1,053 research outputs found

    Strictly singular operators and isomorphisms of Cartesian products of power series spaces

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    V. P. Zahariuta, in 1973, used the theory of Fredholm operators to develop a method to classify Cartesian products of locally convex spaces. In this work we modify his method to study the isomorphic classification of Cartesian products of the kind E0p(a)Ă—EÂĄ q(b) where 1 ÂŁ p,q ÂŁ ÂĄ, p Âą q, a = (an)n=1ÂĄ and b = (bn)n=1ÂĄ are sequences of positive numbers and E0p(a), EÂĄ q (b) are respectively lp-finite and lq-infinite type power series spaces

    Global Aging and Fiscal Policy with International Labor Mobility: A Political Economy Perspective

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    This paper uses an overlapping generations model with international labor mobility and a politically responsive fiscal policy to examine aging in developed and developing regions. Migrant workers change the political structure composed of young and elderly voters in both labor-receiving and labor-sending countries. Numerical simulations show that the developed region benefits more from international labor mobility through the contribution of migrant workers as laborers, savers, and voters. The developing region experiences significant growth in all specifications but benefit more under international capital mobility. Restricting political participation of migrant workers in the developed region produces inferior growth results.population aging, overlapping generations, endogenous fiscal policy, international labor mobility, international capital mobility

    Demographic Divide and Labor Migration in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

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    This paper provides a demographic outlook of the Euro-Mediterranean region and then shows the economic and fiscal consequences of such demographic differences within a two-region model with international labor mobility. International labor mobility is also examined through an externalities framework where brain drain from migration could be taxed by the home countries. Taxing the brain drain has a substantial limiting effect on labor migration and a small negative effect on per worker growth. On the other hand, it could be a solution to the negative externality problem associated with brain drain. It is also found that such tax can raise substantial tax revenue for the SMCs which could be used to enhance human capital in the region.demographic divide, demographic deficit, population aging, youth bulge, labor mobility, brain drain, overlapping generations, endogenous tax policy, Mediterranean region

    Property Value Assessment Growth Limits, Tax Base Erosion and Regional In-Migration

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    In 1994 a limit on the growth of property values for tax purposes was imposed in Michigan. One consequence of the newly imposed assessment growth cap was an emerging differential in tax prices between potential new property owners and long-time property owners. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of this growing tax price differential on migration patterns. Using county level data on migration activity over the 1994-2006 period, we present evidence that differential tax prices resulting from the assessment growth cap have reduced in-migration.regional migration, tax base erosion, property tax, Michigan

    Local Decentralization and Economic Growth: Evidence from U.S. Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Regions

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    This paper extends the recent empirical literature on the relationship between local decentralization and growth using data from both metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions in the U.S. The analysis utilizes both metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions, and thus avoids the possible selection bias present in previous research. The results for non-metropolitan regions indicate a relatively weak or negative relationship between the local decentralization measures and local economic growth compared to a positive relationship suggested by a recent study on metropolitan regions. Results for the non-metro regions also suggest that there are different impacts across population and income than we observe for metropolitan regions.Decentralization, metropolitan, non-metropolitan, economic growth

    The Impact of Local Decentralization on Economic Growth: Evidence from U.S. Counties

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    We analyze the impact of fiscal decentralization on U.S. county population, employment, and real income growth. Our findings suggest that government organization matters for local economic growth, but that the impacts vary by government unit and by economic indicator. We find that single-purpose governments per square mile have a positive impact on metropolitan population and employment growth, but no significant impact on nonmetropolitan counties. In contrast, the fragmentation of general-purpose governments per capita has a negative impact on employment and population growth in nonmetropolitan counties. Our results suggest that local government decentralization matters differently for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan counties.fiscal decentralization, metropolitan, nonmetropolitan, population, employment, income, spatial econometrics

    Population Aging, Elderly Migration and Education Spending: Intergenerational Conflict Revisited

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    Elderly have been increasingly targeted as a group to enhance economic development and the tax base in communities. While recent literature on elderly migration tends to focus on how elderly migration patterns are influenced by state fiscal variables, the reverse effect from elderly population on fiscal variables is very plausible. This paper reexamines the intergenerational conflict in education financing using U.S. state and county level data. We analyze how preferences for education spending might vary across different elderly age groups, an analysis that has not been explored before. We estimate the impact of elderly population and elderly migration rates on education spending using panel data and spatial econometric techniques. Our results broadly support the presence of intergenerational conflict and age heterogeneity in preferences for education spending among elderly migrants.population aging, elderly migration, education spending, intergenerational conflict

    Growth Potential of Tourism Taxation in Maldives

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    Energy reduction in 3D NoCs through communication optimization

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Network-on-Chip (NoC) architectures and three-dimensional (3D) integrated circuits have been introduced as attractive options for overcoming the barriers in interconnect scaling while increasing the number of cores. Combining these two approaches is expected to yield better performance and higher scalability. This paper explores the possibility of combining these two techniques in a heterogeneity aware fashion. Specifically, on a heterogeneous 3D NoC architecture, we explore how different types of processors can be optimally placed to minimize data access costs. Moreover, we select the optimal set of links with optimal voltage levels. The experimental results indicate significant savings in energy consumption across a wide range of values of our major simulation parameters
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