593 research outputs found

    Strategi Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Hidup Single Parent

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    Strategi Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Hidup Single Parent Masyarakat Lilirilau Kabupaten Soppeng. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana strategisingle parent dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup di lilirilau kabupaten soppeng dan apakah masalah yang dihadapi olehsingle parent dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup di lilirilau kabupaten soppeng Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategisingle parent dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup di lilirilau kabupaten soppeng dan untuk mengetahui masalah yang dihadapi olehsingle parent dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup di lilirilau kabupaten soppeng. Jenis penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan data digunakan dengan cara observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini, yang menjadi sasaran penelitian adalah pertama keluarga single parent di kecamatan lilirilau kabupaten soppeng, kedua masyarakat yang dianggap bisa memberikan informasi atau data yang sesuai dengan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, suatu strategi yang di lakukan oleh single parent untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya yaitu dengan melakukan kerja sampingan selain itu cara yang dilakukan dengan mengambil pinjaman kepada tetangga. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tentang strategi pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup maka single parent di tuntut untuk bekerja keras untuk menafkahi keluarganya

    Fingerprint Verification System Using Support Vector Machine

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    Efficient fingerprint verification system is needed in many places for personal identification to access physical facilities, information etc. This paper proposes robust verification system based on features extracted from human fingerprints and a pattern classifier called Support Vector Machine (SVM). Three set of features are fused together and passed to the classifier. The fused feature is used to train the system for effective verification of users fingerprint images. The result obtained after testing 100 fingerprints is very encouraging

    Participatory impact assessment of ticks on cattle milk production in pastoral and agro-pastoral production systems of Borana Zone, Oromia Regional State, Southern Ethiopia

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    Participatory impact assessment of ticks on Borana cattle milk production was conducted from January 2010 to July 2010. The objectives of this study were to assess the status of tick infestation in relation to climate change, teats blinding and milk production and to estimate the economic losses caused as a result of the effect of ticks on dairy cattle and its implications on food security in Yabello, Moyale and Meo districts of Borana zone. Multi-stage sampling technique was employed and the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and matrix triangulation. Thus, about six villages “Ollas” were systematically identified and a total of 86 households were interviewed employing questionnaires comprising 6-12 pastoralists and agropastoralists per ten PAs which in sum contained 60-120 individuals who provided information pertaining to the objectives set; in which increase of ticks population at an alarming rate was perceived having several factors affecting and its real impact of blinding on teats which signal loss of milk production which in fact revealed economic loss and implicated food insecurity on vulnerable social groups, specifically children and elders >80 years old within the settings. Tick resistance to currently available acaricides was complained by communities. It was observed that acaricides were sold in open market and there was no strong control on illegal veterinary drug vendors. Communities also purchase these acaricides and misuse them which, contributed to the increase of acaricide resistance. This is a good indication for policy makers and local authorities to take strict action on illegal drug vendors

    Vertical Off-line Signature Feature Block for Verification

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    Handwritten signature image is normally used as a mark of endorsement of written document. Signatures of the same person vary and they can be forged by imposters. Effective feature extraction algorithm is needed in off-line signature verification. Robust features capable of increases interpersonal variation and decreases intra personal variation are required. This work presents robust signature feature that can be used to build effective off-line signature verification system. Signature processing is performed and the preprocessed signature image is vertically divided into sixteen smaller image blocks through the center of gravity. Three features are extracted from these smaller image blocks. Feature vector is formed and are passed to Support Vector Machine (SVM) for training and classification. The proposed signature feature vector increases the accuracy of tested off-line signature verification syste

    Hand Image Feature for Human Identification

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    This paper presents an algorithm for efficient personal identification using robust hand features. The feature is extracted from hand boundary points and print of hand palm. The centre of gravity of the edge map of the hand image is determined to serve as a reference point. Thereafter City block distances between the reference point and hand boundary points are found. These distance feature vectors are compared using Euclidean distance measure for effective image classification. The proposed algorithm will improve personal identification in access control and attendance recor

    Large-scale data for multiple-view stereopsis

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    The seminal multiple-view stereo benchmark evaluations from Middlebury and by Strecha et al. have played a major role in propelling the development of multi-view stereopsis (MVS) methodology. The somewhat small size and variability of these data sets, however, limit their scope and the conclusions that can be derived from them. To facilitate further development within MVS, we here present a new and varied data set consisting of 80 scenes, seen from 49 or 64 accurate camera positions. This is accompanied by accurate structured light scans for reference and evaluation. In addition all images are taken under seven different lighting conditions. As a benchmark and to validate the use of our data set for obtaining reasonable and statistically significant findings about MVS, we have applied the three state-of-the-art MVS algorithms by Campbell et al., Furukawa et al., and Tola et al. to the data set. To do this we have extended the evaluation protocol from the Middlebury evaluation, necessitated by the more complex geometry of some of our scenes. The data set and accompanying evaluation framework are made freely available online. Based on this evaluation, we are able to observe several characteristics of state-of-the-art MVS, e.g. that there is a tradeoff between the quality of the reconstructed 3D points (accuracy) and how much of an object’s surface is captured (completeness). Also, several issues that we hypothesized would challenge MVS, such as specularities and changing lighting conditions did not pose serious problems. Our study finds that the two most pressing issues for MVS are lack of texture and meshing (forming 3D points into closed triangulated surfaces)
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