was very high (>65%) among farm isolates to sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, gentamicin, ceftriaxone, kanamycin, and doxycycline. Multidrug resistance (MDR; i.e., resistance to antimicrobial agents from three or more classes) was exhibited by 4.0 and 85.7% of Salmonella isolates recovered from several environmental and animal sources at the hatcheries and farms, respectively (P < 0.0001). The high level of antimicrobial resistance and the presence of MDR among Salmonella isolates from broiler farms highlight the therapeutic implications and the potential for MDR strains to enter the food chain.The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus Research and Publication Fund Committee.https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-food-protectionhj2023Production Animal Studie

    Phylogenetic analyses of Salmonella detected along the broiler production chain in Trinidad and Tobago

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    This study was conducted to determine the phylogenies of Salmonella strains isolated from cross-sectional studies conducted at hatcheries, broiler farms, processing plants, and retail outlets (broiler production chain) in Trinidad and Tobago over 4 yr (2016–2019). Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) was used to characterize Salmonella isolates. Core genome phylogenies of 8 serovars of public health significance were analyzed for similarities in origin and relatedness. In addition, Salmonella strains isolated from human salmonellosis cases in Trinidad were analyzed for their relatedness to the isolates detected along the broiler production chain. The common source of these isolates of diverse serovars within farms, within processing plants, between processing plants and retail outlets, and among farm-processing plant-retail outlet continuum was well-supported (bootstrap value >70%) by the core genome phylogenies for the respective serovars. Also, genome analyses revealed clustering of Salmonella serovars of regional (intra-Caribbean) and international (extra-Caribbean) origin. Similarly, strains of S. Enteritidis and S. Infantis isolated from human clinical salmonellosis in 2019 from Trinidad and Tobago clustered with our processing plant isolates recovered in 2018. This study is the first phylogenetic analysis of Salmonella isolates using WGS from the broiler industry in the Caribbean region. The use of WGS confirmed the genetic relatedness and transmission of Salmonella serovars contaminating chickens in broiler processing, and retailing in the country, with zoonotic and food safety implications for humans.The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus Research and Publication Funds Committee.https://www.journals.elsevier.com/poultry-sciencehj2023Production Animal Studie

    Whole-genome sequencing of Salmonella serotypes recovered longitudinally from broiler production, processing, and retailing in Trinidad and Tobago

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    Please read abstract in the article.The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus Research and Publication Fund Committee.https://link.springer.com/journal/32024-08-22hj2023BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant PathologyProduction Animal Studie

    Prevalence and serotypes of Salmonella spp. on chickens sold at retail outlets in Trinidad.

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    BACKGROUND:This cross-sectional study determined the prevalence of Salmonella spp. and their serotypes on dressed chicken sold at retail outlets in Trinidad. The study also investigated the risk factors for contamination of dressed carcasses by Salmonella spp. at cottage poultry processor outlets where chickens are slaughtered and processed for sale. METHODS:A total of 133 dressed, whole chickens and 87 chicken parts from 44 cottage poultry processors and 36 dressed, whole chickens and 194 chicken parts from 46 supermarket outlets were randomly collected throughout the country. Isolation and identification of Salmonella spp. were performed using standard bacteriological techniques. Serotyping was performed by a regional reference laboratory. RESULTS:The prevalence of Salmonella spp. in chicken carcasses sampled from cottage poultry processors and supermarkets was 20.5% and 8.3% respectively (p <0.001). The frequency of isolation of Salmonella spp. at cottage poultry processors was 22.4%, 23.0%, 7.1%, and 10.0% for non-chilled whole chicken, non-chilled chicken parts, chilled whole chicken and chilled chicken parts respectively. Fresh, non-chilled chicken (22.6%) yielded a higher frequency of isolation of Salmonella spp. than chilled chickens (8.3%). For supermarket samples, the frequency of isolation of Salmonella spp. was 19.0%, 8.1%, 0.0% and 7.6% for chilled whole chickens, chill chicken parts, frozen whole chicken and frozen chicken parts respectively. The swab method of sampling yielded a statistically significantly (p = 0.029) higher frequency (3.2%) of Salmonella spp. than the rinse method (1.6%). The predominant serotypes isolated were Kentucky (30.9%) and Javiana (22.7%). Use of chilled water-bath to cool carcasses was the only risk factor significantly (p = 0.044) associated with isolation of Salmonella spp. CONCLUSION:Raw chicken carcasses purchased from cottage poultry processors pose a significantly higher risk of contamination with Salmonella spp. than those sold at supermarkets

    A PCR for the detection of mycoplasmas belonging to the Mycoplasma mycoides cluster: application to the diagnosis of contagious agalactia.

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    Contagious agalactia is a mycoplasmal infection caused by Mycoplasma agalactiae, Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides LC, M. mycoides subsp. capri, Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum and Mycoplasma putrefaciens. Identification of the causative organisms is usually performed by isolation and classical biochemical and serological tests, though this is a lengthy and cumbersome process for mycoplasmas. Specific PCR assays have been developed for the identification of Mycoplasma agalactiae and M. putrefaciens. For members of the M. mycoides cluster existing PCR tests are based on the amplification of highly conserved genes coding for ribosomal proteins, hence a possibility of cross-reactions. The gene glk, coding for a glucokinase, that is found in this cluster is very distantly related to any other bacterial glucokinase described so far. It was therefore chosen as target to design a new PCR test. The validation was performed independently in three laboratories in France and India using over 100 mycoplasma strains of various geographical origins. All strains belonging to the M. mycoides cluster were detected by amplification of the expected PCR product (428 bp) while no amplification was obtained from M. agalactiae strains. Our results demonstrate the universality of this PCR in spite of the great heterogeneity found within this cluster. This new tool may be of great help for the implementation of control measures directed towards contagious agalactia