165 research outputs found

    Testing the Correlated Random Coefficient Model

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    The recent literature on instrumental variables (IV) features models in which agents sort into treatment status on the basis of gains from treatment as well as on baseline-pretreatment levels. Components of the gains known to the agents and acted on by them may not be known by the observing economist. Such models are called correlated random coefficient models. Sorting on unobserved components of gains complicates the interpretation of what IV estimates. This paper examines testable implications of the hypothesis that agents do not sort into treatment based on gains. In it, we develop new tests to gauge the empirical relevance of the correlated random coefficient model to examine whether the additional complications associated with it are required. We examine the power of the proposed tests. We derive a new representation of the variance of the instrumental variable estimator for the correlated random coefficient model. We apply the methods in this paper to the prototypical empirical problem of estimating the return to schooling and find evidence of sorting into schooling based on unobserved components of gains.

    Interacción Rhizobium leguminosarum bv trifolii y hongos micorrícicos en un Andisol con diferentes niveles de saturación de aluminio

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    Aluminium phytotoxicity is a serious limitation of the productivity of prairies growing on volcanic soil by affecting nodulation and effectiveness of Rhizobium. The aim of this study was to select Rhizobium strains to determine the effect as inoculant on Trifolium repens cropped in an Andisol with different aluminium saturation levels. Acidity tolerance (pH 4.5 and 6.0) of twelve Rhizobium strains of collection at three Al levels (100, 200, 300 μM) was evaluated in mineral nutritive medium vitro. Simultaneously, in a greenhouse trial, strains effectivity were tested by inoculation of Trifolium pratense growing in an acidic Andisol and compared with dry matter accumulation produced by native strains. According to the results of this two trials, three Rhizobium strains (R-109, R-113 and R-115) were selected to study the effect of their inoculation on Trifolium repens growth cropped in an Andisol at four Al saturation levels (SAl1 to SAl4). In addition, the effect on arbuscular mycorrhizal propagules was also studied. Plants showed different capacity for association with the inoculated strains giving the best response R-113 at SAl1 level with positive synergism expressed by microbiological parameters such as high nodulation (16 nodules pot-1), AMF spore number (384 spores 100 g-1), root colonization percentage (45%), together with agronomical variables with an increase of aerial phytomass (93,5%) in comparison with the control. Higher Al levels had an deleterious effect on the inoculation of collection strains; therefore, with R-109 strain inoculation the smallest root growth and nodulation were observed in comparison with soil with native strains whereas R-113 was the more effective one.La fitotoxicidad por Al es una seria limitante de la productividad de praderas crecidas sobre suelos volcánicos afectando la nodulación y efectividad de los Rhizobium. El objetivo del estudio consistió en seleccionar cepas de Rhizobium de colección para estudiar su efectividad en Trifolium repens crecido en un Andisol con cepas nativas y distinta saturación de Al. Para ello se evaluó previamente en caldo nutritivo la tolerancia a la acidez y toxicidad por Al de 12 cepas de colección mediante control de curvas de crecimiento. Paralelamente, se inocularon los Rhizobium en un Andisol para evaluar su efectividad mediante rendimiento de Trifolium pratense. Se seleccionaron las cepas R-109, R-113 y R-115 para inocularlas en el Andisol utilizando cuatro tratamientos: suelo adicionado de 2 Mg CaCO3 ha-1 (SAl1), un testigo (SAl2) y suelo adicionado de dos niveles de saturación Al (SAl1, SAl4) utilizando Trifolium repens como hospedero. Las plantas mostraron capacidad para asociarse con las especies inoculadas presentando mayor efectividad R-113-SAl1 sinergismo positivo expresado en variables microbiológicas como nodulación (16 nódulos maceta-1), esporas de hongos micorrícicos arbusculares, HMA (384 esporas 100g-1), colonización HMA (45%) junto con variables agronómicas alcanzándose un incremento de biomasa foliar (93,5%) frente al testigo. Niveles más elevados de Al afectaron la inoculación con cepas de colección; así, con R-109 se obtuvo el menor crecimiento radical y nodulación respecto al suelo natural mientras que R-113 fue la cepa más efectiva

    Robust metabolic transcriptional components in 34,494 patient-derived cancer-related samples and cell lines

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    BACKGROUND: Patient-derived bulk expression profiles of cancers can provide insight into the transcriptional changes that underlie reprogrammed metabolism in cancer. These profiles represent the average expression pattern of all heterogeneous tumor and non-tumor cells present in biopsies of tumor lesions. Hence, subtle transcriptional footprints of metabolic processes can be concealed by other biological processes and experimental artifacts. However, consensus independent component analyses (c-ICA) can capture statistically independent transcriptional footprints of both subtle and more pronounced metabolic processes. METHODS: We performed c-ICA with 34,494 bulk expression profiles of patient-derived tumor biopsies, non-cancer tissues, and cell lines. Gene set enrichment analysis with 608 gene sets that describe metabolic processes was performed to identify the transcriptional components enriched for metabolic processes (mTCs). The activity of these mTCs was determined in all samples to create a metabolic transcriptional landscape. RESULTS: A set of 555 mTCs was identified of which many were robust across different datasets, platforms, and patient-derived tissues and cell lines. We demonstrate how the metabolic transcriptional landscape defined by the activity of these mTCs in samples can be used to explore the associations between the metabolic transcriptome and drug sensitivities, patient outcomes, and the composition of the immune tumor microenvironment. CONCLUSIONS: To facilitate the use of our transcriptional metabolic landscape, we have provided access to all data via a web portal (www.themetaboliclandscapeofcancer.com). We believe this resource will contribute to the formulation of new hypotheses on how to metabolically engage the tumor or its (immune) microenvironment. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s40170-021-00272-7

    Transcriptional effects of copy number alterations in a large set of human cancers

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    Copy number alterations (CNAs) can promote tumor progression by altering gene expression levels. Due to transcriptional adaptive mechanisms, however, CNAs do not always translate proportionally into altered expression levels. By reanalyzing >34,000 gene expression profiles, we reveal the degree of transcriptional adaptation to CNAs in a genome-wide fashion, which strongly associate with distinct biological processes. We then develop a platform-independent method-transcriptional adaptation to CNA profiling (TACNA profiling)-that extracts the transcriptional effects of CNAs from gene expression profiles without requiring paired CNA profiles. By applying TACNA profiling to >28,000 patient-derived tumor samples we define the landscape of transcriptional effects of CNAs. The utility of this landscape is demonstrated by the identification of four genes that are predicted to be involved in tumor immune evasion when transcriptionally affected by CNAs. In conclusion, we provide a novel tool to gain insight into how CNAs drive tumor behavior via altered expression levels

    Dental Caries Prevalence and Tooth Loss in Chilean Adult Population: First National Dental Examination Survey

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of dental caries, tooth loss, and risk factors among adult population of Chile. Furthermore, age, gender, and behavioural specific differences in caries prevalence and tooth loss were examined. A national stratified multistage probabilistic sample design in two-age cohorts was applied to the Chilean population. A sample of 1553 adults, comprising 1088 individuals aged 35–44 and 465 senior individuals aged 65–74, were examined. The DMFT was evaluated following WHO recommendations using diagnostic criteria of caries lesions into dentin. The data were analyzed by univariate and multivariate models using logistic regression analyses. Results showed a mean DMFT of 15.06 in the 35–44-year-old group and of 21.57 in the 65–74 group. Factors related to tooth loss in the 35–44 group through univariate logistic regression were depression (OR 1.9 CI 95% 1.26–2.85), education level <12 years (OR 2.24 CI 95% 1.31–3.73), personal income (OR 1.51 CI 95% 1.04–2.19), and familiar income (OR 2.05 CI 95% 1.34–3.13), and through multivariate logistic regression in the same age group were depression (OR 1.93 CI 95% 1.24–3.0), education level <12 years (OR 1.94 CI 95% 1.2–3.14), and familiar income (OR 1.71 CI 95% 1.09–2.68). Factors related to tooth loss in the 65–74-year-old group through univariate logistic regression were education level <12 years (OR 2.54 CI 95% 1.3–4.96) and personal income (OR 1.66 CI 95% 1.05–2.63), and for multivariate logistic regression in the same age group, it was education level <12 years (OR 2.51 CI 95% 1.21–5.18). In conclusion, adult population in Chile showed a high prevalence of dental caries and tooth loss, as age, education level, personal and familiar incomes, and depression are being the main risk factors

    Difference between pre-operative and cardiopulmonary bypass mean arterial pressure is independently associated with early cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI) contributes to increased morbidity and mortality. However, its pathophysiology remains incompletely understood. We hypothesized that intra-operative mean arterial pressure (MAP) relative to pre-operative MAP would be an important predisposing factor for CSA-AKI.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a prospective observational study of 157 consecutive high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). The primary exposure was delta MAP, defined as the pre-operative MAP minus average MAP during CPB. Secondary exposure was CPB flow. The primary outcome was early CSA-AKI, defined by a minimum RIFLE class - RISK. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were performed to explore for association between delta MAP and CSA-AKI.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean (± SD) age was 65.9 ± 14.7 years, 70.1% were male, 47.8% had isolated coronary bypass graft (CABG) surgery, 24.2% had isolated valve surgery and 16.6% had combined procedures. Mean (± SD) pre-operative, intra-operative and delta MAP were 86.6 ± 13.2, 57.4 ± 5.0 and 29.4 ± 13.5 mmHg, respectively. Sixty-five patients (41%) developed CSA-AKI within in the first 24 hours post surgery. By multivariate logistic regression, a delta MAP≥26 mmHg (odds ratio [OR], 2.8; 95%CI, 1.3-6.1, p = 0.009) and CPB flow rate ≥54 mL/kg/min (OR, 0.2, 0.1-0.5, p < 0.001) were independently associated with CSA-AKI. Additional variables associated with CSA-AKI included use of a side-biting aortic clamp (OR, 3.0; 1.3-7.1, p = 0.012), and body mass index ≥25 (OR, 4.2; 1.6-11.2, p = 0.004).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A large delta MAP and lower CPB flow during cardiac surgery are independently associated with early post-operative CSA-AKI in high-risk patients. Delta MAP represents a potentially modifiable intra-operative factor for development of CSA-AKI that necessitates further inquiry.</p

    Dental caries in Uruguayan adults and elders: findings from the first Uruguayan National Oral Health Survey

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    This study aimed to assess dental caries status and associated factors in Uruguayan adults and elders using data from the first Uruguayan National Oral Health Survey. Data were representative of the country as a whole. Socio-demographic information was collected with a closed questionnaire. Dental caries was assessed by clinical examination using the DMFT index. The final sample consisted of 769 participants. Mean DMFT was 15.20 and 24.12 for the 35-44 and 65-74-year age groups, respectively. Mean number of decayed teeth was 1.70 in adults and 0.66 in elders. Multivariate analyses showed higher prevalence of dental caries associated with age 65-74 years, low socioeconomic status, use of public dental services, presence of gingivitis; for decayed teeth, age 35-44 years, low socioeconomic status, use of public dental services, infrequent tooth brushing, need for oral health care, and presence of root caries showed higher severity. Uruguayan adults and elders from disadvantaged backgrounds concentrated a heavier burden of dental caries