42 research outputs found

    Neutronic studies of fissile and fusile breeding blankets

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    A review of the Cis-Andean species of Hemibrycon GĂŒnther (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae: Stevardiinae), with description of two new species

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    As espĂ©cies de Hemibrycon que ocorrem a leste das Cordilheiras dos Andes sĂŁo revisadas com base na anĂĄlise do material tipo e exemplares adicionais. Nove espĂ©cies sĂŁo redescritas: H. beni da bacia do rĂ­o Beni, BolĂ­via; H. helleri do alto rĂ­o Ucayali, Peru; H. huambonicus para as bacias dos rĂ­os Huallaga e Marañon, Peru; H. jeslkii para as porçÔes superiores das bacias dos rios Marañon, Ucayali e Madeira, BolĂ­via, Brasil e Peru; H. metae para a bacia do rĂ­o Orinoco, ColĂŽmbia e Venezuela, e bacias costeiras do Caribe na Venezuela; H. polyodon (espĂ©cie-tipo) para a bacia do rĂ­o Pastaza, Equador; H. surinamensis para as bacia costeiras da Guiana Francesa e Suriname, e porção inferior das bacias dos rios TapajĂłs, Tocantins e Xingu, Brasil; H. taeniurus para os rios da ilha de Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago; H. tridens para a bacia do alto rĂ­o Ucayali, Peru. Duas espĂ©cies novas sĂŁo descritas: H. inambari para a bacia do alto rĂ­o Madre de Dios, Peru e H. mikrostiktos para a bacia do rĂ­o Ucayali, Peru. Estas espĂ©cies distinguem-se principalmente pelo padrĂŁo de colorido e caracteres merĂ­sticos. A ĂĄrea de distribuição do gĂȘnero Ă© ampliada para as porçÔes inferiores das bacias do TapajĂłs, Tocantins e Xingu, Brasil, com o primeiro registro de H. surinamensis para este paĂ­s. Uma nova diagnose e descrição sĂŁo fornecidas para a espĂ©cie-tipo do gĂȘnero, apesar de ter sido recentemente redescrita. A sĂ©rie-tipo de H. helleri previamente considerada questionĂĄvel Ă© encontrada e descrita. Hemibrycon coxeyi e H. pautensis sĂŁo considerados sinĂŽnimos juniores de H. polyodon. Tetragonopterus (Hemibrycon) trinitatis, anteriormente considerada como species inquirenda em Characidae, e Hemibrycon guppyi sĂŁo sinĂŽnimos juniores de H. taeniurus. Hemibrycon orcesi Ă© transferida para Boehlkea. É apresentada uma chave taxonĂŽmica para as espĂ©cies do gĂȘnero a leste das Cordilheiras dos Andes.The species of Hemibrycon occurring in the east of the Andean Cordilleras are reviewed based on their type series and additional specimens. Nine species are redescribed: H. beni from rĂ­o Beni basin, Bolivia; H. helleri from the upper rio Ucayali, Peru; H. huambonicus from the rĂ­os Huallaga and Marañon basins, Peru; H. jeslkii from the upper portions of rĂ­os Marañon, Ucayali and Madeira basins, Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru; H. metae from rĂ­o Orinoco basin, Colombia and Venezuela, and Caribbean coastal basins of Venezuela; H. polyodon (type species) from rĂ­o Pastaza basin, Ecuador; H. surinamensis from coastal basins of French Guiana and Suriname, and from lower rios TapajĂłs, Tocantins and Xingu basins, Brazil; H. taeniurus from river basins from Trinidad Island, Trinidad and Tobago, and H. tridens from upper rĂ­o Ucayali basin, Peru. Two new species are described: H. inambari from the upper rĂ­o Madre de Dios basin, Peru and H. mikrostiktos from rĂ­o Ucayali basin, Peru. These species are distinguished among themselves mainly by the color pattern, and meristic characters. The distribution area of the genus is enlarged reaching the lower TapajĂłs, Tocantins and Xingu river basins, Brazil, with the first record of the occurrence of H. surinamensis in this country. A new description and diagnosis is provided for the type species of the genus, regardless its recent redescription. The type series of H. helleri that was previously considered dubious is found and described. Hemibrycon coxeyi and H. pautensis are considered junior synonyms of H. polyodon. Tetragonopterus (Hemibrycon) trinitatis, previously considered species inquirenda in Characidae, and Hemibrycon guppyi are junior synonyms of H. taeniurus. Hemibrycon orcesi is transferred to Boehlkea. A taxonomic key for the species of the genus to the east of the Andean Cordilleras is presented

    Lista das espécies de aranhas (Arachnida, Araneae) do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    On the Requirements for Nuclear Design of a Competitive Fusion Breeder

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    Safety issues as a start point for further investigations of fusion hybrids

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    Nuclear power plants supply nearly one sixth of the world electric energy production. Though nuclear power is a very efficient source of energy, it produces dangerous radioactive waste composed of nuclides characterized, among others, by a long decay time and containing also significant quantities of fissible and even fissile materials. Therefore, spent nuclear fuel must be carefully stored for at least hundreds of years, all this time needing permanent supervision. Simultaneously this cumbersome waste contains also important amounts of energy that should not be simply buried forever. Thus, in spite of the fact that ultimate disposal of spent nuclear fuel in adequate geological formations is recognized as safe for the energy hungry world that tries at the same time to avoid CO2 emissions, this is a hardly acceptable solution. Fortunately, there is an effective approach, namely – spent fuel recycling, particularly with the help of nuclear fusion. Simultaneously, one has to admit that this concept has not attained yet technological maturity, thus lengthy and costly investigations still are necessary before nuclear fusion achieves development level adequate to industrial application. Since every nuclear device must be generally safe, therefore this article raises a safety issue of fusion-fission hybrid design. In order to ensure the required reliability of evaluations the development of heterogeneous model of the device was assumed as the starting point for further respective research. The performed calculations have indicated that maintenance of subcriticality even in the case of system collapse is achievable