348 research outputs found

    Torpedoaseen käyttömahdollisuuksista taktillisteknilliseltä kannalta tarkasteltuna

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    Ensimmäisessä luvussa käsitellään torpedolajit ja niiden ominaisuudet. Ensin esitellään torpedon yleinen rakenne ja sen jälkeen torpedolajit, jakaen ne energialähteensä perusteella kaasu- ja sähkötorpedoihin. Tämän jälkeen esitellään torpedojen ohjausjärjestelmät ja torpedon ohjausrata sekä siihen liittyviä tekijöitä. Luvussa, "Mittauskeinot ja niiden merkitys", perusteellaan niiden merkitys, koska "taisteluvälinettä ei voida käyttää, ellei vastustajan eri yksiköitä voida omien voimien suhteen paikantaa". Ensin käsitellään tutkan merkitystä ja ominaisuuksia paikantamiseen ja sen jälkeen vastaavasti akustista paikantamista. Yhteenvedossa todetaan, että sukellusveneellä on pinta-alusta paremmat edellytykset torpedohyökkäykseen.Seuraavassa luvussa tutkitaan edullista ampuma-asemaa ja ammuntatapoja hyödyntäen pelkistettyä matemaattista mallinnusta. Seuraavissa kahdessa luvussa tarkastellaan lyhyesti torpedojen erikoislaitteita sekä maalinhakuisia torpedoja ja niiden käyttöperiaatteita. Lopuksi vertaillaan eri torpedoja ja niiden käyttöperiaatteita.Viimeisessä artikkelin luvussa, "Torpedoalukset ja niiden toimintamahdollisuudet", käsitellään pintatorpedoaluksia ja niiden toimintaa yksittäisinä ja useamman aluksen osastoissa. Toisen lyhyeen tarkasteluun on otettu sukellusvene

    Torpedoaseen kehityksen ja käyttöperiaatteen yleiset suuntaviivat

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    Johdannossa todetaan, että torpedoase kuuluu merisodan offensiivisiin taisteluvälineisiin. Toisen maailmansodan jälkeen kehitys on ollut nopeata ja vaatimusten mukaan on syntynyt eri torpedolajeja. Toisessa luvussa tarkastellaan yksityiskohtaisesti torpedojen rakenneperiaatteita, joita ovat lataus sytytinlaitteineen, voimanlähde ja -koneisto, suuntaohjauskoneisto ja syvyysohjauskoneisto. Tämän jälkeen tarkastellaan torpedoa aseena käyttävien alusten ja lentokoneiden vaikutuksia torpedon ominaisuuksiin. Lisäksi käsitellään torpedoammuntalaitteita sekä torpedotähtäin- ja tulenjohtolaitteita. Lopuksi tarkastellaan torpedoaseen käyttöperiaatteita, kuten hyökkäykset taisteluyksiköitä vastaan, toimintaa kauppa- ja kuljetuslaivoja vastaan, sukellusveneentorjuntatorpedojen käyttöperiaatteita sekä torpedoaseen käyttöä saaristossa. Loppusanoissa varoitetaan, että alalla vallitsevasta salaamisesta johtuen johtopäätökset on tehty kirjallisuuden perusteella

    Taistelualusten kehityksen yleiset suuntaviivat

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    Artikkelissa selvitetään 1970-luvun taistelualusten kehityksen suuntaviivoja. "Perusteena on tämän päivän tilanne, siihen johtanut aikaisempien vuosikymmenien viitoittama tie. ... Selvitys kohdistuu Itämeren piirin taistelualuksiin". Toisessa luvussa käsitellään sota-alusrakennuksen yleisiä periaatteita. Alukset jaetaan käsittelyssä kolmeen pääryhmään; uppoama-alukset, veden ja ilman rajapinnan yläpuolella liikkuvat alukset ja mainitun rajapinna alapuolella liikkuvat alukset. Käsittelyssä ovat niiden yleiset kehityspiirteet. Seuraavassa luvussa käsitellään informaatio- ja johtamisjärjestelmiä. Neljäs luku tarkastelee aseiden ja asejärjestelmien kehittymistä, todeten erityispiirteenä muun muassa ohjusaseen voimakas kehittyminen.Artikkelin painopiste on aluslajien kehityksen pääpiirteiden esittelyssä. Siinä esitellään raskaiden taisteluyksiköiden aluksien ja niiden aseistuksen ominaisuuksia sekä kehityspiirteitä. Vastaavalla tavalla tarkastellaan taisteluveneitä, miinalaivoja ja raivaajia, sukellusveneitä ja sukellusvenetorjuntaa sekä maihinnousu- ja kuljetusaluksia. Yhdistelmässä muun muassa todetaan elektroniikan olevan viimeisten vuosikymmenien kehityksen oleellinen "avain"

    Proteochemometric Modeling of the Susceptibility of Mutated Variants of the HIV-1 Virus to Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors

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    BACKGROUND: Reverse transcriptase is a major drug target in highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) against HIV, which typically comprises two nucleoside/nucleotide analog reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors (NRTIs) in combination with a non-nucleoside RT inhibitor or a protease inhibitor. Unfortunately, HIV is capable of escaping the therapy by mutating into drug-resistant variants. Computational models that correlate HIV drug susceptibilities to the virus genotype and to drug molecular properties might facilitate selection of improved combination treatment regimens. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We applied our earlier developed proteochemometric modeling technology to analyze HIV mutant susceptibility to the eight clinically approved NRTIs. The data set used covered 728 virus variants genotyped for 240 sequence residues of the DNA polymerase domain of the RT; 165 of these residues contained mutations; totally the data-set covered susceptibility data for 4,495 inhibitor-RT combinations. Inhibitors and RT sequences were represented numerically by 3D-structural and physicochemical property descriptors, respectively. The two sets of descriptors and their derived cross-terms were correlated to the susceptibility data by partial least-squares projections to latent structures. The model identified more than ten frequently occurring mutations, each conferring more than two-fold loss of susceptibility for one or several NRTIs. The most deleterious mutations were K65R, Q151M, M184V/I, and T215Y/F, each of them decreasing susceptibility to most of the NRTIs. The predictive ability of the model was estimated by cross-validation and by external predictions for new HIV variants; both procedures showed very high correlation between the predicted and actual susceptibility values (Q2=0.89 and Q2ext=0.86). The model is available at www.hivdrc.org as a free web service for the prediction of the susceptibility to any of the clinically used NRTIs for any HIV-1 mutant variant. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results give directions how to develop approaches for selection of genome-based optimum combination therapy for patients harboring mutated HIV variants

    Epigenetic alterations in skin homing CD4+CLA+ T cells of atopic dermatitis patients

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    T cells expressing the cutaneous lymphocyte antigen (CLA) mediate pathogenic inflammation in atopic dermatitis (AD). The molecular alterations contributing to their dysregulation remain unclear. With the aim to elucidate putative altered pathways in AD we profiled DNA methylation levels and miRNA expression in sorted T cell populations (CD4+, CD4+CD45RA+ naïve, CD4+CLA+, and CD8+) from adult AD patients and healthy controls (HC). Skin homing CD4+CLA+ T cells from AD patients showed significant differences in DNA methylation in 40 genes compared to HC (p < 0.05). Reduced DNA methylation levels in the upstream region of the interleukin-13 gene (IL13) in CD4+CLA+ T cells from AD patients correlated with increased IL13 mRNA expression in these cells. Sixteen miRNAs showed differential expression in CD4+CLA+ T cells from AD patients targeting genes in 202 biological processes (p < 0.05). An integrated network analysis of miRNAs and CpG sites identified two communities of strongly interconnected regulatory elements with strong antagonistic behaviours that recapitulated the differences between AD patients and HC. Functional analysis of the genes linked to these communities revealed their association with key cytokine signaling pathways, MAP kinase signaling and protein ubiquitination. Our findings support that epigenetic mechanisms play a role in the pathogenesis of AD by affecting inflammatory signaling molecules in skin homing CD4+CLA+ T cells and uncover putative molecules participating in AD pathways. © 2020, The Author(s).Peer reviewe

    A Look Inside HIV Resistance through Retroviral Protease Interaction Maps

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    Retroviruses affect a large number of species, from fish and birds to mammals and humans, with global socioeconomic negative impacts. Here the authors report and experimentally validate a novel approach for the analysis of the molecular networks that are involved in the recognition of substrates by retroviral proteases. Using multivariate analysis of the sequence-based physiochemical descriptions of 61 retroviral proteases comprising wild-type proteases, natural mutants, and drug-resistant forms of proteases from nine different viral species in relation to their ability to cleave 299 substrates, the authors mapped the physicochemical properties and cross-dependencies of the amino acids of the proteases and their substrates, which revealed a complex molecular interaction network of substrate recognition and cleavage. The approach allowed a detailed analysis of the molecular–chemical mechanisms involved in substrate cleavage by retroviral proteases

    Kinome-wide interaction modelling using alignment-based and alignment-independent approaches for kinase description and linear and non-linear data analysis techniques

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein kinases play crucial roles in cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. Abnormal function of protein kinases can lead to many serious diseases, such as cancer. Kinase inhibitors have potential for treatment of these diseases. However, current inhibitors interact with a broad variety of kinases and interfere with multiple vital cellular processes, which causes toxic effects. Bioinformatics approaches that can predict inhibitor-kinase interactions from the chemical properties of the inhibitors and the kinase macromolecules might aid in design of more selective therapeutic agents, that show better efficacy and lower toxicity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We applied proteochemometric modelling to correlate the properties of 317 wild-type and mutated kinases and 38 inhibitors (12,046 inhibitor-kinase combinations) to the respective combination's interaction dissociation constant (K<sub>d</sub>). We compared six approaches for description of protein kinases and several linear and non-linear correlation methods. The best performing models encoded kinase sequences with amino acid physico-chemical z-scale descriptors and used support vector machines or partial least- squares projections to latent structures for the correlations. Modelling performance was estimated by double cross-validation. The best models showed high predictive ability; the squared correlation coefficient for new kinase-inhibitor pairs ranging P<sup>2 </sup>= 0.67-0.73; for new kinases it ranged P<sup>2</sup><sub>kin </sub>= 0.65-0.70. Models could also separate interacting from non-interacting inhibitor-kinase pairs with high sensitivity and specificity; the areas under the ROC curves ranging AUC = 0.92-0.93. We also investigated the relationship between the number of protein kinases in the dataset and the modelling results. Using only 10% of all data still a valid model was obtained with P<sup>2 </sup>= 0.47, P<sup>2</sup><sub>kin </sub>= 0.42 and AUC = 0.83.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results strongly support the applicability of proteochemometrics for kinome-wide interaction modelling. Proteochemometrics might be used to speed-up identification and optimization of protein kinase targeted and multi-targeted inhibitors.</p

    Melanocortin receptors in GtoPdb v.2021.3

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    Melanocortin receptors (provisional nomenclature as recommended by NC-IUPHAR [41]) are activated by members of the melanocortin family (&#945;-MSH, &#946;-MSH and &#947;-MSH forms; &#948; form is not found in mammals) and adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH). Endogenous antagonists include agouti and agouti-related protein. ACTH(1-24) was approved by the US FDA as a diagnostic agent for adrenal function test, whilst NDP-MSH was approved by EMA for the treatment of erythropoietic protoporphyria. Several synthetic melanocortin receptor agonists are under clinical development

    Melanocortin receptors (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    Melanocortin receptors (provisional nomenclature as recommended by NC-IUPHAR [36]) are activated by members of the melanocortin family (&#945;-MSH, &#946;-MSH and &#947;-MSH forms; &#948; form is not found in mammals) and adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH). Endogenous antagonists include agouti and agouti-related protein. ACTH(1-24) was approved by the US FDA as a diagnostic agent for adrenal function test, whilst NDP-MSH was approved by EMA for the treatment of erythropoietic protoporphyria. Several synthetic melanocortin receptor agonists are under clinical development

    Melanocortin receptors in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    Melanocortin receptors (provisional nomenclature as recommended by NC-IUPHAR [41]) are activated by members of the melanocortin family (&#945;-MSH, &#946;-MSH and &#947;-MSH forms; &#948; form is not found in mammals) and adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH). Endogenous antagonists include agouti and agouti-related protein. ACTH(1-24) was approved by the US FDA as a diagnostic agent for adrenal function test. setmelanotide was approved by the US FDA for weight management in patients with POMC, PCSK1 or LEPR defiency, bremelanotide was approved by the US FDA for generalized hypoactive sexual desire disorder in premenopausal women, and NDP-MSH (afamelanotide) was approved by the EMA for the treatment of erythropoietic protoporphyria. Several synthetic melanocortin receptor agonists are under clinical development