484 research outputs found

    A multiprocessor based packet-switch: performance analysis of the communication infrastructure

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    The intra-chip communication infrastructures are receiving always more attention since they are becoming a crucial part in the development of current SoCs. Due to the high availability of pre-characterized hard-IP, the complexity of the design is moving toward global interconnections which are introducing always more constraints at each technology node. Power consumption, timing closure, bandwidth requirements, time to market, are some of the factors that are leading to the proposal of new solutions for next generation multi-million SoCs. The need of high programmable systems and the high gate-count availability is moving always more attention on multiprocessors systems (MP-SoC) and so an adequate solution must be found for the communication infrastructure. One of the most promising technologies is the Network-On-Chip (NoC) architecture, which seems to better fit with the new demanding complexity of such systems. Before starting to develop new solutions, it is crucial to fully understand if and when current bus architectures introduce strong limitations in the development of high speed systems. This article describes a case study of a multiprocessor based ethernet packet-switch application with a shared-bus communication infrastructure. This system aims to depict all the bottlenecks which a shared-bus introduces under heavy load. What emerges from this analysis is that, as expected, a shared-bus is not scalable and it strongly limits whole system performances. These results strengthen the hypothesis that new communication architectures (like the NoC) must be found

    Hubungan Karakteristik dengan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Sampah di Lingkungan III dan V Kelurahan Bagan Deli Kecamatan Medan Belawan Tahun 2012

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    Relationship of Responden Characteristics (Education, Income, Occupation Knowledge and Attitude) And The Management Of Solid Waste Management Program In Area III and V Bagan Deli, Medan Belawan sub-district. Solid waste management program is one of the programs of Ministry of Sea and Fishery in Medan Belawan sub-district. On its implementation, solid waste management program in area III and V yet done well. Lack of the participation of the society on solid waste management may be caused by less understanding on sorting out the rubbish of household. The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship of responden characteristics (education, income, occupation knowledge and attitude) and the management of solid waste management program in area III and V Bagan Deli, Medan Belawan sub-district. This research was analytical survey with cross sectional design. The population was the housewives living in area III and V Bagan Deli, Medan Belawan sub-district for 631 persons, and the sample was taken for 87 persons. The data of the characteristics (education, income occupation, knowledge and attitude), management program, and the participation of the people was taken through direct interview using questionnaire. The collected data then analyzed using chi-square test at α = 0,05.The resulth of research showed that statistically the characteristics include education (p-value = 0,028), occupation status (p-value= 0,000). Knowledge level (p-value=0,002), and attitude (p-value=0,000) has significant relationship not have significant influence to the participation of the society. It si suggested for the management program parties to improve socialization about solid waste management program in rder to get better understanding on the rubbish and to improve the participation of the people

    Vanishing of the negative-sign problem of quantum Monte Carlo simulations in one-dimensional frustrated spin systems

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    The negative-sign problem in one-dimensional frustrated quantum spin systems is solved. We can remove negative signs of the local Boltzmann weights by using a dimer basis that has the spin-reversal symmetry. Validity of this new basis is checked in a general frustrated double-spin-chain system, namely the J_0-J_1-J_2-J_3 model. The negative sign vanishes perfectly for J0+J1≀J3J_0 + J_1 \leq J_3.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, 4 figures in eps-file

    Localization length of a soliton from a non-magnetic impurity in a general double-spin-chain model

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    A localization length of a free-spin soliton from a non-magnetic impurity is deduced in a general double-spin-chain model (J0−J1−J2−J3J_0-J_1-J_2-J_3 model). We have solved a variational problem which employs the nearest-neighbor singlet-dimer basis. The wave function of a soliton is expressed by the Airy function, and the localization length (Ο)(\xi) is found to obey a power law of the dimerization (J2−J3)(J_2-J_3) with an exponent -1/3; Ο∌(J2−J3)−1/3\xi\sim (J_2-J_3)^{-1/3}. This explains why NaV_2O_5 does not show the antiferromagnetic order, while CuGeO_3 does by impurity doping. When the gap exists by the bond-dimerization, a soliton is localized and no order is expected. Contrary, there is a possibility of the order when the gap is mainly due to frustration.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, Figures are in eps-file

    Theoretical analysis of the experiments on the double-spin-chain compound -- KCuCl3_3

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    We have analyzed the experimental susceptibility data of KCuCl3_3 and found that the data are well-explained by the double-spin-chain models with strong antiferromagnetic dimerization. Large quantum Monte Carlo calculations were performed for the first time in the spin systems with frustration. This was made possible by removing the negative-sign problem with the use of the dimer basis that has the spin-reversal symmetry. The numerical data agree with the experimental data within 1% relative errors in the whole temperature region. We also present a theoretical estimate for the dispersion relation and compare it with the recent neutron-scattering experiment. Finally, the magnitude of each interaction bond is predicted.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, 5 figures in eps-file

    Power-Gating Technique for Network-on-Chip Buffers

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    A new approach to reducing leakage power in network-on-chip buffers is presented. The non-uniformity of buffer utilisation is leveraged across the network and power-gating is applied to scarcely utilised buffers. Instead of turning-off the buffers completely, a buffer portion is kept turned-on. This design choice has a significant performance benefit because the buffer is always able to receive network packets. Design aspects and trade-offs in a 45 nm CMOS technology are discussed and results obtained over video application benchmarks are presented. It is shown that it is possible to reduce buffer leakage by 40% without performance penalt

    Behavior of a frustrated quantum spin chain with bond dimerization

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    We clarified behavior of the excitation gap in a frustrated S=1/2 quantum spin chain with bond dimerization by using the numerical diagonalization of finite systems and a variational approach. The model interpolates between the independent dimer model and the S=1 spin chain by changing a strength of the dimerization. The energy gap is minimum at the fully-frustrated point, where a localized kink and a freely mobile anti-kink govern the low-lying excitations. Away from the point, a kink and an antikink form a bound state by an effective triangular potential between them. The consequential gap enhancement and the localization length of the bound state is obtained exactly in the continuous limit. The gap enhancement obeys a power law with exponent 2/3. The method and the obtained results are common to other frustrated double spin-chain systems, such as the one-dimensional J_1 - J_2 model, or the frustrated ladder model.Comment: 11 pages, REVTeX, 8 figures in eps-fil

    Highly Chemoselective NH- and O-Transfer to Thiols Using Hypervalent Iodine Reagents: Synthesis of Sulfonimidates and Sulfonamides

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    Aryl thiols can be selectively converted to sulfonimidates or sulfonamides with three new S-X connections being made selectively in one pot. Using hypervalent iodine reagents in the presence of ammonium carbamate, NH- and O-groups are transferred under mild and practical conditions. Reducing the loading of ammonium carbamate changed the product distribution, converting the sulfonimidate to the sulfonamide. Studies into the possible intermediate species are presented, suggesting that multiple pathways may be possible via sulfinate esters, or related intermediates, with each species forming the same products

    Renewing Criminalized and Hegemonic Cultural Landscapes

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    The Mafia's long historical pedigree in Mezzogiorno, Southern Italy, has empowered the Mafioso as a notorious, uncontested, and hegemonic figure. The counter-cultural resistance against the mafiosi culture began to be institutionalized in the early 1990s. Today, Libera Terra is the largest civil society organization in the country that uses the lands confiscated from the Mafia as a space of cultural repertoire to realize its ideals. Deploying labor force through volunteer participation, producing biological fruits and vegetables, and providing information to the students on the fields are the principal cultural practices of this struggle. The confiscated lands make the Italian experience of anti-Mafia resistance a unique example by connecting the land with the ideals of cultural change. The sociocultural resistance of Libera Terra conveys a political message through these practices and utters that the Mafia is not invincible. This study draws the complex panorama of the Mafia and anti-Mafia movement that uses the ‘confiscated lands’ as cultural and public spaces for resistance and socio-cultural change. In doing so, this article sheds new light on the relationship between rural criminology and crime prevention policies in Southern Italy by demonstrating how community development practice of Libera Terra changes the meaning of landscape through iconographic symbolism and ethnographic performance

    Vehicle sideslip estimation for four-wheel-steering vehicles using a particle filter

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    The availability of the most relevant vehicle states is crucial for the development of advanced vehicle control systems and driver assistance systems. Specifically the vehicle sideslip angle plays a key role, yet this state is unpractical to measure and still not straightforward to estimate. This paper investigates a particle filter approach to estimate the chassis sideslip angle of road vehicles. The filter relies on a physical model of the vehicle and on measurements available from cheap and widespread sensors including inertial measurement unit and steering wheel angle sensor(s). The approach is validated using experimental data collected with the research platform RoboMobil (RoMo), a by-wire electric vehicle with wheel-individual traction and steering actuators. Results show that the performance of the proposed particle filter is satisfactory, and indicate directions for further improvement
