396 research outputs found

    Analytical Proof of Space-Time Chaos in Ginzburg-Landau Equations

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    We prove that the attractor of the 1D quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with a broken phase symmetry has strictly positive space-time entropy for an open set of parameter values. The result is obtained by studying chaotic oscillations in grids of weakly interacting solitons in a class of Ginzburg-Landau type equations. We provide an analytic proof for the existence of two-soliton configurations with chaotic temporal behavior, and construct solutions which are closed to a grid of such chaotic soliton pairs, with every pair in the grid well spatially separated from the neighboring ones for all time. The temporal evolution of the well-separated multi-soliton structures is described by a weakly coupled lattice dynamical system (LDS) for the coordinates and phases of the solitons. We develop a version of normal hyperbolicity theory for the weakly coupled LDSs with continuous time and establish for them the existence of space-time chaotic patterns similar to the Sinai-Bunimovich chaos in discrete-time LDSs. While the LDS part of the theory may be of independent interest, the main difficulty addressed in the paper concerns with lifting the space-time chaotic solutions of the LDS back to the initial PDE. The equations we consider here are space-time autonomous, i.e. we impose no spatial or temporal modulation which could prevent the individual solitons in the grid from drifting towards each other and destroying the well-separated grid structure in a finite time. We however manage to show that the set of space-time chaotic solutions for which the random soliton drift is arrested is large enough, so the corresponding space-time entropy is strictly positive

    An analytic Approach to Turaev's Shadow Invariant

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    In the present paper we extend the "torus gauge fixing approach" by Blau and Thompson (Nucl. Phys. B408(1):345--390, 1993) for Chern-Simons models with base manifolds M of the form M= \Sigma x S^1 in a suitable way. We arrive at a heuristic path integral formula for the Wilson loop observables associated to general links in M. We then show that the right-hand side of this formula can be evaluated explicitly in a non-perturbative way and that this evaluation naturally leads to the face models in terms of which Turaev's shadow invariant is defined.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures. Changes have been made in Sec. 2.3, Sec 2.4, Sec. 3.4, and Sec. 3.5. Appendix C is ne

    Capacity Bounded Grammars and Petri Nets

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    A capacity bounded grammar is a grammar whose derivations are restricted by assigning a bound to the number of every nonterminal symbol in the sentential forms. In the paper the generative power and closure properties of capacity bounded grammars and their Petri net controlled counterparts are investigated

    Link Invariants and Combinatorial Quantization of Hamiltonian Chern-Simons Theory

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    We define and study the properties of observables associated to any link in Σ×R\Sigma\times {\bf R} (where Σ\Sigma is a compact surface) using the combinatorial quantization of hamiltonian Chern-Simons theory. These observables are traces of holonomies in a non commutative Yang-Mills theory where the gauge symmetry is ensured by a quantum group. We show that these observables are link invariants taking values in a non commutative algebra, the so called Moduli Algebra. When Σ=S2\Sigma=S^2 these link invariants are pure numbers and are equal to Reshetikhin-Turaev link invariants.Comment: 39, latex, 7 figure

    Approximating Turaev-Viro 3-manifold invariants is universal for quantum computation

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    The Turaev-Viro invariants are scalar topological invariants of compact, orientable 3-manifolds. We give a quantum algorithm for additively approximating Turaev-Viro invariants of a manifold presented by a Heegaard splitting. The algorithm is motivated by the relationship between topological quantum computers and (2+1)-D topological quantum field theories. Its accuracy is shown to be nontrivial, as the same algorithm, after efficient classical preprocessing, can solve any problem efficiently decidable by a quantum computer. Thus approximating certain Turaev-Viro invariants of manifolds presented by Heegaard splittings is a universal problem for quantum computation. This establishes a novel relation between the task of distinguishing non-homeomorphic 3-manifolds and the power of a general quantum computer.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Sticker systems over monoids

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    Molecular computing has gained many interests among researchers since Head introduced the first theoretical model for DNA based computation using the splicing operation in 1987. Another model for DNA computing was proposed by using the sticker operation which Adlemanused in his successful experiment for the computation of Hamiltonian paths in a graph: a double stranded DNA sequence is composed by prolonging to the left and to the right a sequence of (single or double) symbols by using given single stranded strings or even more complex dominoes with sticky ends, gluing these ends together with the sticky ends of the current sequence according to a complementarity relation. According to this sticker operation, a language generative mechanism, called a sticker system, can be defined: a set of (incomplete) double-stranded sequences (axioms) and a set of pairs of single or double-stranded complementary sequences are given. The initial sequences are prolonged to the left and to the right by using sequences from the latter set, respectively. The iterations of these prolongations produce “computations” of possibly arbitrary length. These processes stop when a complete double stranded sequence is obtained. Sticker systems will generate only regular languages without restrictions. Additional restrictions can be imposed on the matching pairs of strands to obtain more powerful languages. Several types of sticker systems are shown to have the same power as regular grammars; one type is found to represent all linear languages whereas another one is proved to be able to represent any recursively enumerable language. The main aim of this research is to introduce and study sticker systems over monoids in which with each sticker operation, an element of a monoid is associated and a complete double stranded sequence is considered to be valid if the computation of the associated elements of the monoid produces the neutral element. Moreover, the sticker system over monoids is defined in this study

    From simplicial Chern-Simons theory to the shadow invariant II

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    This is the second of a series of papers in which we introduce and study a rigorous "simplicial" realization of the non-Abelian Chern-Simons path integral for manifolds M of the form M = Sigma x S1 and arbitrary simply-connected compact structure groups G. More precisely, we introduce, for general links L in M, a rigorous simplicial version WLO_{rig}(L) of the corresponding Wilson loop observable WLO(L) in the so-called "torus gauge" by Blau and Thompson (Nucl. Phys. B408(2):345-390, 1993). For a simple class of links L we then evaluate WLO_{rig}(L) explicitly in a non-perturbative way, finding agreement with Turaev's shadow invariant |L|.Comment: 53 pages, 1 figure. Some minor changes and corrections have been mad

    Bifurcation to Chaos in the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with large third-order dispersion

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    We give an analytic proof of the existence of Shilnikov chaos in complex Ginzburg-Landau equation subject to a large third-order dispersion perturbation

    Large Fourier transforms never exactly realized by braiding conformal blocks

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    Fourier transform is an essential ingredient in Shor's factoring algorithm. In the standard quantum circuit model with the gate set \{\U(2), \textrm{CNOT}\}, the discrete Fourier transforms FN=(ωij)N×N,i,j=0,1,...,N1,ω=e2πiNF_N=(\omega^{ij})_{N\times N},i,j=0,1,..., N-1, \omega=e^{\frac{2\pi i}{N}}, can be realized exactly by quantum circuits of size O(n2),n=logNO(n^2), n=\textrm{log}N, and so can the discrete sine/cosine transforms. In topological quantum computing, the simplest universal topological quantum computer is based on the Fibonacci (2+1)-topological quantum field theory (TQFT), where the standard quantum circuits are replaced by unitary transformations realized by braiding conformal blocks. We report here that the large Fourier transforms FNF_N and the discrete sine/cosine transforms can never be realized exactly by braiding conformal blocks for a fixed TQFT. It follows that approximation is unavoidable to implement the Fourier transforms by braiding conformal blocks