346 research outputs found

    El Lias Superior y el Dogger inferior en Gorgo a Cerbara (Apenino Central): Aspectos bioestratigráficos y sedimentológicos

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    The present note reports on a detailed survey of a part of the Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous deepening sequence exposed along the Candigliano River west of the hamlet Gorgo a Cerbara in the Umbrian-Marchean Apennines (Italy). The section examined spans the late Pliensbachian to? Bajocian interval, with a major documentary gap in the Toarcian (accounted for by a Neogene fault), and comprises the top of the Corniola Fm. and parts of overlying Bosso Fm. (inclusive of the Mbs. Rosso Ammonitico and Calcari e Marne a Posidonia). Facies of "autochthonous" rock types -mostly lime mudstones and nodular wackestones- invariably imply a deeper-water origin; moreover, inasmuch as gravity-displaced sediment makes up about half the thickness of the section, a depositional setting can be inferred in thc lower reaches or at the base of an unstable slope flanking a structurally- controlled intrabasinal high. The in situ hemipelagic limestones in the upper part of the Corniola Fm. (our lithologic units 1 and 2) have yielded ammonites at 6 separated levels. The ammonite assemblages recovered indicate a late Domerian to earliest Toarcian age. The ammonites collected systematically across the lower nodular limestone unit of the Bosso Fm. (our lithologic unit 3) have enabled the upper Toarcian and part of Aalenian to be recognized and resolved to the zonal and, in certain cases, subzonal level. From the middle Aalenian (Murchisonae Zone p.p.) on, a higher dissolution intensity in the depositional and very shallow burial environment, most likely related to increasing bottom depth, causes the remains of originally aragonitic skeletal components to disappear from the sedimentary record, thus precluding an age control by means of ammonite biostratigraphy.En un punto cercano a la localidad de Gorgo a Cerbara (Apenino Umbro-Marchigiano, Italia) se ha efectuado el levantamiento de una columna estratigráfica correspondiente al intervalo. de tiempo Pliensbachiense superior-Dogger medio dentro del ciclo de profundización jurásico. La sucesión estudiada -en la que se han distinguido 4 tramos litológicos- comprende materiales incluidos, de muro a techo, en las unidades litoestratigráficas "Corniola" (parte terminal) y "Formazione del Bosso" que incluye los Miembros "Rosso Ammonitico" y "Calcari e Marne a Posidonia". Se trata de una secuencia formada en un ambiente de pié de talud ligado a un alto fondo submarino, presentándose el registro sedimentario notablemente expandido debido a la alta proporción de materiales alóctonos. En las hemipelagitas de la parte superior de la "Corniola" (tramos 1 y 2), se ha registrado una sucesión de ammonites representativa del Domeriense superior y de la base del Toarciense. En las calizas nodulosas de la parte inferior de la "Fm. del Bosso" (tramo 3), los ammonoideos registrados han permitido reconocer el Toarciense superior y Aaleniense p.p. y efectuar divisiones a nivel de subzona. A partir del Aaleniense medio (tramo 4), como consecuencia de la creciente intensidad de disolución en ambiente deposicional y diagenético temprano, desaparecen del registro estratigráfico los restos de organismos con esqueleto aragonítico, no siendo por tanto posible la datación de los materiales suprayacentes mediante ammonoideos

    DATASET2050 D5.1 - Mobility assessment

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    This document provides documentation on the mobility assessment metrics and methods for use within DATASET2050. On the one hand it describes what the key performance areas, attributes, indicators and metrics such as seamlessness, cost, duration, punctuality, comfort, resilience, etc. incorporated into the model are. On the other, it gives details about mobility metric computation, modelling methodology, visualisations used etc

    DATASET2050 D2.2 - Data-driven Model

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    The purpose of this document, Deliverable 2.2, is to build the structure and specifications of the DATASET2050 data driven model. The door-to-door process is complex and therefore direct performance measurement of the process cannot be done due to availability of data and the high number of involved stakeholders. There are additional phenomena that cannot be measured, so the approach to assess performance is by collecting sample data and/or model the different elements of the mobility processes. This modelling exercise, documented in D2.2, is a powerful tool that assesses how the process performs in the current scenario, and beyond that, identify bottlenecks how modelling paradigms can be improved to take Europe to the 4-hour door-to-door target. The model utilises data that has been sourced, analysed and documented thus far (D2.1), as well as the numerous inputs from the demand and supply profiles (WP3 and WP4, namely: D3.1 and D4.1). This deliverable documents how the model is to be built, along with its scope and the development strategy

    DATASET2050 D2.1 - Data requirements and acquisition

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    The purpose of this document, Deliverable 2.1, is to describe the sources of data required by the H2020 coordination and support action DATASET2050. Data requirements have been categorised into seven broad groups to support WP3 and WP4: demographic; passenger demand; passenger type; door-to-kerb; kerb-to-gate; airside capacity and competing services. The current scenario is well supported by existing datasets, however the two future scenarios require modelled data

    DATASET2050 D4.1 - Current Supply Profile

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    The purpose of this document, Deliverable 4.1, is to describe the Current Supply Profile for its further use in different threads by the DATASET2050 Horizon 2020 coordination and support action. This deliverable comprises the work conducted in order to define and list the door-to-door mobility supply components, as described in task 4.1. It presents the baseline supply situation with respect to current door-to-door trips within Europe, including an assessment, identification and mode of the mobility services currently available in Europe (airport access/egress times, airport processes times etc.) All the above will allow the DATASET2050 project partners to determine the time required to undertake the current processes involved from leaving the place of origin (the "Door") to the point of arrival at the airport (the "Kerb"), from the Kerb to the moment the passenger has had their boarding card scanned immediately prior to embarkation (the "Gate"). The same approach is used for the Gate-to-Gate processes (including connecting flights and the transfer process), and finally Gate-to-Kerb and Kerb-to-Door. The inherent asymmetries of what are, in principle, symmetric processes have been assessed (e.g.: Door-to-Kerb vs. Kerb-to-Door). D4.1 directly feeds the supply side of the mobility model that will be run in WP5 of DATASET2050

    DATASET2050 D5.2 - Assessment execution

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    Over recent years there has been an increasing effort to enhance European door-to-door mobility. Several initiatives have focused on improving the seamlessness, effectiveness and predictability of the European transport system through improving the related systems, technologies, concepts or processes. In an effort to establish a concrete methodology for assessing the system's current performance, this document describes a data-driven model centred on the current and future performance of European mobility. Included in this study, but not restricted to, is data and insight related to the Flightpath 2050 goal that states "90% of travellers within Europe [will be] able to complete their journey, door-to-door within four hours" where this journey includes at least one leg by air. In this report, the current door-to-door times and prices are quantified, dis-aggregated by passenger profile, door-to-door phase (door-kerb-gate-gate-kerb-door) and airport considered. In addition, major bottlenecks are identified that are hindering the 4-hour goal

    Perfil e preferência dos consumidores equatorianos atributos de qualidade na produção de café

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    Cada vez más los consumidores ejercen presión sobre las formas de producción, la seguridad y la procedencia de los productos agroalimentarios. Dentro de las formas de producción, los aspectos éticos, el impacto sobre el medio ambiente y el origen de los productos, están recibiendo un especial interés por parte de los consumidores en general. El sector del café no está ajeno a dicha tendencia. El siguiente estudio realizado en Ecuador, además de generar un perfil de los consumidores de café tostado y molido, tuvo como objetivo analizar el efecto que puede generar sobre las preferencias de los consumidores diferentes atributos de calidad ligados con la producción de café. Un experimento de elección en el cual participaron consumidores de Quito, Guayaquil, Manta y Portoviejo fue llevado a cabo. El experimento consistió en 16 tarjetas de simulación, que incluía cada una dos productos hipotéticos (A y B). Los atributos empleados para la construcción de los perfiles fueron: i) procedencia de alta montaña, ii) certificación de comercio justo, iii) etiquetado Rainforest, iv) producción orgánica, v) origen (Manabí, Loja y Colombia) y vi) precio. Los resultados sugieren que las certificaciones de comercio justo, Rainforest y orgánico, ejercen un efecto positivo y significativo sobre las utilidades de los consumidores. En el origen y la procedencia de alta montaña, no se hallaron efectos significativos sobre las utilidades. Por tanto, las certificaciones de calidad pueden ser una importante herramienta de diferenciación en la producción de café.Mais e mais consumidores exercem pressão sobre as formas de produção, segurança e origem dos produtos alimentares. Entre as formas de produção, a ética, o impacto sobre o meio ambiente e a origem dos produtos, estão recebendo interesse especial por parte dos consumidores. O setor de café também é influenciado por esta tendência. Esse estudo foi realizado no Equador. Além de gerar um perfil dos consumidores de café torrado e moído, objetivou-se, no presente estudo, analisar o efeito que podem ter os atributos de qualidade associados à produção de café, sobre as preferências dos consumidores. Uma experiência de escolha com a participação dos consumidores em Quito, Guayaquil, Manta e Portoviejo foi conduzida. A experiência consistiu de 16 cartões de simulação, cada um incluindo dois produtos hipotéticos (A e B). Os atributos utilizados na construção dos perfis foram: i) origem de alta montanha, ii) certificação de Comércio Justo, iii) rotulagem Rainforest, iv) produção biológica, v) origem (Manabi, Loja e Colômbia); e vi) preço. Os resultados sugerem que as certificações de comércio justo e orgânico Rainforest exercem um efeito positivo significativo sobre a avaliação dos consumidores. Na origem e proveniência de alta montanha, não foram encontrados efeitos significativos sobre os lucros. Portanto, a certificação de qualidade pode ser um importante instrumento de diferenciação na produção de café

    DATASET2050 D4.2 - Future supply profile

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    The purpose of this document, Deliverable 4.2, is to describe the future supply profile of EU mobility in the context of air transport. This includes, but is not restricted to, the evolution of the different travel services detailed in earlier DATASET2050 tasks and their corresponding trade-offs. This deliverable and associated tasks feed the model quantitatively and qualitatively via WP5, representing a key milestone for the DATASET2050 model

    Efficacy and safety of flexible-dose oral sildenafil citrate (Viagra((R))) in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in Brazilian and Mexican men

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    A 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study evaluated the efficacy and safety of flexible-dose sildenafil citrate (Viagra((R))) treatment (25, 50 or 100 mg) in Brazilian and Mexican men with erectile dysfunction (ED) of broad-spectrum etiology. Efficacy was assessed on the basis of responses to the 15-item International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) questionnaire, completed at baseline and after 12 weeks of treatment. At end point, mean scores for all IIEF domains of sexual function (erectile function, orgasmic function, sexual desire, intercourse satisfaction and overall satisfaction) were significantly (P < 0.0001) higher in the sildenafil group (n = 109) than in the placebo group (n = 105). These findings confirm the significant increases in frequency of penetration and frequency of maintained erections reported previously. Sildenafil treatment was well tolerated. the most common adverse events were headache and flushing. in conclusion, sildenafil is a well-tolerated and effective treatment for ED of broad-spectrum etiology in Latin American men.Hosp Albert Einstein, BR-01250000 São Paulo, BrazilTorre Hosp Angeles del Pedregal, Consultorio 827, MexicoFac Ciencias Med Santa Casa, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilHosp Clin Cuiritiba, Curitiba, Parana, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, Fac Ciencias Med, Campinas, SP, BrazilClin Rio Claro, Rio Claro, SP, BrazilUniv Estadual Rio de Janeiro, Fac Med, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilHosp Servidor Publ Estadual, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc