2,761 research outputs found

    A novel estimator of the polarization amplitude from normally distributed Stokes parameters

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    We propose a novel estimator of the polarization amplitude from a single measurement of its normally distributed (Q,U)(Q,U) Stokes components. Based on the properties of the Rice distribution and dubbed 'MAS' (Modified ASymptotic), it meets several desirable criteria:(i) its values lie in the whole positive region; (ii) its distribution is continuous; (iii) it transforms smoothly with the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) from a Rayleigh-like shape to a Gaussian one; (iv) it is unbiased and reaches its components' variance as soon as the SNR exceeds 2; (v) it is analytic and can therefore be used on large data-sets. We also revisit the construction of its associated confidence intervals and show how the Feldman-Cousins prescription efficiently solves the issue of classical intervals lying entirely in the unphysical negative domain. Such intervals can be used to identify statistically significant polarized regions and conversely build masks for polarization data. We then consider the case of a general [Q,U][Q,U] covariance matrix and perform a generalization of the estimator that preserves its asymptotic properties. We show that its bias does not depend on the true polarization angle, and provide an analytic estimate of its variance. The estimator value, together with its variance, provide a powerful point-estimate of the true polarization amplitude that follows an unbiased Gaussian distribution for a SNR as low as 2. These results can be applied to the much more general case of transforming any normally distributed random variable from Cartesian to polar coordinates.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Future challenges and recommendations

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    Rapid advances in information technology and telecommunications, and in particular mobile and wireless communications, converge towards the emergence of a new type of “infostructure” that has the potential of supporting a large spectrum of advanced services for healthcare and health. Currently the ICT community produces a great effort to drill down from the vision and the promises of wireless and mobile technologies and provide practical application solutions. Research and development include data gathering and omni-directional transfer of vital information, integration of human machine interface technology into handheld devices and personal applications, security and interoperability of date and integration with hospital legacy systems and electronic patient record. The ongoing evolution of wireless technology and mobile device capabilities is changing the way healthcare providers interact with information technologies. The growth and acceptance of mobile information technology at the point of care, coupled with the promise and convenience of data on demand, creates opportunities for enhanced patient care and safety. The developments presented in this section demonstrate clearly the innovation aspects and trends towards user oriented applications

    Agnostic cosmology in the CAMEL framework

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    Cosmological parameter estimation is traditionally performed in the Bayesian context. By adopting an "agnostic" statistical point of view, we show the interest of confronting the Bayesian results to a frequentist approach based on profile-likelihoods. To this purpose, we have developed the Cosmological Analysis with a Minuit Exploration of the Likelihood ("CAMEL") software. Written from scratch in pure C++, emphasis was put in building a clean and carefully-designed project where new data and/or cosmological computations can be easily included. CAMEL incorporates the latest cosmological likelihoods and gives access from the very same input file to several estimation methods: (i) A high quality Maximum Likelihood Estimate (a.k.a "best fit") using MINUIT ; (ii) profile likelihoods, (iii) a new implementation of an Adaptive Metropolis MCMC algorithm that relieves the burden of reconstructing the proposal distribution. We present here those various statistical techniques and roll out a full use-case that can then used as a tutorial. We revisit the Λ\LambdaCDM parameters determination with the latest Planck data and give results with both methodologies. Furthermore, by comparing the Bayesian and frequentist approaches, we discuss a "likelihood volume effect" that affects the optical reionization depth when analyzing the high multipoles part of the Planck data. The software, used in several Planck data analyzes, is available from http://camel.in2p3.fr. Using it does not require advanced C++ skills.Comment: Typeset in Authorea. Online version available at: https://www.authorea.com/users/90225/articles/104431/_show_articl

    Relieving tensions related to the lensing of CMB temperature power spectra

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    The angular power spectra of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies reconstructed from Planck data seem to present too much gravitational lensing distortion. This is quantified by the control parameter ALA_L that should be compatible with unity for a standard cosmology. With the Class Boltzmann solver and the profile-likelihood method, for this parameter we measure a 2.6σ\sigma shift from 1 using the Planck public likelihoods. We show that, owing to strong correlations with the reionization optical depth τ\tau and the primordial perturbation amplitude AsA_s, a 2σ\sim2\sigma tension on τ\tau also appears between the results obtained with the low (30\ell\leq 30) and high (30<250030<\ell\lesssim 2500) multipoles likelihoods. With Hillipop, another high-\ell likelihood built from Planck data, this difference is lowered to 1.3σ1.3\sigma. In this case, the ALA_L value is still in disagreement with unity by 2.2σ2.2\sigma, suggesting a non-trivial effect of the correlations between cosmological and nuisance parameters. To better constrain the nuisance foregrounds parameters, we include the very high \ell measurements of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and South Pole Telescope (SPT) experiments and obtain AL=1.03±0.08A_L = 1.03 \pm 0.08. The Hillipop+ACT+SPT likelihood estimate of the optical depth is τ=0.052±0.035,\tau=0.052\pm{0.035,} which is now fully compatible with the low \ell likelihood determination. After showing the robustness of our results with various combinations, we investigate the reasons for this improvement that results from a better determination of the whole set of foregrounds parameters. We finally provide estimates of the Λ\LambdaCDM parameters with our combined CMB data likelihood.Comment: accepted by A&

    Melting of Discrete Vortices via Quantum Fluctuations

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    We consider nonlinear boson states with a nontrivial phase structure in the three-site Bose-Hubbard ring, {\em quantum discrete vortices} (or {\em q-vortices}), and study their "melting" under the action of quantum fluctuations. We calculate the spatial correlations in the ground states to show the superfluid-insulator crossover and analyze the fidelity between the exact and variational ground states to explore the validity of the classical analysis. We examine the phase coherence and the effect of quantum fluctuations on q-vortices and reveal that the breakdown of these coherent structures through quantum fluctuations accompanies the superfluid-insulator crossover.Comment: Revised version, 4 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Dynamics of matter-wave solitons in a ratchet potential

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    We study the dynamics of bright solitons formed in a Bose-Einstein condensate with attractive atomic interactions perturbed by a weak bichromatic optical lattice potential. The lattice depth is a biperiodic function of time with a zero mean, which realises a flashing ratchet for matter-wave solitons. The average velocity of a soliton and the directed soliton current induced by the ratchet depend on the number of atoms in the soliton. We employ this feature to study collisions between ratchet-driven solitons and find that soliton transport can be induced through their interactions. In the regime when matter-wave solitons are narrow compared to the lattice period the ratchet dynamics is well described by the effective Hamiltonian theory.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Asymmetric vortex solitons in nonlinear periodic lattices

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    We reveal the existence of asymmetric vortex solitons in ideally symmetric periodic lattices, and show how such nonlinear localized structures describing elementary circular flows can be analyzed systematically using the energy-balance relations. We present the examples of rhomboid, rectangular, and triangular vortex solitons on a square lattice, and also describe novel coherent states where the populations of clockwise and anti-clockwise vortex modes change periodically due to a nonlinearity-induced momentum exchange through the lattice. Asymmetric vortex solitons are expected to exist in different nonlinear lattice systems including optically-induced photonic lattices, nonlinear photonic crystals, and Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Embedded AGN and star formation in the central 80 pc of IC 3639

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    [Abridged] Methods: We use interferometric observations in the NN-band with VLTI/MIDI to resolve the mid-IR nucleus of IC 3639. The origin of the nuclear infrared emission is determined from: 1) the comparison of the correlated fluxes from VLTI/MIDI with the fluxes measured at subarcsec resolution (VLT/VISIR, VLT/ISAAC); 2) diagnostics based on IR fine-structure line ratios, the IR continuum emission, IR bands produced by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and silicates; and 3) the high-angular resolution spectral energy distribution. Results: The unresolved flux of IC 3639 is 90±20mJy90 \pm 20\, \rm{mJy} at 10.5μm10.5\, \rm{\mu m}, measured with three different baselines in VLTI (UT1-UT2, UT3-UT4, and UT2-UT3; 4646-58m58\, \rm{m}), making this the faintest measurement so far achieved with mid-IR interferometry. The correlated flux is a factor of 33-44 times fainter than the VLT/VISIR total flux measurement. The observations suggest that most of the mid-IR emission has its origin on spatial scales between 1010 and 80pc80\, \rm{pc} (4040-340mas340\, \rm{mas}). A composite scenario where the star formation component dominates over the AGN is favoured by the diagnostics based on ratios of IR fine-structure emission lines, the shape of the IR continuum, and the PAH and silicate bands. Conclusions: A composite AGN-starburst scenario is able to explain both the mid-IR brightness distribution and the IR spectral properties observed in the nucleus of IC 3639. The nuclear starburst would dominate the mid-IR emission and the ionisation of low-excitation lines (e.g. [NeII]12.8μm_{12.8 \rm{\mu m}}) with a net contribution of 70%\sim 70\%. The AGN accounts for the remaining 30%\sim 30\% of the mid-IR flux, ascribed to the unresolved component in the MIDI observations, and the ionisation of high-excitation lines (e.g. [NeV]14.3μm_{14.3 \rm{\mu m}} and [OIV]25.9μm_{25.9 \rm{\mu m}}).Comment: Accepted for publication in A&