800 research outputs found

    Soliton core filling in superfluid Fermi gases with spin-imbalance

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    In this paper the properties of dark solitons in superfluid Fermi gases with spin-imbalance are studied by means of a recently developed effective field theory [S. N. Klimin, J. Tempere, G. Lombardi, J. T. Devreese, Eur. Phys. J. B 88, 122 (2015)] suitable to describe the BEC-BCS crossover in ultracold gases in an extended range of temperatures as compared to the usual Ginzburg-Landau treatments. The spatial profiles for the total density and for the density of the excess-spin component, and the changes of their properties across the BEC-BCS crossover are examined in different conditions of temperature and imbalance. The presence of population imbalance is shown to strongly affect the structure of the soliton excitation by filling its core with unpaired atoms. This in turn influences the dynamical properties of the soliton since the additional particles in the core have to be dragged along thus altering the effective mass.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Variable number of tandem repeats in clinical strains of Haemophilus influenzae

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    An algorithm capable of identifying short repeat motifs was developed and used to screen the whole genome sequence available for Haemophilus influenzae, since some of these repeats have been shown to affect bacterial virulence. Various di- to hexanucleotide repeats were identified, confirming and extending previous findings on the existence of variable-number-of-tandem-repeat loci (VNTRs). Repeats with units of 7 or 8 nucleotides were not encountered. For all of the 3- to 6-nucleotide repeats in the H. influenzae chromosome, PCR tests capable of detecting allelic polymorphisms were designed. Fourteen of 18 of the potential VNTRs were indeed highly polymorphic when different strains were screened. Two of the potential VNTRs appeared to be short and homogeneous in length; another one may be specific for the H. influenzae Rd strain only. One of the primer sets generated fingerprint-type DNA banding patterns. The various repeat types differed with respect to intrinsic stability as well. It was noted for separate colonies derived from a single clinical specimen or strains passaged for several weeks on chocolate agar plates that the lengths of the VNTRs did not change. When several strains from different patients infected during an outbreak of lung disease were analyzed, increased but limited variation was encountered in al

    Adapting group schema therapy for older adults with personality disorders:Lessons learnt

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    A first empirical study into group schema therapy in older adults with mood disorders and personality disorder (PD) features has shown that brief group schema therapy has potential to decrease psychological distress and to change early maladaptive schemas (EMS). Effect sizes however were smaller than those found in similar studies in younger adults. Therefore, we set out to adapt the treatment protocol for older adults in order to enhance its feasibility and outcome in this age group. We examined this adapted protocol in 29 older adults (mean age 66 years) with PDs from four Dutch mental health institutes. The primary outcome was symptomatic distress, measured by the Brief Symptom Inventory. Secondary outcomes were measured by the Young Schema Questionnaire, the Schema Mode Inventory, and the short version of the Severity Indices of Personality Problems. Contrary to our expectations, the adapted treatment protocol yielded only a small effect size in our primary outcome, and no significant improvement in EMS, modes and personality functioning. Patients pointed out that they were more aware of their dysfunctional patterns, but maybe they had not been able yet to work on behavioural change due to this schema therapy treatment being too brief. We recommend more intensive treatment for older patients with PDs, as they might benefit from more schema therapy sessions, similar to the treatment dosage in younger PD patients. They might also benefit from a combination of group therapy and individual treatment sessions

    Возможностим развития конкуренции на рынках теплоснабжения Донбасса

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    Проаналізовано стан ситем теплопостачання Донбасу, виявлено зниження виробництва та відпуску теплової енергії, що викликано появою конкурента — автономного опалення. Обгрунтовано причини протиріччя законодавства, що регулює діяльність у сфері комунального теплопостачання — природної монополії, в результаті чого порушені конституційні, цивільні, споживчі права людей. Розглянуто практику регулювання ринків теплопостачання в країнах з розвиненою ринковою економікою, і можливості застосування їх досвіду в Україні. Визначено роль держави, як найважливішого регулятора, який здійснює контроль за ринком теплопостачання, і є влавником стратегічно важливих підприємств сектора. Ключові слова: централізоване теплопостачання, природна монополія, автономне опалення, конкуренція, приватний капітал, державне регулювання.Проанализировано состояние ситем теплоснабжения Донбасса, выявлено снижение производства и отпуска тепловой энергии, что вызвано появлением конкурента — автономного отопления. Обоснованы причины протеворечивости законодательства регулирующего деятельность в сфере коммунального теплоснабжения — естественной монополии, в результате чего нарушены конституционные, гражданские, потребительские права людей. Рассмотрена практика регулирования рынков теплоснабжения в странах с развитой рыночной экономикой, и возможности применения их опыта в Украине. Определена роль государства, как важнейшего регулятора, осуществляющего контроль за рынком теплоснабжения, и собственика стратегически важных предприятий сектора. Ключевые слова: централизованное теплоснабжение, естественная монополия, автономное отопление, конкуренция, частный капитал, государственное регулирование.The state of Donbass Heating System Works, showed a reduction in production and supply of heat energy that is caused by the emergence of competitors — independent heating. Substantiated reasons imperfect legislation governing activities in the field of district heating — natural monopoly, resulting in a violation of the constitutional, civil, consumer rights of people. The practical management of district heating markets in countries with developed market economies, and the possibility of applying their experience in Ukraine. Defined the place of government as an important regulator, controlling the heating market, and the owners of strategically important enterprises in the sector. Key words: district heating, natural monopoly, independent heating, competition, private capital, government regulation

    Impact of personality functioning and pathological traits on mental wellbeing of older patients with personality disorders

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    BACKGROUND: Although personality disorders are common and consequential, they are largely ignored in geriatric mental healthcare. We examined the relative contributions of different aspects of personality disorders and comorbid mental disorders to the impairment of mental wellbeing in older adults. METHODS: Baseline data were used of 138 patients who participated in a randomized controlled trial on schema therapy for geriatric mental health outpatients with a full or subthreshold cluster B or C personality disorder. Personality was assessed according to both the categorical and dimensional model of DSM-5. Aspects of mental wellbeing assessed were; psychological distress, positive mental health, subjective health, and life satisfaction. The current study uses baseline data of the RCT to examine the associations between different aspects of personality pathology and mental wellbeing by multivariate regression analysis, controlling for age, sex, level of education, and number of chronic somatic illnesses. RESULTS: The vast majority of patients (79.0%) had one or more mental disorders in addition to personality disorder. Personality pathology was responsible for the core of the mental health burden experienced by patients, and negated the influence of co-occurring mental disorders when entered subsequently in multivariate analysis. Personality dimensions proved to be highly predictive of mental wellbeing, and this contrasted with absence of influence of personality disorder diagnosis. Although the personality functioning dimensions – and in particular Identity integration (large effect size with partial eta-squared = 0.36) – were the primary predictors of mental wellbeing, personality trait dimensions added significant predictive value to that (Disinhibition 0.25 and Negative affect 0.24). CONCLUSIONS: Personality disorders seriously affect the mental wellbeing of patients, and this overshadows the impact of comorbid mental disorders. In particular personality functioning and pathological traits of the Alternative Model of Personality Disorders (AMPD) of DSM-5 contribute to this impact on mental wellbeing. Alertness for and treatment of personality disorders in geriatric mental healthcare seems warranted. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12888-022-03857-8

    The effectiveness of adapted schema therapy for cluster C personality disorders in older adults – integrating positive schemas

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    Introduction: Schema therapy (ST) is an efficacious psychotherapy for personality disorders (PDs) in adults. The first empirical support for the effectiveness of ST in older adults with cluster C PDs was provided recently. ST partly focusses on the positive, but there is an increasing awareness of imbalance in the ST community because of the emphasis on negative schemas versus attention to positive schemas. Positive schemas may be important vehicles of therapeutic change in psychotherapy with older people, as it may help strengthen the healthy adult mode, and it might also help change a negative life review. Suggestions were made to increase the efficacy and feasibility of ST in older adults, including adjusting the case conceptualisation, modifying the experiential techniques, making use of the patient's wisdom and reactivating positive schemas. The aim of the current study is to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of adapted individual ST for older adults. Methods/design: A multiple baseline design is used with positive and negative core beliefs as primary outcome measures. Ten older adults (age > 60 years) with cluster C PDs are treated with schema therapy, with weekly sessions during one year. This treatment phase is preceded by a baseline phase varying randomly from 4 to 8 weeks. After treatment, there is a 6-month follow-up phase with monthly booster sessions. Symptomatic distress, schema modes, early maladaptive schemas (EMS) and early adaptive schemas (EAS) are secondary outcome measures. PD will be diagnosed before baseline and after treatment phase. EAS are assessed with the Dutch version of the Young Positive Schema Questionnaire (YPSQ). Discussion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first empirical study in which positive schemas are integrated in ST treatment to examine the efficacy of an adapted form of ST for older adults. This is in line with wider developments supporting the integration of positive schema's into ST. It offers the possibility to improve the effectiveness of ST in older adults. Trial registration: The Netherlands National Trial Register NL8346, registered 1 February 2020