411 research outputs found

    Microbial ecology of extreme environments: Antarctic dry valley yeasts and growth in substrate-limited habitats

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    The success of the Antarctic Dry Valley yeasts presumeably results from adaptations to multiple stresses, to low temperatures and substrate-limitation as well as prolonged resting periods enforced by low water availability. Previous investigations have suggested that the crucial stress is substrate limitation. Specific adaptations may be pinpointed by comparing the physiology of the Cryptococcus vishniacii complex, the yeasts of the Tyrol Valley, with their congeners from other habitats. Progress was made in methods of isolation and definition of ecological niches, in the design of experiments in competition for limited substrate, and in establishing the relationships of the Cryptococcus vishniacii complex with other yeasts. In the course of investigating relationships, a new method for 25SrRNA homology was developed. For the first time it appears that 25SrRNA homology may reflect parallel or convergent evolution

    Magnetorotational turbulence transports angular momentum in stratified disks with low magnetic Prandtl number but magnetic Reynolds number above a critical value

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    The magnetorotational instability (MRI) may dominate outward transport of angular momentum in accretion disks, allowing material to fall onto the central object. Previous work has established that the MRI can drive a mean-field dynamo, possibly leading to a self-sustaining accretion system. Recently, however, simulations of the scaling of the angular momentum transport parameter \alphaSS with the magnetic Prandtl number \Prandtl have cast doubt on the ability of the MRI to transport astrophysically relevant amounts of angular momentum in real disk systems. Here, we use simulations including explicit physical viscosity and resistivity to show that when vertical stratification is included, mean field dynamo action operates, driving the system to a configuration in which the magnetic field is not fully helical. This relaxes the constraints on the generated field provided by magnetic helicity conservation, allowing the generation of a mean field on timescales independent of the resistivity. Our models demonstrate the existence of a critical magnetic Reynolds number \Rmagc, below which transport becomes strongly \Prandtl-dependent and chaotic, but above which the transport is steady and \Prandtl-independent. Prior simulations showing \Prandtl-dependence had \Rmag < \Rmagc. We conjecture that this steady regime is possible because the mean field dynamo is not helicity-limited and thus does not depend on the details of the helicity ejection process. Scaling to realistic astrophysical parameters suggests that disks around both protostars and stellar mass black holes have \Rmag >> \Rmagc. Thus, we suggest that the strong \Prandtl dependence seen in recent simulations does not occur in real systems.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. as accepted to Ap

    Microbial ecology of extreme environments: Antarctic dry valley yeasts and growth in substrate limited habitats

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    The multiple stresses temperature, moisture, and for chemoheterotrophs, sources of carbon and energy of the Dry Valley Antarctica soils allow at best depauperate communities, low in species diversity and population density. The nature of community structure, the operation of biogeochemical cycles, the evolution and mechanisms of adaptation to this habitat are of interest in informing speculations upon life on other planets as well as in modeling the limits of gene life. Yeasts of the Cryptococcus vishniacil complex (Basidiobiastomycetes) are investigated, as the only known indigenes of the most hostile, lichen free, parts of the Dry Valleys. Methods were developed for isolating these yeasts (methods which do not exclude the recovery of other microbiota). The definition of the complex was refined and the importance of nitrogen sources was established as well as substrate competition in fitness to the Dry Valley habitats

    Microbial ecology of extreme environments: Antarctic yeasts and growth in substrate-limited habitats

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    An extreme environment is by definition one with a depauperate biota. While the Ross Desert is by no means homogeneous, the most exposed and arid habitats, soils in the unglaciated high valleys, do indeed contain a very sparse biota of low diversity. So sparse that the natives could easily be outnumbered by airborne exogenous microbes. Native biota must be capable of overwintering as well as growing in the high valley summer. Tourists may undergo a few divisions before contributing their enzymes and, ultimately, elements to the soil - or may die before landing. The simplest way to demonstrate the indigenicity of a particular microbe is therefore to establish unique distribution; occurrence only in the habitat in question precludes foreign origin

    Gravitational Instability in Collisionless Cosmological Pancakes

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    The gravitational instability of cosmological pancakes composed of collisionless dark matter in an Einstein-de Sitter universe is investigated numerically to demonstrate that pancakes are unstable with respect to fragmentation and the formation of filaments. A ``pancake'' is defined here as the nonlinear outcome of the growth of a 1D, sinusoidal, plane-wave, adiabatic density perturbation. We have used high resolution, 2D, N-body simulations by the Particle-Mesh (PM) method to study the response of pancakes to perturbation by either symmetric (density) or antisymmetric (bending or rippling) modes, with corresponding wavevectors k_s and k_a transverse to the wavevector k_p of the unperturbed pancake plane-wave. We consider dark matter which is initially ``cold'' (i.e. with no random thermal velocity in the initial conditions). We also investigate the effect of a finite, random, isotropic, initial velocity dispersion (i.e. initial thermal velocity) on the fate of pancake collapse and instability. Pancakes are shown to be gravitationally unstable with respect to all perturbations of wavelength l<l_p (where l_p= 2pi/k_p). These results are in contradiction with the expectations of an approximate, thin-sheet energy argument.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal (1997), accepted for publication 10/10/96, single postscript file, 61 pages, 19 figure

    The 21cm angular-power spectrum from the dark ages

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    At redshifts z >~ 30 neutral hydrogen gas absorbs CMB radiation at the 21cm spin-flip frequency. In principle this is observable and a high-precision probe of cosmology. We calculate the linear-theory angular power spectrum of this signal and cross-correlation between redshifts on scales much larger than the line width. In addition to the well known redshift-distortion and density perturbation sources a full linear analysis gives additional contributions to the power spectrum. On small scales there is a percent-level linear effect due to perturbations in the 21cm optical depth, and perturbed recombination modifies the gas temperature perturbation evolution (and hence spin temperature and 21cm power spectrum). On large scales there are several post-Newtonian and velocity effects; although negligible on small scales, these additional terms can be significant at l <~ 100 and can be non-zero even when there is no background signal. We also discuss the linear effect of reionization re-scattering, which damps the entire spectrum and gives a very small polarization signal on large scales. On small scales we also model the significant non-linear effects of evolution and gravitational lensing. We include full results for numerical calculation and also various approximate analytic results for the power spectrum and evolution of small scale perturbations.Comment: 29 pages; significant extensions including: self-absorption terms (i.e. change to background radiation due to 21cm absorption); ionization fraction perturbations; estimates of non-linear effects; approximate analytic results; results for sharp redshift window functions. Code available at http://camb.info/sources

    Large-k Limit of Multi-Point Propagators in the RG Formalism

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    Renormalized versions of cosmological perturbation theory have been very successful in recent years in describing the evolution of structure formation in the weakly non-linear regime. The concept of multi-point propagators has been introduced as a tool to quantify the relation between the initial matter distribution and the final one and to push the validity of the approaches to smaller scales. We generalize the n-point propagators that have been considered until now to include a new class of multi-point propagators that are relevant in the framework of the renormalization group formalism. The large-k results obtained for this general class of multi-point propagators match the results obtained earlier both in the case of Gaussian and non-Gaussian initial conditions. We discuss how the large-k results can be used to improve on the accuracy of the calculations of the power spectrum and bispectrum in the presence of initial non-Gaussianities.Comment: 30 page

    The Structure of Cooling Fronts in Accretion Disks

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    Recent work has shown that the speed of the cooling front in soft X-ray transients may be an important clue in understanding the nature of accretion disk viscosity. In a previous paper (Vishniac and Wheeler 1996) we derived the scaling law for the cooling front speed. Here we derive a similarity solution for the hot inner part of disks undergoing cooling. This solution is exact in the limit of a thin disk, power law opacities, and a minimum hot state column density which is an infinitesimal fraction of the maximum cold state density. For a disk of finite thickness the largest error is in the ratio of the mass flow across the cooling front to the mass flow at small radii. Comparison to the numerical simulations of Cannizzo et al. (1995) inidcates that the errors in the other parameters do not exceed (csF/rFΩF)q(c_{sF}/r_F\Omega_F)^q, that is, the ratio of the sound speed at the disk midplane to its orbital velocity, evaluated at the cooling front, to the qth power. Here q≈1/2q\approx 1/2. Its precise value is determined by the relevant hot state opacity law and the functional form of the dimensionless viscosity.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, Astrophysical Journal (in press

    Magnetic Helicity Conservation and Astrophysical Dynamos

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    We construct a magnetic helicity conserving dynamo theory which incorporates a calculated magnetic helicity current. In this model the fluid helicity plays a small role in large scale magnetic field generation. Instead, the dynamo process is dominated by a new quantity, derived from asymmetries in the second derivative of the velocity correlation function, closely related to the `twist and fold' dynamo model. The turbulent damping term is, as expected, almost unchanged. Numerical simulations with a spatially constant fluid helicity and vanishing resistivity are not expected to generate large scale fields in equipartition with the turbulent energy density. The prospects for driving a fast dynamo under these circumstances are uncertain, but if it is possible, then the field must be largely force-free. On the other hand, there is an efficient analog to the α−Ω\alpha-\Omega dynamo. Systems whose turbulence is driven by some anisotropic local instability in a shearing flow, like real stars and accretion disks, and some computer simulations, may successfully drive the generation of strong large scale magnetic fields, provided that ∂rΩ>0\partial_r\Omega>0. We show that this criterion is usually satisfied. Such dynamos will include a persistent, spatially coherent vertical magnetic helicity current with the same sign as −∂rΩ-\partial_r\Omega, that is, positive for an accretion disk and negative for the Sun. We comment on the role of random magnetic helicity currents in storing turbulent energy in a disordered magnetic field, which will generate an equipartition, disordered field in a turbulent medium, and also a declining long wavelength tail to the power spectrum. As a result, calculations of the galactic `seed' field are largely irrelevant.Comment: 28 pages, accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    Natural Entropy Production in an Inflationary Model for a Polarized Vacuum

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    Though entropy production is forbidden in standard FRW Cosmology, Berman and Som presented a simple inflationary model where entropy production by bulk viscosity, during standard inflation without ad hoc pressure terms can be accommodated with Robertson-Walker's metric, so the requirement that the early Universe be anisotropic is not essential in order to have entropy growth during inflationary phase, as we show. Entropy also grows due to shear viscosity, for the anisotropic case. The intrinsically inflationary metric that we propose can be thought of as defining a polarized vacuum, and leads directly to the desired effects without the need of introducing extra pressure terms.Comment: 7 pages including front one. Accepted to publication, Astrophysics and Space Science, subjected to a minor correction, already submitte
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