413 research outputs found

    Preserving Stabilization while Practically Bounding State Space

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    Stabilization is a key dependability property for dealing with unanticipated transient faults, as it guarantees that even in the presence of such faults, the system will recover to states where it satisfies its specification. One of the desirable attributes of stabilization is the use of bounded space for each variable. In this paper, we present an algorithm that transforms a stabilizing program that uses variables with unbounded domain into a stabilizing program that uses bounded variables and (practically bounded) physical time. While non-stabilizing programs (that do not handle transient faults) can deal with unbounded variables by assigning large enough but bounded space, stabilizing programs that need to deal with arbitrary transient faults cannot do the same since a transient fault may corrupt the variable to its maximum value. We show that our transformation algorithm is applicable to several problems including logical clocks, vector clocks, mutual exclusion, leader election, diffusing computations, Paxos based consensus, and so on. Moreover, our approach can also be used to bound counters used in an earlier work by Katz and Perry for adding stabilization to a non-stabilizing program. By combining our algorithm with that earlier work by Katz and Perry, it would be possible to provide stabilization for a rich class of problems, by assigning large enough but bounded space for variables.Comment: Moved some content from the Appendix to the main paper, added some details to the transformation algorithm and to its descriptio

    Impact of Sexual Abuse on Children and Intervention Strategies

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    Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescent uses a child for sexual stimulation. Forms of child sexual abuse include asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activities, indecent exposure of body parts to a child with intent to gratify their own sexual desires or to intimidate or groom the child, physical sexual contact with a child or using a child to produce child pornography. The effects of child sexual abuse can include depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and propensity to further victimization in adulthood and physical injury to the child. Protection of children against sexual abuse Act,2012 brings many incidents of sexual abuses into light and judgments are given immediately by special courts and. Intervention strategies like individual Therapy, Play Therapy and Family Therapy can be used to deal with children. Keywords: Abuse, psychological disturbance, inces

    New Query Lower Bounds for Submodular Function Minimization

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    We consider submodular function minimization in the oracle model: given black-box access to a submodular set function f:2[n]Rf:2^{[n]}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}, find an element of argminS{f(S)}\arg\min_S \{f(S)\} using as few queries to f()f(\cdot) as possible. State-of-the-art algorithms succeed with O~(n2)\tilde{O}(n^2) queries [LeeSW15], yet the best-known lower bound has never been improved beyond nn [Harvey08]. We provide a query lower bound of 2n2n for submodular function minimization, a 3n/223n/2-2 query lower bound for the non-trivial minimizer of a symmetric submodular function, and a (n2)\binom{n}{2} query lower bound for the non-trivial minimizer of an asymmetric submodular function. Our 3n/223n/2-2 lower bound results from a connection between SFM lower bounds and a novel concept we term the cut dimension of a graph. Interestingly, this yields a 3n/223n/2-2 cut-query lower bound for finding the global mincut in an undirected, weighted graph, but we also prove it cannot yield a lower bound better than n+1n+1 for ss-tt mincut, even in a directed, weighted graph

    Psychology Case Record

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    BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE DISORDER DEPRESSION: Ms.V was reported to be normal 3 months ago, when she was noticed to be pre occupied and quieter than usual since changing job, looked dull and less communicative. She felt low most of the day, did not feel like doing anything, felt intensely tired and a distinct lack of interest in doing things she used to enjoy earlier. She kept worrying over minor matters and became annoyed and irritated at the slightest provocation. She did not enjoy the television programmes which she used to enjoy earlier. She had difficulty falling asleep and maintaining sleep – got up frequently during the night. She had loss of appetite. She felt giddy, tremulous, sweating at times when she went out. She had taken an over dosage of tablets 2 weeks ago following a quarrel at home. No history of repetitive thoughts or acts. No history of elated mood or boasting. No history of suspiciousness. No history of hearing voices. No history of substance abuse, head injury, seizures. SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISORDER: Mr. J was reported to be normal 11 months ago working in his uncle’s bakery and taking care of his family well. Suddenly one day he left his job and told his parents that he had plans to start a bakery on his own. His parents were not willing to support his plan and he abided by his parents words. He dropped his plan and went to a textile mill for job as his mother persuaded him. He worked only for 2 days a week , only on those days when he received signals from his deceased grandfather who came to their house in the form of a crow. In the mill, he was laughing, singing and dancing and was very energetic for about a month. He changed his job, went to another bakery for job for 3 weeks. Then he went as a security in a cycles and 2 wheeler stand and worked there for only a week. He started staying at home, singing and dancing and talking excessively, spontaneously to self and to parents. He told them that he was able to hear voices of goddess omshakthi and god narayanan telling him that he was going to inherit a huge sum of money and property, if he would marry his uncle’s daughter. He told his mother that god asked him to act like a mad for a period of 1 year till he inherits the property. He started eating less and drinking lot of water. His sleep decreased, had frequent awakenings. He started claiming that he was world superstar Jackie chan and was going to start teashops throughout the world. He started saying that people were talking ill of him. He was constantly muttering in his home. He also began to say that all were knowing his thoughts through the crow. His personal hygiene deteriorated. He started spending money lavishly and excessively. This continued for about 4 months. He started staying in a separate room, carrying out his routine activities only when he had orders from god Allah. This continued for about 3 months. Then he started throwing stones at people and started running naked in the streets. So he was brought to IMH for treatment. No history of persistent sadness/ crying spells. No history of repetitive thoughts or acts. No history of any vague fear / palpitations/ tremors. No history of any head injury/ LOC/ seizures. No history of substance use. DEMENTIA: The patient was reported to be normal till one year back. Then, his elder son noticed that the patient repeatedly searched for certain common things in the house. He would forget simple things in the house like the way for going to toilet. At times he also found it difficult to return to his house after going for a walk. In course of time, he was not able to identify his close relatives and called his son as his brother. He was not able to remember whether he had taken his food or not. His personal hygiene decreased gradually. He did not take bath and did not dress properly. He would pass urine inside the house itself at times. He slept for very little time and would wake up in the middle of the night and keep pacing inside the house. OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER: According to the patient, about 20 years back, she started to think that her hands were contaminated and she started washing her hands very frequently. She started to worry about her routines and started to wash repeatedly all her households like utensils, clothes, floor, household items and used to take bath for long hours to keep herself clean. Though she preferred to keep herself clean, she excessively indulged in these acts only in recent times. The thoughts of cleanliness occurred repeatedly as intrusive ones in her mind and got partial satisfaction only after performing these acts. This also resulted in disturbance in her work time, resulting in absenteeism and she was left feeling helpless over this issue. She kept doubting about matters like whether she had locked the door, switched off the lights and would keep checking repeatedly even though she felt it was excessive. She also had disturbed sleep at times pondering over these issues. She felt low over this problem and consulted IMH OP, and was put on Clomipramine and Amitryptiline, following which she showed improvement. No h/o hearing voices, suspiciousness. No h/o tall claims. No h/o head trauma or seizures. MENTAL RETARDATION: Patient was born out of non consanguinous marriage, full term normal delivery. Mother was 24 yrs and fathers age was 28 yrs. No history of any drug intake, fever or exanthematous eruptions in the ante natal period. No antenatal checkup was done. No history of radiation, injury, malnutrition, or vaginal bleeding. Delivery was conducted by local dhai, the baby cried soon after birth and was breast fed after a short while. No h/o neonatal seizures or difficulty in feeding. No h/o of jaundice, breast fed up to 1 year, and there were no weaning difficulties


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    ABSTRACTObjective: To determine the phytoconsistutents and in vitro thrombolytic and antiproteinase activities of aqueous extracts of leaf, stem and root of Wedelia trilobata.Methods: In vitro thrombolytic activity of aqueous extracts of different parts of W. trilobata against thrombolysis. In vitro antiproteinase activity of aqueous extracts of different parts of W. trilobata. Results: Phytochemical screening of aqueous extracts of leaf, stem and flower of W. trilobata showed various bioactive constituents such as carbohydrates, protein, phenols, tannins, saponins, alkaloids, terpenoids and quinines in all three parts of aqueous extracts. The maximum dissolution of blood clot (thrombolysis or fibrinolysis) was observed in leaf extracts, when compared to stem and extracts of flower W. trilobata. The highest degree of proteinase activity was showed in stem of W. trilobata. Conclusions: Since the aqueous extracts of different part of W. trilobata possess pharmacological active phytocompounds may be responsible for thrombolytic and antiproteinase activities. In further, to isolate the phytocompounds from this plant may be substantiate an effective drug in pharmacologic aspect as thrombolytic and anti inflammatory therapy.Keywords: Wedelia trilobata, leaf, stem, flower, aqueous extracts. Â

    Particle swarm optimized extreme learning machine for feature classification in power quality data mining

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    This paper proposes enhanced particle swarm optimization (PSO) with craziness factor based extreme learning machine (ELM) for feature classification of single and combined power quality disturbances. In the proposed method, an S-transform technique is applied for feature extraction. PSO with craziness factor is applied to adjust the input weight and hidden biases of ELM. To test the effectiveness of the proposed approach, eight possible combinations of single and combined power quality disturbances are assumed in the sampled form and the performance of the proposed approach is investigated. In addition white gaussian noise of different signal-tonoise ratio is added to the signals and the performance of the algorithm is analysed. The results indicate that the proposed approach can be effectively applied for classification of power quality disturbances

    Modeling Long Term Impacts of Freeway Traffic Incidents on Travel Time Reliability

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    The objective of this study is to calibrate models of relationships between Travel Time Reliability measures and incident and traffic characteristics for a given highway segment

    Hybrid fuzzy PI controlled multi-input DC/DC converter for electric vehicle application

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    Power electronic interface with its effective control scheme plays a major role in the utilization of energy sources for electric vehicle application. For this purpose, a hybrid fuzzy PI based control scheme for a multiple input converter (MIC) topology is proposed. The proposed hybrid fuzzy PI controller includes a conventional PI controller at steady state and fuzzy PI at transient state. Also, the proposed control design helps in tracking a predefined speed profile to have complete realization of electric vehicle. Detailed simulation study and performance comparisons with conventional controller are performed. The results show that the developed control scheme is robust providing bidirectional power management, fast tracking capability with less steady state error, better dynamic response by enhancing the flexibility and proper utilization of energy sources. Simulation in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment is carried out to verify the performance of the multi-input converter with the developed control scheme. An experimental set-up is constructed to validate the same