850 research outputs found

    Radiation Pressure Induced Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox

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    We demonstrate the appearance of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox when a radiation field impinges on a movable mirror. The, the possibility of a local realism test within a pendular Fabry-Perot cavity is shown to be feasible.Comment: 4 pages ReVTeX, 1 eps figur

    Constructing finite dimensional codes with optical continuous variables

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    We show how a qubit can be fault-tolerantly encoded in the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space of an optical mode. The scheme is efficient and realizable with present technologies. In fact, it involves two travelling optical modes coupled by a cross-Kerr interaction, initially prepared in coherent states, one of which is much more intense than the other. At the exit of the Kerr medium, the weak mode is subject to a homodyne measurement and a quantum codeword is conditionally generated in the quantum fluctuations of the intense mode.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    An XMM-Newton View of the Radio Galaxy 3C 411

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    We present the first high signal-to-noise XMM-Newton observations of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 411. After fitting various spectral models, an absorbed double power-law continuum and a blurred relativistic disk reflection model (kdblur) are found to be equally plausible descriptions of the data. While the softer power-law component (Γ\Gamma=2.11) of the double power-law model is entirely consistent with that found in Seyfert galaxies (and hence likely originates from a disk corona), the additional power law component is very hard (Γ\Gamma=1.05); amongst the AGN zoo, only flat-spectrum radio quasars have such hard spectra. Together with the very flat radio-spectrum displayed by this source, we suggest that it should instead be classified as a FSRQ. This leads to potential discrepancies regarding the jet inclination angle, with the radio morphology suggesting a large jet inclination but the FSRQ classification suggesting small inclinations. The kdblur model predicts an inner disk radius of at most 20 rg_g and relativistic reflection

    A model independent approach to non dissipative decoherence

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    We consider the case when decoherence is due to the fluctuations of some classical variable or parameter of a system and not to its entanglement with the environment. Under few and quite general assumptions, we derive a model-independent formalism for this non-dissipative decoherence, and we apply it to explain the decoherence observed in some recent experiments in cavity QED and on trapped ions.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Different realizations of tomographic principle in quantum state measurement

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    We establish a general principle for the tomographic approach to quantum state reconstruction, till now based on a simple rotation transformation in the phase space, which allows us to consider other types of transformations. Then, we will present different realizations of the principle in specific examples.Comment: 17 pages, Latex file, no figures, accepted by J. of Mod. Op

    An outburst scenario for the X-ray spectral variability in 3C 111

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    We present a combined Suzaku and Swift BAT broad-band E=0.6-200keV spectral analysis of three 3C 111 observations obtained in 2010. The data are well described with an absorbed power-law continuum and a weak (R~0.2) cold reflection component from distant material. We constrain the continuum cutoff at E_c~150-200keV, which is in accordance with X-ray Comptonization corona models and supports claims that the jet emission is only dominant at much higher energies. Fe XXVI Ly\alpha emission and absorption lines are also present in the first and second observations, respectively. The modelling and interpretation of the emission line is complex and we explore three possibilities. If originating from ionized disc reflection, this should be emitted at r_in> 50r_g or, in the lamp-post configuration, the illuminating source should be at a height of h> 30r_g over the black hole. Alternatively, the line could be modeled with a hot collisionally ionized plasma with temperature kT = 22.0^{+6.1}_{-3.2} keV or a photo-ionized plasma with log\xi=4.52^{+0.10}_{-0.16} erg s^{-1} cm and column density N_H > 3x10^23 cm^{-2}. However, the first and second scenarios are less favored on statistical and physical grounds, respectively. The blue-shifted absorption line in the second observation can be modelled as an ultra-fast outflow (UFO) with ionization parameter log\xi=4.47^{+0.76}_{-0.04} erg s^{-1} cm, column density N_H=(5.3^{+1.8}_{-1.3})x 10^{22} cm^{-2} and outflow velocity v_out = 0.104+/-0.006 c. Interestingly, the parameters of the photo-ionized emission model remarkably match those of the absorbing UFO. We suggest an outburst scenario in which an accretion disc wind, initially lying out of the line of sight and observed in emission, then crosses our view to the source and it is observed in absorption as a mildly-relativistic UFO.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNARS on July 1st 201

    Density Matrix From Photon Number Tomography

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    We provide a simple analytic relation which connects the density operator of the radiation field with the number probabilities. The problem of experimentally "sampling" a general matrix elements is studied, and the deleterious effects of nonunit quantum efficiency in the detection process are analyzed showing how they can be reduced by using the squeezing technique. The obtained result is particulary useful for intracavity field reconstruction states.Comment: LATEX,6 pages,accepted by Europhysics Letter
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