134 research outputs found

    Experimental observation of high field diamagnetic fluctuations in Niobium

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    We have performed a magnetic study of a bulk metallic sample of Nb with critical temperature Tc=8.5T_{c}=8.5 K. Magnetization versus temperature (M {\it vs} T) data obtained for fixed magnetic fields above 1 kOe show a superconducting transition which becomes broader as the field is increased. The data are interpreted in terms of the diamagnetic lowest Landau level (LLL) fluctuation theory. The scaling analysis gives values of the superconducting transition temperature Tc(H)T_{c}(H) consistent with Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T)% . We search for universal 3D LLL behavior by comparing scaling results for Nb and YBaCuO, but obtain no evidence for universality.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Two Pseudogaps in the Cuprates: Meingast et al. Reply

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    In classical superconductors Cooper-pair formation and phase coherence occur simultaneously as the temperature is lowered below Tc. In high-temperature superconductors (HTSC), on the other hand, the small superfluid density and low associated phase stiffness of the superconducting condensate are expected to lead to a separation of the Cooper-pair formation and the phase-coherence temperatures, especially in underdoped materials [3]. The only real phase transition in this scenario is the 3d-XY phase-ordering transition at Tc [3,4]. In our Letter [2] we showed that Tc in underdoped and optimally doped YBCO is just such a phase-ordering temperature, and then the question naturally arises - where do the Cooper pairs form? The observed 3d-XY scaling of our thermal expansion data over a wide temperature range [2] suggests that pairing occurs at temperatures considerably above Tc, and it thus appeared quite natural for us to associate the opening of the pseudogap at T*.Comment: 3 pages, 1 Figure (Reply to Comment by R. S. Markiewicz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 229703 (2002

    Interlayer pair tunneling and gap anisotropy in YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta}

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    Recent ARPES measurement observed a large abab-axis gap anisotropy, Δ(0,π)/Δ(π,0)=1.5\Delta(0,\pi)/\Delta(\pi,0)=1.5, in clean YBa2_2Cu3_3O7−δ_{7-\delta}. This indicates that some sub-dominant component may exist in the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave dominant gap. We propose that the interlayer pairing tunneling contribution can be determined through the investigation of the order parameter anisotropy. Their potentially observable features in transport and spin dynamics are also studied.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Reentrant Metallic Behavior of Graphite in the Quantum Limit

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    Magnetotransport measurements performed on several well-characterized highly oriented pyrolitic graphite and single crystalline Kish graphite samples reveal a reentrant metallic behavior in the basal-plane resistance at high magnetic fields, when only the lowest Landau levels are occupied. The results suggest that the quantum Hall effect and Landau-level-quantization-induced superconducting correlations are relevant to understand the metallic-like state(s) in graphite in the quantum limit.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Existence of the Abrikosov vortex state in two-dimensional type-II superconductors without pinning

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    Theory alternative to the vortex lattice melting theories is advertised. The vortex lattice melting theories are science fiction cond-mat/9811051 because the Abrikosov state is not the vortex lattice with crystalline long-range order. Since the fluctuation correction to the Abrikosov solution is infinite in the thermodynamic limit (K.Maki and H.Takayama, 1972) any fluctuation theory of the mixed state should consider a superconductor with finite sizes. Such nonperturbative theory for the easiest case of two-dimensional superconductor in the lowest Landau level approximation is presented in this work. The thermodynamic averages of the spatial average order parameter and of the Abrikosov parameter βa\beta_{a} are calculated. It is shown that the position H_{c4} of the transition into the Abrikosov state (i.e. in the mixed state with long-range phase coherence) depends strongly on sizes of two-dimensional superconductor. Fluctuations eliminate the Abrikosov vortex state in a wide region of the mixed state of thin films with real sizes and without pinning disorders, i.e. H_{c4} << H_{c2}. The latter has experimental corroboration in Phys.Rev.Lett. 75, 2586 (1995).Comment: 4 pages, 0 figure

    A comparative study of high-field diamagnetic fluctuations in deoxygenated YBa2Cu3O(7-x) and polycrystalline (Bi-Pb)2Sr2Ca3O(10)

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    We studied three single crystals of YBa2Cu3O{7-x} with Tc= 62.5, 52, and 41 K, and a textured specimen of (Bi-Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 with Tc=108 K, for H//c axis. The reversible data were interpreted in terms of 2D lowest-Landau-level fluctuation theory. The data were fit well by the 2D LLL expression for magnetization obtained by Tesanovic etal., producing reasonable values of kappa but larger values of dHc2/dT. Universality was studied by obtaining a simultaneous scaling of Y123 data and Bi2223. An expression for the 2D x-axis LLL scaling factor used to obtain the simultaneous scaling was extracted from theory, and compared with the experimental values. The comparison between the values of the x-axis produced a deviation of 40% which suggests that the hypothesis of universality of the 2D-LLL fluctuations is not supported by the studied samples. We finaly observe that Y123 magnetization data for temperatures above TcT_c obbey a universal scaling obtained for the diamagnetic fluctuation magnetization from a theory considering non-local field effects. The same scaling was not obbeyed by the corresponding magnetization calculated from the two-dimensional lowest-Landau-level theory.Comment: 7 pages 5 figures, accept in Journ. Low Temp. Phy

    Vortex states in 2D superconductor at high magnetic field in a periodic pinning potential

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    The effect of a periodic pinning array on the vortex state in a 2D superconductor at low temperatures is studied within the framework of the Ginzburg-Landau approach. It is shown that attractive interaction of vortex cores to a commensurate pin lattice stabilizes vortex solid phases with long range positional order against violent shear fluctuations. Exploiting a simple analytical method, based on the Landau orbitals description, we derive a rather detailed picture of the low temperatures vortex state phase diagram. It is predicted that for sufficiently clean samples application of an artificial periodic pinning array would enable one to directly detect the intrinsic shear stiffness anisotropy characterizing the ideal vortex lattice.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Spin Gap and Resonance at the Nesting Wavevector in Superconducting FeSe0.4Te0.6

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    Neutron scattering is used to probe magnetic excitations in FeSe_{0.4}Te_{0.6} (T_c=14 K). Low energy spin fluctuations are found with a characteristic wave vector (0.5,0.5,L)(0.5,0.5,L) that corresponds to Fermi surface nesting and differs from Q_m=(\delta,0,0.5) for magnetic ordering in Fe_{1+y}Te. A spin resonance with \hbar\Omega_0=6.5 meV \approx 5.3 k_BT_c and \hbar\Gamma=1.25 meV develops in the superconducting state from a normal state continuum. We show that the resonance is consistent with a bound state associated with s+/- superconductivity and imperfect quasi-2D Fermi surface nesting.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let
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