110 research outputs found

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor mRNA Isoforms 120 and 164 are Differentially Regulated Prior to Ovulation

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    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is produced by cells surrounding the egg in the follicle prior to ovulation. If VEGF is inhibited, ovulation does not occur. The VEGF gene can be spliced to produce different protein isoforms which have specific functions. Our objective was to determine if VEGF 120 and 164 mRNA isoforms are differentially regulated in the preovulatory follicle. From our studies, VEGF isoforms are differentially regulated during both CL regression and after a simulated LH surge. Differences observed in VEGF isoform regulation may allow for manipulation of ovulation in the beef cow

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor mRNA Isoforms 120 and 164 are Differentially Regulated Prior to Ovulation

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    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is produced by cells surrounding the egg in the follicle prior to ovulation. If VEGF is inhibited, ovulation does not occur. The VEGF gene can be spliced to produce different protein isoforms which have specific functions. Our objective was to determine if VEGF 120 and 164 mRNA isoforms are differentially regulated in the preovulatory follicle. From our studies, VEGF isoforms are differentially regulated during both CL regression and after a simulated LH surge. Differences observed in VEGF isoform regulation may allow for manipulation of ovulation in the beef cow

    Effects of aprepitant on post-operative nausea and vomiting in patients with congenital heart disease undergoing cardiac surgery or catheterization procedures: a retrospective study with subjects as their own historical control

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    IntroductionFor patients undergoing cardiac surgery and catheterization procedures, severe post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) can occur despite standard anti-emetic interventions. Aprepitant, a neurokinin-1 (NK-1) receptor blocker, is safe and effective at preventing PONV resistant to standard therapies.MethodsPatients with a history of severe PONV presenting for cardiac surgery or catheterization procedures from January 1, 2018 to January 6, 2021 were identified. After pharmacist approval, patients received aprepitant pre-operatively (Dose: 80 mg for weight >50 kg, 40 mg for weight 30–50 kg). A retrospective chart review was performed. Primary outcomes of the incidence of PONV and PONV-related complications were evaluated.ResultsSeventeen patients were included with a mean age of 16.0 years at the time of their initial procedure, which acted as the “control” procedure, and 17.5 years when they received aprepitant. After the control procedure 64.7% of patients required rescue anti-emetics. When this group of patients received aprepitant pre-operatively at their subsequent procedure, only 17.6% required rescue medication (p = 0.005). Similarly, 64.7% of patients suffered at least one PONV-related complication after the control procedure. With aprepitant use pre-operatively, 5.9% of the same patients experienced a PONV-complication (p = 0.0003). Specifically, unplanned ICU admission due to severe PONV after catheterization procedures decreased from 55.6% (5/9) in the control group to 0 after these patients were treated pre-emptively with aprepitant (p = 0.01). For surgical patients, there were significant decreases in PONV-related complications including delayed oral intake and delayed ambulation (p = 0.04) in the aprepitant group compared to the control group.DiscussionThis small, retrospective study supports the conclusion that preoperative aprepitant administration in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization or cardiac surgery with a history of congenital heart disease and severe PONV significantly reduces the incidence of PONV and PONV-related complications. Decreasing these complications will likely improve the surgical experience for patients and families while also decreasing hospital costs and improving efficiency

    Reproductive Aging Influences Ovarian Function in Beef Cows

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    Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) has been associated with follicle number and age of the ovary. Therefore, our hypothesiswas that AMH was a biomarker for both follicle number and ovarian function in the beef cow. Ovaries were collected by flank laparotomy. The number of follicles increased as cows aged from 1.5 to 6 years and began to decrease thereafter; however, the size of the ovary continued to increase with advanced age. Expression of the AMH gene increased with increasing follicle number in 2-year-old beef cows. These results suggest that heifers with larger ovaries will have greater numbers of follicles and greater productivity, allowing them to stay in the production herd longer. AMH could be used to identify heifers of high reproductive potential at a very young age

    Use of procalcitonin for the diagnosis of pneumonia in patients presenting with a chief complaint of dyspnoea: results from the BACH (Biomarkers in Acute Heart Failure) trial

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    Biomarkers have proven their ability in the evaluation of cardiopulmonary diseases.We investigated the utility of concentrations of the biomarker procalcitonin (PCT) alone and with clinical variables for the diagnosis of pneumonia in patients presenting to emergency departments (EDs) with a chief complaint of shortness of breath. The BACH trial was a prospective, international, study of 1641 patients presenting to EDs with dyspnoea. Blood samples were analysed for PCT and other biomarkers. Relevant clinical data were also captured. Patient outcomes were assessed at 90 days. The diagnosis of pneumonia was made using strictly validated guidelines. A model using PCT was more accurate [area under the curve (AUC) 72.3%] than any other individual clinical variable for the diagnosis of pneumonia in all patients, in those with obstructive lung disease, and in those with acute heart failure (AHF). Combining physician estimates of the probability of pneumonia with PCT values increased the accuracy to .86% for the diagnosis of pneumonia in all patients. Patients with a diagnosis of AHF and an elevated PCT concentration (.0.21 ng/mL) had a worse outcome if not treated with antibiotics (P ¼ 0.046), while patients with low PCT values (,0.05 ng/mL) had a better outcome if they did not receive antibiotic therapy (P ¼ 0.049). Procalcitonin may aid in the diagnosis of pneumonia, particularly in cases with high diagnostic uncertainty. Importantly, PCT may aid in the decision to administer antibiotic therapy to patients presenting with AHF in which clinical uncertainty exists regarding a superimposed bacterial infection

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Inhibitory Isoform Is Regulated Prior to Ovulation

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    VEGF normally acts to stimulate vascular development (angiogenesis) and is necessary for ovulation of the dominant follicle. The inhibitory isoform blocks the actions of VEGF angiogenic isoforms; therefore, the objectives of the experiments were to identify the bovine inhibitory isoform, VEGF164b and to determine its expression prior to and after the LH surge. VEGF164b mRNA was upregulated prior to but did not change after the LH surge. Therefore, VEGF164b may be necessary for preparation of the dominant follicle prior to ovulation

    Loss of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (VEGFA) Isoforms in Granulosa Cells Using \u3ci\u3epDmrt-1-Cre\u3c/i\u3e or \u3ci\u3eAmhr2-Cre\u3c/i\u3e Reduces Fertility by Arresting Follicular Development and by Reducing Litter Size in Female Mice

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    Because VEGFA has been implicated in follicle development, the objective of this study was to determine the effects of granulosa- and germ cell-specific VEGFA loss on ovarian morphogenesis, function, and female fertility. pDmrt1-Cre mice were mated to floxed VEGFA mice to develop granulosa-/germ cell-specific knockouts (pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa-/-). The time from mating to first parturition was increased when pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa-/- females were mated to control males (P = 0.0008) and tended to be longer for heterozygous females (P \u3c 0.07). Litter size was reduced for pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa-/- females (P \u3c 0.007). The time between the first and second parturitions was also increased for heterozygous females (P \u3c 0.04) and tended to be increased for pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa-/- females (P \u3c 0.07). pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa-/- females had smaller ovaries (P \u3c 0.04), reduced plasma estradiol (P \u3c 0.007), fewer developing follicles (P \u3c 0.008) and tended to have fewer corpora lutea (P \u3c 0.08). Expression of Igf1r was reduced (P \u3c 0.05); expression of Foxo3a tended to be increased (P \u3c 0.06); and both Fshr (P \u3c 0.1) and Sirt6 tended to be reduced (P \u3c 0.06) in pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa-/- ovaries. To compare VEGFA knockouts, we generated Amhr2-Cre;Vegfa-/- mice that required more time from mating to first parturition (P \u3c 0.003) with variable ovarian size. Both lines had more apoptotic granulosa cells, and vascular staining did not appear different. Taken together these data indicate that the loss of all VEGFA isoforms in granulosa/germ cells (proangiogenic and antiangiogenic) causes subfertility by arresting follicular development, resulting in reduced ovulation rate and fewer pups per litter. Includes 2 supplementary files