506 research outputs found

    Bleeding Diathesis in Fawn Hooded Rats:Possible Implications for Invasive Procedures and Refinement Strategies

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    The Fawn hooded (FH) rat is commonly used in biomedical research. It is widely acknowledged that the FH rat has a bleeding disorder; leading to abundant bleedings. Although this bleeding disorder is investigated to model the storage pool defect; its impact on commonly performed invasive laboratory procedures has not yet been described. Our research group experienced clinically significant consequences of this bleeding disorder following invasive procedures (including intraperitoneal injections and neurocranial surgery) in the Rjlbm: FH stock. The clinical consequences of the surgical and anesthetic protocols applied; are described including the subsequent procedural refinements applied to minimize the impact of this disorder. It is strongly recommended to take the bleeding diathesis into account when performing invasive procedures in FH rats and to apply the suggested refinement of procedures

    Нове видання з історії становлення кодикографії та бібліографії стародруків України

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    Розглядається монографічне видання, яке вперше комплексно представ-ляє загальний стан колекційних рукописних та книжкових фондів бібліотек і музеїв в Україні в другій половині ХІХ – 30-х роках ХХ ст.; формування та діяльність наукових центрів з вивчення історії книги в Україні у період, коли археографічна діяльність досягла найвищого рівня свого розвитку.Рассматривается монографическое издание, которое впервые комплексно представляет общее состояние коллекционных рукописных и книжных фондов библиотек и музеев в Украине во второй половине ХіХ – 30-х годах ХХ ст.; формирование и деятельность научных центров по изучению истории книги в Украине в период, когда археографическая деятельность достигла наивысшего уровня своего развития.The consideration of the monographic edition which for the firs time represents in complex the general condition of collection hand-written and book funds of libraries and museums in Ukraine in the second half of ХIХ–30-th years of ХХ century, the formation and activity of scientific centres on studying book history in Ukraine at the period of the highest level of the archaeographic activity development

    Asylum seeker’s ‘brain death’ shows failure of care and of democracy

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    The news that Hamid Kehazaei, a 24-year-old Iranian asylum seeker detained on Manus Island, has been diagnosed as brain dead following his transfer to the Mater Hospital in Brisbane is a tragedy. That it is a tragedy for this young man and his family is unquestionable – but the extent of this tragedy may be much more pervasive than we realise. If the emerging details of his case are correct, Kehazaei developed septicaemia as a complication of cellulitis (skin and soft-tissue infection) arising from a cut in his foot. This, in itself, is disturbing. Severe infection can result in brain death – either from infection of the brain itself (meningitis, encephalitis or brain abscess), or from brain injury due to a lack of oxygen resulting from cardiac arrest (as appears to be the case here), or from reduced blood supply to the brain. Yet it is very uncommon, especially in a young, previously healthy man. Such a case could occur in Australia and has been described in 2012 in young Indigenous adults in Central Australia. Nevertheless, severe sepsis resulting from a foot infection is preventable. And a case like this occurring in an Australian national would raise serious questions about the appropriateness of the antibiotics used and the timeliness of care. Most cases of brain death result from traumatic brain injury, stroke or lack of oxygen to the brain following asphyxia, near-drowning, or prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation. What happened to Hamid Kehazaei raises concerns about the adequacy of care provided to him during initial treatment, including wound care and antibiotics, and how soon he was transferred to expert medical care, first to Port Moresby and subsequently to Brisbane. If this young man became ill and had his brain die while seeking asylum in Australia and while in our care, then we must examine the details of his case and ask ourselves not only whether it was preventable but whether our policies and processes actually contributed to his death

    Participant music listening behaviours in interactive multimedia music instruction

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    While emerging technologies such as interactive multimedia are increasingly being employed in computerised music instruction, understanding of participant music listening behaviours in interactive multimedia music instruction is currently very limited. With the aim of elucidating music listening behaviour, the central concern of this work is to identify and explain participant interactions with the audio components of interactive multimedia music instruction. The investigation employs a novel documentation procedure, which extends the application of digital audio recording technology, to provide a finely calibrated analysis of the audio activity of a sample of 20 undergraduate music education majors during individual sessions with two commercially-available interactive multimedia music instruction programs. Graphically-based Sound Activity Profiles, which the researcher developed specifically for the current investigation, characterise and summarise participant interactions with audio components, while an analysis of questionnaire responses and follow-up interview transcripts provides supplementary information that further explains participants' music listening behaviours. The results of the investigation show that music listening behaviours during the study sessions were highly variable. While extensive participant interaction with music examples occasionally reflected attentive music listening behaviours, many study sessions were characterised by brief, fragmentary music excerpts and lengthy periods of silence. Participants spent as little as five percent of their session time listening to music and as much as 88 percent of the session time in silence. A substantial number of the study cohort frequently interrupted the music examples they had activated. Participants' perceptions of the extent of their interaction with music examples were frequently inaccurate, as subjects often substantially overestimated the amount of session time they had spent listening to music. The study findings suggest that many interactive multimedia music instruction participants would benefit from interventions that elicit more extensive and prolonged interaction with music examples. Accordingly, recommendations include a call for research to develop and test software designs that incorporate automated monitoring of session audio activity so that dynamic on-screen information about music listening behaviour can be provided to interactive multimedia music instruction participants. Such information may encourage participants to modify inappropriate music listening behaviours

    Field emission in ordered arrays of ZnO nanowires prepared by nanosphere lithography and extended Fowler-Nordheim analyses

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    A multistage chemical method based on nanosphere lithography was used to produce hexagonally patterned arrays of ZnO vertical nanowires, with 1 lm interspacing and aspect ratio 20, with a view to study the effects of emitter uniformity on the current emitted upon application of a dc voltage across a 250 lm vacuum gap. A new treatment, based on the use of analytical expressions for the image-potential correction functions, was applied to the linear region below 2000 V of the Fowler-Nordheim (FN) plot and showed the most suitable value of the work function / in the range 3.3–4.5 eV (conduction band emission) with a Schottky lowering parameter y ~ 0.72 and a field enhancement factor c in the 700–1100 range. A modeled c value of 200 was calculated for an emitter shape of a prolate ellipsoid of revolution and also including the effect of nanowire screening, in fair agreement with the experimental value. The Fowler-Nordheim current densities and effective emission areas were derived as 1011 Am2 and 1017 m2, respectively, showing that field emission likely takes place in an area of atomic dimensions at the tip of the emitter. Possible causes for the observed departure from linear FN plot behavior above 2000 V were discussed

    Relative contribution of various chronic diseases and multi-morbidity to potential disability among Dutch elderly

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    BACKGROUND: The amount of time spent living with disease greatly influences elderly people’s wellbeing, disability and healthcare costs, but differs by disease, age and sex. METHODS: We assessed how various single and combined diseases differentially affect life years spent living with disease in Dutch elderly men and women (65+) over their remaining life course. Multistate life table calculations were applied to age and sex-specific disease prevalence, incidence and death rates for the Netherlands in 2007. We distinguished congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease (CHD), breast and prostate cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, diabetes, COPD, stroke, dementia and osteoarthritis. RESULTS: Across ages 65, 70, 75, 80 and 85, CHD caused the most time spent living with disease for Dutch men (from 7.6 years at age 65 to 3.7 years at age 85) and osteoarthritis for Dutch women (from 11.7 years at age 65 to 4. 8 years at age 85). Of the various co-occurrences of disease, the combination of diabetes and osteoarthritis led to the most time spent living with disease, for both men (from 11.2 years at age 65 to 4.9 -years at age 85) and women (from 14.2 years at age 65 to 6.0 years at age 85). CONCLUSIONS: Specific single and multi-morbid diseases affect men and women differently at different phases in the life course in terms of the time spent living with disease, and consequently, their potential disability. Timely sex and age-specific interventions targeting prevention of the single and combined diseases identified could reduce healthcare costs and increase wellbeing in elderly people

    A system science perspective on burn-out: development of an expert-based causal loop diagram

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    IntroductionBurn-out leads to reduced worker well-being, long-term absenteeism, and high costs for employers and society. Determinants at different levels may affect burn-out in an interrelated and dynamic manner. The aim of the present study was to apply a broader systems perspective by exploring and visualizing the complex system of determinants at different levels (living conditions, working conditions, and societal developments) underlying the prevalence of burn-out in the Netherlands.MethodsDuring three group model building (GMB) sessions with in total eight experts on workers’ mental health, a causal loop diagram (CLD) was developed and relevant feedback loops were identified. For the selection of determinants to be included in the CLD a recently published overview of determinants on burn-out at different levels was used. Experts could also add factors that were not listed in the overview.ResultsThe final CLD consists of 20 factors and depicts a central position of working conditions. Societal developments (e.g., access to mental health care, size of the working population, rougher social climate, etc.) were mostly located at the outside of the CLD and barely integrated in feedback loops. Several reinforcing feedback loops resulting in an increase of the prevalence of burn-out were identified in which the factors (very) high workload, imbalance between work and private life, and insufficient recovery time play an important role. Also, several balancing loops were found that visualize the crucial role of functional support from supervisors to prevent burn-out among workers.DiscussionApplying a broader systems perspective, including determinants at different levels, offers new insights into dynamic feedback loops that contribute to the prevalence of burn-out. Supervisors, amongst others, have a considerable impact on the system underlying the high prevalence of burn-out and may therefore contribute to its prevention. Even though societal developments were less integrated in feedback loops, they might be considered drivers of existing feedback loops. The results from this study confirm that determinants at various levels underly the prevalence of burn-out. To be able to address the diversity of determinants underlying a high prevalence of burn-out, a complex system approach can be helpful

    Extensional and Intensional Strategies

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    This paper is a contribution to the theoretical foundations of strategies. We first present a general definition of abstract strategies which is extensional in the sense that a strategy is defined explicitly as a set of derivations of an abstract reduction system. We then move to a more intensional definition supporting the abstract view but more operational in the sense that it describes a means for determining such a set. We characterize the class of extensional strategies that can be defined intensionally. We also give some hints towards a logical characterization of intensional strategies and propose a few challenging perspectives

    Preoperative fasting protects against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in aged and overweight mice

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    Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is inevitable during kidney transplantation leading to oxidative stress and inflammation. We previously reported that preoperative fasting in young-lean male mice protects against IRI. Since patients are generally of older age with morbidities possibly leading to a different response to fasting, we investigated the effects of preoperative fasting on renal IRI in aged-overweight male and female mice. Male and female F1-FVB/C57BL6-hybrid mice, average age 73 weeks weighing 47.2 grams, were randomized to preoperative ad libitum feeding or 3 days fasting, followed by renal IRI. Body weight, kidney function and survival of the animals were monitored until day 28 postoperatively. Kidney histopathology was scored for all animals and gene expression profiles after fasting were analyzed in kidneys of young and aged male mice. Preoperative fasting significantly improved survival after renal IRI in both sexes compared with normal fed mice. Fasted groups had a better kidney function shown by lower serum urea levels after renal IRI. Histopathology showed less acute tubular necrosis and more regeneration in kidneys from fasted mice. A mRNA analysis indicated the involvement of metabolic processes including fatty acid oxidation and retinol metabolism, and the NRF2-mediated stress response. Similar to young-lean, healthy male mice, preoperative fasting protects against renal IRI in aged-overweight mice of both genders. These findings suggest a general protective response of fasting against renal IRI regardless of age, gender, body weight and genetic background. Therefore, fasting could be a non-invasive intervention inducing increased oxidative stress resistance in older and overweight patients as well

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